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The Power of a Dream

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 3, 2012

Lots of people today talking dismissively of dreamers.  But dreamers are the ones who find cures, solve problems, and create new things.  Dreamers are the ones who change the world…

Once you create your dream, speak it out loud.  But only to those who will support you in the attainment of it. Others will try to use it against you, so don't give them the opportunity.

Dream BIG...

Your dream needs to be as big as you are.  Find a dream so bold, so compelling, so intoxicating - it pulls you toward it.  Then you'll never need to be motivated again.

- RG

40 comments on “The Power of a Dream”

  1. Are you referring to literal sleeping dreams or goals with heavy emotions? Bases off of the "dream big" statement I'm going to assume goals, but the opening few lines seemed like you were talking about sleeping dreams.

  2. Are you referring to literal sleeping dreams or goals with heavy emotions? Bases off of the "dream big" statement I'm going to assume goals, but the opening few lines seemed like you were talking about sleeping dreams.

  3. I had to run the online LEO-dictionary 5 times to understand your message fully up to 100%.
    1. Dismissively? Yes, those are no positive thinkers. People who don´t dream are those you like to be on the leash of someone else.
    2.attainment - thx. 4 the new vocabulary 😉
    3. no, I won´t go on.... ;]
    ...and for really BIG dreams? My advice is, if it is SO BIG, then better get out of your country 😉

  4. I had to run the online LEO-dictionary 5 times to understand your message fully up to 100%.
    1. Dismissively? Yes, those are no positive thinkers. People who don´t dream are those you like to be on the leash of someone else.
    2.attainment - thx. 4 the new vocabulary 😉
    3. no, I won´t go on.... ;]
    ...and for really BIG dreams? My advice is, if it is SO BIG, then better get out of your country 😉

  5. Could we go with "....others might try to use it against you, might try to diminish it", etc.   I prefer to think that while negativity is possible, it is only a possibility rather than a certainty.    

  6. Could we go with "....others might try to use it against you, might try to diminish it", etc.   I prefer to think that while negativity is possible, it is only a possibility rather than a certainty.    

  7. So here's the honest truth:  I am lousy at Dreaming Big.  Does anyone else feel "challenged" when it comes to Dreaming Big?  It's such a cliche, if it's not Randy it is someone else admonishing me to "Dreeeeaaaaammmmmm Biiiiiiiiiiiiig~!"   What happens when I start to dream big? I climb up there...and fall off the cliff on the other side.   Instead of lifting me up, dreaming big plummets me down.  It's AWFUL! I'm afraid to dream big.  Anyone else experience that?
    I'm in the process of discovering the non-serving beliefs that feed this process. 
    One of those is the thought that if I want ______(fill in the blank) I'm going to have to work HARD to create even the possibility that I might have it.  The thought of HARD work exhausts me before I start.  And I probably won't get it after all that.
     Thoughts sure are powerful!  I'm in the process of changing my thoughts & beliefs, because golly!  I'd love to dare to dream big.

    1. I know ! I'm a very big dreamer and it's HARD to get there, but i never quit, i try harder every day, i keep going !
      It's like 50 cent said : the only excuse for being broke is being in jail !

      1. @million dollar
         Thx for your encouragement!  I'm working on it...    I'm far from broke!  "They that have, shall have more" (Matthew 13:12) is a universal-truth reminder to be grateful for all I have; and since I am far from broke, perhaps I've been dreaming bigger than I realized!  Now there's a thought.

  8. So here's the honest truth:  I am lousy at Dreaming Big.  Does anyone else feel "challenged" when it comes to Dreaming Big?  It's such a cliche, if it's not Randy it is someone else admonishing me to "Dreeeeaaaaammmmmm Biiiiiiiiiiiiig~!"   What happens when I start to dream big? I climb up there...and fall off the cliff on the other side.   Instead of lifting me up, dreaming big plummets me down.  It's AWFUL! I'm afraid to dream big.  Anyone else experience that?
    I'm in the process of discovering the non-serving beliefs that feed this process. 
    One of those is the thought that if I want ______(fill in the blank) I'm going to have to work HARD to create even the possibility that I might have it.  The thought of HARD work exhausts me before I start.  And I probably won't get it after all that.
     Thoughts sure are powerful!  I'm in the process of changing my thoughts & beliefs, because golly!  I'd love to dare to dream big.

  9. I know ! I'm a very big dreamer and it's HARD to get there, but i never quit, i try harder every day, i keep going !
    It's like 50 cent said : the only excuse for being broke is being in jail !

  10. @million dollar
     Thx for your encouragement!  I'm working on it...    I'm far from broke!  "They that have, shall have more" (Matthew 13:12) is a universal-truth reminder to be grateful for all I have; and since I am far from broke, perhaps I've been dreaming bigger than I realized!  Now there's a thought.

