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The Rewards of Higher Consciousness

Posted By: Randy GageApril 30, 2009

Lot’s of great comments and insights on the recent post on changing your consciousness.  Check them out here if you haven’t read it.  Later we said that you can speed up the process of changing your consciousness.   And that is exciting.  Because changing your consciousness changes everything…

Here are some of the things you can expect when you move to a more positive mindset and develop your consciousness:

You will notice opportunities you previously would have missed.
You will attempt greater things that previously you would have not tried.
You will accomplish many of these new daring projects.
You will attract people of higher consciousness around you.
People vibrating at lower consciousness will start to avoid you.
You’ll feel much better about yourself.
Your health will improve dramatically.
You’ll make a lot more money.
You’ll have some very special people in your life.

Ain’t it great!  And it all starts with the power of your next thought.  So what’s that going to be?


P.S. For you guys in Brazil and Portugal, I’m happy to say that my last book is now available in Portuguese.  You can find it here.

18 comments on “The Rewards of Higher Consciousness”

  1. Good morning, Randy. I LOVE this post! It's so true and I've tested it. Two of my friends asked, "what's going on with you? You're more happy?" Thank you for your thoughtfulness and clear explanations of these ideas. All good things, Denise

  2. It is great to connect with you again. I like this post on the speeding up of changing your consciousness.

    There is one peace I have found to be true for myself which adds to this is the more I am relaxed and can be with my discomfort in a relaxed and playful state then amazing changes and opportunities and people magically appear.

    My 15 YO daughter wrote a great blog about it.

    Thanks Randy for setting the bar high for up to reach

  3. Hey, good morning from Denver! What a great post!
    Developing my consciousness is a goal I work on daily.
    Some days are better than others but overall I am in a better place than I was even a year ago.

    Thanks Randy for all your insights!

  4. yes Randy.. the wellbeing is a process, Iwant to be there .. I think participatnig with you in this blog help a lot, because to find people in many parts of the world, that think and fell like you is a begining... but for me the secret is taking action,, and i noticed thata I can change my toughts, my feellings ,but the real change is taking action,,, and that is a big issue..

  5. That is what I was thinking about today. If I have a positive mindset and subconsciousness what I actually get in return.
    Good points.

  6. My thought today is gratitude.
    I am a positive upbeat person most of the time, though I've just come through a bit of a rough couple of weeks which even dragged me down a bit. Thank you Randy for providing this forum which helps us to express and clear ourselves so rapidly.
    Have a fun weekend.
    Many Blessings

  7. Randy, perhaps your post today is one of the rewards
    of months in higher consciousness by
    your readers!
    Thanks enormously, Phil :-]

  8. I have been doing this for years... after reading what you mentioned today Randy,im convinced!!! The more upbeat and positive i have become the lower conscious people i know reallly do disappear!! Then here's the best,since im self employed,everytime i have an upbeat supercharged positive mood,attitude,vibration,MY PHONE rings... what ive lso realized thru lots of different ways of wanting to stop being vicitimized by my older sister is I've told her many times im not willling to argue and be at constant battle with her,i have become stronger within my Self!! I have reallly been working at not reacting to her negative or Bullly attitude or comments!! the value of how important our thoughts are and emotions really is simple!!! we reallly do attract what we feel or think!!! Im laughing today because i tried your suggestions!! Have been in observation mode!!! went to lunch today~~~ which was beyond yummy~~ was and still am in an UPBEAT mood.. the wait staff knows me and we were laughing and having a like minded conversation abt tons of things!!! RANDY ,thanks so very much for being a huge gift in my life!!! have a beautiful day

  9. I am reading and re-reading a great book by Alan Cohen called "Relax into Wealth".. It's filled with many similar principles you mention. In particular he shares how one woman he knows writes the following on all her checks"..Every dollar I spend enriches the economy, blesses those it touches and returns to me multiplied"... I've started doing this. And yes, it's all about gratitude which is where I am now. I'm also in the inquiry into the WHY I desire things in my Life, as it's the foundation of prosperity. Thanks Randy.

  10. My next few thoughts are about the great things I have planned for the next 2-3 weeks - spending time with my only cousin tomorrow, visiting Prague next weekend and seeing Swan Lake at the Prague State Opera, meeting new people in Brno, my next destination, and jumping into my first Ferrari - in the driver's seat no less! and finding some interesting work there that can keep my trip going along for a few more months yet so that I can visit all of the places on my wish list. That feels so much better!

  11. Positive thinking has a way of making things work out in the end. Get the right mindset and the things you might be surprised at what you can do! Great blog. Look forward to more!!

  12. Randy, I love your blogs. I enjoy my time each time I visit here.

    It is true that our conscious thoughts do reflect on what will happen, and amazingly did bring a LOT OF things in alignment with what I put faith in in my life. In fact, I shouldn't even use the word 'amazing,' because it is just the way it works between the physical and spiritual relms. This includes, of course, the negative thoughts do the same, so we always have to be careful about how and what we think. The positive thoughts do have such a power !!

    A change for the better takes time. It's a process and we learn many things along the way, and during this process, we encounter situations and good as well as bad people - whom we would never encounter otherwise and we learn a lot of things from them.

    There is one thing, though, that I don't want to compromise. My life principle. That is: I hope not to let my succes determine my attitude and the degree of care/love for others BUT to let faith, positive thinking, and the right attitude in consideration for others determine my success.


