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The Prosperity Power of Thought

Posted By: Randy GageMay 29, 2018

Imagine this scenario: Someone wakes up, grabs their phone to check what snarky tweet President Trump sent out that morning.  Then they click the link to read the BREAKING NEWS story that CNN is airing to overreact about the tweet.  Then they click to a blog somewhere where the Trump supporters are overreacting to the overreaction.  Then they scroll their Facebook feed to read the insults between the two sides on this latest rift…

Do you realize, this is how millions of people start their day?

Think about what kind of consciousness you’re taking into your day, if you start it that way.

You become what you think about.  You become what you think about.  You become what you think about.  Did I mention, you become what you think about?

The scenario above isn’t just a U.S. thing.  I see the same rancorous division and personal attacks happening all over the world.  People aren’t debating ideas anymore; they are personally attacking the people who believe in different ideas than they do.

And if the majority of what you think about is chaos, attacks, and vitriol, guess what kind of person you become.

Show me who you hang with, and what you think about, and I can predict your future.  With disquieting accuracy.  Imagine if instead of waking in the manner above, you woke up and spent a few minutes reading The Science of Mind, or As a Man Thinketh.  How you start your day is probably the primary engine for how it will end.

So let’s hang out…

Let’s talk about positive things.  Focus on becoming better versions of ourselves.  And move closer each day to prosperity and enlightenment...

So stop by here often.  I’m posting every weekday.  Sometimes even more.  Comment and share the posts.  (And what’s up with the comments?  Even though traffic is strong, there are very few comments since I started posting regular again.  Let’s make this blog a safe space where we can debate ideas, without the attacks and rancor.  Please let me here from you.)


If you aren’t aware, I started the Power Prosperity Podcast.  It’s an eclectic mix of some of my live speeches, the audio of my Prosperity TV YouTube channel, and original content just for the podcast subscribers.  So please subscribe, so we can hang out there as well.  Here are the links to the different platforms it is on:









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iHeart Radio




BTW, I’m working on a new episode now, original content just for the podcast peeps.  The title is, Cocaine Cowboys, a Pool of Blood, and the Cost of Your Dream.  Watch for it in a couple days!

- RG

14 comments on “The Prosperity Power of Thought”

  1. Brother Randy Since Purchasing Your Midas Mentality 31 Prosperity Program 6 Years ago It has transformed my thoughts and made a Positive Impact In All Areas Of My Life. The Prosperity Power Of Thought works. I am living Proof. Thank You Brother Randy. Peace, Blessings, And Love.

      1. Brother Randy. One other thing. I go thru the whole program Midas Mentality 31 Prosperity Program at least 2 times per year. Thank you Brother Randy. Peace, Blessings and Love.

  2. So true Randy and thanks for reminding me as it can be all too easy to slip back into the herd mentality.

  3. Hace dos días estaba contigo en Cusco compartiendo la importancia de los sueños. Está tan claro que podemos ser los héroes de mucha gente. Pero todo ese camino arranca cuando tú eres el heroede ti mismo. Gracias Randy. Te sigo.

  4. Hey Randy! Dude, I don't really have 2 cents on this one other than just to say "word" or "Amen". Just commenting to let you know I was here. I don't comment often, but I try to stay current with your content. You're the man. Love ya, bro!

  5. I love following you Randy, but I'm not interested so much In social media, just like your comments about following the news....I don't focus on these things. Social media has it's place but I think true content and relationships are formed in much more meaningful ways. I don't care how many people follow me or what they think ...for that matter. I enjoy living in the real world in the real moments of life, as you have so well described in your recent blogs...ect…. Living life and experiences are not lived here. There are face to face, in the impact our lives have when we connect. Just saying....

  6. Great post Randy! I found myself getting caught up in listening to political talk/news on my commute to work. That wasn’t a great time to start my day. I went back to reading your posts and something positive to start my day. The only other morning news I listen to now is CNBC. Inspiring and informative! Great way to start the day, and sets the tone for being more productive!

  7. So true Randy - in my country (the Czech Rep.) I can see it everywhere: people "nourishing" themselves just with the negative, assaulting, fear-driving and disrespecting news. They pick just this sort of informations, they don´t look for those that would motivate them to move forward, grow, be stronger and achieve their prosperity and health! It´s only a matter of choice - to be a victim, or a victor? 😉

  8. How many times do you need to hear something to believe it? How long before habits and results change?

  9. "hang out" and create new living beliefs. Suicide prevention. There are numbers to call also. Look at the list of sayings people use when they are suicidal. These are problt in songs, movies, religions, etc.
    We need to change what we listen to and believe.

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  • 14 comments on “The Prosperity Power of Thought”

    1. Brother Randy Since Purchasing Your Midas Mentality 31 Prosperity Program 6 Years ago It has transformed my thoughts and made a Positive Impact In All Areas Of My Life. The Prosperity Power Of Thought works. I am living Proof. Thank You Brother Randy. Peace, Blessings, And Love.

        1. Brother Randy. One other thing. I go thru the whole program Midas Mentality 31 Prosperity Program at least 2 times per year. Thank you Brother Randy. Peace, Blessings and Love.

    2. So true Randy and thanks for reminding me as it can be all too easy to slip back into the herd mentality.

    3. Hace dos días estaba contigo en Cusco compartiendo la importancia de los sueños. Está tan claro que podemos ser los héroes de mucha gente. Pero todo ese camino arranca cuando tú eres el heroede ti mismo. Gracias Randy. Te sigo.

    4. Hey Randy! Dude, I don't really have 2 cents on this one other than just to say "word" or "Amen". Just commenting to let you know I was here. I don't comment often, but I try to stay current with your content. You're the man. Love ya, bro!

    5. I love following you Randy, but I'm not interested so much In social media, just like your comments about following the news....I don't focus on these things. Social media has it's place but I think true content and relationships are formed in much more meaningful ways. I don't care how many people follow me or what they think ...for that matter. I enjoy living in the real world in the real moments of life, as you have so well described in your recent blogs...ect…. Living life and experiences are not lived here. There are face to face, in the impact our lives have when we connect. Just saying....

    6. Great post Randy! I found myself getting caught up in listening to political talk/news on my commute to work. That wasn’t a great time to start my day. I went back to reading your posts and something positive to start my day. The only other morning news I listen to now is CNBC. Inspiring and informative! Great way to start the day, and sets the tone for being more productive!

    7. So true Randy - in my country (the Czech Rep.) I can see it everywhere: people "nourishing" themselves just with the negative, assaulting, fear-driving and disrespecting news. They pick just this sort of informations, they don´t look for those that would motivate them to move forward, grow, be stronger and achieve their prosperity and health! It´s only a matter of choice - to be a victim, or a victor? 😉

    8. How many times do you need to hear something to believe it? How long before habits and results change?

    9. "hang out" and create new living beliefs. Suicide prevention. There are numbers to call also. Look at the list of sayings people use when they are suicidal. These are problt in songs, movies, religions, etc.
      We need to change what we listen to and believe.

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