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The Real You

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 4, 2012

Last post I told you there will come a tipping point on your journey toward prosperity consciousness which creates something much more profound than knowledge, insights, or even wisdom….

At that moment you become prosperity consciousness.

The path to prosperity is the highest way, because it is the path to your true being. You are not meant to be poor, sad, or sick.  Yes, you may experience those temporary states.  But those are illusion.  Living a prosperous life – an epic life – that is the life you are meant to live.

You will meet others on the journey.  Some will help you, some will try to hinder you.  All will contribute.  Along the way, you will help others.  Celebrate the time you spend with them.  But know that the moment we are discussing, when you break through the cloud cover and stand on the summit - this last part of the journey you must go alone.

As you make the ascent, you must discard the prejudices you were taught, the mind viruses you were infected with, and the limiting beliefs you bought into.  You release them into the nothingness from which they came.  And step into the immaculate magnificence of YOU.



50 comments on “The Real You”

  1. The summit.
    Sometimes it seems so far away....even for those of us who whole heartedly subscribe to the understanding that our minds manifest our environment.

    I was actually remembering when my transformation into a prosperity consciousness occurred. I don't know how, but it appears to have began around age 14. I was battling clinical depression and suicidal thoughts for a couple of years when I DECIDED my brain controlled everything within me and some things around me. With that knowledge, I DECIDED I would be happy and not depressed. Later they in life, books, experiences and valuable teachers (like you) would reinforce this belief.

    So I stood a distance from the mountain and realized it was climbable. Now I've been climbing for about 12 years (when I discovered personal development). From that angle you can't see the top.

    Thanks for reminding us its there.

  2. The summit.
    Sometimes it seems so far away....even for those of us who whole heartedly subscribe to the understanding that our minds manifest our environment.

    I was actually remembering when my transformation into a prosperity consciousness occurred. I don't know how, but it appears to have began around age 14. I was battling clinical depression and suicidal thoughts for a couple of years when I DECIDED my brain controlled everything within me and some things around me. With that knowledge, I DECIDED I would be happy and not depressed. Later they in life, books, experiences and valuable teachers (like you) would reinforce this belief.

    So I stood a distance from the mountain and realized it was climbable. Now I've been climbing for about 12 years (when I discovered personal development). From that angle you can't see the top.

    Thanks for reminding us its there.

  3. I am so enjoying the journey to discovering my true self... I am aware of a lot of things that go on inside of me & outside.

    I'm creating new experiences for myself, surrounding myself with positive people that help propel me forward & most importantly guarding the gate to my mind... I believe these are the things that help to create new positive beliefs.

  4. I am so enjoying the journey to discovering my true self... I am aware of a lot of things that go on inside of me & outside.

    I'm creating new experiences for myself, surrounding myself with positive people that help propel me forward & most importantly guarding the gate to my mind... I believe these are the things that help to create new positive beliefs.

  5. Well said, as always my friend.

    Rev. Robert Schuller taught me a mantra, many years ago, that is very consisitent with your comments on the journey to being our magnificent self.

    Schuller's legacy quote was "If it is to be, it is up to me." This is not a mantra about going life alone, but instead is a strong statement that life is what each of us makes it. And, that we were created to make a wonderful life.

    Best wishes in '12 and keep the thoughtful, inspiring words and videos coming. I appreciate YOU and your work.

  6. Well said, as always my friend.

    Rev. Robert Schuller taught me a mantra, many years ago, that is very consisitent with your comments on the journey to being our magnificent self.

    Schuller's legacy quote was "If it is to be, it is up to me." This is not a mantra about going life alone, but instead is a strong statement that life is what each of us makes it. And, that we were created to make a wonderful life.

    Best wishes in '12 and keep the thoughtful, inspiring words and videos coming. I appreciate YOU and your work.

  7. Awesomeness RG! And Dave, always love your comments and insights! Happy New Year to all of you in this amazing community!

  8. Awesomeness RG! And Dave, always love your comments and insights! Happy New Year to all of you in this amazing community!

