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The Pursuit of Your Dream

Posted By: Randy GageMay 21, 2009

A few years back I was speaking on a program with my friend Mark Yarnell.  His session was brilliant, and cause for a great deal of critical thinking.  He spoke on the topic of fulfillment, and how we attain it.

One of the thought provoking statements he made was that the real joy of fulfillment comes from the pursuit of it – not the attainment.  Interesting…

Like me, Mark tried to retire once.  (As did my friend Ted Nicholas.)  Each of us found retirement to be empty.  Later I did another program with Nicholas Hayek, the man who founded SWATCH and single-handedly rescued the entire Swiss watch industry.  Someone asked him about retirement.  He answered that entrepreneurs are artists – and artists never retire.

So if you buy into all this – and I do – then the real secret to happiness is having a new and bigger dream to pursue after you attain the one you’re going for now.

So how are you doing on that?


24 comments on “The Pursuit of Your Dream”

  1. Dale Carnegie explained the difference between success and happiness when he said "Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get."

    I set a big goal many years ago and it took me 5 years to attain it - I was so happy. Then I had a period of "confusion" for the first time in many years I didn't have a focus, a purpose and it sucked. It sucked the energy right out of me for a long time.

    It was a harsh but great learning experience. Therefore I have to agree with your comment Randy that "the real secret to happiness is having a new and bigger dream to pursue after you attain the one you’re going for now."

    So now my definition of success is an ever expanding consciousness and I set a number of goals to achieve and celebrate along the way.

    Entrepreneurs never retire and their ideas remain long after they depart this lifetime.

    Thanks for another great post Randy and make your week as great as you are.

    Paul Cannon

  2. I was introduced to a company a few months ago that has turned out to be one of the most amazing organizations I've encountered. Now that I'm involved, my vision has changed quite a bit and the pursuit of it increased my energy and focus.

    So yes, the pursuit of the dream is where we derive the most energy and the road is one filled with possibilities!

    Thanks Randy!

  3. So true with me, personally. I've always thought the chase was more fun than the kill. Great reminder to all artists and entrepreneurs about why we do what we do!

  4. Is there any record of the Sun taking a break?, Is the Universe stopping to create in any second?, well... Randy Universal laws are Universal and apply to everything and everyone. that is what you said...

  5. Last night I was awake at 3 am I found myself thinking about a bigger dream and this morning your blog challenges me to be bigger - thanks Randy - all the best Geoffrey

  6. The mantra is "if you're not selling them everything they need, you're not giving them the service they deserve."

    Great post Paul!

  7. The dream to help one billion is huge...I know the 2 Tony's coming behind me will carry on forever! You open our eyes and brains to many things that make us keep moving forward and never looking back! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Stay focused always and the dream to help one billion is in the works!
    Tony Beach

  8. Yes, personal development is a life long journey. New goals and a vision are an on going process.

    Like many - I couldn't retire - I'd go nuts.

    Live long and prosper! (for you Trekkies out there...)

  9. And Napolean Hill said "Desire backed by faith knows no such word as impossible." Sometimes our dreams played out in real life become nightmares. Like thinking you can "retire" young and simply do nothing. At other times our dreams take us to places beyond comprehension. Flying the Concorde from Paris to New York comes to mind. Standing on the Great Wall of China was inspiring in a different way. And to spiritualize it all the Bible has no word for retire in either the Hebrew or Greek text. I find that too many people get so busy making a living that they forget to make a life. They miss the real joys inherent in just being present in the moment wherever that might be.

    Create A Great Day

  10. oh man - thanks so much for asking this question! Randy, I love what I am doing in MLM so much that I am in the process of starting a small MLM to teach lower income people in my city about residual income and offer them the opportunity to do so.

    I am still doing my company MLM as I have not attained the income and lifestyle I want from it yet but this profession is my life now!!!

    Wish me luck. I might call you to be on my BOD.


  11. I keep an ever growing list for my dreams and goals as well as one for candidates. Tick one off and on to the next one.

