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The Power of Self-Suggestion

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 18, 2011

“Any idea that is held in the mind, emphasized, feared or reverenced begins at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form that is available.”

Those words from Napoleon Hill explain what is presented so superficially in “The Secret” in a much deeper way.  They show how the power of emotion, positive or negative, helps implant things in your subconscious mind.  As Hill taught, self-suggestion is the connecting link between the conscious and subconscious mind.  And the subconscious is where things get done!

If you give in to fear, that’s where your programming comes from.  Which is why your child spills their milk about 30 seconds after you say, “Don’t spill your milk.”

Your subconscious mind doesn’t evaluate on the merits of what you program into it.  It just soldiers ahead doing whatever you programmed it to.  In terms of your success, there may be nothing more important than what you choose to program yourself with and how.

The transfer of thought from your conscious to your subconscious mind is hastened by what Hill called “stepping up.”  This means stimulating the vibrations of thought through faith, fear or other highly intensified emotion such as enthusiasm or a definiteness of purpose.  (That is why mind viruses about kids travel so well, because of the emotion.)

So what are you transferring to your subconscious mind today?  And what are you doing to step it up?


57 comments on “The Power of Self-Suggestion”

  1. -RG,

    Abundance, abundance is what I'm transferring. The "stepping up" part is what I don't fully understand. To do that properly would one spend time in feeling what it's like to be abundant?



    1. Anything involving kids is emotional for most people. Hence you notice Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Harry Potter, etc, etc are all orphans. Do you notice a pattern here?


      1. Oh, I see...Thank you. I can find some patterns here, and I'm sure that other people will see even more. I never noticed such a perspective before...

        I was thinking about the mind viruses that some parents manifest towards their own kids.. Like "you are too weak for that..", " you are going to get sick if you play outside without a warm coat", "my child is can't handle this situation" and so on. This way parents program themelves and their own children.

      2. Yeah, Yeah, there is a pattern and then what? Most orphans are poor? So only poor orphans get to be superheroes? Harry, turned out to be really wealthy. Remember all his gold in Gringots?

        1. Hm...That's not kind of pattern I see here.

          Kids do involve emotions in many people. If it's an orphan or an abused kid, then emotions triple. Naturally, most people would be interested in listening to a story about such kids (especially if they have some super powers). One of the reasons is that most people care.

          And then that kid become a super hero. People love him. And of course, his worst enemy is - who? - some rich, snoby guy or a corporation. So I see the trend here. It's kind of smart marketing strategy. First you grab people's attention using an emotional side. Then you show rich people as evil. So who want to be rich and be "against" a superhero?

          I'm not sure if Randy was talking about this pattern. It's just my opinion. Other people will find something else. But I don;t thinks that only (or most) orphans get to be poor.

      3. Randy, do you mean that first they generate in us certain kind of emotions by using kids, and especially orphaned kids, and then "link" the mind viruses to that emotional state? And therefore the programming is implanted easier and is stronger, since it is coupled with this kind of strong emotions? Something along this lines...

          1. Thanks, Rishkin!

            I think we have been writing our posts at the same time...

            Well, I say we can "borrow" the technique to do the reverse. 🙂 Well, at least the principle: generate a strong positive emotion and then link a new positive (useful) "mind virus".

  2. I try to transfer only positive affirmations. But emotions...They play such a big part in this process..I find that it's hard to let positive emotions out sometimes. I'm looking into the root of this issue, sitting at the desk with a piece of paper and a pen.

  3. The study of self-suggestion or Autosuggestion is not taught in any schools, at least not the schools I've attended. That why self-education to critical to your success. You must always guard your subconscious mind with the thoughts coming through your conscious mind. In Jim Rohn's book The Seasons of Life, he compares the seasons to our mind. The 'spring' is the opportunity to plant the seeds. All thoughts are intellectual seeds and if planted into the subconscious mind often enough will take root and later those seeds will be harvested in the 'fall'.

  4. Thats right,

    your subconscious cant differentiate a negative from a positive, speak in the positive..

    things get way clearer then.., which is more powerful

    "I will be rich" or "I will not be poor"

    great stuff randy..

  5. Randy, emotion is definitely the key. When I was younger and heavily involved in sports I would sometimes put on some music (the good stuff that gets your heart racing) and picture in my mind what my "play" was going to look like. This imagining would be so intense that sometimes I would actually break out in a sweat. I didn't realize then what I was doing, but in later years I was able to correlate this to present day goals and how I was going to achieve them. You need to drive that image of exactly what you want into the subconscious with heavy emotion.

  6. Similarly to Hill, Wattles principles in Science of Getting Rich are similar, "First, you must move from the competitive to the creative mind. Then you must hold a CLEAR mental picture of exactly what you seek and must do with FAITH, purpose and GRATITUDE all that can be done each day in an efficient manner"

    I maintain my vision constantly, and if some thought wanders into my mind that doesn't serve the vision, I immediately let go reminding myself, "this is NOT who you really are". I also find meditating daily keeps me grounded and I remain focused. In other words I always have my "eye on the prize". Thanks Randy.