  9. The Journey is a true discovery process as you say. And when holding our Vision in our minds and hearts, we always encounter those that have limiting thoughts and beliefs. When I encounter these people I simply listen and then focusing on being grateful and having Faith. I AM grateful for everything in my Life, including these great insights you provide to all of us. Thank you Randy 🙂

  10. The Journey is a true discovery process as you say. And when holding our Vision in our minds and hearts, we always encounter those that have limiting thoughts and beliefs. When I encounter these people I simply listen and then focusing on being grateful and having Faith. I AM grateful for everything in my Life, including these great insights you provide to all of us. Thank you Randy 🙂

  11. Randy, that is such a terrific visual image --- finally climbing above the cloud layer and seeing the magnificent vistas before me! (Vistas which were always there, but my vision was blocked by the fog of lack beliefs.) I'm going to keep that one in mind as I continue my climb! Thanks!


  12. Randy, that is such a terrific visual image --- finally climbing above the cloud layer and seeing the magnificent vistas before me! (Vistas which were always there, but my vision was blocked by the fog of lack beliefs.) I'm going to keep that one in mind as I continue my climb! Thanks!


  13. Randy, I found something that was my biggest load, all the time I carried... Amazing uncovering... I had it all the time directly in front of my nose..... Marketa

  14. Randy, I found something that was my biggest load, all the time I carried... Amazing uncovering... I had it all the time directly in front of my nose..... Marketa

  15. I see the beauty, grace & magificence of the human potential. Evidence of that beauty & divine order abounds. I can feel the strenghth & honor, beauty and grace of the prosperity, the abdundance and magificence of people everywhere..

  16. I see the beauty, grace & magificence of the human potential. Evidence of that beauty & divine order abounds. I can feel the strenghth & honor, beauty and grace of the prosperity, the abdundance and magificence of people everywhere..

  17. This post reminds me of the book "Hinds feet in high places".

    Queen Margrethe of Denmark commented in her New Years message "that to fellowship is to contribute and that we are all responsible for our futures. Remember to help others along the way and together we will get past the difficulties and on to a bright future". Ok... I paraphrased ... but it was great.

  18. This post reminds me of the book "Hinds feet in high places".

    Queen Margrethe of Denmark commented in her New Years message "that to fellowship is to contribute and that we are all responsible for our futures. Remember to help others along the way and together we will get past the difficulties and on to a bright future". Ok... I paraphrased ... but it was great.

  19. Speaking of Memes, I like to openly endorse "Why You're Dumb, Sick and Broke". "Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke" is a book which everyone should read, few will buy, and even fewer will practice. It has a title you should be afraid of (as was probably Randy's intention), and it confronts practically everything which up until the point you have read it, is true for far too many people. (Sadly) The message inside teaches you about personal responsibility and questioning not only yourself, but the world you live in.It is probably one of the scariest books I have ever read, and I still reread it from time to time.Randy is a lot different from most people who sell us on the idea of living a great life. He's not really a self-help guru, there are plenty of those. "The Secret" the book is not.For one, he is a fan of Ayn Rand which everyone should also read, especially 'The Virtue of Selfishness", and her two major works of fiction: "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead". For those of you who are not familiar with Rand's work, it is very controversial as it considers the trading of value for value (Capitalism) to be good, human beings as rational creatures, that reality is based on fact, rather than wishes, whims, hopes, fears, and that human beings do not exist for the benefit of other human beings.Unlike Rand however, Randy has an emotional side which leaves room for spiritual beliefs and expressing compassion, which Ayn Rand touches on, but in a very rational way. While he is kind, he is also blunt and forward. Randy doesn't believe that magical thoughts will save us, but he does understand the power of many tools which can help us continue to focus on what we value, even when we are unsure of ourselves or the situations we find ourselves in are less than ideal.All in all, I am proud to own a copy. One day I hope to write a book on creativity to act as a companion to writing such as this.

