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The Real Fight

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 3, 2011

To stand face to face with truth; to arrive, after innumerable wanderings and pains, at wisdom and bliss; not to be finally defeated and cast out, but ultimately to triumph over every inward foe—such is man’s divine destiny, such his glorious goal.

Those words from James Allen probably speak to my soul more than anything I’ve ever read about self-development, personal growth and success.  It’s simply, The Truth.

Your success has nothing to do with the economy, trends, markets, government, your job or your ex-spouse.  Yes those things can play a factor.  But the bigger factor is how you choose to respond to those things.

The day I understood that my biggest challenge was my own limiting beliefs, was the day everything changed for me.

So how about you?

Are you willing to do the work?  To fight the inward foe?  To reach your divine destiny?


19 comments on “The Real Fight”

  1. You only get affected by what you accept, including opinions by others. It's a choice, always.

    If you question the possibility of anything, how can you even believe in your own existence?

  2. 'to arrive after Innumerable wanderings and pain etc etc.' yes it can be done and I am going to surprise many people including myself. Randy, I really enjoy whatever you write and humour too. Thanks vm

  3. I get that "the world is not as it is, but as I am." I'm in the process of discovering more and more of my beliefs, discovering who I am - and modifying that asap! Trouble is, those limiting beliefs are elusive little devils, and I wonder there ever an end to 'em?
    Never mind. As I reduce the limiters, I become more free, and more is better, right?

    Don't know James Allen - who is that wise man?

    Thanks for the ongoing inspiration! Mrs. H&P

  4. Randy,
    thank you, I love James Allens book. As a man thinketh.
    I have read it many times and know I will... because I love it.

    Yes, I am on the wonderful journey to my divine destiny. Everyday I receive info for a next step to do... Even if seems like it not makes sense, I listen to that voice and I know that I am on my way. And everything I want I will receive. I am doing my best everyday... I feel everyday more closer. I understood, that is my work to do...

    My relationships with family are much more better. I forgave my mother. I release injustice which I felt and now I am creating the best relationship in my life :o)

    Everyday I feel more freedom. The answers comes quick and easy. I am open to them. And when I find some resistance I look directly to the eyes and understand what is going on. I have strong goal, so I know, that I am a winner. :o)

    Warms my heart when I write it.


  5. I love that line my biggest challenge was my own limiting beliefs... so true.. I got a novel in the drawer.. totally commercial .. two models and a rich, 30s guy... and every woman has read it says they dig it to death.. one was a reader at a publishing company.. you really got a good ear for the way women talk.. and it's still in my drawer... gotta get it out to agents this next year...

    1. David! Do That! Make a plan for marketing your novel in 2012, and work the plan until it has been accepted. It will be a terrific exercise in discovering whatever hidden beliefs have been stopping you from launching that process.

      Meanwhile, however, Congratulations to you for completing your novel, and even letting other people read it! My novel(s)are in the notes/half-written state, and don't get beyond that because of my particular hidden beliefs, whatever they may be (curse 'em!)

      1. Congrats David!

        I wrote a novel a couple years ago featuring music as a sort of magic with the theme that people of different backgrounds must unite to make this world better, not by giving up who they are, but because of who they are.

        Would be great for those who like character driven fantasy. However, it's in very rough shape.

        I definitely need to do something similar with music and some of the material I have been working on to help other musicians.

        Managed to connect with someone who has been doing music for the game industry for 20 years, so I have a mentor who knows how to create quality work and market himself.

  6. Twists and turns twists and turns is the road to the divine ,as you turn one corner you think you have a take on an issue another limited belief is replaced with yet another and so the journey goes . I have just realised over the last few days that having an attachment to a desired outcome can stop it being drawn to you as your vibrations change as you pursue something to just allowing it to come to you having the faith that you will attract the best outcome . Rigidity and fixed ideas block the creative flow remember nothing is written in stone and accept that divine guidance will come when a boulder crosses your path , a hand will be outreached to you so you can overcome each boulder , just breath and take time to connect to the flow and like a miracle the answer will appear just dont have a fixed idea on the outcome and you recieve all that you could ever dream of.Divine blessing to you all Mx

  7. Randy,
    you speak from the bottom of my soul:
    I am one of those who did all the work, walked through all the pain and finally arrived ( Chicago, indeed in 2008) and figured out that the others around didn´t make it.
    I am not quite sure if I was kept behind due to a limiting belief because I always believed in myself - but due to a limited field I walked on.
    I myself got off that limited field and I still have trouble about leaving the others behind and walking on myself or, staying and helping?
    Lately I figured, i can´t help anymore. I am not one of "them" anymore. I am "gone", i left that field of pain and trouble. I can´t give the necessary advice they still need.