  7. Wow. Did I get some great insight on this subject to share. I never understood in Genesis chapter 25 where Esau sells his birthright, what that really meant and how perfect of an example it is to show us the power self suggestion has on our outcomes in life. Back in those days the belief was that the eldest son was blessed and received the large majority of the inheritance from the family. When Esau comes back from hunting, he is famished. His younger brother is making stew and the minute he smells it, asks his younger brother for some. How many of us can relate to the older brother and how few times they ever ask a younger sibling for anything while in our teen years. Jacob seeing that he has a rare opportunity to get something from his older brother tells him that he can have the stew if he gives him his birthright, talk about shooting for the moon, which Esau does. Why would he do something so crazy. But he does. How does this apply to self suggestion? How many people, for example who are married, work in an office with attractive people. They interact regularly and before you know it, they justify having an affair because they have convinced themselves with self suggestion that, in this case, "the sex will be worth it". I use this example because it is so prevalent today and destroying so many people. Our minds, intuitively, will always magnify something that we have put our focus on. Ex. You have your eye on that great car. Your mind tells you it will be a 10 experience but we all ultimately know that once we've got it, after a week or two it's about a 3 or 4.It's the same with money, though you have to get it before you can make this determination. What is so scary about this is that we all do it. We convince ourselves with self suggestion, which is really our way of justifying what our action will be on whatever we are focusing on, that even though we often know it is wrong, that there are many reasons why we should do it or have it, etc.. It's our built in mechanism to lie to ourselves to justify a wrong. Do we ever stop to reframe (look at the big picture on how this action or thought will affect our lives and those we love) or do we Refrain (pull back and see the big picture before we decide). A great exercise to emphasize this is, Ask yourself... What do I want my life to look like 10 years from now? How do I want my relationship to be with my wife, kids, family, friends...? If we use self suggestion as an excuse to act out wrong behavior and justify it by lying to ourselves or do we look at the big picture (reframe) and take time to focus on the outcome (refrain). I know that with this understanding and clarity, I am going to take a step back and look how my daily thoughts, desires, actions, will affect my life as I want it to be in 10 years. I am going to be more aware when I am self suggesting things to myself I know are just excuses to get around the truth. I am going to take serious responsibility for my choices by stepping back and looking at the big picture before I make them and refrain from what I know is wrong and the impact it could have on my life or others that are in it. I hope people get this. I have seen so many sad situations with friends that give up so much for instant gratification. And we all know how long that lasts and it never takes us up, it only takes us down along with everyone else we affect. Sorry to be so long winded. I really wanted to get my point across to help and pray that I do.

    1. Mary-Ellen, I really enjoyed reading your post. You know I really love bible stories, and I don't know if I knew that one. I also liked what you said at the end.:)


      1. Hi Annie,
        I must say that I am always amazed, once you really study and understand the bible, how much wisdom is there that just blows me away. I have grown in ways that I could have only imagined studying it. I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, and believe me, I'm not exagerating, on trying to figure so many things out and I have yet to find anything that makes more sense than the bible. I'm no saint, but I am someone who really gets it and I don't want to minimize this blog or disrespect Randy in any way but at this point I'm really here to give and not to get. I can see that whether or not it's appreciated, I have something to offer that I hope is being guided for all the right reasons. You are such a smart lady Annie. I hope you find all the answers you are searching for and I hope my input brings you and others some clarity.

        1. Mary-Ellen thank you for the compliment. I like being called smart.:) I do get lots out of what you say. You know I have never read the whole bible. That is a shame. I really need to take time to do that.


          1. Hi Annie,
            It was suggested to me when I first started taking a serious interest in understanding the bible that I start with the Psalms. They are very uplifting. I also get great clarity studying on line with Dr. Charles Stanley. His website is He makes so much sense with his interpretations and you can access all his material without cost. My life has changed in wonderful ways reading the bible regularly. Hope it does the same for you.

    2. Thank you, Mary-Ellen! This was relevant for me, and helpful.
      I relate what you say here to Randy's post on discipline. Your suggestion of "reframe and refrain" adds granularity to discipline: the will power of discipline can be reinforced by perspectives gained through reframing and refraining.
      I had an experience with this recently. I was (eventually) able to stay away from something when my will was giving up by using exactly what you, Mary-Ellen , called reframe and refrain. Now I have a "catchy" phrase to use as a reminder. 🙂
      Funny enough, this can be something that Randy is talking about: use of emotion to transplant things into subconscious. I like the phrase, it makes me feel good, I smile, I experience very positive emotions, so I am likely to retain this learning and to retrieve it when I needed and also want to retrieve it and use it. 🙂

      1. so pleased Larissa that this information gave you additional clarity. I think we all need to be reminded of what our inate human patterns are so we can stop, reframe and many times refrain. Have a great weekend.

    3. Mary-Ellen, to quote you: "You have your eye on that great car. Your mind tells you it will be a 10 experience but we all ultimately know that once we’ve got it, after a week or two it’s about a 3 or 4."

      I just want to point out to you that I see that as a very limiting belief. Who says that we don't appreciate things after we have obtained/achieved them?

      1. It depends on the car. And how much of a car person you are. But I think the lesson here is to look how todays actions will effect you down the road and whether the actions you take today are worth it. Right now I can buy a sports car I always wanted or invest in some land. Investing in land is more judicious for me right now.

