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Thought and Action

Posted By: Randy GageMay 30, 2011


As the stream is to the snowmelt, and the oak to the acorn, so too is action to thought.

What you’re manifesting today is the direct result of the thoughts you’ve given precedence to.  And what you’re thinking about today is going to determine your tomorrow.

Can there be any stronger argument for taking some time each morning for self-development and personal growth?

Yes you could get struck by a meteor, or a piano could fall on you by accident.  But is there any doubt that 95% percent of what happens to you – the wonderful joys and the unspeakable horrors – are created by your thoughts?

We all hate to hear that, but isn’t it the truth we need to hear?  So what are you manifesting for tomorrow?

To all my fellow U.S. citizens, hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day.  Please take some time to commemorate those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in their service to our great country.


16 comments on “Thought and Action”

  1. What is remembered lives!

    Thank you always Randy for the wonderful reminders to help us keep on track.. blessings on this day to you all... weaver

  2. What's with the 95%???

    Where do you draw the line? We both know it's 100% and you have to be resonsible for all of it or the wiggle room will eat you, or the lizard brain or the monkey mind. There are no accidents. I made everything and so did you.

    Thank you Randy for making so many peoples lives better.


    1. What's with the 95%? I'd take that number lower, myself, thought of course it's impossible to put an actual figure on it. I just can't quite reconcile myself to the idea that, for example, everyone who was swept away by the Japanese Tsunami had brought that on themselves by their thoughts. And I don't think the fact that there is some chance in our lives diminishes our responsibility in how we react to events around us.

  3. there are some thoughts on this:

    - we give precedence to some thoughts EMOTIONALY most times. That means our sunconscious mind choses the thoughts that move us to what we are programmed to manifest in our lives. Most times that happens AUTOMATICALLY.

    -If we want a better life we have to reprogramm our emotional intelligence. That is the hardest part of all the journey.

    Thnks, Randy.

  4. Randy,
    I was just thinking about this topic earlier. What I am thinking about now will create my tomorrow.

    It's time to get my thoughts back into alignment with who I am and what I want.

  5. Good post! Yes there are some things that we have no control over, but we have complete control over our thoughts. You can choose to make up a nightmare in your mind, or love story.

  6. The thoughts I have I'm very aware of. I'm very greatful to you for your articles, videos, books and seminars, because you really helped me change my fears and negative thoughts in difficult situations. For the past 2 years my financial situation have been a nightmare for me, because of the way I thought about it. I did not know how to get rid of that fear, and I felt stuck in it. Your last seminar changed that completely for me. Now I can blow away my fear with positive statements about my finances, and I can actually do something about it, because I'm happy again. So selfdevelopment right from the morning is the fundament for the rest of my day. THANK YOU!

  7. Excellent! Very good reminder! Thanks for keeping it fresh in our minds to keep the way of our mental clarity. Very good advice. Thanks Randy.
    My respects and greetings to all those who now remember their loved ones on this special day for Americans. Gabriel

  8. Hi Randy,
    Thanks for the post.
    After all my reading I'm more aware of my thoughts now, so this allows me realize when they aren't the best, and my exercise in those cases is to replace them inmediatly by other possitive affirmations.
    Also I use my eternal mantra : "I attract prosperity and abundance, because they are my birthright".
    It work for me, and I expect the best for my future.

    Thanks again,


  9. Thoughts become things. Plain and simple.

    And as we all have heard via The Secret, "What you think about, you bring about".. There are no truer words written anywhere.

    I love how you always remind us to be "The thinker of our thoughts". So true.

    Thanks Randy.

  10. I'd like to share with you, my morning affirmations. It's fabulous. If you do this for 30 days, and don't see a positive impact, I'll eat an anchovie. I can't figure out how to attach this from my media documents. If someone knows how, let me know and I'll share it. Thanks

      1. This is the best I've ever heard but I can't attach it from my document file. Do you know how to do it? I'm happy to share it.

