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The Path We Are Taking…

Posted By: Randy GageApril 11, 2018

Free enterprise drives progress and innovation.  Lots of developments happen because people want to find a new or better way to earn profits.  And that’s not a bad thing.  I’m all for capitalism and free enterprise.  But when we make it the total game, the be-all, end-all, humans lose.

Imagine that we wanted to create a new “Manhattan Project,” and could put the greatest minds of our generation in a room and ask them to work on something. Envisage the possibilities we could give them:

  • Solving world hunger and water shortages.
  • Discovering the cure for AIDS.
  • Bringing broadband to the third world.
  • Advances in bio-genetic engineering.
  • Cleaning up our oceans.

In fact, we do actually have the brightest minds of our generation working on some things.

And here’s what they’re working on:

  • Getting people to click more ads.
  • Spreading fake news faster.
  • Making manipulative, divisive hate content go viral.
  • Taking better pictures of food.

What could possibly go wrong?


4 comments on “The Path We Are Taking…”

  1. Mindfulness, sadly is used more as a grounding and centering term and separation, not connectedness, is not part of the equation for many of the bright minds.

  2. We are all created in his image.... apparently.

    Everything we were ever taught was a big lie. Big government, small government....some debt is good debt, all debt is bad debt.

    All I know is every great civilisation had its demise. Now it's the time for all to be de fragmented. We have outgrown the blue wonder, and our egos are inflated.

  3. My focus is on be a better person, a better human being......and influence positively on my inner circle....and they will influence their a pebble on the water.

  4. Free enterprise and capitalism always starts out with good intentions but eventually goes toward the path of greed. The "bottom line" eventually becomes the primary motivating factor for all large corporations. I can give you example after example.

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  • 4 comments on “The Path We Are Taking…”

    1. Mindfulness, sadly is used more as a grounding and centering term and separation, not connectedness, is not part of the equation for many of the bright minds.

    2. We are all created in his image.... apparently.

      Everything we were ever taught was a big lie. Big government, small government....some debt is good debt, all debt is bad debt.

      All I know is every great civilisation had its demise. Now it's the time for all to be de fragmented. We have outgrown the blue wonder, and our egos are inflated.

    3. My focus is on be a better person, a better human being......and influence positively on my inner circle....and they will influence their a pebble on the water.

    4. Free enterprise and capitalism always starts out with good intentions but eventually goes toward the path of greed. The "bottom line" eventually becomes the primary motivating factor for all large corporations. I can give you example after example.

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