  8. Excuse me, but I find this a little confusing. I am happy to have a discussion about emotions. But, honestly huh?

    How do you pick an emotion and tell yourself to feel it, so you can successfully transplant an idea into your subconscious.

    Please explain Master Jedi, for I know not of what you speak.

      1. I understand that. I guess I didn't understand the question at the end. I mean I understood the question: "what are you transferring to your subconscious?", but not "What are you doing to step it up?". How does one induce a stimulating vibration of emotion concsiously to subconsciously implant positive programming? Or were you just trying to tell us to be mindful of it.

        I was really trying to figure that out all day. I came up with positive thinking. After I read your book, and this is a true story, I would tell myself "I am a good Mom.". Then really, I put more trust in my own judgements and they were usually right. So, then Nicholas and I had more positive happy experiences together and he had an easier time adjusting to Kindergarten, which made me and him very happy. With all the happiness and positive results the thought that I was a good Mom was implanted faster into my subconscious?

        I also thought about how the government uses fear to conrol us by scaring us with propaganda and then implanting thoughts, like, war is necessary.

        As for those orphans, Randy, Randy. Yes, I agree they pull at our hearts strings so we will root for the hero and want the bad guy to fall. But, are there any other possible interpretations besides the mind virus that rich people are evil? I am not saying that is not a mind virus, it is or a stereotype or whatever. But, I also think one of the possible interpretations is that abuse of power is evil. And, I think it is. Abuse of power Randy. No, not all rich people abuse their power, but some do. Throughout history the worst mind virus is that "might makes right." I think the United States holds on to that mind virus with tight fists. I believe that is one of the morals these story tellers are trying to convey. Wouldn't you say slavery and the mass murder of Native Americans was an abuse of power?

        Remember all the villians in these stories "Abuse" their power, whether it is wealth or political power or magical powers. You know Harry Potter was among many other things an allegory about slavery. Voldemort wanted to enslave the muggles.(And Harry was a super wealthy heir to an old and powerful wizarding family, on his Dad's side.:)) The villians in Superman and Batman wanted to take over the world and rule with absolute power.

        The Heroes are not necessarily poor,they are just supposed to be relatable to the average person, maybe so we too can feel like we can make a difference if we want to. (that's a positive message, I think).

        Anyway Randy, all of those stories have some of your values too. Would a Libertarian want enslavement or an absolute ruler? No, they would not.

        And, I might point out that you are a hero to many because you are hailed as poor guy who was at least half an orphan and shot.(I mean that definitly instilled the same emotion in me, that little orphan Harry did) Then you became rich and successful against all the odds. That's why we love you Randy, isn't it? We find you easy to relate to, and we think "Hey maybe I could be like that guy?".

        Who is the bad guy in your story Randy? You? You, yourself and you. Well, anyway that might be part true, but not entirely. There were some other bad guys too. Like poverty, departing parents, and an unkown shooter. Is poverty still a bad guy to you? What about that shooter? You never did say how you forgave that awful guy.

        1. Annie,
          You ask so many compelling and relevant questions, some of which I don't think I can intellectually respond to. What I do know is that if we are truthful with ourselves, we are all trying to find our way. I think we all try so hard to figure it all out. I think it all comes down to believing that this universe is full of good and bad and that it is our choice to choose to look at it one way or the other. I can't save the world any more than anyone other individual can but I can surely make a difference in my own little world with my own little contributions. I always harp about never giving our gifts away by telling about them, but I'm willing to give one away for this. I was on my way to the casino tonight to meet up with friends. I'm not a gambler but knew a friend who doesn't get to see me much was in the area, so I agreed to go. On the way, there was a man on the side of the road with a sign that said, I will work for food. I pulled over and gave him money. There was a time when I would have just drove by thinking he was a scammer. I don't do that any more. When I see a need, I try to fill it. Maybe he spent the money on booze or drugs. I don't know. But what I do know is that if I truly want to make a difference in this world, I have to start with me and I am not going to judge someone I don't even know. It's not my place to do that. It's my belief that if I do something with love and compassion that no matter what the outcome it will have been the right thing to do. I think the world could transform completely if we all took time to get out of ourselves and into others for a change. Prosperity is great but what do you do with it once you posess it. How many houses, cars, trips, etc.. can you buy. I think we all need to get to abundance but what you do with it once you get it is what truly makes you who you are. I'm starting to understand how important that is and how much more life has to give on the giving side.

          1. Mary-Ellen, your brillant and shiny. I love your story about how you gave money away without judging. So true, we never can possibly know what another truly needs at any given moment. If you give of yourself or your time, money, possessions whatever with love and not judgement then you are always bringing more love and goodness into the world. As a side note, I think it is wonderful to share those stories sometimes.:)

            Thank you for all of your insights. I hope others listen and take something away as well.

            I just want to add one more thing to your great comment. I have had friends say they never give money to people on the street, they only give to legitimate helping organizations like Salvation Army, or Goodwill. I think that is good too, but honestly for all their good intentions these organizations do not always meet the needs of those they intend to serve. Because they give based on the assumption that they know what people in the community they serve need. Rarely do they ask, and unfortunately, most of the economically disadvantaged are so disempowered they don't use their own voices to say what they really need. Sometimes when they do, they don't get heard. So, give money right to people who are in need and don't worry how they use it. If they use it for drugs, mabey that's what the need the most right then. Doesn't mean they won't eventually change, but sometimes it takes time.


