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The Sin of Poverty

Posted By: Randy GageJune 16, 2010

“Poverty is a sin.”  Charles Fillmore shocked the religious community when he made that statement almost 100 years ago.  And people are still shocked when I affirm it at my workshops today.  Just last week I had someone attacking me on Twitter  for making that statement.  

Yet if you go back to the original text of the Bible, it was written in Aramaic and the definition of sin translates as to “miss the mark.”

And if you follow the Course in Miracles, then you know that it defines sin as a lack of love.  I’m okay with either of those definitions.  Because I believe when you’re poor, not only are you missing the mark, but you’re also not accepting the abundance that is meant to be yours.

Easy for me to say right?  I’m rich.  But I came to understand this truth when I was still poor, and that is what allowed me to accept (manifest) the prosperity I was meant to have.

We talked recently about the mind viruses infecting people in today’s society.  (Have your watched my Avatar video yet?)  One of the most prevalent mind viruses is that it is somehow noble or spiritual to be poor.  Please know that there is nothing spiritual about poverty!  Poverty causes people to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill.

Try this belief on for size…

Success and prosperity are your true natural state.  The person who is not abundant is actually is at odds with the Universe.

Do you really get that?

In yesterday’s post I promised to reveal the most powerful prosperity power there is.   That power is FAITH.

Now here’s what you have to understand to make it work for you:

You receive abundance in direct proportion to how you understand and comply with the laws of prosperity; the laws of our being.

It’s worth reading that last sentence again.  Prosperity is possible for you, not because you make a prayer, and God (or the Universe) responds favorably to your plea.  The fundamentalists miss the mark believing that abundance comes from begging God for favors. Contrary to popular belief, God is not a cosmic Santa Claus, making a list and checking it twice, trying to find out who’s naughty and nice.

And God doesn’t choose sides either.  Trust me, when the Lakers were praying that basket went in, and the Celtics were praying that it rolled out, God had better things to do.

I believe the atheists miss the mark as well, believing that abundance comes from luck, destiny, or random chance.   And it should go without saying, but won’t, that prosperity doesn’t happen because you sit home watching “The Secret” on endless loop.

Prosperity comes because you believe in it, believe you are worthy of it, and finally, expect it to manifest.  That is how you put faith in action.

So the three questions for you today are:
1)    Do you believe prosperity is a natural state?
2)    Do you believe you are worthy of it?
3)    Do you expect it?

Please check in with your answers below.  Then in tomorrow’s post, we’ll continue the discussion and I’ll reveal how you unleash the awesome power of faith in your life.


32 comments on “The Sin of Poverty”

  1. Great post Randy, it's an interesting thought to ponder for sure...

    1. I definitely believe that prosperity is a natural state... Look at the universe... Plants, wildlife and everything is naturally abundant. Everything is naturally abundant. I think that humans are the one's that put limits on things and enforce scarcity... they limit things. Hold oil and gold to sell it at higher prices. There is plenty of everything everywhere.

    2. Definitely worthy of it, If not me who else? Everyone can be! it's a choice!

    3. I expect it as well... I expect it because I have and continue to give value into the marketplace. If you give value you should expect value in return... and if you are constantly increasing your value in the marketplace in both reaching more people and delivering more value to each person then you deserve it and more of it as time goes on!

    I don't really know if poverty or wealth is either spiritual or not... I think they are both neutral in someway and it depends on the person whether or not they are spiritual or not.

    I do think that people who live in and from abundance bring more value to the world and help more people... I believe everyone should be giving more value in the world and trying to make more so they can give more... I like what Dov baron say's... "We need more wealthy people with souls"

    Thanks for the awesome post randy!


  2. Dear Randy! Just sending you a simple "Thank you" FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! Have a beautiful day and stay blessed forever! Lots of LOVE from Almaty, Karina

  3. Prosperity is a Divine right upon a choice we can make. It is part of abundance that is within us and outside for us. As you teach, it is a conscious choice - a mind set.

    To believe in prosperity is to believe that we have the right of it, but deserve it is something more then the right itself. To deserve it we got to go for it with our actions leaded by the "faith" of our Divine right to have it. Then the "gift" manifest in our reality through our actions persuading progress everyday. Like David King mentioned above, this progress has to be based on the improvement of bringing value to others.

  4. Well, here's another shocking truth:

    People don't know who and what they are, where they come from, what they're doing or where they're going.

