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The Night Before Christmas, 2011

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 23, 2011

Well kids, it’s that time of year again.  For what started as a lark, and has now turned into an annual competition for fame and fortune:  My annual “Night Before Christmas” contest.

It began about eight years ago, when I wrote my version of the Christmas classic each Christmas eve for my newsletter readers.  A few years ago, I changed it to a contest and moved it to the Success Blog. The entries have been nothing short of phenomenal.  If you’re interested, you can see last year’s entries here.

Now is your chance to dazzle us with the creative skills we’ve been talking about all week.  And we’ll see how you guys who scored high on the Creativity IQ test pan out!

An esteemed panel of judges (that would be me) will select one lucky winner.  If that’s you, you’ll receive the complete 12-DVD set of my Conquering Lack and Living Rich! series.      It’s not quite $5 million and your own iconic Pepsi commercial, but if you apply what you learn from the series, it can be worth much more than that.  (So if your name isn’t linked to your website, be sure and use your whole name, in the event you win.)

So with appropriate apologies to the family of Clement Clark Moore, purists, and all poets everywhere, here is…

The Night Before Christmas, 2011…

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;

The economy was tanking and things were a mess.

The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.

Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.


I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;

Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.

Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;

I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.


When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;



Alright dear reader, the rest is up to you.  Hit me with your best shot.  Be Epic!  I’ll announce the winner on Monday.


P.S.   Here’s wishing you a joyous holiday season filled with good friends, joyful reunions, and stimulating conversations.  However in light of the new FTC regulations on bloggers, these wishes are subject to the following terms and conditions:

This greeting from Randy Gage (“Wishor”), to you (“Recipient”), is extended without obligation, implied or implicit, for best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, politically correct, gender neutral, celebration of the secular winter solstice only.  Any similarities to holidays celebrating the festival of lights, God, or birth of the baby Jesus are purely coincidental.

This greeting may be accepted in the context of the traditions of the religious or secular beliefs of your choice, regardless of sexual orientation, or operating system preference, and is void where prohibited by law.  Acceptance by the recipient does not imply any endorsements or consent by the Wishor.

The good tidings expressed in this greeting are subject to further clarification or withdrawal, are revocable at the sole discretion of the Wishor, and are non transferable.

The Wishor implies no guarantee of actual results.  The extent of the holiday spirit experienced will be determined by the effort recipient puts into it. The claims described are for illustration purposes only. Your results may vary.

This salutation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

“Christmas” “God” and “Jesus” are registered trademarks of the Amway Corporation; all rights reserved.

84 comments on “The Night Before Christmas, 2011”

  1. I knew it was time to leave the igloo...

    The igloo the igloo oh what should I do. ..

    The answer became clear from my sub conscience that is who...

    We scurry about looking for things to do....
    But the true answer is peace knowing we already know that which we should do....

    Calm and peace these two ring true... Will we be still and listen for truth or grease the rage and look for Gage to pull us through....?

    Now as we settle down for a long nights rest, will we trust the best? Or will we drink the brandy and forget all about our Randy? We know what to do..... That is breakthrough U...!

  2. twas the night before Christmas and Robert R was playing his Neil Sedaka and foaming at the mouth
    About that commie racist in the White House and Glenn Beck had been stabbed in the back
    and oh that birth certificate has got be a fake and that great line of GOP candidates are sure to be the thing...
    Herman Cain that would put Bill Clinton to shame... Newt Gingrich the same... Rick Perry who can barely speak.. Michelle and ah what the hell.. how about Ron Paul.. anybody but Mitt!!
    Read it and weep at Rob's website!!

  3. I really don't have time
    to make this a rhyme.
    So much to do,
    no time even for the loo
    Presents to buy and wrap.
    Filter the mail from the junk and crap.
    Calls to make, cheers to spread,
    (Must remember Aunt Fanny is dead)
    Going around smiling brightly, lips upturned and spread,
    This keeps up and I'm sure I'll be dead
    Before the big day arrives and the bustle comes to a head
    All that cheer - for some extra beer,
    Presents opened and hugs all around
    Good cheer and love seems overwhelming to abound.
    Turkey and pud and waistbands extend
    And then it's done - allover again,
    'Til next year, we'll all do it again!
    So that's my bit and about Christmas' & good and cheer.
    Merry Christmas you lot, and a happy New Year.
    So before it ends

  4. that I rose from the bed and expected to see Randy Gage, the guy from You Tube.

    I imagined him sitting next to a pool,
    while those of us in cooler climes begin to drool.

    I turned on my lap top and got used to the glow.
    And with my mind racing, I thought this answer I know
    With my eyes adjusting and glued to the site.
    I saw a message that changed more than one night.

    No more wondering, no more unemployment.
    This life is short and meant for enjoyment!
    A life worth living is not rooted in fear.
    But one that will make you smile year after year.

    My mind was moving too fast to go back to sleep,
    so I grabbed a paper and pen to write the thoughts I could keep.
    The bad news of today doesn't have to be.
    You have a choice and can live and be free.

    That Randy Gage with his history of success.
    Gave me great hope that this bad news can rest.
    The talking heads that report the news of the day
    Feed on our fear and know no other way.

    As time marches on, the election draws nearer,
    but I know the one responsible is the face in the mirror.
    My future doesn't depend on those in DC,
    My future is held in the hands of only one;me.

    And so in spite of the fact that some call it a scheme,
    I will pour my time and effort into building my dream.
    MLM, network marketing, direct sales you say,
    no matter what you call it, it is the best way.

    I will wonder and doubt if I am doing it right,
    but I know in my heart that it's all worth the fight.
    My emotions might take hold and blow East and west,
    but when I see the alternative, I know this is best.

    Being an MLM grinder is a thing of the past,
    Leading and growing will build a team that will last.
    I am certain 2012 will be a great year,
    and 2013 will start with a cheer.

    So, with many thanks to the bald Randy Gage,
    I get why life on your terms is the all the next rage.
    I see him speak prosperity with his eyes all a glitter,
    while he asks us to follow on FaceBook and Twitter.

    The bad news of the economy that had kept me from sleep
    were replaced by thoughts of a plan and rewards I would reap.
    And so to paraphrase the wise Randy Gage,
    chase down your dreams and give up the rage.

  5. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

    I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
    Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

    When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo,
    Out of my bed to my window I flew.
    “What racket is this? What could possibly be
    Keeping me and my neighbors awake? I must see!”

    There were picketers! Picketers! On Christmas Eve!
    Marching and shouting, refusing to leave!
    “We’re ticked off as hell, and we’ll take it no more!
    We want wealth to be spread among all of us poor.”

    I’m thinking, “What gibberish! Occupy WHAT?
    You’re all marching around or plopped down on your butt
    Talking trash about rich men! What good will THAT do?
    Why not try something novel… like WORK! How ‘bout YOU?”

    I didn’t mean to, but had spoken out loud
    From my window above to this boisterous crowd.
    I had pointed to one individual there
    Who was now giving me quite a sinister stare.

    “That’s easy for you to say! You’re Randy Gage!”
    The young man shouted back in a now-boiling rage.
    “You’ve got this big mansion! You live like a prince!
    We’ve all lost our jobs, and been mad ever since.”

    I started to see what their cause had become;
    A movement that started when everyone glum
    About Wall Street’s big money men causing the crash
    Had been gathering, talking, their plight to rehash.

    And now it had spilled to my own beachfront yard.
    It was “Occupy Randy” Night! It must have been hard
    For these people with families waiting for change
    To be here. I felt bad. Christmas Eve! It was strange.