    1. I once saw a workshop on how to train dogs using only positive attention...the dogs were so happy and attentive..VERY VERY attentive...they acted like being with the instructor was a privilege and learning was a game. I was 18 when I saw this and it brought tears to my eyes, the joy surrounding it was sooo beautiful!

      I guess in life we have that option too, we can learn from positive feedback or negative. We can focus on negative feedback, feel punished and view life as one trial after another or seek out uplifting guidance and follow a result see life as a joyful game where you are guided by something beautiful that you want to shine for.

  9. I am in the process of figuring this one out and implementing it in my life. In fact, I think that at the moment this is where the main issue is. I am "watching" my mind, thought patters, emotions, actions to be more and more aware of the mechanisms and then to be more and more able to either interrupt unproductive patterns or actively cultivate more productive states, thoughts, and emotions.
    At first, it was mostly confusing and not really working. But now, more and more I see small results, really tiny still. But it gives hope. At least I do not feel anymore like a lion who has a fly in his ear.

  10. Awareness of the mind virus is the first step to eliminating it. Positive thoughts and plans (vision board, future goals) are key to making the leap. Onward Randy!

  11. Randy, this is awesome! You're are one of my favorites, but I think it's best if we call our subconscious the unconscious. A Personal Development Guru taught me that at one of his seminars in Vegas back in 09. He says that referring to the unconscious as subconscious is a negative.

    1. John, I think you're onto something here. Calling our other mind "sub"conscious is indeed negative (and possibly insulting, from its point of view). Unfortunately, calling it "un"conscious is not so great either. Referring to our "alternate conscious" would be less negative, but it's a little unwieldy.

      We need a single-syllable prefix that doesn't imply "bad" or "lack", but I can't think of one. Suggestions?

  12. I try to read every day positive books.

    The negative programming I get is in the university, where I am programmed to be a middle class person and to be an employee or a self-employee.

    Another case of negative programming I had last week was in the theatre. The perfomance was filled with pessimism very much. And the situation was even worse because the actors played very well so it seemed real. I was depressed even more than you, Randy, after "Titanic". So I don't know if to go to theatre ever again or not)).

  13. There seems to be times for expression, times for absorption and times for study. In times when my mind feels like absorbing; which I believe to be the best time to consciously work with the unconscious, I meditate on the seasons and imagine whatever it is that my life needs most. If it is more rest...then I will imagine with all my senses what the perfect place, time and day for resting feels like in the spring, summer, fall and winter. I always complete the cycle. During this time new affirmations or insights come and then I will take those with me into the day...such as: "surrender to the angels" or "breath into open spaces".

    The last instructions I received were to focus on what it feels like when all my resources are filled: energy, vitality, time, house and business basics all taken care of...what investments would I then make as apposed to the investments I might make if I was feeling exhausted.

    Sometimes when all your known work is done it's easy to want to rush out to play...but taking time out to really check your resources is you need more rest before you can really make good investment choices? Maybe after the rest you will find that there really is more work to do that will help bring your life and quality of energy to the next level rather than rushing out and spending on frivolous things because they are inexpensive and provide a quick fix? I am referring to all resources here...not just money. Could even be what you choose to focus on in your distracted by momentary tv because it's free? Or buy a good book that raises the quality of your energy?

    The question for me has become:

    "What are the results of your investments and if you take the time to choose from a place of abundance,how does that look s apposed from a place of lack?

    Saying yes to things you really don't want to do, investing in inexpensive but quick fixes and spending mental focus on distracting thoughts have a different kind of result than good quality investments.

    So my goals:
    1. take care of what needs to be done now,
    2. invest in good quality investments

    Good quality investments

  14. Although this may be off topic, I just wanted to make this observation anyway. Just got high speed internet and started watching Randy's youtube channel. This is great stuff. Just wanted to say to Randy that there is an Aura of positivity about you and it is admirable how YOU changed yourself into who you became. I watch these videos and they are tremendous source of positive energy for me. Thanks for making them. One's own wealth and life should be celebrated by doing things that give joy. Love those two Challengers! They are far better versions of the original.

  15. At the moment 'stepping it up' is a bit of an ad hoc process for me. I have days where I'm extra happy, almost high. I crank up the stereo and make the most of these moments focusing on the things that I want most in my life.

  16. Randy,

    I am doing visualization, affirmations, afformations, and listen to many CDs on personal development.

    My favorite affirmation which I repeat several times a day: Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better!

    Great post, Randy!


  17. Hey!
    In the country I live we are thought to minimize ourself. "Who do you think you are ?" is a common sentence throwned at people who try to expose attitude and keep a straight posture.

    So I will tell my fellow countrymen to stop minimize your self and show for yourself that you are rightous in everything that you decide to do as long as it origins from your heart and comes with integrity.

    It´s much more easy to tell your minds that "It might not work so be careful and be aware of your limits (then you are normal or ´lagom´ which is a awful missleading word in our own language). Instead to go tell yourself it does´nt matter if I fail with this attemp to do this cause the worst way to fail is not do or give it up.