  12. Hi Randy,
    Years ago I started building my career and after getting to know the nature of it better, I realized my dream was to add meaning to other people's lives in order to add it to mine. Since I can never run out of people, I never run out of my dreams...
    Best wishes, Natasa

  13. Your every day life is like a waking dream--everyone and everything has a specific meaning. When you learn to interpret this puzzle, then you learn about your life. You have all the answers, they are right in front of you, but you do not realize this--you look for something "more". It is not "more," it is simple and mundane.

    Your mind-pattern attracts everything, from people, places and things to words, comments, and actions of others. Ultimately, you ARE the center of your own universe! Do you like the one that you created or do you want to change it?

  14. This morning I was reading an article from a small book called "The daily Bread". The article was entitled "THE NEXT GENERATION" and is authored by David Mcsland.

    In this article, Louis Antonio Rojas, who played double-bass in the Mexico City Philarmonic told David that; the finest instruments are made of wood that has been allowed to age naturally to remove the moisture. "you must age the wood for 80 years, then play the instrument for 80 years before it reaches its best sound".

    The author summarises that; Many important things in life are "next generation" matters - teaching, training and parenting, among others. His writings were inspired by the bible: 2 Timothy 2:1-13.

    Thank you Randy and Mcsland for inspirational teaching.


  15. I find that if I am living my life on purpose then I don`t need to feel fulfilled, happy or joyful or any of the things we so love to chase after - I just AM all those things although not identified with them Jane

  16. I find you describing a piece of my own consciousness each time I read what you write and your description of being an entrepreneur and that

    "fulfillment comes from the pursuit of it - not its attainment"

    is no exception.

    I feel a great sense of relief understanding that statement in a very satisfying way.

    You're welcome at my fire any time.

  17. As for me, I can rest and do nothing for a certain period of timewhich I think is also important to recharge our energy. We all need that as well. But, it seems I will soon be hungry again for pursuit of something, and thus it pushes me to keep on searching for a new goal. I think this is how we all are.. or at least most of us are. It seems we're made to hunger and further pursue to reach something we have not yet attained. Once what was pursued is attained, then we hunger for something greater. We are made never to stop and never to stay in one place where no aims are necessary. It is the human nature within us that God has placed, and it is just the way we really are !

    Anything that can easily be attained that doesn't require any faith as well as a challeng is not really a goal at all but is more like one of the daily activities. God seemed to have created us such a way that we continually wish to pursue to reach a higher goal each time, regardless of any and every obstacle that may come our way - whether it is the pursuit of a success in business or even the pursuit of helping others to meet and fulfill Maker's goals in our lives. Whatever it may be, it seems it is always to do with us seeking after goals and the fulfillments in every stage of our lives. Just as the earth spins everyday and repeat it over and over - things are moving on, changing, progressing continually - so are our goals....

    It seems finding what our goal is what is the most difficult part of all. But, once we know what our goals are, heading toward the goal, I believe a big part of the goal is already attained...perhaps 80 to 90%..? The characteristic of us being humans is that although it is rewarding when we finally achived our goals, seeing our goals actually becoming a reality, and having it all, we no longer need to be pushed and challenged, thus lacking excitements and that we would have to put our mind into something else once again....

    And THAT something is what gives us a sense of fulfillment, being fully alive. Just as with children who are always in the process of something and always on the go, when we find ourselves in the similar place that is moving....toward something (our goals) which requires our attentions and challenges, once again we find ourselves in an exciting place where things are flowing which could help fulfill our purposes and goals in life. I think that is what we humans are hungry for which gives us a good sense of fulfillment, being rewarded, well valued. I am not worry about when I will actually be able to reach my set goal, but one thing I know is that I'm in the process of reaching there, and I know I definitely will..........

    Thank you again, Randy, for your blog site. I enjoyed my time here. It was a great break for me. Thank you for all your encouraging words and being there for us as our greatest mentor of all........... God bless!

    SAACHI, a Japanese native living in SF, California

  18. My goal is in knowing and seeking my Creator. As such, I began to realize things that are temporal like Fame, Glory & possessions has began to loose their hold on me. Whats the point of chasing after the wind?

