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The Unknown Gift

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 29, 2012

What a wonderful time I had conducting the Sunday services at Unity on the Bay this morning!  Great crowd, amazing energy, and wonderful music.  And the topic was one I love to discuss…

The title was, Be Rich for God.  And one of the areas we looked at was the lessons we receive from the universe, and what they mean for us.

A dysfunctional relationship is a lesson.  An addiction is a lesson.  So is a scary medical diagnosis, a business failure, or a car accident.

Sometimes we are being taught the lesson, and sometimes we are the vessel teaching it.   And when the lesson is for you, and you don't want to learn it, there’s no rush.  The universe will be happy to send it again! 

One thing I know is this:

The things I hated the most, the most difficult challenges I ever endured – offered me the greatest gifts.  Of course I didn't realize it at the time…

When my business was seized by the IRS and auctioned off, that wasn’t a lesson I wanted to learn.  But if that wouldn't have happened – I would still be working 14 to 16 hours a day in a restaurant, and never discovered my true assignment in life.

Getting shot and left for dead isn’t a learning experience I would particularly recommend.  But if I didn't face down death like that, I could never appreciate life the way I do now.

Whatever challenge you’re going through, make sure it’s one you’re also growing through.  Learn the lesson and look for the hidden gift.

And know that the more difficult the challenge – the greater the ultimate gift!

- RG

95 comments on “The Unknown Gift”

  1. Thanks for the hint.............. I should be looking for a big man in a red suit. If BIG CHALLENGE =BIG GIFT then it is flippin Xmas at my house 🙂

    ............... least I am still smilling!

  2. Thanks for the hint.............. I should be looking for a big man in a red suit. If BIG CHALLENGE =BIG GIFT then it is flippin Xmas at my house 🙂

    ............... least I am still smilling!

  3. Wow - I would have loved to been physically present at Unity On The Bay today ....for certain. Your message is one that need to be told very frequently. Personally my greatest periods of expansion have been during the most challenging life events. I find it most difficult to remember that when the law of opposites is working delivering what we don't prefer.

    Thank you for sharing Randy.... sending you and all an Unconditional Love Hug

  4. Wow - I would have loved to been physically present at Unity On The Bay today ....for certain. Your message is one that need to be told very frequently. Personally my greatest periods of expansion have been during the most challenging life events. I find it most difficult to remember that when the law of opposites is working delivering what we don't prefer.

    Thank you for sharing Randy.... sending you and all an Unconditional Love Hug

  5. Randy you were amazing as usual!!! Thank's 🙂

    I recognice a lot of the chalenges you discribe. One hit me like a truck "tired of lifting the whole world on your shoulders" - that was not your exact words but that's how I remember it right now. I feel exactly that way - so tired, no matter how much I fight to change, be prosperous it seems like lifting the whole world and I'm not succeeding. So I'm searching my mind to find out what the .... is stopping me. What is the lesson???? I really don't know. How did you get on from there?

    Lots of hugs and love to you Randy.

  6. Randy you were amazing as usual!!! Thank's 🙂

    I recognice a lot of the chalenges you discribe. One hit me like a truck "tired of lifting the whole world on your shoulders" - that was not your exact words but that's how I remember it right now. I feel exactly that way - so tired, no matter how much I fight to change, be prosperous it seems like lifting the whole world and I'm not succeeding. So I'm searching my mind to find out what the .... is stopping me. What is the lesson???? I really don't know. How did you get on from there?

    Lots of hugs and love to you Randy.

  7. Very powerful stuff here. We are guided to learn the lessons, but it's ultimately up to US to learn them. And that means changing our thoughts, beliefs and habits. Hard work, but well worth it. But who am I to tell you about that Randy? Staying true to our higher purpose ,thinking only those thoughts that serve us and of course, BEING in Joy, Abundance and Prosperity is what matters most. That's one of the lessons I've learned so far, but the student has many more to learn yet. Thanks for the reminders as always 🙂

  8. Very powerful stuff here. We are guided to learn the lessons, but it's ultimately up to US to learn them. And that means changing our thoughts, beliefs and habits. Hard work, but well worth it. But who am I to tell you about that Randy? Staying true to our higher purpose ,thinking only those thoughts that serve us and of course, BEING in Joy, Abundance and Prosperity is what matters most. That's one of the lessons I've learned so far, but the student has many more to learn yet. Thanks for the reminders as always 🙂

    1. BJJ, I'm with you on this. Not so sure I can buy the "Lessons" model, though I know a lot of people do buy it and seem to like using it. Hard for me to think of God/Source/Universe as The Big Teacher In The Sky who makes us do the homework (or take the test?) over & over until we Get It Right.