    If I tell myself that I am strong, capable and enough integrited to do this and I will do it even do I might fail but it will not stop me from doing it, then it´s one way to get a

    Thanks for the subject Randy and thanks for all the comments .

  18. Great Blog.

    Sometimes (almost always) is difficult to get these viruses from our mind...

    You should to a mp3 to sell here with positive thoughts: programming of the mind, etc; that we could put in he car or while we sleep.

    Thank you Randy

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  • 57 comments on “The Power of Self-Suggestion”

    1. -RG,

      Abundance, abundance is what I'm transferring. The "stepping up" part is what I don't fully understand. To do that properly would one spend time in feeling what it's like to be abundant?



      1. Anything involving kids is emotional for most people. Hence you notice Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Harry Potter, etc, etc are all orphans. Do you notice a pattern here?


        1. Oh, I see...Thank you. I can find some patterns here, and I'm sure that other people will see even more. I never noticed such a perspective before...

          I was thinking about the mind viruses that some parents manifest towards their own kids.. Like "you are too weak for that..", " you are going to get sick if you play outside without a warm coat", "my child is can't handle this situation" and so on. This way parents program themelves and their own children.

        2. Yeah, Yeah, there is a pattern and then what? Most orphans are poor? So only poor orphans get to be superheroes? Harry, turned out to be really wealthy. Remember all his gold in Gringots?

          1. Hm...That's not kind of pattern I see here.

            Kids do involve emotions in many people. If it's an orphan or an abused kid, then emotions triple. Naturally, most people would be interested in listening to a story about such kids (especially if they have some super powers). One of the reasons is that most people care.

            And then that kid become a super hero. People love him. And of course, his worst enemy is - who? - some rich, snoby guy or a corporation. So I see the trend here. It's kind of smart marketing strategy. First you grab people's attention using an emotional side. Then you show rich people as evil. So who want to be rich and be "against" a superhero?

            I'm not sure if Randy was talking about this pattern. It's just my opinion. Other people will find something else. But I don;t thinks that only (or most) orphans get to be poor.

        3. Randy, do you mean that first they generate in us certain kind of emotions by using kids, and especially orphaned kids, and then "link" the mind viruses to that emotional state? And therefore the programming is implanted easier and is stronger, since it is coupled with this kind of strong emotions? Something along this lines...

            1. Thanks, Rishkin!

              I think we have been writing our posts at the same time...

              Well, I say we can "borrow" the technique to do the reverse. 🙂 Well, at least the principle: generate a strong positive emotion and then link a new positive (useful) "mind virus".

    2. I try to transfer only positive affirmations. But emotions...They play such a big part in this process..I find that it's hard to let positive emotions out sometimes. I'm looking into the root of this issue, sitting at the desk with a piece of paper and a pen.

    3. The study of self-suggestion or Autosuggestion is not taught in any schools, at least not the schools I've attended. That why self-education to critical to your success. You must always guard your subconscious mind with the thoughts coming through your conscious mind. In Jim Rohn's book The Seasons of Life, he compares the seasons to our mind. The 'spring' is the opportunity to plant the seeds. All thoughts are intellectual seeds and if planted into the subconscious mind often enough will take root and later those seeds will be harvested in the 'fall'.

    4. Thats right,

      your subconscious cant differentiate a negative from a positive, speak in the positive..

      things get way clearer then.., which is more powerful

      "I will be rich" or "I will not be poor"

      great stuff randy..

    5. Randy, emotion is definitely the key. When I was younger and heavily involved in sports I would sometimes put on some music (the good stuff that gets your heart racing) and picture in my mind what my "play" was going to look like. This imagining would be so intense that sometimes I would actually break out in a sweat. I didn't realize then what I was doing, but in later years I was able to correlate this to present day goals and how I was going to achieve them. You need to drive that image of exactly what you want into the subconscious with heavy emotion.

    6. Similarly to Hill, Wattles principles in Science of Getting Rich are similar, "First, you must move from the competitive to the creative mind. Then you must hold a CLEAR mental picture of exactly what you seek and must do with FAITH, purpose and GRATITUDE all that can be done each day in an efficient manner"

      I maintain my vision constantly, and if some thought wanders into my mind that doesn't serve the vision, I immediately let go reminding myself, "this is NOT who you really are". I also find meditating daily keeps me grounded and I remain focused. In other words I always have my "eye on the prize". Thanks Randy.