      2. I'm sorry David but the MP3 file can't be downloaded. I am going to see if I can locate the site I did the free download on and will get that information out, with Randy's permission, if I can find it. At least I'm safe from the anchovies for a while.

  11. I'm thinking it is beliefs,thoughts and the emotions your thoughts produce that manifest results. Feeling now how you will feel when you achieve your dreams. I know some people focus on thoughts and some focus on just the feelings. Maybe working on both creates better results.

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  • 16 comments on “Thought and Action”

    1. What is remembered lives!

      Thank you always Randy for the wonderful reminders to help us keep on track.. blessings on this day to you all... weaver

    2. What's with the 95%???

      Where do you draw the line? We both know it's 100% and you have to be resonsible for all of it or the wiggle room will eat you, or the lizard brain or the monkey mind. There are no accidents. I made everything and so did you.

      Thank you Randy for making so many peoples lives better.


      1. What's with the 95%? I'd take that number lower, myself, thought of course it's impossible to put an actual figure on it. I just can't quite reconcile myself to the idea that, for example, everyone who was swept away by the Japanese Tsunami had brought that on themselves by their thoughts. And I don't think the fact that there is some chance in our lives diminishes our responsibility in how we react to events around us.

    3. there are some thoughts on this:

      - we give precedence to some thoughts EMOTIONALY most times. That means our sunconscious mind choses the thoughts that move us to what we are programmed to manifest in our lives. Most times that happens AUTOMATICALLY.

      -If we want a better life we have to reprogramm our emotional intelligence. That is the hardest part of all the journey.

      Thnks, Randy.

    4. Randy,
      I was just thinking about this topic earlier. What I am thinking about now will create my tomorrow.

      It's time to get my thoughts back into alignment with who I am and what I want.

    5. Good post! Yes there are some things that we have no control over, but we have complete control over our thoughts. You can choose to make up a nightmare in your mind, or love story.

    6. The thoughts I have I'm very aware of. I'm very greatful to you for your articles, videos, books and seminars, because you really helped me change my fears and negative thoughts in difficult situations. For the past 2 years my financial situation have been a nightmare for me, because of the way I thought about it. I did not know how to get rid of that fear, and I felt stuck in it. Your last seminar changed that completely for me. Now I can blow away my fear with positive statements about my finances, and I can actually do something about it, because I'm happy again. So selfdevelopment right from the morning is the fundament for the rest of my day. THANK YOU!

    7. Excellent! Very good reminder! Thanks for keeping it fresh in our minds to keep the way of our mental clarity. Very good advice. Thanks Randy.
      My respects and greetings to all those who now remember their loved ones on this special day for Americans. Gabriel

    8. Hi Randy,
      Thanks for the post.
      After all my reading I'm more aware of my thoughts now, so this allows me realize when they aren't the best, and my exercise in those cases is to replace them inmediatly by other possitive affirmations.
      Also I use my eternal mantra : "I attract prosperity and abundance, because they are my birthright".
      It work for me, and I expect the best for my future.

      Thanks again,


    9. Thoughts become things. Plain and simple.

      And as we all have heard via The Secret, "What you think about, you bring about".. There are no truer words written anywhere.

      I love how you always remind us to be "The thinker of our thoughts". So true.

      Thanks Randy.

    10. I'd like to share with you, my morning affirmations. It's fabulous. If you do this for 30 days, and don't see a positive impact, I'll eat an anchovie. I can't figure out how to attach this from my media documents. If someone knows how, let me know and I'll share it. Thanks

        1. This is the best I've ever heard but I can't attach it from my document file. Do you know how to do it? I'm happy to share it.

        2. I'm sorry David but the MP3 file can't be downloaded. I am going to see if I can locate the site I did the free download on and will get that information out, with Randy's permission, if I can find it. At least I'm safe from the anchovies for a while.

    11. I'm thinking it is beliefs,thoughts and the emotions your thoughts produce that manifest results. Feeling now how you will feel when you achieve your dreams. I know some people focus on thoughts and some focus on just the feelings. Maybe working on both creates better results.

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