  11. Randy what is the difference between the people who dream big and take action, and the people who just dream but never act? In your case, for example, what triggers your actions? Could you please elaborate on that?

    1. @rodrigo_alvareztostado
       I'd say that the difference is that Those Who Dream & Act have faith that their actions will lead to good results. . 
       For most of my life, I believed that no matter what I did, I could never have what I dreamt of; so I pretty much gave up dreaming (except for worrying, which is the nightmare equivalent of the Dreams Randy's talking about).  
      This Neg. Belief - that I would never have or achieve what I wished for - had many roots, and many manifestations - many blossoms, if you will.  I've discovered that I don't have to worry about the blossoms or the roots; I just have to apply the three R-s:
      Recognition (of the Belief each time it manifests in my thoughts or non-actions)
      Reversal  (deliberately choosing to believe the Opposite & Positive idea - the one that people like Randy - the act-ers - use constantly)
      Repetition (keep repeating that Reversed, positive idea....until the subc. conscious mind gives up and accepts this belief as the standard operating procedure.
      I'd been practicing the Repetition of the Belief that I couldn't have what I want.  Now I choose to believe that actually, in all truth, I'm one of those people like Randy, whose actions DO eventually result in my achieving my dreams.  Those old Neg. Beliefs?  They were just lies that someone told me, & I accepted - but they weren't really mine! 
      Rodrigo, what do you believe, really and truly, about what will happen, eventually, if you take action?

      1. @MrsHealthandProsperity  @rodrigo_alvareztostado I agree with what you say! That is a great post! I also believe that in order for us to change ourselves, we have to do so as if our lives hung in the balance. I think that attitude is essential to trigger change... but lets see what will Randy say in a future post!  🙂

        1. @rodrigo_alvareztostado
           Glad you enjoyed that ;>) and yes, I'm looking forward to what RG has to say about this intriguing topic. 
          That's an interesting Belief you have about "in order for us to change...our lives hung in the balance."  It's not a belief I'd want, but hey! to each his/her own, right?  We get to choose what we believe. 
          Funny....whatever we believe is true for us.  I'm not fond of the drama-of-making-things-hard'  so have adopted "oh, that's easy" as my motto.   I believe that it is really really easy to change our beliefs - easy, simple, quick, no big dealy-wheelee.

  12. Randy what is the difference between the people who dream big and take action, and the people who just dream but never act? In your case, for example, what triggers your actions? Could you please elaborate on that?

  13. @rodrigo_alvareztostado
     I'd say that the difference is that Those Who Dream & Act have faith that their actions will lead to good results. . 
     For most of my life, I believed that no matter what I did, I could never have what I dreamt of; so I pretty much gave up dreaming (except for worrying, which is the nightmare equivalent of the Dreams Randy's talking about).  
    This Neg. Belief - that I would never have or achieve what I wished for - had many roots, and many manifestations - many blossoms, if you will.  I've discovered that I don't have to worry about the blossoms or the roots; I just have to apply the three R-s:
    Recognition (of the Belief each time it manifests in my thoughts or non-actions)
    Reversal  (deliberately choosing to believe the Opposite & Positive idea - the one that people like Randy - the act-ers - use constantly)
    Repetition (keep repeating that Reversed, positive idea....until the subc. conscious mind gives up and accepts this belief as the standard operating procedure.
    I'd been practicing the Repetition of the Belief that I couldn't have what I want.  Now I choose to believe that actually, in all truth, I'm one of those people like Randy, whose actions DO eventually result in my achieving my dreams.  Those old Neg. Beliefs?  They were just lies that someone told me, & I accepted - but they weren't really mine! 
    Rodrigo, what do you believe, really and truly, about what will happen, eventually, if you take action?

  14. @MrsHealthandProsperity  @rodrigo_alvareztostado I agree with what you say! That is a great post! I also believe that in order for us to change ourselves, we have to do so as if our lives hung in the balance. I think that attitude is essential to trigger change... but lets see what will Randy say in a future post!  🙂

  15. @rodrigo_alvareztostado
     Glad you enjoyed that ;>) and yes, I'm looking forward to what RG has to say about this intriguing topic. 
    That's an interesting Belief you have about "in order for us to change...our lives hung in the balance."  It's not a belief I'd want, but hey! to each his/her own, right?  We get to choose what we believe. 
    Funny....whatever we believe is true for us.  I'm not fond of the drama-of-making-things-hard'  so have adopted "oh, that's easy" as my motto.   I believe that it is really really easy to change our beliefs - easy, simple, quick, no big dealy-wheelee.