    So I chose to be Santa, the Randy Gage way.
    “Listen up!” I commanded. “I’ve something to say!
    You all have amazing potential… yes, you!
    It’s just waiting for you to discover. But who

    Is responsible here? Whose life sucks, mine or yours?
    You have limitless upside, yet you’re here on my shores
    Messing up my nice beach and my landscaping! Please!
    Here’s my gift to you all on this odd Christmas Eve:

    Prosperity rests in us all, rich and poor.
    It’s abundant, amazing, and available for
    Every man, woman, child -- It’s what God really wants!
    For us all to be free-flowing effortless founts
    Of prosperity! All of us! Every last one!
    It’s all part of the gift when He gave us His son.”

    I could see that not everyone got what I said.
    After all, it was late, and they should be in bed.
    “Don’t be mad at the 1% wealthiest guys.
    Read about what we do, and then open your eyes
    To potential! Your future! How you can create
    The same value machine! Hey, it’s never too late!”

    They all spoke not a word, but looked ‘round at each other.
    How could they be mad at their prosperous brother?
    They wanted what he had, but now they all knew
    That the best gift of all was to recognize who
    Had potential. They all did! Their eyes clear and bright,
    They all chose to take charge of themselves that great night.

    And I heard the group cheer as they all walked away,
    “Thanks a lot, brother Randy; it’s a true Christmas Day.”

    -- I had fun putting this together, Randy; and even if I don't win, I hope we'll have a chance to get together and talk soon. Merry Christmas!

  6. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

    I put on my Chewbacca pajamas and climbed into bed; slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    But my wife was undaunted, Christmas was hers for the taking!

    I heard my wife mutter and cackle with glee,
    as she stacked the gifts high, down under the tree.
    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

    Away to the window I flew like a flash,
    tore open the curtains, and threw up the sash
    When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
    But a little white truck, with an oversized mirror.

    The driver was smiling, so lively and grand,
    The patch on his jacket said "US POSTMAN"
    With a handful of bills,he grinned like a fox
    Then quickly he stuffed them into our mailbox

    Bill after bill, after bill, they still came.
    Whistling and shouting, he called them by name:"Now Neman's, now Sach's, now Penny's and Sear's, here's Macy's and Target, Levitz soon will be here.

    To the tip of your limit, every store, every mall, now charge away - charge away - charge away all!"
    He whooped and he whistled as he finished his work, he filled up the box, and then turned with a jerk.

    He sprang to his truck and drove down the road, driving much faster with just half a load. Then I heard him exclaim with great
    Holiday Cheer,

  7. Great post Randy - but:
    “Christmas” “God” and “Jesus” are registered trademarks of the Amway Corporation; all rights reserved.
    Not cool dude!

  8. It was the big red man in a funny little hat and his reindeer. that's when I knew... my chance had come! this was my only chance in my life to do what I knew I needed to do...out of the window sliding down the wall and greeted the man with a phew. My face was as red as his cheecks and I asked if I could navigate for the chap and help find our way through we went and now I know that the magic is real and I've done what I had to do.

  9. When out on the lawn rose such a hullabaloo, Luckily, I'm Randy Gage and knew just what to do,

    I walked out on the lawn, and what did appear,
    Placido Domingo, and nine lovely Diva dears,

    "Randy, glad your in, let's go in and drink cocoa",
    "oh good", I said "Let's talk Mozart and Lee Iaccoca!",

    "Well let's go in!" said Placido "I'm standing in muck",
    "Yes Randy," said one Diva "It really is yuck."

    On my big glass door I tugged and I tugged,
    I said "This darn door it just won't budge!",

    The Diva's cried "Randy you have locked us out!"
    "Hush you Diva's" I said "Don't you pout",

    I thought for awhile, then with a grin and a turn,
    I broke the door down, Iv'e got money to burn,

    "Prosperity is infinite",I said, "And if your willing and smart",
    "You will have money, while other's live out of a cart"

    "That's right" said Placido "So don't worry about the mess your country's in",
    "Besides, that brilliant president Obama surely will win!"

    My headache now relieved, my guests and I sang a Christmas carol,
    Then we all watched that funny "Elf" movie starring Will Farrell,

    We ate popcorn, drank cocoa and oh, did we snuggle,
    There was magic that night, even though each of us is a muggle,

    My cares were long gone, my worries few, my Christmas cheer high,
    Too soon was it time to wish Placido and the Diva's goodbye,

    My door it was broken my lawn destroyed,still it was my pleasure,
    And the, Diva's all kissed me and called me their treasure,

    My weary Chewbacca PJ's and I got back into bed,
    With visions of Diva's singing opera in my head,

    I knew in my heart, all would be alright,
    So, I slept sound all through the night.

  10. Dear all, thanks for the great compositions, especially yourself Randy. I laughed so much - it was fun. Was busy in the kitchen, maybe later can (our colloqial incorrect grammar) compose. For now it is O come let us adore Him etc. etc

  11. I've always been a fabulous creative writer but poetry has never been something I've had a great affinity for so I'm just going to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas & enjoy what the rest of you have to contribute.

  12. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.

    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

    I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
    Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

    When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo; For the masses were screaming and crying boo hoo!

    The American family had no money for bills,
    no money for gifts, and no money for thrills.

    They felt so run down from sun up to sundown,
    Full of Poverty thinking and bank accounts shrinking.

    They Worried all night, and forgot to delight
    in all that is bright and full of what’s right.

    But lo and behold twas a family reaping great
    Riches while sleeping from Prosperity thinking

    Because they worked hard on changing their thoughts they found their world rich with all that they sought.

    From the ether came plenty of millions and billions and a world a’plenty of trillions and zillions.

    And everyone thought that they should not have so much disparity in their prosperity.
    For full of despair they proceeded to declare that all was unfair in the land of plenty!

    Now people get stuck and run amuck in what they claim is luck, but what they forget is that without Gratitude,they will regret all that they will not get

    At the end of the day,what’s important to say is that we care for our loved ones and all of our young ‘uns.

  13. It seemed like Great Depression 2: Electric Bugaloo.

    With the flick of a pen I wrote checks to causes which helped the less fortunate and PBS.

    A group came before me and they implored me: "We are OWS!"

    "The 1 percent is stealing, so we're squealing. We are the 99 percent!"

    I smiled and retorted: "It's the government, school, and religion that keep you barely living, and barely living is a sin."

    The group did thus protest: "You're more successful than us, so you must have pillaged a small village. Why won't you share with us?"

    "It's good to share, but how can you be there when you're starving and have no place to rest?"

    "All the music, cellphones, and even your underwear, someone made them so you could prosper. Is it not only fiar that for all the love and care that they get to enjoy the fruits of their labor?"

    Some of the protestors understood, whether rich or poor, that to take from someone was stealing their livelihood.

    "There is enough wealth for everyone, but you must provide value by getting things done."

    And so I invited the protestors in, for cookies and hot cocoa and I began:

    "A world of prosperity is a world where everyone is happy, and everyone wins."

    At last the protestors understood, that everyone deserved a happy livelihood. I sent them off, hearts ablaze. I heard heard them utter: "Merry Christmas to all, and may your prosperity be bright."