      I guess if we can call an experience "a lesson" and learn something from it, then we've given the experience a 'positive' meaning, and that makes it easier to accept. The threat of "do it again" is the threat that people (not God) use to make sure we buy the Lessons model. ("If you don't buy a ______, you will suffer" is a common enough advertising gimmick...Big Pharma loves using that one!)

      The Book of Job has a lot to say about harsh experiences; I'd just say, rather crudely, "Shit happens" You can examine the shit to divine a lesson if you want, if that makes it more acceptable. In my opinion, God designed us to put the shit behind us (ref: "the physical-body as metaphor") I'm all for getting away from it as soon as possible.

        1. @Randy_Gage @warrenwwwong it's been over 10 years my family did that - was a very meaningful session for us. wish u were here too! 🙂

        2. @Randy_Gage we'll arrange your trip next year over here during CNY - you can experience the full havocness of the season

        3. @jamieloh It was really amazing to see the lion dance indeed. 🙂 Now for a dragon dance! 😛 Dragon fireworks just witnessed. @Randy_Gage

        4. @Randy_Gage it is your "in" word now. Hehe. Watching you on a zip line in Costa Rica. 🙂 Thanks for the upload Randy!

  9. It would be great to have the service you did on your Prosperity channel TV so we could get a second shot at watching it. Sorry I missed it 🙁

    I've heard it said that the lessons you don't learn will come around again and again, each time harder than the last. Best to learn it and move on!

  10. It would be great to have the service you did on your Prosperity channel TV so we could get a second shot at watching it. Sorry I missed it 🙁

    I've heard it said that the lessons you don't learn will come around again and again, each time harder than the last. Best to learn it and move on!

  11. It was great to see you speak live. Mainly examples, which featured ... I could imagine that time, 20 years ago. And it helped me further understand what I'm looking for. These examples I think helps people better imagine and better show how they can apply to their "troubles". Already suspect that for some time, but this time I got it! It was a wonderful enlightenment, and God helped me out .... I had been entirely on the other side of town and thought that never make it either and I see your show. These escapades when I left the overly influence the opinions of others, because I was afraid to be myself .... me all the time eventually led to what I consciously wanted to ... Freedom (Subconsiously I had - you can´t be yourself, you have to listen others - they are right, doesn´t matter what you think). Be yourself, and independent and though connected....Thank you. God bless you. M.

  12. It was great to see you speak live. Mainly examples, which featured ... I could imagine that time, 20 years ago. And it helped me further understand what I'm looking for. These examples I think helps people better imagine and better show how they can apply to their "troubles". Already suspect that for some time, but this time I got it! It was a wonderful enlightenment, and God helped me out .... I had been entirely on the other side of town and thought that never make it either and I see your show. These escapades when I left the overly influence the opinions of others, because I was afraid to be myself .... me all the time eventually led to what I consciously wanted to ... Freedom (Subconsiously I had - you can´t be yourself, you have to listen others - they are right, doesn´t matter what you think). Be yourself, and independent and though connected....Thank you. God bless you. M.

  13. Randy, your church service was very good indeed, you sounded like a seasoned/annointed preacher. I enjoyed your 'Be Rich for God' and the whole service as well. Yes, we need to work and excel for God. Even God worked. Gen 2 v2 ' By the 7th. day God had finished the work He had been doing, so on the seventh day He rested from all His work.'...

    I have never heard your kind of message preached because some people are wary of the prosperity gospel messengers. They should have preached your kind of message intermittently so it would be more balanced with positive results...To prosper is biblical like 3 JN 2. it is the will of God that I prosper in all things and be in health, just as my soul prospers. I like Ps 35v 27 vm "I am the Lord's servant and He has pleasure in my prosperity. Prosperity glorifies God.