    7. Wow. Did I get some great insight on this subject to share. I never understood in Genesis chapter 25 where Esau sells his birthright, what that really meant and how perfect of an example it is to show us the power self suggestion has on our outcomes in life. Back in those days the belief was that the eldest son was blessed and received the large majority of the inheritance from the family. When Esau comes back from hunting, he is famished. His younger brother is making stew and the minute he smells it, asks his younger brother for some. How many of us can relate to the older brother and how few times they ever ask a younger sibling for anything while in our teen years. Jacob seeing that he has a rare opportunity to get something from his older brother tells him that he can have the stew if he gives him his birthright, talk about shooting for the moon, which Esau does. Why would he do something so crazy. But he does. How does this apply to self suggestion? How many people, for example who are married, work in an office with attractive people. They interact regularly and before you know it, they justify having an affair because they have convinced themselves with self suggestion that, in this case, "the sex will be worth it". I use this example because it is so prevalent today and destroying so many people. Our minds, intuitively, will always magnify something that we have put our focus on. Ex. You have your eye on that great car. Your mind tells you it will be a 10 experience but we all ultimately know that once we've got it, after a week or two it's about a 3 or 4.It's the same with money, though you have to get it before you can make this determination. What is so scary about this is that we all do it. We convince ourselves with self suggestion, which is really our way of justifying what our action will be on whatever we are focusing on, that even though we often know it is wrong, that there are many reasons why we should do it or have it, etc.. It's our built in mechanism to lie to ourselves to justify a wrong. Do we ever stop to reframe (look at the big picture on how this action or thought will affect our lives and those we love) or do we Refrain (pull back and see the big picture before we decide). A great exercise to emphasize this is, Ask yourself... What do I want my life to look like 10 years from now? How do I want my relationship to be with my wife, kids, family, friends...? If we use self suggestion as an excuse to act out wrong behavior and justify it by lying to ourselves or do we look at the big picture (reframe) and take time to focus on the outcome (refrain). I know that with this understanding and clarity, I am going to take a step back and look how my daily thoughts, desires, actions, will affect my life as I want it to be in 10 years. I am going to be more aware when I am self suggesting things to myself I know are just excuses to get around the truth. I am going to take serious responsibility for my choices by stepping back and looking at the big picture before I make them and refrain from what I know is wrong and the impact it could have on my life or others that are in it. I hope people get this. I have seen so many sad situations with friends that give up so much for instant gratification. And we all know how long that lasts and it never takes us up, it only takes us down along with everyone else we affect. Sorry to be so long winded. I really wanted to get my point across to help and pray that I do.

      1. Mary-Ellen, I really enjoyed reading your post. You know I really love bible stories, and I don't know if I knew that one. I also liked what you said at the end.:)


        1. Hi Annie,
          I must say that I am always amazed, once you really study and understand the bible, how much wisdom is there that just blows me away. I have grown in ways that I could have only imagined studying it. I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, and believe me, I'm not exagerating, on trying to figure so many things out and I have yet to find anything that makes more sense than the bible. I'm no saint, but I am someone who really gets it and I don't want to minimize this blog or disrespect Randy in any way but at this point I'm really here to give and not to get. I can see that whether or not it's appreciated, I have something to offer that I hope is being guided for all the right reasons. You are such a smart lady Annie. I hope you find all the answers you are searching for and I hope my input brings you and others some clarity.

          1. Mary-Ellen thank you for the compliment. I like being called smart.:) I do get lots out of what you say. You know I have never read the whole bible. That is a shame. I really need to take time to do that.


            1. Hi Annie,
              It was suggested to me when I first started taking a serious interest in understanding the bible that I start with the Psalms. They are very uplifting. I also get great clarity studying on line with Dr. Charles Stanley. His website is He makes so much sense with his interpretations and you can access all his material without cost. My life has changed in wonderful ways reading the bible regularly. Hope it does the same for you.

      2. Thank you, Mary-Ellen! This was relevant for me, and helpful.
        I relate what you say here to Randy's post on discipline. Your suggestion of "reframe and refrain" adds granularity to discipline: the will power of discipline can be reinforced by perspectives gained through reframing and refraining.
        I had an experience with this recently. I was (eventually) able to stay away from something when my will was giving up by using exactly what you, Mary-Ellen , called reframe and refrain. Now I have a "catchy" phrase to use as a reminder. 🙂
        Funny enough, this can be something that Randy is talking about: use of emotion to transplant things into subconscious. I like the phrase, it makes me feel good, I smile, I experience very positive emotions, so I am likely to retain this learning and to retrieve it when I needed and also want to retrieve it and use it. 🙂

        1. so pleased Larissa that this information gave you additional clarity. I think we all need to be reminded of what our inate human patterns are so we can stop, reframe and many times refrain. Have a great weekend.

      3. Mary-Ellen, to quote you: "You have your eye on that great car. Your mind tells you it will be a 10 experience but we all ultimately know that once we’ve got it, after a week or two it’s about a 3 or 4."

        I just want to point out to you that I see that as a very limiting belief. Who says that we don't appreciate things after we have obtained/achieved them?

        1. It depends on the car. And how much of a car person you are. But I think the lesson here is to look how todays actions will effect you down the road and whether the actions you take today are worth it. Right now I can buy a sports car I always wanted or invest in some land. Investing in land is more judicious for me right now.

    8. Excuse me, but I find this a little confusing. I am happy to have a discussion about emotions. But, honestly huh?

      How do you pick an emotion and tell yourself to feel it, so you can successfully transplant an idea into your subconscious.

      Please explain Master Jedi, for I know not of what you speak.

        1. I understand that. I guess I didn't understand the question at the end. I mean I understood the question: "what are you transferring to your subconscious?", but not "What are you doing to step it up?". How does one induce a stimulating vibration of emotion concsiously to subconsciously implant positive programming? Or were you just trying to tell us to be mindful of it.