  14. A Randy Christmas Poem

    It's the night before Christmas and I'm out of work.
    My once-loving girlfriend now thinks I'm a jerk.
    I'm on unemployment, it's really a shame.
    I spend half my checks on the lottery games.
    I sit on the couch and I stare at the walls.
    I have no desire, my tree has no balls.
    I bought a few presents for mom and my ex.
    I have lots of excuses for this year and next.
    The job market's tight and I can't finish college.
    I'd like my own business but don't have the knowledge.
    I might invent something but no one would buy it.
    There's this guy with those circles, I think I might try it.
    I tried it before but the company tanked.
    My upline was lousy, I emptied my bank.
    So I'm here alone, not a star in the east.
    Microwave popcorn and wine are my feast.
    The botttle is empty and so is my head.
    I've nothing to do, except go to bed.
    After a while, I got up to pee
    And I don't believe what my bleary eyes see.
    A big jolly Santa with eyes full of love,
    He's holding a box in his frosty white gloves.
    He said, "Hey there loser," then he set the box down, grabbed me quite roughly and slapped me around.
    He just kept repeating the same Christmas rhyme,
    as he sat on my chest and slapped me in time.
    "This isn't the season for whining, you ass,
    The world is abundant, so don't let it pass.
    There's greatness within you, you just need this gift", he reached for the box and gave me a lift.
    I sat up and held it, my eyesight was lost, my head was still spinning from Santa's right cross.
    I soon got my focus and lifted the lid and strangely I knew what St. Nicholas did.
    For inside the box was the thing I was needing, to stop all the whining, the moaning, the pleading.
    I hung them in place and they seemed to fit right, I tried to show Santa, as he flew through the night.
    Each year I still hear him, when I'm decking the halls,
    "I hope you make use of, your new Christmas balls.
    No excuses everybody!!!! Ho Ho Ho"

    Joe Hefferon

  15. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

    I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
    Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

    When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo
    Was I back in the Underground
    Watching Alice in Wonderland at Waterloo.
    The noise made me shake this didnt seem like fun.
    I had flown to Miami for shopping and sun.
    I turned on the tv to see how this began
    Oh no more Simon Cowell, XFactor and Piers Morgan.
    I turned it off fast and jumped out of bed
    I 'll find out for myself, I wont be led.

    With the door open wide an astonishing view
    A man dressed in red walking on Empire Avenue.
    Hold on sir I called I'm going your way
    I'm afraid I cant wait miss I have only one day.
    Only one day whatever do you mean?
    The children are waiting I mustnt be seen.
    As quick as a flash he jumped into his sleigh
    He called to the reindeer to take him away.
    I stood there thinking as he vanished from sight
    I shivered under the stars on this one Silent Night.
    I thought of my loved ones both near and afar
    I thought how I loved them and also my own star.
    I'm fulfilling my dreams it can only get better
    I'm blessed and I'm happy I'm a go getter...
    And as I sit and write on this page
    I remember my mentor one suave Randy Gage...
    So to you and all friends both far and near
    Christmas Blessings and love and a Happy New Year.....

  16. I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.
    When in my mind, arose such a hullabaloo;

    My lord my God came and was saying all of the changes he was a changing. My mind was wandering as I could here the plans that I was hearing.

    I arose from my somber still in a trance as all of the thing still in my glance.

    I looked at all of the books that I have read. As I glance at the stack of bills unpaid I remember all of the joy that God had just made.

    I sit and think of the year that past I remember all of the blessings. I was so blessed in may a ways but 2011 was still such a haze.

    As the stockings are hung by the chimney
    I look to my children as they sleep, the calm of their trust in all that will be. I remember the plans the lord as for me and remember that destiny that is promised to ME. I sit and I wright as the words just keep coming the goals the dreams I just keep running.

    So with this night as I lay awake without light I see my future as it is so bright.

    God bless you all with hope that you will see the light as your mind is the controller of your light. Make this your year of delight that you take all you learn from Randy and use it after this night. Make the decision to make it just one more night and in the morning when you awake thank the good Lord for all his delight.

    Choose to be the change in your future.

    God Bless

    Vincent St.Louis

  17. The Night Before Christmas, 2011

    T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

    I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
    Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

    When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
    I sprang from my bed and grabbed my didgeridoo!
    (I can't play the darned thing, though I hoot and I blow,
    so I figured I'd use it as a weapon, you know.)

    And what to my wondering eyes should appear
    But a festive young lad, grinning from ear to ear.
    "He must be on drugs," I thought with dismay.
    "In these dire times, none are happy or gay."

    I threw open the window and yelled out below
    "Why are you here? And can't you just GO!"
    But the young man just smiled and he said "Don't be rotten!
    I want to remind you of things you've forgotten."

    "You create your own world! It's as simple as that!
    It's easier than pulling a hare from a hat!
    If you want to be happy and healthy and free
    You must say to yourself 'It's all up to me!'"

    "Are you kidding?" I cried with dismay and chagrin,
    "I didn't create this mess that I'm in!
    Someone else did it! I sure didn't do it!
    And they're gonna fix it (when they get around to it)."

    "Everything will change with the elections next fall ---
    It's Gengrich, or Romney, or Cain! Or it's Paul!
    Or Obama, or Perry! Whoever gets in
    Will make sure that everything turns right again."

    I knew it was true; my logic was sound.
    But the lad was unmoved and he said as he frowned,
    "It won't happen, you know. It'll be more of the same.
    Their promises are empty, their excuses are lame."

    "You make your own world! You make your own luck!
    You do it yourself! That fact you can't duck!
    Riches await you, good health, and -- boy! --
    Your life can be filled with limitless joy.

    "But first you must learn this one simple truth ---
    (I know what I'm saying, and this I say sooth)
    Think prosperous thoughts, do prosperous deeds,
    And you will receive all your wants and your needs!

    "The Prosperity Channel on YouTube is rockin'!
    But act fast, 'cause time is tick-tocking!"
    And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
    "Twenty-twelve will be great. Join in --- hold on tight!"

    -- jim

  18. When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
    I sprang from my bed when out of the blue,
    I heard chatting and clicking, oh what a buzz
    I ran to the window to see what it was.

    The moon on the snow made clear what I saw.
    I blinked and I squinted and looked out in awe.
    When what to my wondering eyes did appear
    All kinds of people from far and from near.

    There on the lawn all gathered together
    Were people not minding the cold winter weather.
    Making their plans and creating their missions.
    To make the world better, it was their visions.

    I knew in a moment, they made it quite clear
    They were the ones to spread the good cheer.
    The writers, the authors, the bloggers came too.
    The speakers, the marchers, the leaders, that's who.

    They stood on the doorsteps, they stood in the street.
    They typed and they spoke of their feat of all feats.
    To make the world better and fix it ourselves
    Be kind to each other, we'll be the elves.

    So up through the wires, through speakers and phones,
    They spread inspirations in all the times zones.
    And then in a chime, on my Apple I heard.
    A message popped up with chirp like a bird.

    As I sat in my chair and opened my mail.
    The message popped up and the wind filled my sail.
    It was filled with such hope and jolly good cheer.
    I wanted to know, I wanted to hear.

    I read it out loud, I read it again and again.
    Now I had a mission that I had to send.
    I laughed while I wrote it, in spite of my doubt.
    I wrote out my mission and then gave out a shout.

    With a wink of my eye and twist of my head,
    I knew in a moment, i'd nothing to dread.
    Inspire the world to see what is good,
    We can't fix it all, I wish that we could.

    Let's work together to love one and all.
    Help out our neighbor and beckon the call.
    Nurture the world in this new year,
    And love one another without any fear.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays to one and all from Flip Side Stories-where seeing another point of view makes a better you!

  19. The Night Before Christmas, 2011…

    T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.
    I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
    Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.
    When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
    my eyes suddenly opened when I heard the whoohoo,
    My feet were ice-cold, while standing in sudden snow;
    I faced being in the middle of the winter-team - all in a row.
    Three held the huge cloud still in one piece;
    Six around cutting it real tiny in peace.
    Nine shovelling the small frazzles up high; twelve blowing fresh air into it,
    Making them fly!
    I realize I must be in a winter X-mas dream, standig there poor in my Chewbaccas in- between.
    The noise silently fades as the cloud is cut, all is looking white - covering each roof top and hut.
    My feet are warm again,
    The cushion is soft; being surprised since my eyes are still shut.
    I open my eyes again: I still lie in bed?
    Quickly jumping out of bed as an escape, just to remove the old dark red drape!
    Rubbing my eyes, not believing to see;
    All now is covered as white as can be!
    I truly can´t change the world and its mess; but tonight I was able to be in a guess,
    of how others lighten-up the world for us.
    Tomorrow it´s Christmas and all those without, got a gift tonight - made of a cloud!