    Watching you and your life, I guess:
    one has to leave to get into the success phase and THEN be able to help the left behind peeps. Right?
    Means: leave the old chess-board and walk onto ones own new board.

    Oh and besides, I ordered the book by J. Allen...for X-mas. Curious what else it includes...
    You gathered to carry a lot of wisdom, keep on giving it away, maybe an extra portion on Dec. 6th, 🙂

    - thanks - and enjoy your great day -

  8. Randy,
    Love it. I see this as being able to look in the mirror each day, liking what I see, moving beyond the old programming and seeing the glory that God has placed in me.

  9. We always have a choice...
    Someone can try to hand you a dead fish..
    You can take it, hold it and stink.
    You can take it, drop it and walk away.
    My favorite is to say "no thank you, have a nice day" and walk away.
    Be proactive not reactive.

  10. The "real fight" is to play the hand that fate has dealt you and to make the best of what you have been given. Yesterday I was privileged to help video a speech by Lilian Strandlund at her book-signing at the Windhorse Theater.

    Lily inspires me with her courage and determination to choose life. She was born with cerebral palsy. She can hardly talk, yet she is President of the Mt. Dora Toastmasters Club. She can not walk, yet she drives her own van only with her fingers. Her hands hardly work, yet she is a published author of Jasper Saves the Day. She signed a book to my grandson, "Dear Brandon, Be all you can be!"

    She has spent her life in a wheelchair, yet she went to college, gave birth to a child and has two grandchildren. She can hardly hold a baseball, yet (with an apparatus attached to her wheelchair) her best bowling score is a record-breaking (for a woman in a wheelchair) 215.

  11. Yup. I'm willing to fight. Been throwing left hooks, bobbing and weaving for the last few years.

    It's been the greatest fight of my life!

    I'm winning.

  12. That's right Bro...problems and stress situation always be a part of our own life and others. The thing is how to handle them, how to react from them and how we can break our our own mental limits, thats the real key that makes people improves compares by self

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  • 19 comments on “The Real Fight”

    1. You only get affected by what you accept, including opinions by others. It's a choice, always.

      If you question the possibility of anything, how can you even believe in your own existence?

    2. 'to arrive after Innumerable wanderings and pain etc etc.' yes it can be done and I am going to surprise many people including myself. Randy, I really enjoy whatever you write and humour too. Thanks vm

    3. I get that "the world is not as it is, but as I am." I'm in the process of discovering more and more of my beliefs, discovering who I am - and modifying that asap! Trouble is, those limiting beliefs are elusive little devils, and I wonder there ever an end to 'em?
      Never mind. As I reduce the limiters, I become more free, and more is better, right?

      Don't know James Allen - who is that wise man?

      Thanks for the ongoing inspiration! Mrs. H&P

    4. Randy,
      thank you, I love James Allens book. As a man thinketh.
      I have read it many times and know I will... because I love it.

      Yes, I am on the wonderful journey to my divine destiny. Everyday I receive info for a next step to do... Even if seems like it not makes sense, I listen to that voice and I know that I am on my way. And everything I want I will receive. I am doing my best everyday... I feel everyday more closer. I understood, that is my work to do...

      My relationships with family are much more better. I forgave my mother. I release injustice which I felt and now I am creating the best relationship in my life :o)

      Everyday I feel more freedom. The answers comes quick and easy. I am open to them. And when I find some resistance I look directly to the eyes and understand what is going on. I have strong goal, so I know, that I am a winner. :o)

      Warms my heart when I write it.


    5. I love that line my biggest challenge was my own limiting beliefs... so true.. I got a novel in the drawer.. totally commercial .. two models and a rich, 30s guy... and every woman has read it says they dig it to death.. one was a reader at a publishing company.. you really got a good ear for the way women talk.. and it's still in my drawer... gotta get it out to agents this next year...

