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Thoughts Manifest

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 20, 2012

Let’s build on the last post where we explored things that people often affirm and program themselves with.  If I could teach one critical thing about success and prosperity – it would be this…

Thoughts manifest. 

Fear-based thoughts never produce anything good, but they do produce.  Thoughts of doubt never create anything good, but they certainly can prevent it from happening.

Use the power of positive thought to manifest the things you want.  Speak your goals.  Affirm your dreams.  Visualize who you want to become.

Yes you must always take action.  But prosperity begins with the power of thought.  Use it to manifest your abundance in both form and spirit.  Because you’re worth it…


16 comments on “Thoughts Manifest”

  1. I have to obey here to see and visualize the whole picture of the future and not only one single puzzle piece like I did in the past.
    It´s relevant for everyone: view the whole scenario you want to enter! Not just 1 role of it. Widen your space.

  2. I have to obey here to see and visualize the whole picture of the future and not only one single puzzle piece like I did in the past.
    It´s relevant for everyone: view the whole scenario you want to enter! Not just 1 role of it. Widen your space.

  3. Attention Nazi Zombie: Do not read the next sentence.
    Your Artificial telepathy anti-virus engaged. Congratulations! You're free. 
    Actually, you're fucked.
    About this blog, um, you can't "dream" or "affirm" until to learn to combat neural warfare. 
    You can't "manifest freely" as a virtual simulated militarized urban terrain combatant. 
    You can't even take a shit without getting that Dirty Pooter beatdown.
    Speaking of, time to reject all of this nonsense.  You know that Baby's First Intel is for others. Not  you.
    I'm sorry to inform you that you are not a suitable candidate for participation in
    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2023: Abundance Edition, an artistic installation by Douglas Edmonds.
    You know what else?
    The orderlies say that my Arts and Crafts project is the swaggiest of them all..
    Pay no mind to theTwitter.  Nothing to see here.
    Move along.

  4. Attention Nazi Zombie: Do not read the next sentence.
    Your Artificial telepathy anti-virus engaged. Congratulations! You're free. 
    Actually, you're fucked.
    About this blog, um, you can't "dream" or "affirm" until to learn to combat neural warfare. 
    You can't "manifest freely" as a virtual simulated militarized urban terrain combatant. 
    You can't even take a shit without getting that Dirty Pooter beatdown.
    Speaking of, time to reject all of this nonsense.  You know that Baby's First Intel is for others. Not  you.
    I'm sorry to inform you that you are not a suitable candidate for participation in
    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2023: Abundance Edition, an artistic installation by Douglas Edmonds.
    You know what else?
    The orderlies say that my Arts and Crafts project is the swaggiest of them all..
    Pay no mind to theTwitter.  Nothing to see here.
    Move along.

  5. 🙂 what i can say on this one is when i first got into agel, and listened to what you said to do with affirmations, i tried it obviously it worked very quickly as the Go Diamond Event was that February out in San Diego, i have more of a testimony about that besides just the Agel Idol that was done that friday and saturday of the, peace, hugs, and God Bless, aimee 🙂

  6. 🙂 what i can say on this one is when i first got into agel, and listened to what you said to do with affirmations, i tried it obviously it worked very quickly as the Go Diamond Event was that February out in San Diego, i have more of a testimony about that besides just the Agel Idol that was done that friday and saturday of the, peace, hugs, and God Bless, aimee 🙂

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  • 16 comments on “Thoughts Manifest”

    1. I have to obey here to see and visualize the whole picture of the future and not only one single puzzle piece like I did in the past.
      It´s relevant for everyone: view the whole scenario you want to enter! Not just 1 role of it. Widen your space.

    2. I have to obey here to see and visualize the whole picture of the future and not only one single puzzle piece like I did in the past.
      It´s relevant for everyone: view the whole scenario you want to enter! Not just 1 role of it. Widen your space.

    3. Attention Nazi Zombie: Do not read the next sentence.
      Your Artificial telepathy anti-virus engaged. Congratulations! You're free. 
      Actually, you're fucked.
      About this blog, um, you can't "dream" or "affirm" until to learn to combat neural warfare. 
      You can't "manifest freely" as a virtual simulated militarized urban terrain combatant. 
      You can't even take a shit without getting that Dirty Pooter beatdown.
      Speaking of, time to reject all of this nonsense.  You know that Baby's First Intel is for others. Not  you.
      I'm sorry to inform you that you are not a suitable candidate for participation in
      Call of Duty: Black Ops 2023: Abundance Edition, an artistic installation by Douglas Edmonds.
      You know what else?
      The orderlies say that my Arts and Crafts project is the swaggiest of them all..
      Pay no mind to theTwitter.  Nothing to see here.
      Move along.

    4. Attention Nazi Zombie: Do not read the next sentence.
      Your Artificial telepathy anti-virus engaged. Congratulations! You're free. 
      Actually, you're fucked.
      About this blog, um, you can't "dream" or "affirm" until to learn to combat neural warfare. 
      You can't "manifest freely" as a virtual simulated militarized urban terrain combatant. 
      You can't even take a shit without getting that Dirty Pooter beatdown.
      Speaking of, time to reject all of this nonsense.  You know that Baby's First Intel is for others. Not  you.
      I'm sorry to inform you that you are not a suitable candidate for participation in
      Call of Duty: Black Ops 2023: Abundance Edition, an artistic installation by Douglas Edmonds.
      You know what else?
      The orderlies say that my Arts and Crafts project is the swaggiest of them all..
      Pay no mind to theTwitter.  Nothing to see here.
      Move along.

    5. 🙂 what i can say on this one is when i first got into agel, and listened to what you said to do with affirmations, i tried it obviously it worked very quickly as the Go Diamond Event was that February out in San Diego, i have more of a testimony about that besides just the Agel Idol that was done that friday and saturday of the, peace, hugs, and God Bless, aimee 🙂

    6. 🙂 what i can say on this one is when i first got into agel, and listened to what you said to do with affirmations, i tried it obviously it worked very quickly as the Go Diamond Event was that February out in San Diego, i have more of a testimony about that besides just the Agel Idol that was done that friday and saturday of the, peace, hugs, and God Bless, aimee 🙂

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