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The Test

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 9, 2012

Wouldn’t it be nice if everything you tried to accomplish happened the first time, perfectly?  Actually no. 

Don’t get me wrong:  Sometimes what you’re doing is right in the zone and you’re going to nail it the first time.  And then there’s those other times…

When it doesn't work out the way you hope.  When you face challenges.  When the universe tests your resolve…

Adversity stops some, but strengthens others.  And you get to decide which one it is for you.

Remember, a dry spell causes a tree's root to go deeper.

- RG

24 comments on “The Test”

  1. it's those time when things keep piling up that I question myself. I've got some big shoulders...but sometimes they are not big enough....

  2. it's those time when things keep piling up that I question myself. I've got some big shoulders...but sometimes they are not big enough....

  3. Well I can certainly relate to this post Randy.. We're in development of a media project that tells the story of an industry filled with people that stepped from their comfort zone to achieve something legendary. So we feel it's also important we do the same in how we tell this story visually. In other words, we must innovate and step into new territory. And I've been struggling a bit with how to get there. However, I have total Faith and my intention is clear. It's just a matter of 'waiting' for the clear picture of how we do this to show up. 

  4. Well I can certainly relate to this post Randy.. We're in development of a media project that tells the story of an industry filled with people that stepped from their comfort zone to achieve something legendary. So we feel it's also important we do the same in how we tell this story visually. In other words, we must innovate and step into new territory. And I've been struggling a bit with how to get there. However, I have total Faith and my intention is clear. It's just a matter of 'waiting' for the clear picture of how we do this to show up. 

  5. Timing is always perfect for an article like this. Because testing our strength and will happens all along our way...
    Thank you Randy!

  6. Timing is always perfect for an article like this. Because testing our strength and will happens all along our way...
    Thank you Randy!

  7. I think Randy, as long as you feel you are in the 'vortex' , it's always working out for you. It may not seem like, but it is you say tree roots are going deeper.
    I think of a 'seed and harvest' metaphor for this. You sow a seed. That is the desire- your asking. You water it with positive affirmations. You water it everyday. You affirm daily. And you hit a dry patch. Nothing 'seems' to be happening. Well, wrong, because you can't see a seed's germination under ground, can you? As long as you feel good about it and you are watering...yo have to be assured that it's happening. 
    One warning, though, -- and this spoils 99.99% of seeds. Some of us impatient soul think nothing's happening. We dig up the soil to see if seed is there a'right or rats took it. That's it. You are back to square one. 

  8. I think Randy, as long as you feel you are in the 'vortex' , it's always working out for you. It may not seem like, but it is you say tree roots are going deeper.
    I think of a 'seed and harvest' metaphor for this. You sow a seed. That is the desire- your asking. You water it with positive affirmations. You water it everyday. You affirm daily. And you hit a dry patch. Nothing 'seems' to be happening. Well, wrong, because you can't see a seed's germination under ground, can you? As long as you feel good about it and you are watering...yo have to be assured that it's happening. 
    One warning, though, -- and this spoils 99.99% of seeds. Some of us impatient soul think nothing's happening. We dig up the soil to see if seed is there a'right or rats took it. That's it. You are back to square one. 

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  • 24 comments on “The Test”

    1. it's those time when things keep piling up that I question myself. I've got some big shoulders...but sometimes they are not big enough....

    2. it's those time when things keep piling up that I question myself. I've got some big shoulders...but sometimes they are not big enough....

    3. Well I can certainly relate to this post Randy.. We're in development of a media project that tells the story of an industry filled with people that stepped from their comfort zone to achieve something legendary. So we feel it's also important we do the same in how we tell this story visually. In other words, we must innovate and step into new territory. And I've been struggling a bit with how to get there. However, I have total Faith and my intention is clear. It's just a matter of 'waiting' for the clear picture of how we do this to show up. 

    4. Well I can certainly relate to this post Randy.. We're in development of a media project that tells the story of an industry filled with people that stepped from their comfort zone to achieve something legendary. So we feel it's also important we do the same in how we tell this story visually. In other words, we must innovate and step into new territory. And I've been struggling a bit with how to get there. However, I have total Faith and my intention is clear. It's just a matter of 'waiting' for the clear picture of how we do this to show up. 

    5. Timing is always perfect for an article like this. Because testing our strength and will happens all along our way...
      Thank you Randy!

    6. Timing is always perfect for an article like this. Because testing our strength and will happens all along our way...
      Thank you Randy!

    7. I think Randy, as long as you feel you are in the 'vortex' , it's always working out for you. It may not seem like, but it is you say tree roots are going deeper.
      I think of a 'seed and harvest' metaphor for this. You sow a seed. That is the desire- your asking. You water it with positive affirmations. You water it everyday. You affirm daily. And you hit a dry patch. Nothing 'seems' to be happening. Well, wrong, because you can't see a seed's germination under ground, can you? As long as you feel good about it and you are watering...yo have to be assured that it's happening. 
      One warning, though, -- and this spoils 99.99% of seeds. Some of us impatient soul think nothing's happening. We dig up the soil to see if seed is there a'right or rats took it. That's it. You are back to square one. 

    8. I think Randy, as long as you feel you are in the 'vortex' , it's always working out for you. It may not seem like, but it is you say tree roots are going deeper.
      I think of a 'seed and harvest' metaphor for this. You sow a seed. That is the desire- your asking. You water it with positive affirmations. You water it everyday. You affirm daily. And you hit a dry patch. Nothing 'seems' to be happening. Well, wrong, because you can't see a seed's germination under ground, can you? As long as you feel good about it and you are watering...yo have to be assured that it's happening. 
      One warning, though, -- and this spoils 99.99% of seeds. Some of us impatient soul think nothing's happening. We dig up the soil to see if seed is there a'right or rats took it. That's it. You are back to square one. 

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