      1. David! Do That! Make a plan for marketing your novel in 2012, and work the plan until it has been accepted. It will be a terrific exercise in discovering whatever hidden beliefs have been stopping you from launching that process.

        Meanwhile, however, Congratulations to you for completing your novel, and even letting other people read it! My novel(s)are in the notes/half-written state, and don't get beyond that because of my particular hidden beliefs, whatever they may be (curse 'em!)

        1. Congrats David!

          I wrote a novel a couple years ago featuring music as a sort of magic with the theme that people of different backgrounds must unite to make this world better, not by giving up who they are, but because of who they are.

          Would be great for those who like character driven fantasy. However, it's in very rough shape.

          I definitely need to do something similar with music and some of the material I have been working on to help other musicians.

          Managed to connect with someone who has been doing music for the game industry for 20 years, so I have a mentor who knows how to create quality work and market himself.

    6. Twists and turns twists and turns is the road to the divine ,as you turn one corner you think you have a take on an issue another limited belief is replaced with yet another and so the journey goes . I have just realised over the last few days that having an attachment to a desired outcome can stop it being drawn to you as your vibrations change as you pursue something to just allowing it to come to you having the faith that you will attract the best outcome . Rigidity and fixed ideas block the creative flow remember nothing is written in stone and accept that divine guidance will come when a boulder crosses your path , a hand will be outreached to you so you can overcome each boulder , just breath and take time to connect to the flow and like a miracle the answer will appear just dont have a fixed idea on the outcome and you recieve all that you could ever dream of.Divine blessing to you all Mx

    7. Randy,
      you speak from the bottom of my soul:
      I am one of those who did all the work, walked through all the pain and finally arrived ( Chicago, indeed in 2008) and figured out that the others around didn´t make it.
      I am not quite sure if I was kept behind due to a limiting belief because I always believed in myself - but due to a limited field I walked on.
      I myself got off that limited field and I still have trouble about leaving the others behind and walking on myself or, staying and helping?
      Lately I figured, i can´t help anymore. I am not one of "them" anymore. I am "gone", i left that field of pain and trouble. I can´t give the necessary advice they still need.

      Watching you and your life, I guess:
      one has to leave to get into the success phase and THEN be able to help the left behind peeps. Right?
      Means: leave the old chess-board and walk onto ones own new board.

      Oh and besides, I ordered the book by J. Allen...for X-mas. Curious what else it includes...
      You gathered to carry a lot of wisdom, keep on giving it away, maybe an extra portion on Dec. 6th, 🙂

      - thanks - and enjoy your great day -

    8. Randy,
      Love it. I see this as being able to look in the mirror each day, liking what I see, moving beyond the old programming and seeing the glory that God has placed in me.

    9. We always have a choice...
      Someone can try to hand you a dead fish..
      You can take it, hold it and stink.
      You can take it, drop it and walk away.
      My favorite is to say "no thank you, have a nice day" and walk away.
      Be proactive not reactive.

    10. The "real fight" is to play the hand that fate has dealt you and to make the best of what you have been given. Yesterday I was privileged to help video a speech by Lilian Strandlund at her book-signing at the Windhorse Theater.

      Lily inspires me with her courage and determination to choose life. She was born with cerebral palsy. She can hardly talk, yet she is President of the Mt. Dora Toastmasters Club. She can not walk, yet she drives her own van only with her fingers. Her hands hardly work, yet she is a published author of Jasper Saves the Day. She signed a book to my grandson, "Dear Brandon, Be all you can be!"

      She has spent her life in a wheelchair, yet she went to college, gave birth to a child and has two grandchildren. She can hardly hold a baseball, yet (with an apparatus attached to her wheelchair) her best bowling score is a record-breaking (for a woman in a wheelchair) 215.

    11. Yup. I'm willing to fight. Been throwing left hooks, bobbing and weaving for the last few years.

      It's been the greatest fight of my life!

      I'm winning.

    12. That's right Bro...problems and stress situation always be a part of our own life and others. The thing is how to handle them, how to react from them and how we can break our our own mental limits, thats the real key that makes people improves compares by self

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