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Triumph of the Human Spirit

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 3, 2012

Take Step Up 3D the movie, a Jackson 5 concert, throw in an alien invasion, and the fairy tales of your youth.  Place in a blender, mix on “high” for five minutes, and the result will be Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour, as presented by Cirque du Soleil. 

I’ve been saying for ten years that ‘O’ by Cirque is the greatest show since the earth’s crust cooled.  But after seeing the MJ show last night, I may have to rethink that.  All Cirque shows are amazing in their own way, but this one is something quite extraordinary...

Being so immersed in self-development, I can’t experience a show like this without seeing all the parallels to success and achievement…

Because at the end of the day, Immortal is really about the triumph of the human spirit. 

It’s a show about possibilities and potential, faith and belief.  It will wake you up to the hidden child and artistic genius you may have lost touch with.

Afraid that the achievement you’re striving for is impossible? Check out some of the acrobatic feats in this show and you will have a new and bigger view of possibility.

Facing writers block on your next book, screenplay, or opera?  Watch the first 5 minutes of the show and your creativity will be energized like you stuck your finger in a light socket.

Need some motivation to get in shape?  Take one look at the bodies of some of those performers and you will drop that Krispy Kreme like it’s radioactive.

Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour is a show that will unleash your imagination, nurture your creativity, and expand your vision.  You will believe in the power of the dream again.

Here’s a sample of some of what you will experience:

  • A madwoman on an electric cello;
  • Humans doing things even a pretzel cannot;
  • A colony of 6-foot bats;
  • Brilliant remixes of some of Michael’s best music;
  • A huge, dancing white glove;
  • Two size 2,787 moonwalking penny loafers;
  • An army of dub-stepping Cylons; and,
  • 15,000 people - gasping, ooh-ing, and ah-ing in unison.

Like all Cirque shows, the music, lighting and costumes are spectacular.  But the mix of a live band, back up singers and Michael’s vocal tracks is a complicated challenge, handled adroitly with ease.  The music drives the show, but doesn't overpower it.  The mix of video, lights, and spectacular acrobatics creates the perfect blend of awe-inspiring enchantment.

My only regret is that I didn't realize my VIP pass included meeting the cast backstage, so I didn't take a camera.  #SYTYCD fans will recognize Tabitha & Napoleon Dumo and Mandy Moore from the All-Star cast of choreographers.  And I’d be remiss if I didn’t single out one of the most astonishing athletes you will ever see – Jean Sok, a/k/a “BBoy Hourth.”  Jean is a one-legged dancer on crutches, who astound you, and then steal your heart.

If you don't cry at least a couple times during the show, better replace the block of ice in your chest.  Find a location here and see it before the show is retired.  If you don't have money for the VIP option, sell your bed.

“Deep inside, you know it’s true.  Just find that child, it’s hiding in you.”

- Michael Joseph Jackson

51 comments on “Triumph of the Human Spirit”

  1. Amazing Post Randy!  I have some friends involved with different shows of Cirque and all I can say is the power of the human spirit is most amazing!   Can't wait to see this one!

  2. Amazing Post Randy!  I have some friends involved with different shows of Cirque and all I can say is the power of the human spirit is most amazing!   Can't wait to see this one!

  3. That show really grabbed you!
    Your words sparkle, your sentences shine and the messages are fully alive - to be emotionally "seen"       by us!
    Thanks for the today´s unique "BLOG-show" Randy -

  4. That show really grabbed you!
    Your words sparkle, your sentences shine and the messages are fully alive - to be emotionally "seen"       by us!
    Thanks for the today´s unique "BLOG-show" Randy -

  5. Thanks for sharing your experience in seeing the show, @Randy_Gage
    Amazing what the human spirit can accomplish when it knows that "it" is possible, eh mate. 🙂 This was awesome! It was a great example as to the things that can inspire us to greatness, if we stay open to what's happening around us. Glad to hear you enjoyed the show, Randy.  

  6. Thanks for sharing your experience in seeing the show, @Randy_Gage
    Amazing what the human spirit can accomplish when it knows that "it" is possible, eh mate. 🙂 This was awesome! It was a great example as to the things that can inspire us to greatness, if we stay open to what's happening around us. Glad to hear you enjoyed the show, Randy.  