  20. Speaking of Memes, I like to openly endorse "Why You're Dumb, Sick and Broke". "Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke" is a book which everyone should read, few will buy, and even fewer will practice. It has a title you should be afraid of (as was probably Randy's intention), and it confronts practically everything which up until the point you have read it, is true for far too many people. (Sadly) The message inside teaches you about personal responsibility and questioning not only yourself, but the world you live in.It is probably one of the scariest books I have ever read, and I still reread it from time to time.Randy is a lot different from most people who sell us on the idea of living a great life. He's not really a self-help guru, there are plenty of those. "The Secret" the book is not.For one, he is a fan of Ayn Rand which everyone should also read, especially 'The Virtue of Selfishness", and her two major works of fiction: "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead". For those of you who are not familiar with Rand's work, it is very controversial as it considers the trading of value for value (Capitalism) to be good, human beings as rational creatures, that reality is based on fact, rather than wishes, whims, hopes, fears, and that human beings do not exist for the benefit of other human beings.Unlike Rand however, Randy has an emotional side which leaves room for spiritual beliefs and expressing compassion, which Ayn Rand touches on, but in a very rational way. While he is kind, he is also blunt and forward. Randy doesn't believe that magical thoughts will save us, but he does understand the power of many tools which can help us continue to focus on what we value, even when we are unsure of ourselves or the situations we find ourselves in are less than ideal.All in all, I am proud to own a copy. One day I hope to write a book on creativity to act as a companion to writing such as this.

  21. Yes, I am encouraged, inspired and motivated listening to Randy Gage's POWER PROSPERITY PROGRAM - The Science of Creating Wealth'. all of he 6 DVDs /. (The best) . Am getting the wrong people out of my life and am looking forward to meeting 2 important decision making people next week. . Did not realize earlier that incorrect programming is so damaging. .. Thanks vm

  22. Yes, I am encouraged, inspired and motivated listening to Randy Gage's POWER PROSPERITY PROGRAM - The Science of Creating Wealth'. all of he 6 DVDs /. (The best) . Am getting the wrong people out of my life and am looking forward to meeting 2 important decision making people next week. . Did not realize earlier that incorrect programming is so damaging. .. Thanks vm

  23. Thank you Randy, even if you are far away at the other side of the globe,for beeing a wonderful coach! Hope to see you soon again her in Borås!!

  24. Thank you Randy, even if you are far away at the other side of the globe,for beeing a wonderful coach! Hope to see you soon again her in Borås!!

  25. You and I, we will move this world.(by "You", I mean all of you crazy people who are unwilling to accept a life of poverty or mediocrity because someone told you this is OK, or was even downright cruel to you.)

  26. You and I, we will move this world.(by "You", I mean all of you crazy people who are unwilling to accept a life of poverty or mediocrity because someone told you this is OK, or was even downright cruel to you.)

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  • 50 comments on “The Real You”

    1. The summit.
      Sometimes it seems so far away....even for those of us who whole heartedly subscribe to the understanding that our minds manifest our environment.

      I was actually remembering when my transformation into a prosperity consciousness occurred. I don't know how, but it appears to have began around age 14. I was battling clinical depression and suicidal thoughts for a couple of years when I DECIDED my brain controlled everything within me and some things around me. With that knowledge, I DECIDED I would be happy and not depressed. Later they in life, books, experiences and valuable teachers (like you) would reinforce this belief.

      So I stood a distance from the mountain and realized it was climbable. Now I've been climbing for about 12 years (when I discovered personal development). From that angle you can't see the top.

      Thanks for reminding us its there.

    2. The summit.
      Sometimes it seems so far away....even for those of us who whole heartedly subscribe to the understanding that our minds manifest our environment.

      I was actually remembering when my transformation into a prosperity consciousness occurred. I don't know how, but it appears to have began around age 14. I was battling clinical depression and suicidal thoughts for a couple of years when I DECIDED my brain controlled everything within me and some things around me. With that knowledge, I DECIDED I would be happy and not depressed. Later they in life, books, experiences and valuable teachers (like you) would reinforce this belief.

      So I stood a distance from the mountain and realized it was climbable. Now I've been climbing for about 12 years (when I discovered personal development). From that angle you can't see the top.

      Thanks for reminding us its there.

    3. I am so enjoying the journey to discovering my true self... I am aware of a lot of things that go on inside of me & outside.