  14. Randy, your church service was very good indeed, you sounded like a seasoned/annointed preacher. I enjoyed your 'Be Rich for God' and the whole service as well. Yes, we need to work and excel for God. Even God worked. Gen 2 v2 ' By the 7th. day God had finished the work He had been doing, so on the seventh day He rested from all His work.'...

    I have never heard your kind of message preached because some people are wary of the prosperity gospel messengers. They should have preached your kind of message intermittently so it would be more balanced with positive results...To prosper is biblical like 3 JN 2. it is the will of God that I prosper in all things and be in health, just as my soul prospers. I like Ps 35v 27 vm "I am the Lord's servant and He has pleasure in my prosperity. Prosperity glorifies God.


  15. @Randy_Gage @warrenwwwong it's been over 10 years my family did that - was a very meaningful session for us. wish u were here too! 🙂

  16. @Randy_Gage we'll arrange your trip next year over here during CNY - you can experience the full havocness of the season

  17. I have to say that that was the best service i have witnessed! Nothing like a ordinary service in a Swedish Lutheran Church. You guys had something to say, i watched it twice. And normally I'm not able to sit in a regular service for ten minutes. And I mean an ordinary Swedish minister when he preaches about heaven and hell. I like how you emphasize the positive and not the negative. Do these live broadcasts each week.

  18. I have to say that that was the best service i have witnessed! Nothing like a ordinary service in a Swedish Lutheran Church. You guys had something to say, i watched it twice. And normally I'm not able to sit in a regular service for ten minutes. And I mean an ordinary Swedish minister when he preaches about heaven and hell. I like how you emphasize the positive and not the negative. Do these live broadcasts each week.

  19. BJJ, I'm with you on this. Not so sure I can buy the "Lessons" model, though I know a lot of people do buy it and seem to like using it. Hard for me to think of God/Source/Universe as The Big Teacher In The Sky who makes us do the homework (or take the test?) over & over until we Get It Right.

    I guess if we can call an experience "a lesson" and learn something from it, then we've given the experience a 'positive' meaning, and that makes it easier to accept. The threat of "do it again" is the threat that people (not God) use to make sure we buy the Lessons model. ("If you don't buy a ______, you will suffer" is a common enough advertising gimmick...Big Pharma loves using that one!)

    The Book of Job has a lot to say about harsh experiences; I'd just say, rather crudely, "Shit happens" You can examine the shit to divine a lesson if you want, if that makes it more acceptable. In my opinion, God designed us to put the shit behind us (ref: "the physical-body as metaphor") I'm all for getting away from it as soon as possible.

  20. @jamieloh It was really amazing to see the lion dance indeed. 🙂 Now for a dragon dance! 😛 Dragon fireworks just witnessed. @Randy_Gage

  21. @Randy_Gage it is your "in" word now. Hehe. Watching you on a zip line in Costa Rica. 🙂 Thanks for the upload Randy!

  22. Eastern time 11 am sunday - wonderful arrangement to participate sitting behind a screen somewhere in Europe bringing the listening to the Unity on the Bay service with you Randy. 

    These different challenges each and everyone of us experience, for others might have occured as something else.
    Could what you are saying also be expressed as that the timing for us to be aware of this particular occurance is always perfect?

    I was moved by your being at home on that stage in your church. I was moved by your guidance on grace and Christianity. I am coming closer.

    Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

  23. Eastern time 11 am sunday - wonderful arrangement to participate sitting behind a screen somewhere in Europe bringing the listening to the Unity on the Bay service with you Randy. 

    These different challenges each and everyone of us experience, for others might have occured as something else.
    Could what you are saying also be expressed as that the timing for us to be aware of this particular occurance is always perfect?

    I was moved by your being at home on that stage in your church. I was moved by your guidance on grace and Christianity. I am coming closer.

    Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

  24. Randy,

    Beautiful Sunday message. Learn each lesson life give us quickly. Don't get refreshing lessons over. That's very wise statement.