    There is power in "faith", but knowing is better.

  5. Randy,

    I agree that prosperity is a natural state. I think it is when you live in the positive emotions. I believe that God loves me and wants me to have unlimited success. There is no lack or limitation with God.

    I am worthy of it. This one in the subconscious I still struggle with.

    I expect it. I also originally thought that when people said demand of God, I heard my parents voice saying "Who do you think you are/" I have had to clear this out and no that God wants me to have the universe bring to me the things I faithfully emotionally know are mine.

    I liked when you said that "you knew this while you were still poor." Could you tell us how this transition went for you during that time. When did you notice things were different.

    PS..One time at Unity Village during the depression their was a copy machine they owed money on and the sheriff came to take it away. Charles Fillmore said to the Sheriff, "Leave the copy machine here, I am expecting money, I have a rich father." The sheriff did and the money came in. I guess he was worthy and expecting.

  6. Randy, everything I read in this post is great and true. I believe it.

    I agree on "success and prosperity are our true natural state, and the person who is not rich is actually is at odds with the Universe"... although this is how many of us/them are in today's economy. But, yes, yes, and yes, there is the most powerful prosperity power within us - our FAITH. I'm finding myself getting better at putting words together to make the law of prosperity make sense to those who are unfamiliar by using the conceptual expressions, quotes, and sentences about the true faith/power in relation to how this Universe works. It's almost as if I were talking in front of people about what they're missing. Who knows... my destiny is for me to help people come to grasp the reality - the fact of life - God - Creator.... however one thing that is missing is ... that I haven't experienced the manifestation of the prosperity [], so I simply would turn out to look like some sort of a weirdo.. whereas you're POWERFUL just because you have manifested the prosperity in the physical realm, and that you're a walking demonstration of how faith/God/universe works.

    [Do you really get that?]

    Yes, I do, Randy. You're awesome and I will be, too, someday....very soon 🙂
    ..Coz I do have simple child-like faith by birth. 🙂

    So my answers to three questions are:
    1) I believe prosperity is a natural state
    2) I believe I'm ABSOLUTELY and DEFINITELY worthy of it.
    3) YES YES YES!! I expect it.

    Thanks for being there for us and for me. I am closing this comment by saying 'good night.' I see from my livingroom the pastel orangish sky above the water, as the sun has already gone down. It's already 8:30 p.m. but it's still amazingly light out...just as my heart is lifted up with faith, hope, many positive thoughts, faith..and the idea of what I'm going to eat. lol Thank you again, Randy, for being so inpirational. I'm sending you my BIG hug, with big smiles::: -Saachi

  7. I hear this sometimes, and whereas it feels all "self-helpy" and "abundant mindset" and all of that, and I get it that we really DO have a lot of opportunity, what about when someone is CAUSED to be poor-

    Like when it is OUR FAULT that someone else is poor- as in, it's OUR PURPOSEFUL doing?

    Like in "I have tricked someone into giving me their land, and killed them, and made them dependent on me, and I'm corrupt as all hell so I can keep power and keep them poor".

    What about then?

    If something is a "Natural Law", then it ALWAYS works, right?

    I got an idea! Let's drop a bunch of Randy's books into Somalia!

  8. 1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state?

    I believe for the most part it is a collective state. Not to say it can't happen naturally to a select few while others fail to experience prosperity, I just think collectively is the only way to prosper successfully without a collapse of sorts. More of an Evolution.

    2) Do you believe you are worthy of it?

    Only if others are experiencing prosperity as well. Not the exact same level or type of prosperity, but experiencing prosperity to some degree.

    3) Do you expect it?

    Prosperity? I'm not sinking in any black holes right now, so yes, I am experiencing prosperity at the moment.

  9. 1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state?
    Yes - you have to be un-taught
    2) Do you believe you are worthy of it?
    Yes - after many years of deprogramming
    3) Do you expect it?
    Yes - every day

  10. 1) Do I believe prosperity is a natural state? - Yes
    2) Do you believe you are worthy of it? - Sometimes
    3) Do you expect it? - Sometimes

    I believe on the surface that I'm worthy, but it's obvious from my actions that I believe that I'm not. Of course this makes the expectation part rather difficult to accomplish. Your numbered items logically follow each other.

  11. Prosperity as our natural state? of course...look at the ease in which nature moves and grows year after year. Grass never struggles to grow.