      I'm creating new experiences for myself, surrounding myself with positive people that help propel me forward & most importantly guarding the gate to my mind... I believe these are the things that help to create new positive beliefs.

    4. I am so enjoying the journey to discovering my true self... I am aware of a lot of things that go on inside of me & outside.

      I'm creating new experiences for myself, surrounding myself with positive people that help propel me forward & most importantly guarding the gate to my mind... I believe these are the things that help to create new positive beliefs.

    5. Well said, as always my friend.

      Rev. Robert Schuller taught me a mantra, many years ago, that is very consisitent with your comments on the journey to being our magnificent self.

      Schuller's legacy quote was "If it is to be, it is up to me." This is not a mantra about going life alone, but instead is a strong statement that life is what each of us makes it. And, that we were created to make a wonderful life.

      Best wishes in '12 and keep the thoughtful, inspiring words and videos coming. I appreciate YOU and your work.

    6. Well said, as always my friend.

      Rev. Robert Schuller taught me a mantra, many years ago, that is very consisitent with your comments on the journey to being our magnificent self.

      Schuller's legacy quote was "If it is to be, it is up to me." This is not a mantra about going life alone, but instead is a strong statement that life is what each of us makes it. And, that we were created to make a wonderful life.

      Best wishes in '12 and keep the thoughtful, inspiring words and videos coming. I appreciate YOU and your work.

    7. Awesomeness RG! And Dave, always love your comments and insights! Happy New Year to all of you in this amazing community!

    8. Awesomeness RG! And Dave, always love your comments and insights! Happy New Year to all of you in this amazing community!

    9. The Journey is a true discovery process as you say. And when holding our Vision in our minds and hearts, we always encounter those that have limiting thoughts and beliefs. When I encounter these people I simply listen and then focusing on being grateful and having Faith. I AM grateful for everything in my Life, including these great insights you provide to all of us. Thank you Randy 🙂

    10. The Journey is a true discovery process as you say. And when holding our Vision in our minds and hearts, we always encounter those that have limiting thoughts and beliefs. When I encounter these people I simply listen and then focusing on being grateful and having Faith. I AM grateful for everything in my Life, including these great insights you provide to all of us. Thank you Randy 🙂

    11. Randy, that is such a terrific visual image --- finally climbing above the cloud layer and seeing the magnificent vistas before me! (Vistas which were always there, but my vision was blocked by the fog of lack beliefs.) I'm going to keep that one in mind as I continue my climb! Thanks!


    12. Randy, that is such a terrific visual image --- finally climbing above the cloud layer and seeing the magnificent vistas before me! (Vistas which were always there, but my vision was blocked by the fog of lack beliefs.) I'm going to keep that one in mind as I continue my climb! Thanks!


    13. Randy, I found something that was my biggest load, all the time I carried... Amazing uncovering... I had it all the time directly in front of my nose..... Marketa

    14. Randy, I found something that was my biggest load, all the time I carried... Amazing uncovering... I had it all the time directly in front of my nose..... Marketa

    15. I see the beauty, grace & magificence of the human potential. Evidence of that beauty & divine order abounds. I can feel the strenghth & honor, beauty and grace of the prosperity, the abdundance and magificence of people everywhere..

    16. I see the beauty, grace & magificence of the human potential. Evidence of that beauty & divine order abounds. I can feel the strenghth & honor, beauty and grace of the prosperity, the abdundance and magificence of people everywhere..

    17. This post reminds me of the book "Hinds feet in high places".

      Queen Margrethe of Denmark commented in her New Years message "that to fellowship is to contribute and that we are all responsible for our futures. Remember to help others along the way and together we will get past the difficulties and on to a bright future". Ok... I paraphrased ... but it was great.

    18. This post reminds me of the book "Hinds feet in high places".

      Queen Margrethe of Denmark commented in her New Years message "that to fellowship is to contribute and that we are all responsible for our futures. Remember to help others along the way and together we will get past the difficulties and on to a bright future". Ok... I paraphrased ... but it was great.