    When you were in worst time, you went to that church and asked a miracle. I don't think your life changed overnight. Would you like to share how you changed your life dramatically from that moment to now? How long you started to see your finance and other aspects life increase dramatically?

  25. Randy,

    Beautiful Sunday message. Learn each lesson life give us quickly. Don't get refreshing lessons over. That's very wise statement.

    When you were in worst time, you went to that church and asked a miracle. I don't think your life changed overnight. Would you like to share how you changed your life dramatically from that moment to now? How long you started to see your finance and other aspects life increase dramatically?

  26. Randy, I was surprised by your spiritual home. It was very nice, and your speech seemed to connect to your audience. Good job. I think I was expecting it to look like Unity here. It doesn't so much, but I like both places. Have you been to Kansas City to see Unity Village, or Unity on the Plaza? They are very nice places. You know somehow watching you there give that speech, I began to trust you in a way I don't think I ever have before. Yes, somehow I trust you now, but I still don't agree with everything...

    I think I don't always comprehend what my gift is until much later... I guess that is okay though because by then I cannot return or exchange it. 🙂 I take a long time to process things, so in the mean time I end up making some mistakes more than once until it finally hits home. Also, I receive the gift and then lose it. Then I have to find it again. But, that's okay too, it is just really frustrating. I am sure you are surprised to think I don't learn the first go around!

      1. @Randy_Gage You have been all over the world, and never been to Lee's Summit, Missouri? Well, good sir, I find that down right odd. 🙂

  27. "Same song, different verse. A little louder and a little worse"

    I wish I knew who to attribute that line to. I heard it on a radio interview a while back and just loved it. They were talking about the same thing this post is where you said "The universe will be happy to send it again!"

    I LOVED the message you gave at your church service yesterday! I'm really glad you had it recorded too.

  28. "Same song, different verse. A little louder and a little worse"

    I wish I knew who to attribute that line to. I heard it on a radio interview a while back and just loved it. They were talking about the same thing this post is where you said "The universe will be happy to send it again!"

    I LOVED the message you gave at your church service yesterday! I'm really glad you had it recorded too.

  29. @Randy_Gage You have been all over the world, and never been to Lee's Summit, Missouri? Well, good sir, I find that down right odd. 🙂

  30. I do feel you in this story! Very true, very true. I particularly understand more now about the fact that the universe will send back to you something that you didn't learn from it. Took me a long time to understand that one, so now I bless every circumstances that happen happy or bad because they are the path that will lead me to what I am made for, and that is a child of light.

  31. I do feel you in this story! Very true, very true. I particularly understand more now about the fact that the universe will send back to you something that you didn't learn from it. Took me a long time to understand that one, so now I bless every circumstances that happen happy or bad because they are the path that will lead me to what I am made for, and that is a child of light.

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  • 95 comments on “The Unknown Gift”

    1. Thanks for the hint.............. I should be looking for a big man in a red suit. If BIG CHALLENGE =BIG GIFT then it is flippin Xmas at my house 🙂

      ............... least I am still smilling!

    2. Thanks for the hint.............. I should be looking for a big man in a red suit. If BIG CHALLENGE =BIG GIFT then it is flippin Xmas at my house 🙂

      ............... least I am still smilling!

    3. Wow - I would have loved to been physically present at Unity On The Bay today ....for certain. Your message is one that need to be told very frequently. Personally my greatest periods of expansion have been during the most challenging life events. I find it most difficult to remember that when the law of opposites is working delivering what we don't prefer.

      Thank you for sharing Randy.... sending you and all an Unconditional Love Hug

    4. Wow - I would have loved to been physically present at Unity On The Bay today ....for certain. Your message is one that need to be told very frequently. Personally my greatest periods of expansion have been during the most challenging life events. I find it most difficult to remember that when the law of opposites is working delivering what we don't prefer.

      Thank you for sharing Randy.... sending you and all an Unconditional Love Hug

    5. Randy you were amazing as usual!!! Thank's 🙂

      I recognice a lot of the chalenges you discribe. One hit me like a truck "tired of lifting the whole world on your shoulders" - that was not your exact words but that's how I remember it right now. I feel exactly that way - so tired, no matter how much I fight to change, be prosperous it seems like lifting the whole world and I'm not succeeding. So I'm searching my mind to find out what the .... is stopping me. What is the lesson???? I really don't know. How did you get on from there?