  7. It took MJ (not Jordan, Jackson) to finally get @Randy_Gage . to acknowledge dubstep in one of his posts.  Eh, late adaptor. Better l8 than never buddy! 🙂

  8. It took MJ (not Jordan, Jackson) to finally get @Randy_Gage . to acknowledge dubstep in one of his posts.  Eh, late adaptor. Better l8 than never buddy! 🙂

  9. I went to my first Cirque show in 1992 or 93 in Virginia. It was in a big tent in the parking lot of Tysons Corner Mall. I wasn't expecting much and didn't even know what to expect. I was blown away and I am a huge fan of Cirque.

  10. I went to my first Cirque show in 1992 or 93 in Virginia. It was in a big tent in the parking lot of Tysons Corner Mall. I wasn't expecting much and didn't even know what to expect. I was blown away and I am a huge fan of Cirque.

  11. Well, maybe if I don't make it to a show, I could just drop acid and have a similar experience. 🙂

  12. Well Randy all I can say is congrats on sharing this. ANYTHING connected to the genius of Michael Jackson is worth sharing. I'm assuming you've watched "This is It" several times too. If not, you must see it. And we are blessed in so many ways on our film and TV  projects in development to have Ron Alexenburg as a contributor. Ron signed Michael when he was with Columbia and has great stories.
    As to the triumph of the Human Spirit, music brings for this in all of us, and it is this reason that we are taking on this important and monumental project. 

  13. Well Randy all I can say is congrats on sharing this. ANYTHING connected to the genius of Michael Jackson is worth sharing. I'm assuming you've watched "This is It" several times too. If not, you must see it. And we are blessed in so many ways on our film and TV  projects in development to have Ron Alexenburg as a contributor. Ron signed Michael when he was with Columbia and has great stories.
    As to the triumph of the Human Spirit, music brings for this in all of us, and it is this reason that we are taking on this important and monumental project. 

  14. Well said. I am still in aw of the utter brilliance of the show. When I saw the one legged dancer I imagined a child with one leg, looking at his crutches, standing in front of the mirror making the decision whether he was going to melt into a puddle of self-pity, never to be mattered again, or to dance with that one leg with the strength of five legs and never ever, ever stop. He's an inspiring example of the fact that our dreams are bigger than our bodies. 

  15. Well said. I am still in aw of the utter brilliance of the show. When I saw the one legged dancer I imagined a child with one leg, looking at his crutches, standing in front of the mirror making the decision whether he was going to melt into a puddle of self-pity, never to be mattered again, or to dance with that one leg with the strength of five legs and never ever, ever stop. He's an inspiring example of the fact that our dreams are bigger than our bodies. 

  16. Seeing the show in ATL this summer and I'm so excited. Your post makes me want to see it even more and I'll be looking for those parallels.

  17. Seeing the show in ATL this summer and I'm so excited. Your post makes me want to see it even more and I'll be looking for those parallels.

  18. Randy Gage ....Good Morning sir, if you dont mind,can you please help me out with some of book and videos based on ethics and tactics tricks on network marketing and law of attraction

  19. Randy Gage ....Good Morning sir, if you dont mind,can you please help me out with some of book and videos based on ethics and tactics tricks on network marketing and law of attraction

  20. Not to rain on the parade or anything.. but I remember debating a guy at the office and saying would you put Thriller on your stereo ?? well no... but at a club...  whatever.. a drug addict pedophile.. or some really whacked out thing.. oh well...each to his own.. but give me a band that can play live... hey Aerosmith on 60 minutes tomorrow night!!

  21. Not to rain on the parade or anything.. but I remember debating a guy at the office and saying would you put Thriller on your stereo ?? well no... but at a club...  whatever.. a drug addict pedophile.. or some really whacked out thing.. oh well...each to his own.. but give me a band that can play live... hey Aerosmith on 60 minutes tomorrow night!!

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  • 51 comments on “Triumph of the Human Spirit”

    1. Amazing Post Randy!  I have some friends involved with different shows of Cirque and all I can say is the power of the human spirit is most amazing!   Can't wait to see this one!

    2. Amazing Post Randy!  I have some friends involved with different shows of Cirque and all I can say is the power of the human spirit is most amazing!   Can't wait to see this one!

    3. That show really grabbed you!
      Your words sparkle, your sentences shine and the messages are fully alive - to be emotionally "seen"       by us!
      Thanks for the today´s unique "BLOG-show" Randy -

    4. That show really grabbed you!
      Your words sparkle, your sentences shine and the messages are fully alive - to be emotionally "seen"       by us!
      Thanks for the today´s unique "BLOG-show" Randy -

    5. Thanks for sharing your experience in seeing the show, @Randy_Gage
      Amazing what the human spirit can accomplish when it knows that "it" is possible, eh mate. 🙂 This was awesome! It was a great example as to the things that can inspire us to greatness, if we stay open to what's happening around us. Glad to hear you enjoyed the show, Randy.  