    Am I worthy of it? Of course, as a Loving Child of an Abundant God it is my birthright- though most religious organizations and parents brainwash you to believe otherwise.

    Do I expect it? LOL...not always. I am working on ALLOWING it to naturally grace my life as it does nature. It's my limiting beliefs that stop the natural flow. Then I gently remind myself to look at nature, and experience the ease and gentleness of flow there:)

    LOVE IT!

  12. I don't think poverty is a sin, nor is abundance. What is a sin is the fact that people don't accept that they get exactly what they need. Live is perfect. Accept it.

  13. I believe on the surface that I’m worthy, but it’s obvious from my actions that I believe that I’m not.

    I understand this completely Terre - my actions are speaking louder than my belief and they are saying "no"

    Time for a change eh?

  14. Well, first - before I respond... I have to evaluate my paradigms. I seriously thought the most powerful force of prosperity was thought.. and I tried to argue with you for a second.

    "How can one have faith without thought first?"

    But as soon as I said it, I realized ... wait.. one can have thought without faith... said differently: one can think thoughts of lack and have the lottery/poverty mentality... of course, this does not practice faith.

    With faith, mmm.. just realized - and I ask for confirmation on this thought... with faith - it's the thoughts that are nurtured and hence a prosperity mindset it developed... (?)

    Anyway.. Lovely little tangent you put me on this morning; thank you!
    Answering to your questions:
    1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state?
    Yessir. Poverty is most unnatural.
    2) Do you believe you are worthy of it?
    Yes. But daily, I find levels where my beliefs are flawed.
    3) Do you expect it?
    I expect to receive prosperity in the exact ratio with my altered mental condition. And so I earnestly apply myself to remedy my belief flaws. (sorry.. couldn't find a better way to say it than Allen)

  15. Trust me, when the Lakers were praying that basket went in, and the Celtics were praying that it rolled out, God had better things to do.

    Love that! Prosperity and humor go so well together. When I'm not feeling my prosperity, my sense of humor is one of the first things to go.

  16. I love this since it's completely consistent with what Wattles says in "The Science of Getting Rich".. When you add Gratitude and Purpose to the equation it adds even more the manifesting power!

    Staying on purpose with the knowledge that abundance is our birthright and that it flows effortlessly into my Life and that I'm worthy and grateful for all I receive is how I live my Life.

    Thanks Randy.

  17. So this is how I understand this concept:
    Prosperity is a graduated scale. For some, a breath is prosperity, to another 10 billion dollars is prosperity.
    Each person is where they are because that is where their faith is in themselves i.e. they are worthy of a daily beating or their daily blessing.
    And we believe and expect to be at our level of prosperity and have faith that it will materialize as we truely knew it would (not just hope it would). i.e. if we know that if we relocate things will be better in some way, they will and if we know that no matter where we go, things will be the same, they will be, regardless of how much we hope they wont be.
    If we'd like things to be different, that's nice but they wont be until we KNOW they will be different.
    So Randy, does TRUE FAITH = KNOWING?
    So, am I way off the mark?
    Enjoy your today, it is yours, just remember it does lead to your tomorrow.

  18. and I guess our present level of prosperity is our true time barometer showing us exactly what we currently "know" we deserve. Our current faith in our worth got us to this current level of prosperity.

  19. I have started to realize that prosperity is surrendering to God's will...believing that what God wants for us is bigger than what we imagine for ourselves... Having FAITH.

    It is being open... and we may think we are open to God's will, but are we really?

    "Success and prosperity are your true natural state. The person who is not abundant is actually is at odds with the Universe." Randy Gage

    I heard Janet Attwood (co-creator of "The Passion Test) say in a video that "Only 20% of the worlds population are passionate about what they do."

    I think passion is a party of 80% of the population are not passionate about what they do...

    I also think if you know your spiritual gifts & are working in them you are living your life's purpose... and you will be passionate about what you are doing.

    Janet Attwood also said "what you love and God's will for you are one and the same."

    So I think that becoming clear on what you really love...your passions... are important to becoming prosperous.

    "You are happy living a passionate are not contracted in your gift and you are giving to others...
    The real purpose on this planet is to give but in order to give you must first have...
    When you have something & you give it, then you are the receiver" (Janet Attwood- notes I took from her workshop)

    "Prosperity comes because you believe in it, believe you are worthy of it, and finally, expect it to manifest. That is how you put faith in action.