      Lots of hugs and love to you Randy.

    6. Randy you were amazing as usual!!! Thank's 🙂

      I recognice a lot of the chalenges you discribe. One hit me like a truck "tired of lifting the whole world on your shoulders" - that was not your exact words but that's how I remember it right now. I feel exactly that way - so tired, no matter how much I fight to change, be prosperous it seems like lifting the whole world and I'm not succeeding. So I'm searching my mind to find out what the .... is stopping me. What is the lesson???? I really don't know. How did you get on from there?

      Lots of hugs and love to you Randy.

    7. Very powerful stuff here. We are guided to learn the lessons, but it's ultimately up to US to learn them. And that means changing our thoughts, beliefs and habits. Hard work, but well worth it. But who am I to tell you about that Randy? Staying true to our higher purpose ,thinking only those thoughts that serve us and of course, BEING in Joy, Abundance and Prosperity is what matters most. That's one of the lessons I've learned so far, but the student has many more to learn yet. Thanks for the reminders as always 🙂

    8. Very powerful stuff here. We are guided to learn the lessons, but it's ultimately up to US to learn them. And that means changing our thoughts, beliefs and habits. Hard work, but well worth it. But who am I to tell you about that Randy? Staying true to our higher purpose ,thinking only those thoughts that serve us and of course, BEING in Joy, Abundance and Prosperity is what matters most. That's one of the lessons I've learned so far, but the student has many more to learn yet. Thanks for the reminders as always 🙂

      1. BJJ, I'm with you on this. Not so sure I can buy the "Lessons" model, though I know a lot of people do buy it and seem to like using it. Hard for me to think of God/Source/Universe as The Big Teacher In The Sky who makes us do the homework (or take the test?) over & over until we Get It Right.

        I guess if we can call an experience "a lesson" and learn something from it, then we've given the experience a 'positive' meaning, and that makes it easier to accept. The threat of "do it again" is the threat that people (not God) use to make sure we buy the Lessons model. ("If you don't buy a ______, you will suffer" is a common enough advertising gimmick...Big Pharma loves using that one!)

        The Book of Job has a lot to say about harsh experiences; I'd just say, rather crudely, "Shit happens" You can examine the shit to divine a lesson if you want, if that makes it more acceptable. In my opinion, God designed us to put the shit behind us (ref: "the physical-body as metaphor") I'm all for getting away from it as soon as possible.

          1. @Randy_Gage @warrenwwwong it's been over 10 years my family did that - was a very meaningful session for us. wish u were here too! 🙂

          2. @Randy_Gage we'll arrange your trip next year over here during CNY - you can experience the full havocness of the season

          3. @jamieloh It was really amazing to see the lion dance indeed. 🙂 Now for a dragon dance! 😛 Dragon fireworks just witnessed. @Randy_Gage

          4. @Randy_Gage it is your "in" word now. Hehe. Watching you on a zip line in Costa Rica. 🙂 Thanks for the upload Randy!

    9. It would be great to have the service you did on your Prosperity channel TV so we could get a second shot at watching it. Sorry I missed it 🙁

      I've heard it said that the lessons you don't learn will come around again and again, each time harder than the last. Best to learn it and move on!

    10. It would be great to have the service you did on your Prosperity channel TV so we could get a second shot at watching it. Sorry I missed it 🙁

      I've heard it said that the lessons you don't learn will come around again and again, each time harder than the last. Best to learn it and move on!

    11. It was great to see you speak live. Mainly examples, which featured ... I could imagine that time, 20 years ago. And it helped me further understand what I'm looking for. These examples I think helps people better imagine and better show how they can apply to their "troubles". Already suspect that for some time, but this time I got it! It was a wonderful enlightenment, and God helped me out .... I had been entirely on the other side of town and thought that never make it either and I see your show. These escapades when I left the overly influence the opinions of others, because I was afraid to be myself .... me all the time eventually led to what I consciously wanted to ... Freedom (Subconsiously I had - you can´t be yourself, you have to listen others - they are right, doesn´t matter what you think). Be yourself, and independent and though connected....Thank you. God bless you. M.

