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The Power of Ideas for Your Prosperity

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 14, 2009

So on the last post we discussed beginning the process of going from victim to vanquisher. And it is a process.  That’s because the results you create are determined by your dominant thoughts, and usually transforming those thoughts is a sequence of timing.

All matter is quantified thought - manifested by the thoughts you give precedence to.

Charles Fillmore in his book “Prosperity” tells us that our creator provided for all our needs with substance.  This substance is all around us, everywhere on earth, even in the poorest of places.  If you wonder how lack and poverty can be so present in a place like South-Central LA, Haiti or Latin America - it is not because substance is not there.  It is.

It is up to us to manifest that substance on the physical realm.  The way to do that is through IDEAS.  I believe that you are never given an idea you can’t manifest.  It is a question of faith and belief.  When you really believe something is possible, you bend the universe to your will.  Your faith allows you to think creatively.  Where others see only obstacles and improbability, you see creative solutions, alternatives and options.

God (or the Universe or whatever label you want to use for this) is not punishing you by keeping you broke, sick or in unhealthy relationships.  You manifest those things, by the choices you make everyday.  When you are willing to let go of the “victim” tag, exercise self-discipline and work toward your goals, amazing things are possible.

If you’d like to explore these ideas further, get a copy of Fillmore’s book.  TODAY.  Put it next to your bed and read a paragraph every night before you go to sleep, and each morning as soon as you wake up.   I also suggest you check out my “Prosperity” audiotape album here. You’ll learn how to apply spiritual laws to create health, wealth, and abundance in your life.

Along they way, you’ll discover that success doesn’t come from having money, or the right education.  It comes from believing you’re worthy, and feeding your mind thoughts that support and maintain that belief.  Next post, we’ll look more at how you leave victim-hood behind, and choose success.


15 comments on “The Power of Ideas for Your Prosperity”

  1. Ha - I LOVE that book by Charles Fillmore. It has made a remarkable difference in my life over the past few months, and I hadn't met anyone who'd ever heard of it until now. Glad you're sharing the message with others. That little gem was first published in 1936. Thanks Randy.

  2. Randy, Thanks for bringing these wonderful messages and for beeing such a messenger full of love and will to to share your insights to support peopple out of our limiting believes. God, or whatever lable you wnat to use for this, bless you

  3. It doesn't hurt to ask!

    Do you wish to give that some serious thought?

    One the one hand someone may feel that saving money is prosperous but on the other hand are you always looking to do things on the cheap? Are you devaluing the product?...Is this a fair exchange of value?

    ...worth thinking about or as Randy would critical thought to.

    Make your day as great as you are Phil and thanks for the comment.

  4. No such thing as coincidence...Randy, I haven't read "Prosperity" for many, many years and to be honest - the last time I read it, I struggled with many of the questions at the back of the book.

    Over the weekend I thought it would be a great benchmark to read it again and see how much easier it is to understand this time round.


  5. As the great basketball coach John Wooden liked to say in Promise 1 of his nine Promises that bring happiness:

    "Promise yourself that you will talk health, happiness, and prosperity as often as possible."

    Coach Donnelly

  6. Well, Let me disagree with you on poverty in Latin America since I grew up in Nicaragua in a wealthy family.
    The problem with our countries is that they are corrupted. While I was growing up.The Somoza ditactorship decided to control 1/2 of wealth of the whole country. We had a revolution in 1979, deserving so.
    In the 1980's,10 families controlled the wealth in El Salvador and in 2009, 15 families in Honduras control most of the wealth in the nation.
    These countries are just like " Divine King" rulers on what is now Germany and France in the 13th century. They are studies done that even if the peasants would work 24 hours a day all their lives,they could have never bought the land from "The Lord."
    This your Libertarian mind gone wild. An economic system developed in the 16th century with laizze-faire attitudes rooted in an Agrigarian Mindset.
    Anyways, the third richest person in the world is Mexican, his name is Carlos Slim while 1/2 of the populations starves.
    I have great respect for you when it comes to creating wealth through Network Marketing and breaking limiting beliefs, but not in the area of political philosophy or comparative social history.

    Explain, if high taxes and govertment, are the culprit to wealth creation:Why is the most of the wealth of the nation is been created in California,New York,and Massachussetts instead of the low tax states of Florida,Alabama and Mississippi (the last two the poorest states in the Union).

  7. What we call "creation" is not making something out of nothing - it's the act of taking our abstract ideas and manifesting them as real-world objects by using the materials and resources that are already present.

  8. "When you really believe something is possible, you bend the universe to your will. Your faith allows you to think creatively. Where others see only obstacles and improbability, you see creative solutions, alternatives and options."

    When I joined network marketing it was because I have faith & believed in it. I knew it would take time and that I would have to work the job I was in for a while. Just because I kept working my job, did not mean I did not believe in network marketing. In fact, just the opposite, it meant I had faith & I believed.