    So the three questions for you today are:
    1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state?
    2) Do you believe you are worthy of it?
    3) Do you expect it?"

    Yes. Yes. Yes!

  20. 1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state? I think the question is more basic. Do you know prosperity is a natural state? "I believe" is a sacred saying and something as simple and difficult as prosperity is either so or it is not. Who 'believes' in golf or Doge Vipers? Who believes in baseball bats or man walking on the moon? They are all real and solid portions of truth and anyone living on this planet that looks around has to see the opportunity for prosperity is everywhere or they are blind. It is a 'light' switch that turns the current set of circumstances of having yourself rummaging around in the dark abyss of helplessness and in a nanosecond the lights are on. The circumstances have not changed but what and where you must turn, how you may clean up the situation is all visible. Turn on the lights! Prosperity is true and as real as buying a television or watching the sunset every evening in the Andes Mountains.

    2) Do you believe you are worthy of it? Again the question is, are you worthy of it. Argue for your limitations and sure enough they are yours. Your saying so makes it so for you. Belief is not the muscle to work here. While the world keeps saying you are not worthy in so many thousand ways you must say otherwise. Your saying so makes it so. The path is ‘the way to get what you want is want what you got.’ Look and see if the most precious and wonderful moments of your life have occurred as miracles and disappeared all too quickly while the stuff you cannot stand hangs around forever. THAT IS YOU doing it. Whatever you resist persists. Once you are grateful and see the wonder in what you have it will disappear and something else will appear in its place. You can have everything and anything you are willing to take a stand for having.

    3) Do you expect it? I have used ‘expectations’ to assess the cause of upsets. There is a gap between what I expect and what actually is occurring. You can change your expectations, once you notice what they are and the underlying rule or rules you have adopted that are running the show right now. Some rules made sense when I was three but have never made sense since and only and always when triggered produce a three year olds upset and associated tantrum. [The best of us hide these very well.] Each rule I adopt is associated with one or more commitments. Should I keep the commitment, modify it or be a voice for it? What is my underlying commitment and how may I express it to have agreement and alignment? Do I intend prosperity in my world and all those around me? I do. Do I support it occurring for everyone or only a select group I deem worthy? Does it come after producing all the ‘merit’ badges for it or do I support its appearance now, and now and now and now and now… My experience is for far too many people, the people we associate with, play a large role in our ability to have prosperity occur. Rocks are hard, water is wet, and the poor will always be here. You don’t have to be one. Turn on the light switch. Stop doubting. Quit looking for reasons it won’t happen and see that it will. It is your saying so. You say the way it is now.

  21. Intellectually it may be easy to answer "yes" to all three questions. Who wouldn't? But how are we answering them subconsciously? Our results are the indicator. Are you happy? Healthy? Rich? This is the truth of how we are answering the 3 questions posed by Randy. One caveat: results are a trailing indicator so there may be some lag time.

  22. Do you think we're all interconnected? If so, is there a global prosperity that we're all responsible and worthy of?

  23. Hi Randy! I wanted to mention that I've heard about you for many years but have not made the effort to purchase any of your material. My bad! Got a couple of your CDs and DVDs, books, etc and I have to say.....You mirror 98% of my thoughts. Incredible job. Your humor and insights on the industry etc. is contagious enough to spread to others...I am one of the top producers with my company and have been my company over 21 years. My immediate sponsor is one of the top producers in the industry. In saying this.....How did I not have any of your material.....Big mistake. I'm impressed.


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  • 32 comments on “The Sin of Poverty”

    1. Great post Randy, it's an interesting thought to ponder for sure...

      1. I definitely believe that prosperity is a natural state... Look at the universe... Plants, wildlife and everything is naturally abundant. Everything is naturally abundant. I think that humans are the one's that put limits on things and enforce scarcity... they limit things. Hold oil and gold to sell it at higher prices. There is plenty of everything everywhere.

      2. Definitely worthy of it, If not me who else? Everyone can be! it's a choice!

      3. I expect it as well... I expect it because I have and continue to give value into the marketplace. If you give value you should expect value in return... and if you are constantly increasing your value in the marketplace in both reaching more people and delivering more value to each person then you deserve it and more of it as time goes on!

      I don't really know if poverty or wealth is either spiritual or not... I think they are both neutral in someway and it depends on the person whether or not they are spiritual or not.