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas 2011 from Germany -

  20. The Night Before Christmas, 2011…
    T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.
    I put on NO pajamas, climbed into my bed;
    Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.
    When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
    A crowd of Lack-minders, looking at me to sue.
    My wife in her pajamas, and I naked as hell;
    Wondering why these people were ringing our bell.

    I looked at my wife, and told her to be calm;
    For I was going outside, to drop a motivational bomb.
    As I opened the door, and looked on the lawn;
    The crowd grew larger, and I saw my old friend Jon.

    Now Jon was a friend from back in the day;
    We had different views, and I went my own way.
    As I approached the crowd to give my speech;
    My goal was only to enlighten and teach.

    Now people, people out in my yard;
    Making money like us may be kind of hard.
    You can’t have my money, and you can’t have my wife;
    it’s time to take control and create your own life!

    Look at the way I live, and how I play;
    This hard work paid off and we see greatness every day.
    It is time to be accountable for yourself;
    and stop picketing and whining, and taking others wealth.

    Now go make goals and stick to them without a pout,
    And quit looking to the government for another handout!
    On your successful journey, make some affirmations;
    And build a business that spreads across nations!

    Prosperity has been there but you’ve chose to veer;
    Grab it and live it in this New Year!
    Be careful of the thoughts that run through your head;
    The bad, lack, and negative create a future you’ll dread.

    So stick to the script with positivity, joy, and LOVE;
    And your life will fit you like the perfect glove.
    You will have what you want, whatever it be;
    Cars, houses, and boats, or give to charity!

    More time with your family, so much time to spend;
    Stay on goals and in action, it will work out in the end.
    If you need help in this wonderful game;
    Don’t be afraid to call out their name.

    Now read Adler, read Worre, Jonak, and Gage;
    Release yourself from the rat race and that awful cage!
    On this final note, I want to spread cheer;
    Have a Wonderful Holiday, and Happy New Year!

  21. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

    I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
    Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

    When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
    Pulled the pillow over my head, thinking, “What can I do?”
    As I lay there trembling, cowering in fear,
    I noticed some sobbing, some shivering, a tear.

    It had been years since I cried and it felt kind of strange,
    Yes, I was tired of things, and I wanted to change.
    As an emotional wave flowed throughout my whole spine,
    An internal switch turned on, giving some hope, a sign.

    I arose from my bed, springing quickly and bold,
    Could I make a difference? This man who was old?
    I ran to the door, wondering what I would see.
    T’was a mob of my neighbors, in an all-out melee!

    I saw Billy and Randy and Nancy and Dixon
    On Charles, on Gleeson, on Shirley, on Johnson!
    Landon, above all, had thee loudest voice,
    There was punching, and kicking and screaming by choice.

    I climbed on the top of my van parked nearby,
    Started singing a song, “You will all surely die!”
    I sang louder and louder in their general direction,
    Knowing my odd lyrics would soon get their attention.

    And then in a flash, the air became silent,
    As they each turned toward me, they stopped being violent.
    Now that I had them all looking in awe,
    I took a deep breath to share what I saw.

    “I see anger, I see fear, I see blaming, too,
    But I also see hope in the midst of the poo.
    I see love hidden deep inside each broken heart,
    And it’s love that will help each of us do our part.”

    “A little faith in each other, will do wonders to heal,
    For without each other, what’s the point, let’s get real!
    We’re not helpless victims, as we’re being told,
    But we all have the power to get rid of this cold.”

    “It’s like a virus gone wild, infecting the land,
    But we can defeat it together, all hand in hand.
    If we each do our part, no matter how small,
    We will all prosper through this, without building a wall.”

    “Let’s quit blaming each other, take our own inventory,
    So that each of our futures will be our unique story.
    A story of our own, one where we care,
    One proud to have lived, and one we can share.”

    “So let’s each go home, find our part in this play,
    Find your passion, your happy place, your best of each day.”
    As the crowd broke up, each one walking toward home,
    I felt relieved, felt recharged, felt like writing a poem.

    So this is my tale of my own Twilight Zone,
    Where I took charge of my life, from the seeds I had sown.
    The library of books, the seminars galore,
    All came together in the “Night of the Roar.”

  22. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.

    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

    I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
    Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

    When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
    I dashed to my feet to see what, when or who.

    The skies were all twinkly, starry and bright:
    I endeavor to spot an unusual creature tonight.

    While I ventured to gaze slightly to the right
    a spectacular vision was now in my sight.

    The gathering of people in abundance this year,
    More than likely, with the ones they hold dear.

    Like sweet sweet music like a song to my ears
    was the sound of laughter and holiday cheers.

    As the celebration unfold in a magical wonder;
    I began to invision my knight in shining armour.

    He is divinely georgeous from head to toe,
    Yet, I escape to catch him under a miseltoe.

    His smile is of joy, mighty and strong,
    I have googled his name, can't find anything wrong.
    Intelligence is not something he lack, Heck I don't
    care if he shops from the clearance rack.

    His ways are charming, has perfect manners.
    If he was rude to this mama, I'll find
    that alarming. As I should. For everything
    he does is for his Hightest good.

    My knight in armour is still a vision in my head;
    Back to awareness, time to head back to bed.
    I'm grateful for the season, I have nothing to dread.|
    Thinking my lucky star, I'm not among the dead.

    Getting nestled and snuggled for a peaceful sleep;
    Daring to think of the feast I will eat.
    Tomorrow is Christmas! The world's biggest holiday...That's right!

    Good tidings to all..To all your best night.


  23. The story you'll read is great and is real
    about a young guy that left all that he knew
    He left his own country which is called Peru
    and came to to America to find "da real/deal"

    Struggling with language and culture and all
    starting with painting, dishwashing: hard work
    hoping not living a life of the bawl
    expecting the change as much as young turk

    Asking and praying, the miracle came
    The Lord of the love my prayers, He heard
    A good friend, she draw the circles to aim
    MLM she said, Get out of the herd!

    Along with the business, a present arrived
    Personal development! That will take you high!
    With, Rohn, Robbins, Hill, of course Randy Gage
    Your mind it will change towards golden age!

    So I started the homework, and working as well
    the world cup of soccer, it happened again
    The Miami airport was ringing the bell
    the cool day when Germany was beat by Spain

    Gorgeous, Tall, well dressed like Sparrow
    he had a cool look of a true pharaoh
    I told him, Are you the one who wrote Dumb and Broke?
    He showed me his smile as big as the sun!

    That day at the airport, I remember well
    after that day came the hurricane
    His work I have read among other tapes
    Prosperity series, and 'bout MLM

    My mind grows a lot and he knows this thing
    He has helped "mucho", it all makes real sense
    Thank you Randy Gage for all that you share
    Thank you Randy Gage cos' I'm on my way!

  24. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
    The economy was tanking and things were a mess.

    The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
    Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

    I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
    Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.

    Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
    I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

    When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo
    That I jumped out of bed and wondered what to do.

    I went to the window to throw open the curtain, I saw something strange, and I wasn't for certain,

    but it looked like an elf, on my lawn, with a beer?
    He had a twinkle in his eye and spoke of Christmas cheer.