    You don't know how long it will take to achieve your dreams but you keep taking steps toward your dreams. You may need to take a different path than you originally planned to reach your dreams but you continue moving toward your dreams.

    I never expected to move back to where I grew up and I looked at as a step toward reaching my dreams. It was a step that I didn't know how long I would be on & hoped it wouldn't be a long time. It is not my dream life, just a step toward my dream life. It doesn't mean I don't have faith in my dream life, just that I knew it would take time to reach my dream life.

    I have changed the path I was on, learned from mistakes & made adjustments. All because I have faith & belief in my dreams. It is a process. It may take time. Keep taking steps toward your dream life.

  9. True principles of wealth and prosperity are ageless! Thanks for bringing up this awesome book. By coincidence (or not) I just bought it recently.
    Love your posts Randy - RJ

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  • 15 comments on “The Power of Ideas for Your Prosperity”

    1. Ha - I LOVE that book by Charles Fillmore. It has made a remarkable difference in my life over the past few months, and I hadn't met anyone who'd ever heard of it until now. Glad you're sharing the message with others. That little gem was first published in 1936. Thanks Randy.

    2. Randy, Thanks for bringing these wonderful messages and for beeing such a messenger full of love and will to to share your insights to support peopple out of our limiting believes. God, or whatever lable you wnat to use for this, bless you

    3. It doesn't hurt to ask!

      Do you wish to give that some serious thought?

      One the one hand someone may feel that saving money is prosperous but on the other hand are you always looking to do things on the cheap? Are you devaluing the product?...Is this a fair exchange of value?

      ...worth thinking about or as Randy would critical thought to.

      Make your day as great as you are Phil and thanks for the comment.

    4. No such thing as coincidence...Randy, I haven't read "Prosperity" for many, many years and to be honest - the last time I read it, I struggled with many of the questions at the back of the book.

      Over the weekend I thought it would be a great benchmark to read it again and see how much easier it is to understand this time round.


    5. As the great basketball coach John Wooden liked to say in Promise 1 of his nine Promises that bring happiness:

      "Promise yourself that you will talk health, happiness, and prosperity as often as possible."

      Coach Donnelly

    6. Well, Let me disagree with you on poverty in Latin America since I grew up in Nicaragua in a wealthy family.
      The problem with our countries is that they are corrupted. While I was growing up.The Somoza ditactorship decided to control 1/2 of wealth of the whole country. We had a revolution in 1979, deserving so.
      In the 1980's,10 families controlled the wealth in El Salvador and in 2009, 15 families in Honduras control most of the wealth in the nation.
      These countries are just like " Divine King" rulers on what is now Germany and France in the 13th century. They are studies done that even if the peasants would work 24 hours a day all their lives,they could have never bought the land from "The Lord."
      This your Libertarian mind gone wild. An economic system developed in the 16th century with laizze-faire attitudes rooted in an Agrigarian Mindset.
      Anyways, the third richest person in the world is Mexican, his name is Carlos Slim while 1/2 of the populations starves.
      I have great respect for you when it comes to creating wealth through Network Marketing and breaking limiting beliefs, but not in the area of political philosophy or comparative social history.

      Explain, if high taxes and govertment, are the culprit to wealth creation:Why is the most of the wealth of the nation is been created in California,New York,and Massachussetts instead of the low tax states of Florida,Alabama and Mississippi (the last two the poorest states in the Union).

    7. What we call "creation" is not making something out of nothing - it's the act of taking our abstract ideas and manifesting them as real-world objects by using the materials and resources that are already present.

    8. "When you really believe something is possible, you bend the universe to your will. Your faith allows you to think creatively. Where others see only obstacles and improbability, you see creative solutions, alternatives and options."

      When I joined network marketing it was because I have faith & believed in it. I knew it would take time and that I would have to work the job I was in for a while. Just because I kept working my job, did not mean I did not believe in network marketing. In fact, just the opposite, it meant I had faith & I believed.

      You don't know how long it will take to achieve your dreams but you keep taking steps toward your dreams. You may need to take a different path than you originally planned to reach your dreams but you continue moving toward your dreams.

      I never expected to move back to where I grew up and I looked at as a step toward reaching my dreams. It was a step that I didn't know how long I would be on & hoped it wouldn't be a long time. It is not my dream life, just a step toward my dream life. It doesn't mean I don't have faith in my dream life, just that I knew it would take time to reach my dream life.

      I have changed the path I was on, learned from mistakes & made adjustments. All because I have faith & belief in my dreams. It is a process. It may take time. Keep taking steps toward your dream life.

    9. True principles of wealth and prosperity are ageless! Thanks for bringing up this awesome book. By coincidence (or not) I just bought it recently.
      Love your posts Randy - RJ

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