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The Real Adversary

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 24, 2012

For all those years I tussled, I kept changing the entity I would blame:  The government, business partners, or the economy.  There was one constant, however:

They were all external.

What it took me a long time to realize was that these external factors were only symptoms of the internal work I had yet to do.

Don't struggle against outside conditions.  They are simply a reflection of what is happening inside you.

Strive for greatness within.  Because when you change – everything changes!


20 comments on “The Real Adversary”

  1. This reminds me of the great speech Rocky makes in the episode where he fights Dolf Lundgren at the end.. And as we all know, the one thing we can be assured of in life is change, so why not make it our own! Thanks for the great reminder as always Randy!

  2. This reminds me of the great speech Rocky makes in the episode where he fights Dolf Lundgren at the end.. And as we all know, the one thing we can be assured of in life is change, so why not make it our own! Thanks for the great reminder as always Randy!

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  • 20 comments on “The Real Adversary”

    1. This reminds me of the great speech Rocky makes in the episode where he fights Dolf Lundgren at the end.. And as we all know, the one thing we can be assured of in life is change, so why not make it our own! Thanks for the great reminder as always Randy!

    2. This reminds me of the great speech Rocky makes in the episode where he fights Dolf Lundgren at the end.. And as we all know, the one thing we can be assured of in life is change, so why not make it our own! Thanks for the great reminder as always Randy!

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