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The Power of a Dream

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 28, 2022

(Monday Mojo 8/29/22)

Thank God it’s Monday!  Let’s get after it…

This note comes to you from Dallas where I’m continuing my legendary (in my own mind at least) softball career, attempting to bring home my third World Series ring.  My dream right now is to win a third title, retire on top, then continue to coach developing players.  Hopefully you have some dreams you’re working toward now.

But here’s the thing about dreams…

If your dream is bold, daring, and worthy enough – you will usually find a way to make it come true.  But not all dreams are meant to come true.  Some exist simply to challenge you into becoming a higher version of yourself.


- RG

Previous Post: The Boy Who Would Be Rich

3 comments on “The Power of a Dream”

  1. That is one of the (if not THE) most insightful and profound thoughts regarding dreams I've ever read! Thank you! And wishing you much success in the Series!

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  • 3 comments on “The Power of a Dream”

    1. That is one of the (if not THE) most insightful and profound thoughts regarding dreams I've ever read! Thank you! And wishing you much success in the Series!

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