          I was really trying to figure that out all day. I came up with positive thinking. After I read your book, and this is a true story, I would tell myself "I am a good Mom.". Then really, I put more trust in my own judgements and they were usually right. So, then Nicholas and I had more positive happy experiences together and he had an easier time adjusting to Kindergarten, which made me and him very happy. With all the happiness and positive results the thought that I was a good Mom was implanted faster into my subconscious?

          I also thought about how the government uses fear to conrol us by scaring us with propaganda and then implanting thoughts, like, war is necessary.

          As for those orphans, Randy, Randy. Yes, I agree they pull at our hearts strings so we will root for the hero and want the bad guy to fall. But, are there any other possible interpretations besides the mind virus that rich people are evil? I am not saying that is not a mind virus, it is or a stereotype or whatever. But, I also think one of the possible interpretations is that abuse of power is evil. And, I think it is. Abuse of power Randy. No, not all rich people abuse their power, but some do. Throughout history the worst mind virus is that "might makes right." I think the United States holds on to that mind virus with tight fists. I believe that is one of the morals these story tellers are trying to convey. Wouldn't you say slavery and the mass murder of Native Americans was an abuse of power?

          Remember all the villians in these stories "Abuse" their power, whether it is wealth or political power or magical powers. You know Harry Potter was among many other things an allegory about slavery. Voldemort wanted to enslave the muggles.(And Harry was a super wealthy heir to an old and powerful wizarding family, on his Dad's side.:)) The villians in Superman and Batman wanted to take over the world and rule with absolute power.

          The Heroes are not necessarily poor,they are just supposed to be relatable to the average person, maybe so we too can feel like we can make a difference if we want to. (that's a positive message, I think).

          Anyway Randy, all of those stories have some of your values too. Would a Libertarian want enslavement or an absolute ruler? No, they would not.

          And, I might point out that you are a hero to many because you are hailed as poor guy who was at least half an orphan and shot.(I mean that definitly instilled the same emotion in me, that little orphan Harry did) Then you became rich and successful against all the odds. That's why we love you Randy, isn't it? We find you easy to relate to, and we think "Hey maybe I could be like that guy?".

          Who is the bad guy in your story Randy? You? You, yourself and you. Well, anyway that might be part true, but not entirely. There were some other bad guys too. Like poverty, departing parents, and an unkown shooter. Is poverty still a bad guy to you? What about that shooter? You never did say how you forgave that awful guy.

          1. Annie,
            You ask so many compelling and relevant questions, some of which I don't think I can intellectually respond to. What I do know is that if we are truthful with ourselves, we are all trying to find our way. I think we all try so hard to figure it all out. I think it all comes down to believing that this universe is full of good and bad and that it is our choice to choose to look at it one way or the other. I can't save the world any more than anyone other individual can but I can surely make a difference in my own little world with my own little contributions. I always harp about never giving our gifts away by telling about them, but I'm willing to give one away for this. I was on my way to the casino tonight to meet up with friends. I'm not a gambler but knew a friend who doesn't get to see me much was in the area, so I agreed to go. On the way, there was a man on the side of the road with a sign that said, I will work for food. I pulled over and gave him money. There was a time when I would have just drove by thinking he was a scammer. I don't do that any more. When I see a need, I try to fill it. Maybe he spent the money on booze or drugs. I don't know. But what I do know is that if I truly want to make a difference in this world, I have to start with me and I am not going to judge someone I don't even know. It's not my place to do that. It's my belief that if I do something with love and compassion that no matter what the outcome it will have been the right thing to do. I think the world could transform completely if we all took time to get out of ourselves and into others for a change. Prosperity is great but what do you do with it once you posess it. How many houses, cars, trips, etc.. can you buy. I think we all need to get to abundance but what you do with it once you get it is what truly makes you who you are. I'm starting to understand how important that is and how much more life has to give on the giving side.

            1. Mary-Ellen, your brillant and shiny. I love your story about how you gave money away without judging. So true, we never can possibly know what another truly needs at any given moment. If you give of yourself or your time, money, possessions whatever with love and not judgement then you are always bringing more love and goodness into the world. As a side note, I think it is wonderful to share those stories sometimes.:)

              Thank you for all of your insights. I hope others listen and take something away as well.

              I just want to add one more thing to your great comment. I have had friends say they never give money to people on the street, they only give to legitimate helping organizations like Salvation Army, or Goodwill. I think that is good too, but honestly for all their good intentions these organizations do not always meet the needs of those they intend to serve. Because they give based on the assumption that they know what people in the community they serve need. Rarely do they ask, and unfortunately, most of the economically disadvantaged are so disempowered they don't use their own voices to say what they really need. Sometimes when they do, they don't get heard. So, give money right to people who are in need and don't worry how they use it. If they use it for drugs, mabey that's what the need the most right then. Doesn't mean they won't eventually change, but sometimes it takes time.


      1. I once saw a workshop on how to train dogs using only positive attention...the dogs were so happy and attentive..VERY VERY attentive...they acted like being with the instructor was a privilege and learning was a game. I was 18 when I saw this and it brought tears to my eyes, the joy surrounding it was sooo beautiful!