    Focusing on things that are eternal and walking with the living Almighty God makes my everyday life fulfiling and exciting.

    Since then, I have lived a much more abundant and richer life and relatioships than before. What more need I ask?
    I know I am living in His will and I will not exchange it for the world. I have The Divine Being Jesus guiding, and leading me this path on earth, what more need I ask with Him by my side?

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  • 24 comments on “The Pursuit of Your Dream”

    1. Dale Carnegie explained the difference between success and happiness when he said "Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get."

      I set a big goal many years ago and it took me 5 years to attain it - I was so happy. Then I had a period of "confusion" for the first time in many years I didn't have a focus, a purpose and it sucked. It sucked the energy right out of me for a long time.

      It was a harsh but great learning experience. Therefore I have to agree with your comment Randy that "the real secret to happiness is having a new and bigger dream to pursue after you attain the one you’re going for now."

      So now my definition of success is an ever expanding consciousness and I set a number of goals to achieve and celebrate along the way.

      Entrepreneurs never retire and their ideas remain long after they depart this lifetime.

      Thanks for another great post Randy and make your week as great as you are.

      Paul Cannon

    2. I was introduced to a company a few months ago that has turned out to be one of the most amazing organizations I've encountered. Now that I'm involved, my vision has changed quite a bit and the pursuit of it increased my energy and focus.

      So yes, the pursuit of the dream is where we derive the most energy and the road is one filled with possibilities!

      Thanks Randy!

    3. So true with me, personally. I've always thought the chase was more fun than the kill. Great reminder to all artists and entrepreneurs about why we do what we do!

    4. Is there any record of the Sun taking a break?, Is the Universe stopping to create in any second?, well... Randy Universal laws are Universal and apply to everything and everyone. that is what you said...

    5. Last night I was awake at 3 am I found myself thinking about a bigger dream and this morning your blog challenges me to be bigger - thanks Randy - all the best Geoffrey

    6. The mantra is "if you're not selling them everything they need, you're not giving them the service they deserve."

      Great post Paul!

    7. The dream to help one billion is huge...I know the 2 Tony's coming behind me will carry on forever! You open our eyes and brains to many things that make us keep moving forward and never looking back! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Stay focused always and the dream to help one billion is in the works!
      Tony Beach

    8. Yes, personal development is a life long journey. New goals and a vision are an on going process.

      Like many - I couldn't retire - I'd go nuts.

      Live long and prosper! (for you Trekkies out there...)

    9. And Napolean Hill said "Desire backed by faith knows no such word as impossible." Sometimes our dreams played out in real life become nightmares. Like thinking you can "retire" young and simply do nothing. At other times our dreams take us to places beyond comprehension. Flying the Concorde from Paris to New York comes to mind. Standing on the Great Wall of China was inspiring in a different way. And to spiritualize it all the Bible has no word for retire in either the Hebrew or Greek text. I find that too many people get so busy making a living that they forget to make a life. They miss the real joys inherent in just being present in the moment wherever that might be.

      Create A Great Day

    10. oh man - thanks so much for asking this question! Randy, I love what I am doing in MLM so much that I am in the process of starting a small MLM to teach lower income people in my city about residual income and offer them the opportunity to do so.

      I am still doing my company MLM as I have not attained the income and lifestyle I want from it yet but this profession is my life now!!!

      Wish me luck. I might call you to be on my BOD.


    11. I keep an ever growing list for my dreams and goals as well as one for candidates. Tick one off and on to the next one.

    12. Hi Randy,
      Years ago I started building my career and after getting to know the nature of it better, I realized my dream was to add meaning to other people's lives in order to add it to mine. Since I can never run out of people, I never run out of my dreams...
      Best wishes, Natasa

    13. Your every day life is like a waking dream--everyone and everything has a specific meaning. When you learn to interpret this puzzle, then you learn about your life. You have all the answers, they are right in front of you, but you do not realize this--you look for something "more". It is not "more," it is simple and mundane.