    "How can you be so happy?" I said with a frown.
    Oh I get it, you're that Charlie Sheen clown!

    The economy's down and people are blue.
    Not to worry he said,"I've got 'winning' advice for you."

    Charlie Sheen I am not, he said with a grin
    as tipped back his drink and it ran down his chin.

    The problems you have, you have brought on yourself;
    No money, old car, the bills on the shelf.

    "Fix these you must." he said with a Yoda-like yelp.
    Can't I just get the government to help?

    Government? No. He laughed like a fool.
    But you can have prosperity that makes other men drool.

    It starts with a mindset that says you can do it, and 51% is the magic number.
    A little each day, don't give up or you'll always wonder.

    So how did you do it, the money I mean?
    Simple, he said. I'm became an MLM machine.

    Residual income has set me for life,
    and none to soon, according to my wife.

    To help someone else is the way to grow
    try it, you'll see. Trust me, I know.

    It's time to go, I must be moving on,
    time to unhook another Matrix pawn.

    So goodnight to you, my new found friend.
    Cheer up! For your life is about to begin!

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  • 84 comments on “The Night Before Christmas, 2011”

    1. I knew it was time to leave the igloo...

      The igloo the igloo oh what should I do. ..

      The answer became clear from my sub conscience that is who...

      We scurry about looking for things to do....
      But the true answer is peace knowing we already know that which we should do....

      Calm and peace these two ring true... Will we be still and listen for truth or grease the rage and look for Gage to pull us through....?

      Now as we settle down for a long nights rest, will we trust the best? Or will we drink the brandy and forget all about our Randy? We know what to do..... That is breakthrough U...!

    2. twas the night before Christmas and Robert R was playing his Neil Sedaka and foaming at the mouth
      About that commie racist in the White House and Glenn Beck had been stabbed in the back
      and oh that birth certificate has got be a fake and that great line of GOP candidates are sure to be the thing...
      Herman Cain that would put Bill Clinton to shame... Newt Gingrich the same... Rick Perry who can barely speak.. Michelle and ah what the hell.. how about Ron Paul.. anybody but Mitt!!
      Read it and weep at Rob's website!!

    3. I really don't have time
      to make this a rhyme.
      So much to do,
      no time even for the loo
      Presents to buy and wrap.
      Filter the mail from the junk and crap.
      Calls to make, cheers to spread,
      (Must remember Aunt Fanny is dead)
      Going around smiling brightly, lips upturned and spread,
      This keeps up and I'm sure I'll be dead
      Before the big day arrives and the bustle comes to a head
      All that cheer - for some extra beer,
      Presents opened and hugs all around
      Good cheer and love seems overwhelming to abound.
      Turkey and pud and waistbands extend
      And then it's done - allover again,
      'Til next year, we'll all do it again!
      So that's my bit and about Christmas' & good and cheer.
      Merry Christmas you lot, and a happy New Year.
      So before it ends

    4. that I rose from the bed and expected to see Randy Gage, the guy from You Tube.

      I imagined him sitting next to a pool,
      while those of us in cooler climes begin to drool.

      I turned on my lap top and got used to the glow.
      And with my mind racing, I thought this answer I know
      With my eyes adjusting and glued to the site.
      I saw a message that changed more than one night.

      No more wondering, no more unemployment.
      This life is short and meant for enjoyment!
      A life worth living is not rooted in fear.
      But one that will make you smile year after year.

      My mind was moving too fast to go back to sleep,
      so I grabbed a paper and pen to write the thoughts I could keep.
      The bad news of today doesn't have to be.
      You have a choice and can live and be free.

      That Randy Gage with his history of success.
      Gave me great hope that this bad news can rest.
      The talking heads that report the news of the day
      Feed on our fear and know no other way.

      As time marches on, the election draws nearer,
      but I know the one responsible is the face in the mirror.
      My future doesn't depend on those in DC,
      My future is held in the hands of only one;me.

      And so in spite of the fact that some call it a scheme,
      I will pour my time and effort into building my dream.
      MLM, network marketing, direct sales you say,
      no matter what you call it, it is the best way.

      I will wonder and doubt if I am doing it right,
      but I know in my heart that it's all worth the fight.
      My emotions might take hold and blow East and west,
      but when I see the alternative, I know this is best.

      Being an MLM grinder is a thing of the past,
      Leading and growing will build a team that will last.
      I am certain 2012 will be a great year,
      and 2013 will start with a cheer.

      So, with many thanks to the bald Randy Gage,
      I get why life on your terms is the all the next rage.
      I see him speak prosperity with his eyes all a glitter,
      while he asks us to follow on FaceBook and Twitter.

      The bad news of the economy that had kept me from sleep
      were replaced by thoughts of a plan and rewards I would reap.
      And so to paraphrase the wise Randy Gage,
      chase down your dreams and give up the rage.

    5. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

      I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
      Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

      When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo,
      Out of my bed to my window I flew.
      “What racket is this? What could possibly be
      Keeping me and my neighbors awake? I must see!”

      There were picketers! Picketers! On Christmas Eve!
      Marching and shouting, refusing to leave!
      “We’re ticked off as hell, and we’ll take it no more!
      We want wealth to be spread among all of us poor.”

      I’m thinking, “What gibberish! Occupy WHAT?
      You’re all marching around or plopped down on your butt
      Talking trash about rich men! What good will THAT do?
      Why not try something novel… like WORK! How ‘bout YOU?”

      I didn’t mean to, but had spoken out loud
      From my window above to this boisterous crowd.
      I had pointed to one individual there
      Who was now giving me quite a sinister stare.

      “That’s easy for you to say! You’re Randy Gage!”
      The young man shouted back in a now-boiling rage.
      “You’ve got this big mansion! You live like a prince!
      We’ve all lost our jobs, and been mad ever since.”

      I started to see what their cause had become;
      A movement that started when everyone glum
      About Wall Street’s big money men causing the crash
      Had been gathering, talking, their plight to rehash.

      And now it had spilled to my own beachfront yard.
      It was “Occupy Randy” Night! It must have been hard
      For these people with families waiting for change
      To be here. I felt bad. Christmas Eve! It was strange.

      So I chose to be Santa, the Randy Gage way.
      “Listen up!” I commanded. “I’ve something to say!
      You all have amazing potential… yes, you!
      It’s just waiting for you to discover. But who

      Is responsible here? Whose life sucks, mine or yours?
      You have limitless upside, yet you’re here on my shores
      Messing up my nice beach and my landscaping! Please!
      Here’s my gift to you all on this odd Christmas Eve:

      Prosperity rests in us all, rich and poor.
      It’s abundant, amazing, and available for
      Every man, woman, child -- It’s what God really wants!
      For us all to be free-flowing effortless founts
      Of prosperity! All of us! Every last one!
      It’s all part of the gift when He gave us His son.”

      I could see that not everyone got what I said.
      After all, it was late, and they should be in bed.
      “Don’t be mad at the 1% wealthiest guys.
      Read about what we do, and then open your eyes
      To potential! Your future! How you can create
      The same value machine! Hey, it’s never too late!”

      They all spoke not a word, but looked ‘round at each other.
      How could they be mad at their prosperous brother?
      They wanted what he had, but now they all knew
      That the best gift of all was to recognize who
      Had potential. They all did! Their eyes clear and bright,
      They all chose to take charge of themselves that great night.

      And I heard the group cheer as they all walked away,
      “Thanks a lot, brother Randy; it’s a true Christmas Day.”

      -- I had fun putting this together, Randy; and even if I don't win, I hope we'll have a chance to get together and talk soon. Merry Christmas!

    6. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

      I put on my Chewbacca pajamas and climbed into bed; slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      But my wife was undaunted, Christmas was hers for the taking!