        I guess in life we have that option too, we can learn from positive feedback or negative. We can focus on negative feedback, feel punished and view life as one trial after another or seek out uplifting guidance and follow a result see life as a joyful game where you are guided by something beautiful that you want to shine for.

    9. I am in the process of figuring this one out and implementing it in my life. In fact, I think that at the moment this is where the main issue is. I am "watching" my mind, thought patters, emotions, actions to be more and more aware of the mechanisms and then to be more and more able to either interrupt unproductive patterns or actively cultivate more productive states, thoughts, and emotions.
      At first, it was mostly confusing and not really working. But now, more and more I see small results, really tiny still. But it gives hope. At least I do not feel anymore like a lion who has a fly in his ear.

    10. Awareness of the mind virus is the first step to eliminating it. Positive thoughts and plans (vision board, future goals) are key to making the leap. Onward Randy!

    11. Randy, this is awesome! You're are one of my favorites, but I think it's best if we call our subconscious the unconscious. A Personal Development Guru taught me that at one of his seminars in Vegas back in 09. He says that referring to the unconscious as subconscious is a negative.

      1. John, I think you're onto something here. Calling our other mind "sub"conscious is indeed negative (and possibly insulting, from its point of view). Unfortunately, calling it "un"conscious is not so great either. Referring to our "alternate conscious" would be less negative, but it's a little unwieldy.

        We need a single-syllable prefix that doesn't imply "bad" or "lack", but I can't think of one. Suggestions?

    12. I try to read every day positive books.

      The negative programming I get is in the university, where I am programmed to be a middle class person and to be an employee or a self-employee.

      Another case of negative programming I had last week was in the theatre. The perfomance was filled with pessimism very much. And the situation was even worse because the actors played very well so it seemed real. I was depressed even more than you, Randy, after "Titanic". So I don't know if to go to theatre ever again or not)).

    13. There seems to be times for expression, times for absorption and times for study. In times when my mind feels like absorbing; which I believe to be the best time to consciously work with the unconscious, I meditate on the seasons and imagine whatever it is that my life needs most. If it is more rest...then I will imagine with all my senses what the perfect place, time and day for resting feels like in the spring, summer, fall and winter. I always complete the cycle. During this time new affirmations or insights come and then I will take those with me into the day...such as: "surrender to the angels" or "breath into open spaces".

      The last instructions I received were to focus on what it feels like when all my resources are filled: energy, vitality, time, house and business basics all taken care of...what investments would I then make as apposed to the investments I might make if I was feeling exhausted.

      Sometimes when all your known work is done it's easy to want to rush out to play...but taking time out to really check your resources is you need more rest before you can really make good investment choices? Maybe after the rest you will find that there really is more work to do that will help bring your life and quality of energy to the next level rather than rushing out and spending on frivolous things because they are inexpensive and provide a quick fix? I am referring to all resources here...not just money. Could even be what you choose to focus on in your distracted by momentary tv because it's free? Or buy a good book that raises the quality of your energy?

      The question for me has become:

      "What are the results of your investments and if you take the time to choose from a place of abundance,how does that look s apposed from a place of lack?

      Saying yes to things you really don't want to do, investing in inexpensive but quick fixes and spending mental focus on distracting thoughts have a different kind of result than good quality investments.

      So my goals:
      1. take care of what needs to be done now,
      2. invest in good quality investments

      Good quality investments

    14. Although this may be off topic, I just wanted to make this observation anyway. Just got high speed internet and started watching Randy's youtube channel. This is great stuff. Just wanted to say to Randy that there is an Aura of positivity about you and it is admirable how YOU changed yourself into who you became. I watch these videos and they are tremendous source of positive energy for me. Thanks for making them. One's own wealth and life should be celebrated by doing things that give joy. Love those two Challengers! They are far better versions of the original.

    15. At the moment 'stepping it up' is a bit of an ad hoc process for me. I have days where I'm extra happy, almost high. I crank up the stereo and make the most of these moments focusing on the things that I want most in my life.

    16. Randy,

      I am doing visualization, affirmations, afformations, and listen to many CDs on personal development.

      My favorite affirmation which I repeat several times a day: Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better!

      Great post, Randy!


    17. Hey!
      In the country I live we are thought to minimize ourself. "Who do you think you are ?" is a common sentence throwned at people who try to expose attitude and keep a straight posture.

      So I will tell my fellow countrymen to stop minimize your self and show for yourself that you are rightous in everything that you decide to do as long as it origins from your heart and comes with integrity.

      It´s much more easy to tell your minds that "It might not work so be careful and be aware of your limits (then you are normal or ´lagom´ which is a awful missleading word in our own language). Instead to go tell yourself it does´nt matter if I fail with this attemp to do this cause the worst way to fail is not do or give it up.

      If I tell myself that I am strong, capable and enough integrited to do this and I will do it even do I might fail but it will not stop me from doing it, then it´s one way to get a

      Thanks for the subject Randy and thanks for all the comments .

    18. Great Blog.

      Sometimes (almost always) is difficult to get these viruses from our mind...

      You should to a mp3 to sell here with positive thoughts: programming of the mind, etc; that we could put in he car or while we sleep.

      Thank you Randy

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