    12. It was great to see you speak live. Mainly examples, which featured ... I could imagine that time, 20 years ago. And it helped me further understand what I'm looking for. These examples I think helps people better imagine and better show how they can apply to their "troubles". Already suspect that for some time, but this time I got it! It was a wonderful enlightenment, and God helped me out .... I had been entirely on the other side of town and thought that never make it either and I see your show. These escapades when I left the overly influence the opinions of others, because I was afraid to be myself .... me all the time eventually led to what I consciously wanted to ... Freedom (Subconsiously I had - you can´t be yourself, you have to listen others - they are right, doesn´t matter what you think). Be yourself, and independent and though connected....Thank you. God bless you. M.

    13. Randy, your church service was very good indeed, you sounded like a seasoned/annointed preacher. I enjoyed your 'Be Rich for God' and the whole service as well. Yes, we need to work and excel for God. Even God worked. Gen 2 v2 ' By the 7th. day God had finished the work He had been doing, so on the seventh day He rested from all His work.'...

      I have never heard your kind of message preached because some people are wary of the prosperity gospel messengers. They should have preached your kind of message intermittently so it would be more balanced with positive results...To prosper is biblical like 3 JN 2. it is the will of God that I prosper in all things and be in health, just as my soul prospers. I like Ps 35v 27 vm "I am the Lord's servant and He has pleasure in my prosperity. Prosperity glorifies God.


    14. Randy, your church service was very good indeed, you sounded like a seasoned/annointed preacher. I enjoyed your 'Be Rich for God' and the whole service as well. Yes, we need to work and excel for God. Even God worked. Gen 2 v2 ' By the 7th. day God had finished the work He had been doing, so on the seventh day He rested from all His work.'...

      I have never heard your kind of message preached because some people are wary of the prosperity gospel messengers. They should have preached your kind of message intermittently so it would be more balanced with positive results...To prosper is biblical like 3 JN 2. it is the will of God that I prosper in all things and be in health, just as my soul prospers. I like Ps 35v 27 vm "I am the Lord's servant and He has pleasure in my prosperity. Prosperity glorifies God.


    15. @Randy_Gage @warrenwwwong it's been over 10 years my family did that - was a very meaningful session for us. wish u were here too! 🙂

    16. @Randy_Gage we'll arrange your trip next year over here during CNY - you can experience the full havocness of the season

    17. I have to say that that was the best service i have witnessed! Nothing like a ordinary service in a Swedish Lutheran Church. You guys had something to say, i watched it twice. And normally I'm not able to sit in a regular service for ten minutes. And I mean an ordinary Swedish minister when he preaches about heaven and hell. I like how you emphasize the positive and not the negative. Do these live broadcasts each week.

    18. I have to say that that was the best service i have witnessed! Nothing like a ordinary service in a Swedish Lutheran Church. You guys had something to say, i watched it twice. And normally I'm not able to sit in a regular service for ten minutes. And I mean an ordinary Swedish minister when he preaches about heaven and hell. I like how you emphasize the positive and not the negative. Do these live broadcasts each week.

    19. BJJ, I'm with you on this. Not so sure I can buy the "Lessons" model, though I know a lot of people do buy it and seem to like using it. Hard for me to think of God/Source/Universe as The Big Teacher In The Sky who makes us do the homework (or take the test?) over & over until we Get It Right.

      I guess if we can call an experience "a lesson" and learn something from it, then we've given the experience a 'positive' meaning, and that makes it easier to accept. The threat of "do it again" is the threat that people (not God) use to make sure we buy the Lessons model. ("If you don't buy a ______, you will suffer" is a common enough advertising gimmick...Big Pharma loves using that one!)

      The Book of Job has a lot to say about harsh experiences; I'd just say, rather crudely, "Shit happens" You can examine the shit to divine a lesson if you want, if that makes it more acceptable. In my opinion, God designed us to put the shit behind us (ref: "the physical-body as metaphor") I'm all for getting away from it as soon as possible.