    19. Speaking of Memes, I like to openly endorse "Why You're Dumb, Sick and Broke". "Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke" is a book which everyone should read, few will buy, and even fewer will practice. It has a title you should be afraid of (as was probably Randy's intention), and it confronts practically everything which up until the point you have read it, is true for far too many people. (Sadly) The message inside teaches you about personal responsibility and questioning not only yourself, but the world you live in.It is probably one of the scariest books I have ever read, and I still reread it from time to time.Randy is a lot different from most people who sell us on the idea of living a great life. He's not really a self-help guru, there are plenty of those. "The Secret" the book is not.For one, he is a fan of Ayn Rand which everyone should also read, especially 'The Virtue of Selfishness", and her two major works of fiction: "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead". For those of you who are not familiar with Rand's work, it is very controversial as it considers the trading of value for value (Capitalism) to be good, human beings as rational creatures, that reality is based on fact, rather than wishes, whims, hopes, fears, and that human beings do not exist for the benefit of other human beings.Unlike Rand however, Randy has an emotional side which leaves room for spiritual beliefs and expressing compassion, which Ayn Rand touches on, but in a very rational way. While he is kind, he is also blunt and forward. Randy doesn't believe that magical thoughts will save us, but he does understand the power of many tools which can help us continue to focus on what we value, even when we are unsure of ourselves or the situations we find ourselves in are less than ideal.All in all, I am proud to own a copy. One day I hope to write a book on creativity to act as a companion to writing such as this.

    20. Speaking of Memes, I like to openly endorse "Why You're Dumb, Sick and Broke". "Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke" is a book which everyone should read, few will buy, and even fewer will practice. It has a title you should be afraid of (as was probably Randy's intention), and it confronts practically everything which up until the point you have read it, is true for far too many people. (Sadly) The message inside teaches you about personal responsibility and questioning not only yourself, but the world you live in.It is probably one of the scariest books I have ever read, and I still reread it from time to time.Randy is a lot different from most people who sell us on the idea of living a great life. He's not really a self-help guru, there are plenty of those. "The Secret" the book is not.For one, he is a fan of Ayn Rand which everyone should also read, especially 'The Virtue of Selfishness", and her two major works of fiction: "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead". For those of you who are not familiar with Rand's work, it is very controversial as it considers the trading of value for value (Capitalism) to be good, human beings as rational creatures, that reality is based on fact, rather than wishes, whims, hopes, fears, and that human beings do not exist for the benefit of other human beings.Unlike Rand however, Randy has an emotional side which leaves room for spiritual beliefs and expressing compassion, which Ayn Rand touches on, but in a very rational way. While he is kind, he is also blunt and forward. Randy doesn't believe that magical thoughts will save us, but he does understand the power of many tools which can help us continue to focus on what we value, even when we are unsure of ourselves or the situations we find ourselves in are less than ideal.All in all, I am proud to own a copy. One day I hope to write a book on creativity to act as a companion to writing such as this.

    21. Yes, I am encouraged, inspired and motivated listening to Randy Gage's POWER PROSPERITY PROGRAM - The Science of Creating Wealth'. all of he 6 DVDs /. (The best) . Am getting the wrong people out of my life and am looking forward to meeting 2 important decision making people next week. . Did not realize earlier that incorrect programming is so damaging. .. Thanks vm

    22. Yes, I am encouraged, inspired and motivated listening to Randy Gage's POWER PROSPERITY PROGRAM - The Science of Creating Wealth'. all of he 6 DVDs /. (The best) . Am getting the wrong people out of my life and am looking forward to meeting 2 important decision making people next week. . Did not realize earlier that incorrect programming is so damaging. .. Thanks vm

    23. Thank you Randy, even if you are far away at the other side of the globe,for beeing a wonderful coach! Hope to see you soon again her in Borås!!

    24. Thank you Randy, even if you are far away at the other side of the globe,for beeing a wonderful coach! Hope to see you soon again her in Borås!!

    25. You and I, we will move this world.(by "You", I mean all of you crazy people who are unwilling to accept a life of poverty or mediocrity because someone told you this is OK, or was even downright cruel to you.)

    26. You and I, we will move this world.(by "You", I mean all of you crazy people who are unwilling to accept a life of poverty or mediocrity because someone told you this is OK, or was even downright cruel to you.)

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