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The Prosperity Mindset

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 10, 2011

I was reading a fascinating book by J. Paul Getty.  If you adjust for inflation, Getty is likely the richest man the world has ever known.  And I was delighted to read that he also believed in a “millionaire mentality.”  I created my Midas Mentality 31-day training program because I believe your mindset is the single biggest determination for your success.

You have to have that mentality, or else you will not notice prosperity opportunities when they appear, will disregard them if you do notice them, or will self-sabotage yourself if you actually do act on them.

Truth is, anyone can be wealthy today.  Yet I am constantly amazed at how many people actually believe otherwise.  They tell me I was lucky, got into the right field, did it at a different time, and all other sorts of lame excuses why I have been successful and they have not.

Here’s what you should keep in mind…

Today someone will become a millionaire.  Someone might cross the threshold to billionaire.  Some of these people have less education than you, started with less connections, less money and less support.  But they have one thing.

A prosperity mindset.



24 comments on “The Prosperity Mindset”

  1. Does it not boil down to what exactly we consistently desire? Defining and holding the desire thoughts is I think the biggest step towards prosperity mindset.

    Took me a while to decide what car I desire. So, deciding upon a full-course of life is a hard job in itself. The devil, as they say, is in detail and MOST ppl who complain about their wealth quotient, lacks the detail consciousness when it comes to defining what they really desire.

    Hersh Bhardwaj

  2. LOVE THIS!! Just re-set my financial goals for the next 2 years and then I read this post!

    I'm determined to get hot on your tail rocksta! Thanks for all that you do to help mold my mindset, I'll be forever grateful and one day SOON I'll show you how much! PROMISE! XOXOXOXOXOXXO !!!

  3. The problem is that we are brought up and programmed to live a 'comfortable' life. We have issues here and there but always strive to get back to that level of comfort, I've been there, you know the "get a good job" routine, you get enough to pay the bills and maybe if your lucky that one holiday a year to the place you can 'afford' to travel to. Then do it all again almost exactly the same the next year and so on and live 'comfortable'. I dropped out of school at 17 working dead end jobs until I was 21, by this point I'd read books, been to seminars etc and still I never took action until I got made redundant twice in a row and realised that jobs aren't 'secure' or 'comfortable' and most times I felt undercompensated and overworked. Fast forward by 3 years and I've now setup 2 companies turning over £600k a year after just 14 months. Mostly due to learning and reading about the prosperity mindset from people like randy, jim rohn etc. the rest isn't easy but it is simple. Comfort is definitely the krypton to your success. 

    1. I won't embarrass anyone, but K.W.. I can tell you that we have quite a few very successful and prosperous people in this community. And many more moving in that direction.


  4. K.W., I can't speak for anyone else on here, but after 2 years of serious, consistent, dedicated self development, of which, this blog has been a very large part, I have more than quadrupled my income and built a thriving business that adds major value to all of my clients lives. But the most important thing I have gained from this blog and Randy's books and videos...the true prosperity that has allowed me to create the money and WHO and WHAT I have become through this process. Thanks RG!


  5. Hi RG,

    Interesting dude, Getty. Oil magnate and overall prosperity conscious guy.

    I am learning being about prosperity conscious is more about seeing prosperous opportunities than anything else. Sure, if you're fully aligned, the money might just drop out of the ethers for ya. Or the life mate. Or the invaluable business relationship.

    In some cases it's more about seizing the opportunity to self publish your book, or start the blog, or start your MLM, or whatever. It's seeing immense wealth in the opportunities around you.

    I run 4 blogs now, because I listened. Not to anybody, but to silence. I am monetizing each one. Because I listened. Now, I am reaping the benefits, but it all started because I was rich with an opportunity-engorged mindset, that saw, seized, and moved forward before I had the chance to stop myself.

    Thanks RG!


  6. Hi Randy,

    this is powerful stuff. You are right on when you point out that it's all about having (or creating) the prosperity mindset. The good is: It can be learned...most people aren't naturals in this area.

    Thanks for sharing your insights.

    Take care


  7. Hi Randy,
    Wonderful post here.
    Your contribution is huge...only by reminding us every day through short posts, the simple and yet very powerful law of prosperity you motivate many people to tap into their true potential. This is priceless.
    When I first visited your blog, my blog was infested with tons of thoughts about lack, fear and all sorts of limitations. The process of improvement still continues...I guess, it will never stop but now I'm feeling prosperous and valuable on the inside. As I work on myself the results will come for sure. Thank you:)

    Wish you all the best,

  8. Top Man! You say more in a few sentences than others do in long boring posts that nobody finishes.Gratitude to you Mr Gage.