      I do think that people who live in and from abundance bring more value to the world and help more people... I believe everyone should be giving more value in the world and trying to make more so they can give more... I like what Dov baron say's... "We need more wealthy people with souls"

      Thanks for the awesome post randy!


    2. Dear Randy! Just sending you a simple "Thank you" FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! Have a beautiful day and stay blessed forever! Lots of LOVE from Almaty, Karina

    3. Prosperity is a Divine right upon a choice we can make. It is part of abundance that is within us and outside for us. As you teach, it is a conscious choice - a mind set.

      To believe in prosperity is to believe that we have the right of it, but deserve it is something more then the right itself. To deserve it we got to go for it with our actions leaded by the "faith" of our Divine right to have it. Then the "gift" manifest in our reality through our actions persuading progress everyday. Like David King mentioned above, this progress has to be based on the improvement of bringing value to others.

    4. Well, here's another shocking truth:

      People don't know who and what they are, where they come from, what they're doing or where they're going.

      There is power in "faith", but knowing is better.

    5. Randy,

      I agree that prosperity is a natural state. I think it is when you live in the positive emotions. I believe that God loves me and wants me to have unlimited success. There is no lack or limitation with God.

      I am worthy of it. This one in the subconscious I still struggle with.

      I expect it. I also originally thought that when people said demand of God, I heard my parents voice saying "Who do you think you are/" I have had to clear this out and no that God wants me to have the universe bring to me the things I faithfully emotionally know are mine.

      I liked when you said that "you knew this while you were still poor." Could you tell us how this transition went for you during that time. When did you notice things were different.

      PS..One time at Unity Village during the depression their was a copy machine they owed money on and the sheriff came to take it away. Charles Fillmore said to the Sheriff, "Leave the copy machine here, I am expecting money, I have a rich father." The sheriff did and the money came in. I guess he was worthy and expecting.

    6. Randy, everything I read in this post is great and true. I believe it.

      I agree on "success and prosperity are our true natural state, and the person who is not rich is actually is at odds with the Universe"... although this is how many of us/them are in today's economy. But, yes, yes, and yes, there is the most powerful prosperity power within us - our FAITH. I'm finding myself getting better at putting words together to make the law of prosperity make sense to those who are unfamiliar by using the conceptual expressions, quotes, and sentences about the true faith/power in relation to how this Universe works. It's almost as if I were talking in front of people about what they're missing. Who knows... my destiny is for me to help people come to grasp the reality - the fact of life - God - Creator.... however one thing that is missing is ... that I haven't experienced the manifestation of the prosperity [], so I simply would turn out to look like some sort of a weirdo.. whereas you're POWERFUL just because you have manifested the prosperity in the physical realm, and that you're a walking demonstration of how faith/God/universe works.

      [Do you really get that?]

      Yes, I do, Randy. You're awesome and I will be, too, someday....very soon 🙂
      ..Coz I do have simple child-like faith by birth. 🙂

      So my answers to three questions are:
      1) I believe prosperity is a natural state
      2) I believe I'm ABSOLUTELY and DEFINITELY worthy of it.
      3) YES YES YES!! I expect it.

      Thanks for being there for us and for me. I am closing this comment by saying 'good night.' I see from my livingroom the pastel orangish sky above the water, as the sun has already gone down. It's already 8:30 p.m. but it's still amazingly light out...just as my heart is lifted up with faith, hope, many positive thoughts, faith..and the idea of what I'm going to eat. lol Thank you again, Randy, for being so inpirational. I'm sending you my BIG hug, with big smiles::: -Saachi

    7. I hear this sometimes, and whereas it feels all "self-helpy" and "abundant mindset" and all of that, and I get it that we really DO have a lot of opportunity, what about when someone is CAUSED to be poor-

      Like when it is OUR FAULT that someone else is poor- as in, it's OUR PURPOSEFUL doing?

      Like in "I have tricked someone into giving me their land, and killed them, and made them dependent on me, and I'm corrupt as all hell so I can keep power and keep them poor".

      What about then?

      If something is a "Natural Law", then it ALWAYS works, right?

      I got an idea! Let's drop a bunch of Randy's books into Somalia!

    8. 1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state?

      I believe for the most part it is a collective state. Not to say it can't happen naturally to a select few while others fail to experience prosperity, I just think collectively is the only way to prosper successfully without a collapse of sorts. More of an Evolution.

      2) Do you believe you are worthy of it?

