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The Victim’s Journey

Posted By: Randy GageApril 25, 2021

We’ve talked a lot in this space about the mythical hero’s journey, and how it applies in our day-to-day lives.  One of the common hero journey myths is slaying the dragon.  In European mythology, the dragons in these stories signify greed. (This is often portrayed by the dragon guarding great treasure which he can’t spend, or a beautiful virgin he can’t be in a relationship with.) Our hero must slay the dragon which represents his or her ego. 

Still today, the great preponderance of self-help and psychology is centered around controlling the ego.  This is based upon the premise that we become greedy, vain, and narcissistic in a futile attempt to placate our uncontrollable ego.  We all know people this is true for. But most of the people who come to me seeking advice on living a prosperous life are not the victim of this scenario.  Quite the opposite…

The dragon they have to slay doesn’t represent issues of conceit, but issues of worthiness.

Their issue isn’t that they think they’re better than the rest of the world – but that they believe they are not worthy of the world.  True, they have an ego problem.  But the problem they have is that their ego is not strong and healthy enough. Meantime all the self-help and personal development resources they’re studying keep telling them they must subdue their ego yet more.  This creates more anxiety and guilt, leading them to mentally beat themselves up more.  Instead of traversing the hero’s journey, they’re led further down the path of the victim’s journey, a self-fulfilling prophecy of lack and limitation. 

Which journey are you on?


- RG

Previous post: How to Become the Next Tech Billionaire

3 comments on “The Victim’s Journey”

  1. Strengthened by insights and a choice to overcome to become, lavishing in rich content to glean spiritual technologies has empowered me to intend #victoryconsciousness.

    I AM the governing intelligence of my universe. I'm on the Hero's journey of worthiness. Thanks RG!

  2. I've wrestled with this one all my life, had a pair of narcissistic parents.. never understood why they thought they were so wonderful.. like wtf have you really ever done?? And I hate those obnoxious boors who are always going on about themselves.. but I get your message, feel worthy and great about the journey you're on.. cheers David

  3. This Post really resonated with me, and is one of the reasons why I follow you Randy. I have other Mentors and Coaches, that spew inspirational phrases about 'getting out of your own way' and 'give more, get more' but I agree if you don't believe deeply that you are worthy of success and prosperity, it will be a long uphill struggle to get to the tipping point of Accepting The Call of the Heros Journey. I am doing the work, and I still consider myself a 'reluctant hero', so I will keep showing up for your Trainings and inspiration. Thanks for all you do Brother.

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  • 3 comments on “The Victim’s Journey”

    1. Strengthened by insights and a choice to overcome to become, lavishing in rich content to glean spiritual technologies has empowered me to intend #victoryconsciousness.

      I AM the governing intelligence of my universe. I'm on the Hero's journey of worthiness. Thanks RG!

    2. I've wrestled with this one all my life, had a pair of narcissistic parents.. never understood why they thought they were so wonderful.. like wtf have you really ever done?? And I hate those obnoxious boors who are always going on about themselves.. but I get your message, feel worthy and great about the journey you're on.. cheers David

    3. This Post really resonated with me, and is one of the reasons why I follow you Randy. I have other Mentors and Coaches, that spew inspirational phrases about 'getting out of your own way' and 'give more, get more' but I agree if you don't believe deeply that you are worthy of success and prosperity, it will be a long uphill struggle to get to the tipping point of Accepting The Call of the Heros Journey. I am doing the work, and I still consider myself a 'reluctant hero', so I will keep showing up for your Trainings and inspiration. Thanks for all you do Brother.

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