  9. There is actually a lot more to a prosperity mindset. It's more than just thinking that you can be rich.

    Some people may have many underlying beliefs about poverty though they may claim that they have a prosperity mindset, or doing wealth affirmation daily.

    Still these underlying poverty mindsets run their life without them knowing it.

    Key is to identify those poverty beliefs and shift them once and for all.

  10. 1. Tithe 20-30% of gross income
    2. Get all your money in ones and place a big bill in front of them
    A hundred ones is more money to your mind (more bills same value) than one one hundred dollar bill.

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  • 24 comments on “The Prosperity Mindset”

    1. Does it not boil down to what exactly we consistently desire? Defining and holding the desire thoughts is I think the biggest step towards prosperity mindset.

      Took me a while to decide what car I desire. So, deciding upon a full-course of life is a hard job in itself. The devil, as they say, is in detail and MOST ppl who complain about their wealth quotient, lacks the detail consciousness when it comes to defining what they really desire.

      Hersh Bhardwaj

    2. LOVE THIS!! Just re-set my financial goals for the next 2 years and then I read this post!

      I'm determined to get hot on your tail rocksta! Thanks for all that you do to help mold my mindset, I'll be forever grateful and one day SOON I'll show you how much! PROMISE! XOXOXOXOXOXXO !!!

    3. The problem is that we are brought up and programmed to live a 'comfortable' life. We have issues here and there but always strive to get back to that level of comfort, I've been there, you know the "get a good job" routine, you get enough to pay the bills and maybe if your lucky that one holiday a year to the place you can 'afford' to travel to. Then do it all again almost exactly the same the next year and so on and live 'comfortable'. I dropped out of school at 17 working dead end jobs until I was 21, by this point I'd read books, been to seminars etc and still I never took action until I got made redundant twice in a row and realised that jobs aren't 'secure' or 'comfortable' and most times I felt undercompensated and overworked. Fast forward by 3 years and I've now setup 2 companies turning over £600k a year after just 14 months. Mostly due to learning and reading about the prosperity mindset from people like randy, jim rohn etc. the rest isn't easy but it is simple. Comfort is definitely the krypton to your success. 

      1. I won't embarrass anyone, but K.W.. I can tell you that we have quite a few very successful and prosperous people in this community. And many more moving in that direction.


    4. K.W., I can't speak for anyone else on here, but after 2 years of serious, consistent, dedicated self development, of which, this blog has been a very large part, I have more than quadrupled my income and built a thriving business that adds major value to all of my clients lives. But the most important thing I have gained from this blog and Randy's books and videos...the true prosperity that has allowed me to create the money and WHO and WHAT I have become through this process. Thanks RG!


    5. Hi RG,

      Interesting dude, Getty. Oil magnate and overall prosperity conscious guy.

      I am learning being about prosperity conscious is more about seeing prosperous opportunities than anything else. Sure, if you're fully aligned, the money might just drop out of the ethers for ya. Or the life mate. Or the invaluable business relationship.

      In some cases it's more about seizing the opportunity to self publish your book, or start the blog, or start your MLM, or whatever. It's seeing immense wealth in the opportunities around you.

      I run 4 blogs now, because I listened. Not to anybody, but to silence. I am monetizing each one. Because I listened. Now, I am reaping the benefits, but it all started because I was rich with an opportunity-engorged mindset, that saw, seized, and moved forward before I had the chance to stop myself.

      Thanks RG!


    6. Hi Randy,

      this is powerful stuff. You are right on when you point out that it's all about having (or creating) the prosperity mindset. The good is: It can be learned...most people aren't naturals in this area.

      Thanks for sharing your insights.

      Take care


    7. Hi Randy,
      Wonderful post here.
      Your contribution is huge...only by reminding us every day through short posts, the simple and yet very powerful law of prosperity you motivate many people to tap into their true potential. This is priceless.
      When I first visited your blog, my blog was infested with tons of thoughts about lack, fear and all sorts of limitations. The process of improvement still continues...I guess, it will never stop but now I'm feeling prosperous and valuable on the inside. As I work on myself the results will come for sure. Thank you:)

      Wish you all the best,

    8. Top Man! You say more in a few sentences than others do in long boring posts that nobody finishes.Gratitude to you Mr Gage.

    9. There is actually a lot more to a prosperity mindset. It's more than just thinking that you can be rich.

      Some people may have many underlying beliefs about poverty though they may claim that they have a prosperity mindset, or doing wealth affirmation daily.

      Still these underlying poverty mindsets run their life without them knowing it.

      Key is to identify those poverty beliefs and shift them once and for all.

    10. 1. Tithe 20-30% of gross income
      2. Get all your money in ones and place a big bill in front of them
      A hundred ones is more money to your mind (more bills same value) than one one hundred dollar bill.

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