      Your mind-pattern attracts everything, from people, places and things to words, comments, and actions of others. Ultimately, you ARE the center of your own universe! Do you like the one that you created or do you want to change it?

    14. This morning I was reading an article from a small book called "The daily Bread". The article was entitled "THE NEXT GENERATION" and is authored by David Mcsland.

      In this article, Louis Antonio Rojas, who played double-bass in the Mexico City Philarmonic told David that; the finest instruments are made of wood that has been allowed to age naturally to remove the moisture. "you must age the wood for 80 years, then play the instrument for 80 years before it reaches its best sound".

      The author summarises that; Many important things in life are "next generation" matters - teaching, training and parenting, among others. His writings were inspired by the bible: 2 Timothy 2:1-13.

      Thank you Randy and Mcsland for inspirational teaching.


    15. I find that if I am living my life on purpose then I don`t need to feel fulfilled, happy or joyful or any of the things we so love to chase after - I just AM all those things although not identified with them Jane

    16. I find you describing a piece of my own consciousness each time I read what you write and your description of being an entrepreneur and that

      "fulfillment comes from the pursuit of it - not its attainment"

      is no exception.

      I feel a great sense of relief understanding that statement in a very satisfying way.

      You're welcome at my fire any time.

    17. As for me, I can rest and do nothing for a certain period of timewhich I think is also important to recharge our energy. We all need that as well. But, it seems I will soon be hungry again for pursuit of something, and thus it pushes me to keep on searching for a new goal. I think this is how we all are.. or at least most of us are. It seems we're made to hunger and further pursue to reach something we have not yet attained. Once what was pursued is attained, then we hunger for something greater. We are made never to stop and never to stay in one place where no aims are necessary. It is the human nature within us that God has placed, and it is just the way we really are !

      Anything that can easily be attained that doesn't require any faith as well as a challeng is not really a goal at all but is more like one of the daily activities. God seemed to have created us such a way that we continually wish to pursue to reach a higher goal each time, regardless of any and every obstacle that may come our way - whether it is the pursuit of a success in business or even the pursuit of helping others to meet and fulfill Maker's goals in our lives. Whatever it may be, it seems it is always to do with us seeking after goals and the fulfillments in every stage of our lives. Just as the earth spins everyday and repeat it over and over - things are moving on, changing, progressing continually - so are our goals....

      It seems finding what our goal is what is the most difficult part of all. But, once we know what our goals are, heading toward the goal, I believe a big part of the goal is already attained...perhaps 80 to 90%..? The characteristic of us being humans is that although it is rewarding when we finally achived our goals, seeing our goals actually becoming a reality, and having it all, we no longer need to be pushed and challenged, thus lacking excitements and that we would have to put our mind into something else once again....

      And THAT something is what gives us a sense of fulfillment, being fully alive. Just as with children who are always in the process of something and always on the go, when we find ourselves in the similar place that is moving....toward something (our goals) which requires our attentions and challenges, once again we find ourselves in an exciting place where things are flowing which could help fulfill our purposes and goals in life. I think that is what we humans are hungry for which gives us a good sense of fulfillment, being rewarded, well valued. I am not worry about when I will actually be able to reach my set goal, but one thing I know is that I'm in the process of reaching there, and I know I definitely will..........

      Thank you again, Randy, for your blog site. I enjoyed my time here. It was a great break for me. Thank you for all your encouraging words and being there for us as our greatest mentor of all........... God bless!

      SAACHI, a Japanese native living in SF, California

    18. My goal is in knowing and seeking my Creator. As such, I began to realize things that are temporal like Fame, Glory & possessions has began to loose their hold on me. Whats the point of chasing after the wind?

      Focusing on things that are eternal and walking with the living Almighty God makes my everyday life fulfiling and exciting.

      Since then, I have lived a much more abundant and richer life and relatioships than before. What more need I ask?
      I know I am living in His will and I will not exchange it for the world. I have The Divine Being Jesus guiding, and leading me this path on earth, what more need I ask with Him by my side?

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