      I heard my wife mutter and cackle with glee,
      as she stacked the gifts high, down under the tree.
      When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
      I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

      Away to the window I flew like a flash,
      tore open the curtains, and threw up the sash
      When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
      But a little white truck, with an oversized mirror.

      The driver was smiling, so lively and grand,
      The patch on his jacket said "US POSTMAN"
      With a handful of bills,he grinned like a fox
      Then quickly he stuffed them into our mailbox

      Bill after bill, after bill, they still came.
      Whistling and shouting, he called them by name:"Now Neman's, now Sach's, now Penny's and Sear's, here's Macy's and Target, Levitz soon will be here.

      To the tip of your limit, every store, every mall, now charge away - charge away - charge away all!"
      He whooped and he whistled as he finished his work, he filled up the box, and then turned with a jerk.

      He sprang to his truck and drove down the road, driving much faster with just half a load. Then I heard him exclaim with great
      Holiday Cheer,

    7. Great post Randy - but:
      “Christmas” “God” and “Jesus” are registered trademarks of the Amway Corporation; all rights reserved.
      Not cool dude!

    8. It was the big red man in a funny little hat and his reindeer. that's when I knew... my chance had come! this was my only chance in my life to do what I knew I needed to do...out of the window sliding down the wall and greeted the man with a phew. My face was as red as his cheecks and I asked if I could navigate for the chap and help find our way through we went and now I know that the magic is real and I've done what I had to do.

    9. When out on the lawn rose such a hullabaloo, Luckily, I'm Randy Gage and knew just what to do,

      I walked out on the lawn, and what did appear,
      Placido Domingo, and nine lovely Diva dears,

      "Randy, glad your in, let's go in and drink cocoa",
      "oh good", I said "Let's talk Mozart and Lee Iaccoca!",

      "Well let's go in!" said Placido "I'm standing in muck",
      "Yes Randy," said one Diva "It really is yuck."

      On my big glass door I tugged and I tugged,
      I said "This darn door it just won't budge!",

      The Diva's cried "Randy you have locked us out!"
      "Hush you Diva's" I said "Don't you pout",

      I thought for awhile, then with a grin and a turn,
      I broke the door down, Iv'e got money to burn,

      "Prosperity is infinite",I said, "And if your willing and smart",
      "You will have money, while other's live out of a cart"

      "That's right" said Placido "So don't worry about the mess your country's in",
      "Besides, that brilliant president Obama surely will win!"

      My headache now relieved, my guests and I sang a Christmas carol,
      Then we all watched that funny "Elf" movie starring Will Farrell,

      We ate popcorn, drank cocoa and oh, did we snuggle,
      There was magic that night, even though each of us is a muggle,

      My cares were long gone, my worries few, my Christmas cheer high,
      Too soon was it time to wish Placido and the Diva's goodbye,

      My door it was broken my lawn destroyed,still it was my pleasure,
      And the, Diva's all kissed me and called me their treasure,

      My weary Chewbacca PJ's and I got back into bed,
      With visions of Diva's singing opera in my head,

      I knew in my heart, all would be alright,
      So, I slept sound all through the night.

    10. Dear all, thanks for the great compositions, especially yourself Randy. I laughed so much - it was fun. Was busy in the kitchen, maybe later can (our colloqial incorrect grammar) compose. For now it is O come let us adore Him etc. etc

    11. I've always been a fabulous creative writer but poetry has never been something I've had a great affinity for so I'm just going to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas & enjoy what the rest of you have to contribute.

    12. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.

      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

      I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
      Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

      When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo; For the masses were screaming and crying boo hoo!

      The American family had no money for bills,
      no money for gifts, and no money for thrills.

      They felt so run down from sun up to sundown,
      Full of Poverty thinking and bank accounts shrinking.

      They Worried all night, and forgot to delight
      in all that is bright and full of what’s right.

      But lo and behold twas a family reaping great
      Riches while sleeping from Prosperity thinking

      Because they worked hard on changing their thoughts they found their world rich with all that they sought.

      From the ether came plenty of millions and billions and a world a’plenty of trillions and zillions.

      And everyone thought that they should not have so much disparity in their prosperity.
      For full of despair they proceeded to declare that all was unfair in the land of plenty!

      Now people get stuck and run amuck in what they claim is luck, but what they forget is that without Gratitude,they will regret all that they will not get

      At the end of the day,what’s important to say is that we care for our loved ones and all of our young ‘uns.

    13. It seemed like Great Depression 2: Electric Bugaloo.

      With the flick of a pen I wrote checks to causes which helped the less fortunate and PBS.

      A group came before me and they implored me: "We are OWS!"

      "The 1 percent is stealing, so we're squealing. We are the 99 percent!"

      I smiled and retorted: "It's the government, school, and religion that keep you barely living, and barely living is a sin."

      The group did thus protest: "You're more successful than us, so you must have pillaged a small village. Why won't you share with us?"

      "It's good to share, but how can you be there when you're starving and have no place to rest?"

      "All the music, cellphones, and even your underwear, someone made them so you could prosper. Is it not only fiar that for all the love and care that they get to enjoy the fruits of their labor?"

      Some of the protestors understood, whether rich or poor, that to take from someone was stealing their livelihood.

      "There is enough wealth for everyone, but you must provide value by getting things done."

      And so I invited the protestors in, for cookies and hot cocoa and I began:

      "A world of prosperity is a world where everyone is happy, and everyone wins."

      At last the protestors understood, that everyone deserved a happy livelihood. I sent them off, hearts ablaze. I heard heard them utter: "Merry Christmas to all, and may your prosperity be bright."

    14. A Randy Christmas Poem

      It's the night before Christmas and I'm out of work.
      My once-loving girlfriend now thinks I'm a jerk.
      I'm on unemployment, it's really a shame.
      I spend half my checks on the lottery games.
      I sit on the couch and I stare at the walls.
      I have no desire, my tree has no balls.
      I bought a few presents for mom and my ex.
      I have lots of excuses for this year and next.
      The job market's tight and I can't finish college.
      I'd like my own business but don't have the knowledge.
      I might invent something but no one would buy it.
      There's this guy with those circles, I think I might try it.
      I tried it before but the company tanked.
      My upline was lousy, I emptied my bank.
      So I'm here alone, not a star in the east.
      Microwave popcorn and wine are my feast.
      The botttle is empty and so is my head.
      I've nothing to do, except go to bed.
      After a while, I got up to pee
      And I don't believe what my bleary eyes see.
      A big jolly Santa with eyes full of love,
      He's holding a box in his frosty white gloves.
      He said, "Hey there loser," then he set the box down, grabbed me quite roughly and slapped me around.
      He just kept repeating the same Christmas rhyme,
      as he sat on my chest and slapped me in time.
      "This isn't the season for whining, you ass,
      The world is abundant, so don't let it pass.
      There's greatness within you, you just need this gift", he reached for the box and gave me a lift.
      I sat up and held it, my eyesight was lost, my head was still spinning from Santa's right cross.
      I soon got my focus and lifted the lid and strangely I knew what St. Nicholas did.
      For inside the box was the thing I was needing, to stop all the whining, the moaning, the pleading.
      I hung them in place and they seemed to fit right, I tried to show Santa, as he flew through the night.
      Each year I still hear him, when I'm decking the halls,
      "I hope you make use of, your new Christmas balls.
      No excuses everybody!!!! Ho Ho Ho"

      Joe Hefferon

    15. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

      I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
      Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

      When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo
      Was I back in the Underground
      Watching Alice in Wonderland at Waterloo.
      The noise made me shake this didnt seem like fun.
      I had flown to Miami for shopping and sun.
      I turned on the tv to see how this began
      Oh no more Simon Cowell, XFactor and Piers Morgan.
      I turned it off fast and jumped out of bed
      I 'll find out for myself, I wont be led.