      Only if others are experiencing prosperity as well. Not the exact same level or type of prosperity, but experiencing prosperity to some degree.

      3) Do you expect it?

      Prosperity? I'm not sinking in any black holes right now, so yes, I am experiencing prosperity at the moment.

    9. 1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state?
      Yes - you have to be un-taught
      2) Do you believe you are worthy of it?
      Yes - after many years of deprogramming
      3) Do you expect it?
      Yes - every day

    10. 1) Do I believe prosperity is a natural state? - Yes
      2) Do you believe you are worthy of it? - Sometimes
      3) Do you expect it? - Sometimes

      I believe on the surface that I'm worthy, but it's obvious from my actions that I believe that I'm not. Of course this makes the expectation part rather difficult to accomplish. Your numbered items logically follow each other.

    11. Prosperity as our natural state? of course...look at the ease in which nature moves and grows year after year. Grass never struggles to grow.

      Am I worthy of it? Of course, as a Loving Child of an Abundant God it is my birthright- though most religious organizations and parents brainwash you to believe otherwise.

      Do I expect it? LOL...not always. I am working on ALLOWING it to naturally grace my life as it does nature. It's my limiting beliefs that stop the natural flow. Then I gently remind myself to look at nature, and experience the ease and gentleness of flow there:)

      LOVE IT!

    12. I don't think poverty is a sin, nor is abundance. What is a sin is the fact that people don't accept that they get exactly what they need. Live is perfect. Accept it.

    13. I believe on the surface that I’m worthy, but it’s obvious from my actions that I believe that I’m not.

      I understand this completely Terre - my actions are speaking louder than my belief and they are saying "no"

      Time for a change eh?

    14. Well, first - before I respond... I have to evaluate my paradigms. I seriously thought the most powerful force of prosperity was thought.. and I tried to argue with you for a second.

      "How can one have faith without thought first?"

      But as soon as I said it, I realized ... wait.. one can have thought without faith... said differently: one can think thoughts of lack and have the lottery/poverty mentality... of course, this does not practice faith.

      With faith, mmm.. just realized - and I ask for confirmation on this thought... with faith - it's the thoughts that are nurtured and hence a prosperity mindset it developed... (?)

      Anyway.. Lovely little tangent you put me on this morning; thank you!
      Answering to your questions:
      1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state?
      Yessir. Poverty is most unnatural.
      2) Do you believe you are worthy of it?
      Yes. But daily, I find levels where my beliefs are flawed.
      3) Do you expect it?
      I expect to receive prosperity in the exact ratio with my altered mental condition. And so I earnestly apply myself to remedy my belief flaws. (sorry.. couldn't find a better way to say it than Allen)

    15. Trust me, when the Lakers were praying that basket went in, and the Celtics were praying that it rolled out, God had better things to do.

      Love that! Prosperity and humor go so well together. When I'm not feeling my prosperity, my sense of humor is one of the first things to go.

    16. I love this since it's completely consistent with what Wattles says in "The Science of Getting Rich".. When you add Gratitude and Purpose to the equation it adds even more the manifesting power!

      Staying on purpose with the knowledge that abundance is our birthright and that it flows effortlessly into my Life and that I'm worthy and grateful for all I receive is how I live my Life.

      Thanks Randy.

    17. So this is how I understand this concept:
      Prosperity is a graduated scale. For some, a breath is prosperity, to another 10 billion dollars is prosperity.
      Each person is where they are because that is where their faith is in themselves i.e. they are worthy of a daily beating or their daily blessing.
      And we believe and expect to be at our level of prosperity and have faith that it will materialize as we truely knew it would (not just hope it would). i.e. if we know that if we relocate things will be better in some way, they will and if we know that no matter where we go, things will be the same, they will be, regardless of how much we hope they wont be.
      If we'd like things to be different, that's nice but they wont be until we KNOW they will be different.
      So Randy, does TRUE FAITH = KNOWING?
      So, am I way off the mark?
      Enjoy your today, it is yours, just remember it does lead to your tomorrow.

    18. and I guess our present level of prosperity is our true time barometer showing us exactly what we currently "know" we deserve. Our current faith in our worth got us to this current level of prosperity.

    19. I have started to realize that prosperity is surrendering to God's will...believing that what God wants for us is bigger than what we imagine for ourselves... Having FAITH.

      It is being open... and we may think we are open to God's will, but are we really?