  16. Have a dream and never sell your dream away. Millions of people are selling their dreams for  a paycheck. Those with dreams are the movers and shakers of the world. We need more of them

  17. Have a dream and never sell your dream away. Millions of people are selling their dreams for  a paycheck. Those with dreams are the movers and shakers of the world. We need more of them

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  • 40 comments on “The Power of a Dream”

    1. Are you referring to literal sleeping dreams or goals with heavy emotions? Bases off of the "dream big" statement I'm going to assume goals, but the opening few lines seemed like you were talking about sleeping dreams.

    2. Are you referring to literal sleeping dreams or goals with heavy emotions? Bases off of the "dream big" statement I'm going to assume goals, but the opening few lines seemed like you were talking about sleeping dreams.

    3. I had to run the online LEO-dictionary 5 times to understand your message fully up to 100%.
      1. Dismissively? Yes, those are no positive thinkers. People who don´t dream are those you like to be on the leash of someone else.
      2.attainment - thx. 4 the new vocabulary 😉
      3. no, I won´t go on.... ;]
      ...and for really BIG dreams? My advice is, if it is SO BIG, then better get out of your country 😉

    4. I had to run the online LEO-dictionary 5 times to understand your message fully up to 100%.
      1. Dismissively? Yes, those are no positive thinkers. People who don´t dream are those you like to be on the leash of someone else.
      2.attainment - thx. 4 the new vocabulary 😉
      3. no, I won´t go on.... ;]
      ...and for really BIG dreams? My advice is, if it is SO BIG, then better get out of your country 😉

    5. Could we go with "....others might try to use it against you, might try to diminish it", etc.   I prefer to think that while negativity is possible, it is only a possibility rather than a certainty.    

    6. Could we go with "....others might try to use it against you, might try to diminish it", etc.   I prefer to think that while negativity is possible, it is only a possibility rather than a certainty.    

    7. So here's the honest truth:  I am lousy at Dreaming Big.  Does anyone else feel "challenged" when it comes to Dreaming Big?  It's such a cliche, if it's not Randy it is someone else admonishing me to "Dreeeeaaaaammmmmm Biiiiiiiiiiiiig~!"   What happens when I start to dream big? I climb up there...and fall off the cliff on the other side.   Instead of lifting me up, dreaming big plummets me down.  It's AWFUL! I'm afraid to dream big.  Anyone else experience that?
      I'm in the process of discovering the non-serving beliefs that feed this process. 
      One of those is the thought that if I want ______(fill in the blank) I'm going to have to work HARD to create even the possibility that I might have it.  The thought of HARD work exhausts me before I start.  And I probably won't get it after all that.
       Thoughts sure are powerful!  I'm in the process of changing my thoughts & beliefs, because golly!  I'd love to dare to dream big.

      1. I know ! I'm a very big dreamer and it's HARD to get there, but i never quit, i try harder every day, i keep going !
        It's like 50 cent said : the only excuse for being broke is being in jail !

        1. @million dollar
           Thx for your encouragement!  I'm working on it...    I'm far from broke!  "They that have, shall have more" (Matthew 13:12) is a universal-truth reminder to be grateful for all I have; and since I am far from broke, perhaps I've been dreaming bigger than I realized!  Now there's a thought.

    8. So here's the honest truth:  I am lousy at Dreaming Big.  Does anyone else feel "challenged" when it comes to Dreaming Big?  It's such a cliche, if it's not Randy it is someone else admonishing me to "Dreeeeaaaaammmmmm Biiiiiiiiiiiiig~!"   What happens when I start to dream big? I climb up there...and fall off the cliff on the other side.   Instead of lifting me up, dreaming big plummets me down.  It's AWFUL! I'm afraid to dream big.  Anyone else experience that?
      I'm in the process of discovering the non-serving beliefs that feed this process. 
      One of those is the thought that if I want ______(fill in the blank) I'm going to have to work HARD to create even the possibility that I might have it.  The thought of HARD work exhausts me before I start.  And I probably won't get it after all that.
       Thoughts sure are powerful!  I'm in the process of changing my thoughts & beliefs, because golly!  I'd love to dare to dream big.

    9. I know ! I'm a very big dreamer and it's HARD to get there, but i never quit, i try harder every day, i keep going !
      It's like 50 cent said : the only excuse for being broke is being in jail !

    10. @million dollar
       Thx for your encouragement!  I'm working on it...    I'm far from broke!  "They that have, shall have more" (Matthew 13:12) is a universal-truth reminder to be grateful for all I have; and since I am far from broke, perhaps I've been dreaming bigger than I realized!  Now there's a thought.

    11. Randy what is the difference between the people who dream big and take action, and the people who just dream but never act? In your case, for example, what triggers your actions? Could you please elaborate on that?