      With the door open wide an astonishing view
      A man dressed in red walking on Empire Avenue.
      Hold on sir I called I'm going your way
      I'm afraid I cant wait miss I have only one day.
      Only one day whatever do you mean?
      The children are waiting I mustnt be seen.
      As quick as a flash he jumped into his sleigh
      He called to the reindeer to take him away.
      I stood there thinking as he vanished from sight
      I shivered under the stars on this one Silent Night.
      I thought of my loved ones both near and afar
      I thought how I loved them and also my own star.
      I'm fulfilling my dreams it can only get better
      I'm blessed and I'm happy I'm a go getter...
      And as I sit and write on this page
      I remember my mentor one suave Randy Gage...
      So to you and all friends both far and near
      Christmas Blessings and love and a Happy New Year.....

    16. I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.
      When in my mind, arose such a hullabaloo;

      My lord my God came and was saying all of the changes he was a changing. My mind was wandering as I could here the plans that I was hearing.

      I arose from my somber still in a trance as all of the thing still in my glance.

      I looked at all of the books that I have read. As I glance at the stack of bills unpaid I remember all of the joy that God had just made.

      I sit and think of the year that past I remember all of the blessings. I was so blessed in may a ways but 2011 was still such a haze.

      As the stockings are hung by the chimney
      I look to my children as they sleep, the calm of their trust in all that will be. I remember the plans the lord as for me and remember that destiny that is promised to ME. I sit and I wright as the words just keep coming the goals the dreams I just keep running.

      So with this night as I lay awake without light I see my future as it is so bright.

      God bless you all with hope that you will see the light as your mind is the controller of your light. Make this your year of delight that you take all you learn from Randy and use it after this night. Make the decision to make it just one more night and in the morning when you awake thank the good Lord for all his delight.

      Choose to be the change in your future.

      God Bless

      Vincent St.Louis

    17. The Night Before Christmas, 2011

      T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

      I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
      Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

      When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
      I sprang from my bed and grabbed my didgeridoo!
      (I can't play the darned thing, though I hoot and I blow,
      so I figured I'd use it as a weapon, you know.)

      And what to my wondering eyes should appear
      But a festive young lad, grinning from ear to ear.
      "He must be on drugs," I thought with dismay.
      "In these dire times, none are happy or gay."

      I threw open the window and yelled out below
      "Why are you here? And can't you just GO!"
      But the young man just smiled and he said "Don't be rotten!
      I want to remind you of things you've forgotten."

      "You create your own world! It's as simple as that!
      It's easier than pulling a hare from a hat!
      If you want to be happy and healthy and free
      You must say to yourself 'It's all up to me!'"

      "Are you kidding?" I cried with dismay and chagrin,
      "I didn't create this mess that I'm in!
      Someone else did it! I sure didn't do it!
      And they're gonna fix it (when they get around to it)."

      "Everything will change with the elections next fall ---
      It's Gengrich, or Romney, or Cain! Or it's Paul!
      Or Obama, or Perry! Whoever gets in
      Will make sure that everything turns right again."

      I knew it was true; my logic was sound.
      But the lad was unmoved and he said as he frowned,
      "It won't happen, you know. It'll be more of the same.
      Their promises are empty, their excuses are lame."

      "You make your own world! You make your own luck!
      You do it yourself! That fact you can't duck!
      Riches await you, good health, and -- boy! --
      Your life can be filled with limitless joy.

      "But first you must learn this one simple truth ---
      (I know what I'm saying, and this I say sooth)
      Think prosperous thoughts, do prosperous deeds,
      And you will receive all your wants and your needs!

      "The Prosperity Channel on YouTube is rockin'!
      But act fast, 'cause time is tick-tocking!"
      And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
      "Twenty-twelve will be great. Join in --- hold on tight!"

      -- jim

    18. When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
      I sprang from my bed when out of the blue,
      I heard chatting and clicking, oh what a buzz
      I ran to the window to see what it was.

      The moon on the snow made clear what I saw.
      I blinked and I squinted and looked out in awe.
      When what to my wondering eyes did appear
      All kinds of people from far and from near.

      There on the lawn all gathered together
      Were people not minding the cold winter weather.
      Making their plans and creating their missions.
      To make the world better, it was their visions.

      I knew in a moment, they made it quite clear
      They were the ones to spread the good cheer.
      The writers, the authors, the bloggers came too.
      The speakers, the marchers, the leaders, that's who.

      They stood on the doorsteps, they stood in the street.
      They typed and they spoke of their feat of all feats.
      To make the world better and fix it ourselves
      Be kind to each other, we'll be the elves.

      So up through the wires, through speakers and phones,
      They spread inspirations in all the times zones.
      And then in a chime, on my Apple I heard.
      A message popped up with chirp like a bird.

      As I sat in my chair and opened my mail.
      The message popped up and the wind filled my sail.
      It was filled with such hope and jolly good cheer.
      I wanted to know, I wanted to hear.

      I read it out loud, I read it again and again.
      Now I had a mission that I had to send.
      I laughed while I wrote it, in spite of my doubt.
      I wrote out my mission and then gave out a shout.

      With a wink of my eye and twist of my head,
      I knew in a moment, i'd nothing to dread.
      Inspire the world to see what is good,
      We can't fix it all, I wish that we could.

      Let's work together to love one and all.
      Help out our neighbor and beckon the call.
      Nurture the world in this new year,
      And love one another without any fear.

      Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays to one and all from Flip Side Stories-where seeing another point of view makes a better you!

    19. The Night Before Christmas, 2011…

      T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.
      I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
      Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.
      When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
      my eyes suddenly opened when I heard the whoohoo,
      My feet were ice-cold, while standing in sudden snow;
      I faced being in the middle of the winter-team - all in a row.
      Three held the huge cloud still in one piece;
      Six around cutting it real tiny in peace.
      Nine shovelling the small frazzles up high; twelve blowing fresh air into it,
      Making them fly!
      I realize I must be in a winter X-mas dream, standig there poor in my Chewbaccas in- between.
      The noise silently fades as the cloud is cut, all is looking white - covering each roof top and hut.
      My feet are warm again,
      The cushion is soft; being surprised since my eyes are still shut.
      I open my eyes again: I still lie in bed?
      Quickly jumping out of bed as an escape, just to remove the old dark red drape!
      Rubbing my eyes, not believing to see;
      All now is covered as white as can be!
      I truly can´t change the world and its mess; but tonight I was able to be in a guess,
      of how others lighten-up the world for us.
      Tomorrow it´s Christmas and all those without, got a gift tonight - made of a cloud!

      Wishing you a very Merry Christmas 2011 from Germany -

    20. The Night Before Christmas, 2011…
      T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.
      I put on NO pajamas, climbed into my bed;
      Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.
      When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
      A crowd of Lack-minders, looking at me to sue.
      My wife in her pajamas, and I naked as hell;
      Wondering why these people were ringing our bell.

      I looked at my wife, and told her to be calm;
      For I was going outside, to drop a motivational bomb.
      As I opened the door, and looked on the lawn;
      The crowd grew larger, and I saw my old friend Jon.

      Now Jon was a friend from back in the day;
      We had different views, and I went my own way.
      As I approached the crowd to give my speech;
      My goal was only to enlighten and teach.

      Now people, people out in my yard;
      Making money like us may be kind of hard.
      You can’t have my money, and you can’t have my wife;
      it’s time to take control and create your own life!