      "Success and prosperity are your true natural state. The person who is not abundant is actually is at odds with the Universe." Randy Gage

      I heard Janet Attwood (co-creator of "The Passion Test) say in a video that "Only 20% of the worlds population are passionate about what they do."

      I think passion is a party of 80% of the population are not passionate about what they do...

      I also think if you know your spiritual gifts & are working in them you are living your life's purpose... and you will be passionate about what you are doing.

      Janet Attwood also said "what you love and God's will for you are one and the same."

      So I think that becoming clear on what you really love...your passions... are important to becoming prosperous.

      "You are happy living a passionate are not contracted in your gift and you are giving to others...
      The real purpose on this planet is to give but in order to give you must first have...
      When you have something & you give it, then you are the receiver" (Janet Attwood- notes I took from her workshop)

      "Prosperity comes because you believe in it, believe you are worthy of it, and finally, expect it to manifest. That is how you put faith in action.

      So the three questions for you today are:
      1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state?
      2) Do you believe you are worthy of it?
      3) Do you expect it?"

      Yes. Yes. Yes!

    20. 1) Do you believe prosperity is a natural state? I think the question is more basic. Do you know prosperity is a natural state? "I believe" is a sacred saying and something as simple and difficult as prosperity is either so or it is not. Who 'believes' in golf or Doge Vipers? Who believes in baseball bats or man walking on the moon? They are all real and solid portions of truth and anyone living on this planet that looks around has to see the opportunity for prosperity is everywhere or they are blind. It is a 'light' switch that turns the current set of circumstances of having yourself rummaging around in the dark abyss of helplessness and in a nanosecond the lights are on. The circumstances have not changed but what and where you must turn, how you may clean up the situation is all visible. Turn on the lights! Prosperity is true and as real as buying a television or watching the sunset every evening in the Andes Mountains.

      2) Do you believe you are worthy of it? Again the question is, are you worthy of it. Argue for your limitations and sure enough they are yours. Your saying so makes it so for you. Belief is not the muscle to work here. While the world keeps saying you are not worthy in so many thousand ways you must say otherwise. Your saying so makes it so. The path is ‘the way to get what you want is want what you got.’ Look and see if the most precious and wonderful moments of your life have occurred as miracles and disappeared all too quickly while the stuff you cannot stand hangs around forever. THAT IS YOU doing it. Whatever you resist persists. Once you are grateful and see the wonder in what you have it will disappear and something else will appear in its place. You can have everything and anything you are willing to take a stand for having.

      3) Do you expect it? I have used ‘expectations’ to assess the cause of upsets. There is a gap between what I expect and what actually is occurring. You can change your expectations, once you notice what they are and the underlying rule or rules you have adopted that are running the show right now. Some rules made sense when I was three but have never made sense since and only and always when triggered produce a three year olds upset and associated tantrum. [The best of us hide these very well.] Each rule I adopt is associated with one or more commitments. Should I keep the commitment, modify it or be a voice for it? What is my underlying commitment and how may I express it to have agreement and alignment? Do I intend prosperity in my world and all those around me? I do. Do I support it occurring for everyone or only a select group I deem worthy? Does it come after producing all the ‘merit’ badges for it or do I support its appearance now, and now and now and now and now… My experience is for far too many people, the people we associate with, play a large role in our ability to have prosperity occur. Rocks are hard, water is wet, and the poor will always be here. You don’t have to be one. Turn on the light switch. Stop doubting. Quit looking for reasons it won’t happen and see that it will. It is your saying so. You say the way it is now.

    21. Intellectually it may be easy to answer "yes" to all three questions. Who wouldn't? But how are we answering them subconsciously? Our results are the indicator. Are you happy? Healthy? Rich? This is the truth of how we are answering the 3 questions posed by Randy. One caveat: results are a trailing indicator so there may be some lag time.

    22. Do you think we're all interconnected? If so, is there a global prosperity that we're all responsible and worthy of?

    23. Hi Randy! I wanted to mention that I've heard about you for many years but have not made the effort to purchase any of your material. My bad! Got a couple of your CDs and DVDs, books, etc and I have to say.....You mirror 98% of my thoughts. Incredible job. Your humor and insights on the industry etc. is contagious enough to spread to others...I am one of the top producers with my company and have been my company over 21 years. My immediate sponsor is one of the top producers in the industry. In saying this.....How did I not have any of your material.....Big mistake. I'm impressed.


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