    6. Thanks for sharing your experience in seeing the show, @Randy_Gage
      Amazing what the human spirit can accomplish when it knows that "it" is possible, eh mate. 🙂 This was awesome! It was a great example as to the things that can inspire us to greatness, if we stay open to what's happening around us. Glad to hear you enjoyed the show, Randy.  

    7. It took MJ (not Jordan, Jackson) to finally get @Randy_Gage . to acknowledge dubstep in one of his posts.  Eh, late adaptor. Better l8 than never buddy! 🙂

    8. It took MJ (not Jordan, Jackson) to finally get @Randy_Gage . to acknowledge dubstep in one of his posts.  Eh, late adaptor. Better l8 than never buddy! 🙂

    9. I went to my first Cirque show in 1992 or 93 in Virginia. It was in a big tent in the parking lot of Tysons Corner Mall. I wasn't expecting much and didn't even know what to expect. I was blown away and I am a huge fan of Cirque.

    10. I went to my first Cirque show in 1992 or 93 in Virginia. It was in a big tent in the parking lot of Tysons Corner Mall. I wasn't expecting much and didn't even know what to expect. I was blown away and I am a huge fan of Cirque.

    11. Well, maybe if I don't make it to a show, I could just drop acid and have a similar experience. 🙂

    12. Well Randy all I can say is congrats on sharing this. ANYTHING connected to the genius of Michael Jackson is worth sharing. I'm assuming you've watched "This is It" several times too. If not, you must see it. And we are blessed in so many ways on our film and TV  projects in development to have Ron Alexenburg as a contributor. Ron signed Michael when he was with Columbia and has great stories.
      As to the triumph of the Human Spirit, music brings for this in all of us, and it is this reason that we are taking on this important and monumental project. 

    13. Well Randy all I can say is congrats on sharing this. ANYTHING connected to the genius of Michael Jackson is worth sharing. I'm assuming you've watched "This is It" several times too. If not, you must see it. And we are blessed in so many ways on our film and TV  projects in development to have Ron Alexenburg as a contributor. Ron signed Michael when he was with Columbia and has great stories.
      As to the triumph of the Human Spirit, music brings for this in all of us, and it is this reason that we are taking on this important and monumental project. 

    14. Well said. I am still in aw of the utter brilliance of the show. When I saw the one legged dancer I imagined a child with one leg, looking at his crutches, standing in front of the mirror making the decision whether he was going to melt into a puddle of self-pity, never to be mattered again, or to dance with that one leg with the strength of five legs and never ever, ever stop. He's an inspiring example of the fact that our dreams are bigger than our bodies. 

    15. Well said. I am still in aw of the utter brilliance of the show. When I saw the one legged dancer I imagined a child with one leg, looking at his crutches, standing in front of the mirror making the decision whether he was going to melt into a puddle of self-pity, never to be mattered again, or to dance with that one leg with the strength of five legs and never ever, ever stop. He's an inspiring example of the fact that our dreams are bigger than our bodies. 

    16. Seeing the show in ATL this summer and I'm so excited. Your post makes me want to see it even more and I'll be looking for those parallels.

    17. Seeing the show in ATL this summer and I'm so excited. Your post makes me want to see it even more and I'll be looking for those parallels.

    18. Randy Gage ....Good Morning sir, if you dont mind,can you please help me out with some of book and videos based on ethics and tactics tricks on network marketing and law of attraction

    19. Randy Gage ....Good Morning sir, if you dont mind,can you please help me out with some of book and videos based on ethics and tactics tricks on network marketing and law of attraction

    20. Not to rain on the parade or anything.. but I remember debating a guy at the office and saying would you put Thriller on your stereo ?? well no... but at a club...  whatever.. a drug addict pedophile.. or some really whacked out thing.. oh well...each to his own.. but give me a band that can play live... hey Aerosmith on 60 minutes tomorrow night!!

    21. Not to rain on the parade or anything.. but I remember debating a guy at the office and saying would you put Thriller on your stereo ?? well no... but at a club...  whatever.. a drug addict pedophile.. or some really whacked out thing.. oh well...each to his own.. but give me a band that can play live... hey Aerosmith on 60 minutes tomorrow night!!

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