      Look at the way I live, and how I play;
      This hard work paid off and we see greatness every day.
      It is time to be accountable for yourself;
      and stop picketing and whining, and taking others wealth.

      Now go make goals and stick to them without a pout,
      And quit looking to the government for another handout!
      On your successful journey, make some affirmations;
      And build a business that spreads across nations!

      Prosperity has been there but you’ve chose to veer;
      Grab it and live it in this New Year!
      Be careful of the thoughts that run through your head;
      The bad, lack, and negative create a future you’ll dread.

      So stick to the script with positivity, joy, and LOVE;
      And your life will fit you like the perfect glove.
      You will have what you want, whatever it be;
      Cars, houses, and boats, or give to charity!

      More time with your family, so much time to spend;
      Stay on goals and in action, it will work out in the end.
      If you need help in this wonderful game;
      Don’t be afraid to call out their name.

      Now read Adler, read Worre, Jonak, and Gage;
      Release yourself from the rat race and that awful cage!
      On this final note, I want to spread cheer;
      Have a Wonderful Holiday, and Happy New Year!

    21. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.
      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

      I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
      Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

      When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
      Pulled the pillow over my head, thinking, “What can I do?”
      As I lay there trembling, cowering in fear,
      I noticed some sobbing, some shivering, a tear.

      It had been years since I cried and it felt kind of strange,
      Yes, I was tired of things, and I wanted to change.
      As an emotional wave flowed throughout my whole spine,
      An internal switch turned on, giving some hope, a sign.

      I arose from my bed, springing quickly and bold,
      Could I make a difference? This man who was old?
      I ran to the door, wondering what I would see.
      T’was a mob of my neighbors, in an all-out melee!

      I saw Billy and Randy and Nancy and Dixon
      On Charles, on Gleeson, on Shirley, on Johnson!
      Landon, above all, had thee loudest voice,
      There was punching, and kicking and screaming by choice.

      I climbed on the top of my van parked nearby,
      Started singing a song, “You will all surely die!”
      I sang louder and louder in their general direction,
      Knowing my odd lyrics would soon get their attention.

      And then in a flash, the air became silent,
      As they each turned toward me, they stopped being violent.
      Now that I had them all looking in awe,
      I took a deep breath to share what I saw.

      “I see anger, I see fear, I see blaming, too,
      But I also see hope in the midst of the poo.
      I see love hidden deep inside each broken heart,
      And it’s love that will help each of us do our part.”

      “A little faith in each other, will do wonders to heal,
      For without each other, what’s the point, let’s get real!
      We’re not helpless victims, as we’re being told,
      But we all have the power to get rid of this cold.”

      “It’s like a virus gone wild, infecting the land,
      But we can defeat it together, all hand in hand.
      If we each do our part, no matter how small,
      We will all prosper through this, without building a wall.”

      “Let’s quit blaming each other, take our own inventory,
      So that each of our futures will be our unique story.
      A story of our own, one where we care,
      One proud to have lived, and one we can share.”

      “So let’s each go home, find our part in this play,
      Find your passion, your happy place, your best of each day.”
      As the crowd broke up, each one walking toward home,
      I felt relieved, felt recharged, felt like writing a poem.

      So this is my tale of my own Twilight Zone,
      Where I took charge of my life, from the seeds I had sown.
      The library of books, the seminars galore,
      All came together in the “Night of the Roar.”

    22. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.

      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

      I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
      Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.
      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

      When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo;
      I dashed to my feet to see what, when or who.

      The skies were all twinkly, starry and bright:
      I endeavor to spot an unusual creature tonight.

      While I ventured to gaze slightly to the right
      a spectacular vision was now in my sight.

      The gathering of people in abundance this year,
      More than likely, with the ones they hold dear.

      Like sweet sweet music like a song to my ears
      was the sound of laughter and holiday cheers.

      As the celebration unfold in a magical wonder;
      I began to invision my knight in shining armour.

      He is divinely georgeous from head to toe,
      Yet, I escape to catch him under a miseltoe.

      His smile is of joy, mighty and strong,
      I have googled his name, can't find anything wrong.
      Intelligence is not something he lack, Heck I don't
      care if he shops from the clearance rack.

      His ways are charming, has perfect manners.
      If he was rude to this mama, I'll find
      that alarming. As I should. For everything
      he does is for his Hightest good.

      My knight in armour is still a vision in my head;
      Back to awareness, time to head back to bed.
      I'm grateful for the season, I have nothing to dread.|
      Thinking my lucky star, I'm not among the dead.

      Getting nestled and snuggled for a peaceful sleep;
      Daring to think of the feast I will eat.
      Tomorrow is Christmas! The world's biggest holiday...That's right!

      Good tidings to all..To all your best night.


    23. The story you'll read is great and is real
      about a young guy that left all that he knew
      He left his own country which is called Peru
      and came to to America to find "da real/deal"

      Struggling with language and culture and all
      starting with painting, dishwashing: hard work
      hoping not living a life of the bawl
      expecting the change as much as young turk

      Asking and praying, the miracle came
      The Lord of the love my prayers, He heard
      A good friend, she draw the circles to aim
      MLM she said, Get out of the herd!

      Along with the business, a present arrived
      Personal development! That will take you high!
      With, Rohn, Robbins, Hill, of course Randy Gage
      Your mind it will change towards golden age!

      So I started the homework, and working as well
      the world cup of soccer, it happened again
      The Miami airport was ringing the bell
      the cool day when Germany was beat by Spain

      Gorgeous, Tall, well dressed like Sparrow
      he had a cool look of a true pharaoh
      I told him, Are you the one who wrote Dumb and Broke?
      He showed me his smile as big as the sun!

      That day at the airport, I remember well
      after that day came the hurricane
      His work I have read among other tapes
      Prosperity series, and 'bout MLM

      My mind grows a lot and he knows this thing
      He has helped "mucho", it all makes real sense
      Thank you Randy Gage for all that you share
      Thank you Randy Gage cos' I'm on my way!

    24. T’was the night before Christmas and all through the U.S.;
      The economy was tanking and things were a mess.

      The newscasts were dark, and the mood was depressing.
      Unemployment was rising, and things were distressing.

      I put on my Chewbacca pajamas, climbed into my bed;
      Slipped into the covers, and pulled them over my head.

      Sleep escaped me, for my head it was aching;
      I was riddled with doubts, for the future we were making.

      When out on the lawn, arose such a hullabaloo
      That I jumped out of bed and wondered what to do.

      I went to the window to throw open the curtain, I saw something strange, and I wasn't for certain,

      but it looked like an elf, on my lawn, with a beer?
      He had a twinkle in his eye and spoke of Christmas cheer.

      "How can you be so happy?" I said with a frown.
      Oh I get it, you're that Charlie Sheen clown!

      The economy's down and people are blue.
      Not to worry he said,"I've got 'winning' advice for you."

      Charlie Sheen I am not, he said with a grin
      as tipped back his drink and it ran down his chin.

      The problems you have, you have brought on yourself;
      No money, old car, the bills on the shelf.

      "Fix these you must." he said with a Yoda-like yelp.
      Can't I just get the government to help?

      Government? No. He laughed like a fool.
      But you can have prosperity that makes other men drool.

      It starts with a mindset that says you can do it, and 51% is the magic number.
      A little each day, don't give up or you'll always wonder.

      So how did you do it, the money I mean?
      Simple, he said. I'm became an MLM machine.

      Residual income has set me for life,
      and none to soon, according to my wife.

      To help someone else is the way to grow
      try it, you'll see. Trust me, I know.

      It's time to go, I must be moving on,
      time to unhook another Matrix pawn.

      So goodnight to you, my new found friend.
      Cheer up! For your life is about to begin!

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