      1. @rodrigo_alvareztostado
         I'd say that the difference is that Those Who Dream & Act have faith that their actions will lead to good results. . 
         For most of my life, I believed that no matter what I did, I could never have what I dreamt of; so I pretty much gave up dreaming (except for worrying, which is the nightmare equivalent of the Dreams Randy's talking about).  
        This Neg. Belief - that I would never have or achieve what I wished for - had many roots, and many manifestations - many blossoms, if you will.  I've discovered that I don't have to worry about the blossoms or the roots; I just have to apply the three R-s:
        Recognition (of the Belief each time it manifests in my thoughts or non-actions)
        Reversal  (deliberately choosing to believe the Opposite & Positive idea - the one that people like Randy - the act-ers - use constantly)
        Repetition (keep repeating that Reversed, positive idea....until the subc. conscious mind gives up and accepts this belief as the standard operating procedure.
        I'd been practicing the Repetition of the Belief that I couldn't have what I want.  Now I choose to believe that actually, in all truth, I'm one of those people like Randy, whose actions DO eventually result in my achieving my dreams.  Those old Neg. Beliefs?  They were just lies that someone told me, & I accepted - but they weren't really mine! 
        Rodrigo, what do you believe, really and truly, about what will happen, eventually, if you take action?

        1. @MrsHealthandProsperity  @rodrigo_alvareztostado I agree with what you say! That is a great post! I also believe that in order for us to change ourselves, we have to do so as if our lives hung in the balance. I think that attitude is essential to trigger change... but lets see what will Randy say in a future post!  🙂

          1. @rodrigo_alvareztostado
             Glad you enjoyed that ;>) and yes, I'm looking forward to what RG has to say about this intriguing topic. 
            That's an interesting Belief you have about "in order for us to change...our lives hung in the balance."  It's not a belief I'd want, but hey! to each his/her own, right?  We get to choose what we believe. 
            Funny....whatever we believe is true for us.  I'm not fond of the drama-of-making-things-hard'  so have adopted "oh, that's easy" as my motto.   I believe that it is really really easy to change our beliefs - easy, simple, quick, no big dealy-wheelee.

    12. Randy what is the difference between the people who dream big and take action, and the people who just dream but never act? In your case, for example, what triggers your actions? Could you please elaborate on that?

    13. @rodrigo_alvareztostado
       I'd say that the difference is that Those Who Dream & Act have faith that their actions will lead to good results. . 
       For most of my life, I believed that no matter what I did, I could never have what I dreamt of; so I pretty much gave up dreaming (except for worrying, which is the nightmare equivalent of the Dreams Randy's talking about).  
      This Neg. Belief - that I would never have or achieve what I wished for - had many roots, and many manifestations - many blossoms, if you will.  I've discovered that I don't have to worry about the blossoms or the roots; I just have to apply the three R-s:
      Recognition (of the Belief each time it manifests in my thoughts or non-actions)
      Reversal  (deliberately choosing to believe the Opposite & Positive idea - the one that people like Randy - the act-ers - use constantly)
      Repetition (keep repeating that Reversed, positive idea....until the subc. conscious mind gives up and accepts this belief as the standard operating procedure.
      I'd been practicing the Repetition of the Belief that I couldn't have what I want.  Now I choose to believe that actually, in all truth, I'm one of those people like Randy, whose actions DO eventually result in my achieving my dreams.  Those old Neg. Beliefs?  They were just lies that someone told me, & I accepted - but they weren't really mine! 
      Rodrigo, what do you believe, really and truly, about what will happen, eventually, if you take action?

    14. @MrsHealthandProsperity  @rodrigo_alvareztostado I agree with what you say! That is a great post! I also believe that in order for us to change ourselves, we have to do so as if our lives hung in the balance. I think that attitude is essential to trigger change... but lets see what will Randy say in a future post!  🙂

    15. @rodrigo_alvareztostado
       Glad you enjoyed that ;>) and yes, I'm looking forward to what RG has to say about this intriguing topic. 
      That's an interesting Belief you have about "in order for us to change...our lives hung in the balance."  It's not a belief I'd want, but hey! to each his/her own, right?  We get to choose what we believe. 
      Funny....whatever we believe is true for us.  I'm not fond of the drama-of-making-things-hard'  so have adopted "oh, that's easy" as my motto.   I believe that it is really really easy to change our beliefs - easy, simple, quick, no big dealy-wheelee.

    16. Have a dream and never sell your dream away. Millions of people are selling their dreams for  a paycheck. Those with dreams are the movers and shakers of the world. We need more of them

    17. Have a dream and never sell your dream away. Millions of people are selling their dreams for  a paycheck. Those with dreams are the movers and shakers of the world. We need more of them

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