    20. @jamieloh It was really amazing to see the lion dance indeed. 🙂 Now for a dragon dance! 😛 Dragon fireworks just witnessed. @Randy_Gage

    21. @Randy_Gage it is your "in" word now. Hehe. Watching you on a zip line in Costa Rica. 🙂 Thanks for the upload Randy!

    22. Eastern time 11 am sunday - wonderful arrangement to participate sitting behind a screen somewhere in Europe bringing the listening to the Unity on the Bay service with you Randy. 

      These different challenges each and everyone of us experience, for others might have occured as something else.
      Could what you are saying also be expressed as that the timing for us to be aware of this particular occurance is always perfect?

      I was moved by your being at home on that stage in your church. I was moved by your guidance on grace and Christianity. I am coming closer.

      Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

    23. Eastern time 11 am sunday - wonderful arrangement to participate sitting behind a screen somewhere in Europe bringing the listening to the Unity on the Bay service with you Randy. 

      These different challenges each and everyone of us experience, for others might have occured as something else.
      Could what you are saying also be expressed as that the timing for us to be aware of this particular occurance is always perfect?

      I was moved by your being at home on that stage in your church. I was moved by your guidance on grace and Christianity. I am coming closer.

      Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

    24. Randy,

      Beautiful Sunday message. Learn each lesson life give us quickly. Don't get refreshing lessons over. That's very wise statement.

      When you were in worst time, you went to that church and asked a miracle. I don't think your life changed overnight. Would you like to share how you changed your life dramatically from that moment to now? How long you started to see your finance and other aspects life increase dramatically?

    25. Randy,

      Beautiful Sunday message. Learn each lesson life give us quickly. Don't get refreshing lessons over. That's very wise statement.

      When you were in worst time, you went to that church and asked a miracle. I don't think your life changed overnight. Would you like to share how you changed your life dramatically from that moment to now? How long you started to see your finance and other aspects life increase dramatically?

    26. Randy, I was surprised by your spiritual home. It was very nice, and your speech seemed to connect to your audience. Good job. I think I was expecting it to look like Unity here. It doesn't so much, but I like both places. Have you been to Kansas City to see Unity Village, or Unity on the Plaza? They are very nice places. You know somehow watching you there give that speech, I began to trust you in a way I don't think I ever have before. Yes, somehow I trust you now, but I still don't agree with everything...

      I think I don't always comprehend what my gift is until much later... I guess that is okay though because by then I cannot return or exchange it. 🙂 I take a long time to process things, so in the mean time I end up making some mistakes more than once until it finally hits home. Also, I receive the gift and then lose it. Then I have to find it again. But, that's okay too, it is just really frustrating. I am sure you are surprised to think I don't learn the first go around!

        1. @Randy_Gage You have been all over the world, and never been to Lee's Summit, Missouri? Well, good sir, I find that down right odd. 🙂

    27. "Same song, different verse. A little louder and a little worse"

      I wish I knew who to attribute that line to. I heard it on a radio interview a while back and just loved it. They were talking about the same thing this post is where you said "The universe will be happy to send it again!"

      I LOVED the message you gave at your church service yesterday! I'm really glad you had it recorded too.

    28. "Same song, different verse. A little louder and a little worse"

      I wish I knew who to attribute that line to. I heard it on a radio interview a while back and just loved it. They were talking about the same thing this post is where you said "The universe will be happy to send it again!"

      I LOVED the message you gave at your church service yesterday! I'm really glad you had it recorded too.

    29. @Randy_Gage You have been all over the world, and never been to Lee's Summit, Missouri? Well, good sir, I find that down right odd. 🙂

    30. I do feel you in this story! Very true, very true. I particularly understand more now about the fact that the universe will send back to you something that you didn't learn from it. Took me a long time to understand that one, so now I bless every circumstances that happen happy or bad because they are the path that will lead me to what I am made for, and that is a child of light.

    31. I do feel you in this story! Very true, very true. I particularly understand more now about the fact that the universe will send back to you something that you didn't learn from it. Took me a long time to understand that one, so now I bless every circumstances that happen happy or bad because they are the path that will lead me to what I am made for, and that is a child of light.

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