  13. It's always good to see what you have up Randy; always positive and moving forward.

  14. But I watched the secret 20 times and my Mercedes still hasn't driven itself into my driveway!???

    Just kidding...

    GREAT post Obi Wan and oh so true!


  15. Thank you, Randy.

    I am noticing (and feeling) a shift going on. The list you gave above hit on some elements that I was not acknowledging - a good reminder.

    I appreciate your insights into the growth process. Busting through our limitations and making the most of our potential and our time here is what it's all about.


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  • 18 comments on “The Rewards of Higher Consciousness”

    1. Good morning, Randy. I LOVE this post! It's so true and I've tested it. Two of my friends asked, "what's going on with you? You're more happy?" Thank you for your thoughtfulness and clear explanations of these ideas. All good things, Denise

    2. It is great to connect with you again. I like this post on the speeding up of changing your consciousness.

      There is one peace I have found to be true for myself which adds to this is the more I am relaxed and can be with my discomfort in a relaxed and playful state then amazing changes and opportunities and people magically appear.

      My 15 YO daughter wrote a great blog about it.

      Thanks Randy for setting the bar high for up to reach

    3. Hey, good morning from Denver! What a great post!
      Developing my consciousness is a goal I work on daily.
      Some days are better than others but overall I am in a better place than I was even a year ago.

      Thanks Randy for all your insights!

    4. yes Randy.. the wellbeing is a process, Iwant to be there .. I think participatnig with you in this blog help a lot, because to find people in many parts of the world, that think and fell like you is a begining... but for me the secret is taking action,, and i noticed thata I can change my toughts, my feellings ,but the real change is taking action,,, and that is a big issue..

    5. That is what I was thinking about today. If I have a positive mindset and subconsciousness what I actually get in return.
      Good points.

    6. My thought today is gratitude.
      I am a positive upbeat person most of the time, though I've just come through a bit of a rough couple of weeks which even dragged me down a bit. Thank you Randy for providing this forum which helps us to express and clear ourselves so rapidly.
      Have a fun weekend.
      Many Blessings

    7. Randy, perhaps your post today is one of the rewards
      of months in higher consciousness by
      your readers!
      Thanks enormously, Phil :-]

    8. I have been doing this for years... after reading what you mentioned today Randy,im convinced!!! The more upbeat and positive i have become the lower conscious people i know reallly do disappear!! Then here's the best,since im self employed,everytime i have an upbeat supercharged positive mood,attitude,vibration,MY PHONE rings... what ive lso realized thru lots of different ways of wanting to stop being vicitimized by my older sister is I've told her many times im not willling to argue and be at constant battle with her,i have become stronger within my Self!! I have reallly been working at not reacting to her negative or Bullly attitude or comments!! the value of how important our thoughts are and emotions really is simple!!! we reallly do attract what we feel or think!!! Im laughing today because i tried your suggestions!! Have been in observation mode!!! went to lunch today~~~ which was beyond yummy~~ was and still am in an UPBEAT mood.. the wait staff knows me and we were laughing and having a like minded conversation abt tons of things!!! RANDY ,thanks so very much for being a huge gift in my life!!! have a beautiful day

    9. I am reading and re-reading a great book by Alan Cohen called "Relax into Wealth".. It's filled with many similar principles you mention. In particular he shares how one woman he knows writes the following on all her checks"..Every dollar I spend enriches the economy, blesses those it touches and returns to me multiplied"... I've started doing this. And yes, it's all about gratitude which is where I am now. I'm also in the inquiry into the WHY I desire things in my Life, as it's the foundation of prosperity. Thanks Randy.

    10. My next few thoughts are about the great things I have planned for the next 2-3 weeks - spending time with my only cousin tomorrow, visiting Prague next weekend and seeing Swan Lake at the Prague State Opera, meeting new people in Brno, my next destination, and jumping into my first Ferrari - in the driver's seat no less! and finding some interesting work there that can keep my trip going along for a few more months yet so that I can visit all of the places on my wish list. That feels so much better!

    11. Positive thinking has a way of making things work out in the end. Get the right mindset and the things you might be surprised at what you can do! Great blog. Look forward to more!!

    12. Randy, I love your blogs. I enjoy my time each time I visit here.

      It is true that our conscious thoughts do reflect on what will happen, and amazingly did bring a LOT OF things in alignment with what I put faith in in my life. In fact, I shouldn't even use the word 'amazing,' because it is just the way it works between the physical and spiritual relms. This includes, of course, the negative thoughts do the same, so we always have to be careful about how and what we think. The positive thoughts do have such a power !!

      A change for the better takes time. It's a process and we learn many things along the way, and during this process, we encounter situations and good as well as bad people - whom we would never encounter otherwise and we learn a lot of things from them.

      There is one thing, though, that I don't want to compromise. My life principle. That is: I hope not to let my succes determine my attitude and the degree of care/love for others BUT to let faith, positive thinking, and the right attitude in consideration for others determine my success.


    13. It's always good to see what you have up Randy; always positive and moving forward.

    14. But I watched the secret 20 times and my Mercedes still hasn't driven itself into my driveway!???

      Just kidding...

      GREAT post Obi Wan and oh so true!


    15. Thank you, Randy.

      I am noticing (and feeling) a shift going on. The list you gave above hit on some elements that I was not acknowledging - a good reminder.

      I appreciate your insights into the growth process. Busting through our limitations and making the most of our potential and our time here is what it's all about.


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