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The Natural Order of Things

Posted By: Randy GageJune 29, 2011


Our material universe works because it is the perfect symphony of natural laws and order.  Our moral universe is sustained by its perfect balance as well.  As you work to manifest prosperity, always remember that the environment and conditions are not stacked against you.  Quite the contrary…

The vacuum law of prosperity works because nature abhors a vacuum.  Likewise, in the spiritual world, disharmony is annulled.  In between the yin and yang, earthquakes and summer showers, getting passed up for a promotion and finding your true love, there is always the eternal harmony, the inviolable justice.

Now many people feel there is injustice in the world.  And there is, yet there isn’t.  Because what may appear to be injustice always sorts itself out in the cosmic wash.  The criminal celebrating his ill-gotten gains is oblivious to the hole is his bucket.  The only free cheese is in the mousetrap.

How you view the world colors everything…

The man who thinks no one is to be trusted and that everyone is out to cheat him attracts what he thinks about.  The lady who believes in the inherent good of the universe finds all the evidence she needs to support this view.

You don’t see things as they are.  You see them as you are. So what’s the universe you see?

P.S. Off to Tokyo, I'll check in from there.


29 comments on “The Natural Order of Things”

  1. This does not in any way diminish the truth of Randy's piece this evening. But I'm really not sure "balance" is what it's all about. In fact I think "life balance" is a myth and not to be pursued for a single minute. Balance is a static state rather than a dynamic and energetic one. Every form of movement requires off-balance.

    To me it's about "alignment" and how we recognize the mind-blowing synthesis between all things. As was perfectly said, the magic is when we jump into that river where all the energies come together and have it take us to remarkable places. What always makes me shake my head is that even the most enlightened know nothing about the power that's been given to us.

    1. I agree with you as I have found out that balance is a static state. Once I thought it was desirable until I decided to `take the leap` from external to internal and `Wow` what a wild, painful, glorious ride it is, and has been out of my trance state
      At my present stage I am deeply into alignment so recognise what you are speaking about.

  2. Being in a Balance or being at Peace ... people sought in the world since creation.

    If more I want to be in Peace, as willingly I overcome challenges and obstacles,accept risks.

    The more I do, the sooner rid of the disturbing factors. As a stone that tumble down the hill.

    And the world looks very different than two years ago. Completely incomparable. That's true.

  3. Hi RG,

    Judging according to appearances causes us to forget this great Truth you speak of.

    It reminds me of a person who commits a heinous criminal act, yet walks. People say these folks "got away with it", yet when you read up on these individuals they attract all forms of negative circumstances going forward. Either they wind up back in court, die violently and quickly, or contract some horrible form of disease which leads to an agonizing death. If they haven't made amends with the Universe for their transgression, things get ugly quickly.

    The Universe didn't punish anybody in these instances. These folks punished themselves. Same deal with someone who believes fully in the divine order of things. No matter what happens these folks believe the better things get, the better things get, in a Universe of perfect divine order. And if something appears to be getting worse, it's not, because appearances are fleeting, deceiving and rarely if ever reveal the Truth of the matter.

    Thanks for sharing Randy.


    1. Just curious...why do you have to "earn" it? Just open to receive it. Better yet, just recognize you already have/are the "cheese."

  4. Remember RG said when the Sopranos was winding up.. Tony having to sleep with a gun... but as Tony said to Melfi the shrink... only two places a guy like me winds up.. dead or in jail... talk about a hole in your bucket...
    One thing I loved about that series was how it showed all that mindless consumerism, getting stuff, sex, booze, drugs, etc... and all in different characters... and none of it brought them any real deep down happiness...
    Bob Proctor did a webinar today which I listened to... says there a big difference between fun and happiness...
    I'm so pumped to do what he said to do, do something you love, plan out your day and love doing it...

  5. This made me realize one thing...

    I always thought that I "knew" how things really are, and I obviously do not.

    There are people in my life that I cannot easily cut out, who think instant results are possible, people who are not successful are just lazy, or that people do it all themselves.

    I know full well that even when someone does get measurable results quickly, it does not last, and many happy, successful people had their greatest triumph AFTER they had failed hard core.

    All of the things that people spend their whole lives trying to avoid, I have experienced already:

    I have been labelled as inferior (by "experts" and people close to me who supported that) (and was dumb enough to listen), made poor health and financial decisions, lost almost everything I owned, almost died, had bad relationships, missed out on opportunity that was perfect fit for who I am, lost connections with people I care about and who genuinely cared about me.

    It is not as horrible as people think it could be. As Randy as said, I was at the scene of every crime.

    We all need supportive people to empower us, and I have had the good fortune of finding people who are both locally, and all over the world.

    I aim to be the person that some of the people around me will not:

    I will encourage others to grow because people did not do it for me.

  6. I see a really beautiful world around all of us, I try to see the beauty even where most people don't.
    As Dr. Wayne Dyer says: "If you change the way you look at things, things you look at change"

    Thanks Randy,


  7. This is very beautiful Randy! You touch me very deeply with what you write. And I choose to be around people that see the beauty and possibilities in their fellow beings and surroundings. Thank's and have a nice journey to Tokyo.

  8. "If you ask any spiritual teacher or shaman for his or her assessment of what is going on today you will get the answer that human beings are so out of balance that everything around us is happening in extremes.

    Getting back into balance is key to healing the planet and ourselves.

    It is time for us to fully embody earth wisdom. It is time to stop thinking about spiritual practices but live them. And to do this we must be embodied. We need to stop “going” to spiritual realities. Instead we need to experience our spirit in every cell of our being.

    Don’t just let your mind travel when you do spiritual work rather make it a full body experience.

    A Hopi friend of mine shared with me once that when the Hopi journey they take their bodies with them. Shamanism is not an out of body practice. For shamanic practices have always taught how to live a harmonious life connected with nature. You must be embodied to do this."

  9. Hey Randy how does his tie into racial, sexual or disabled prejudice? Slavery. Native American wipe out,etc. And why is the same person at the scene of the crime? The powerful elite white man? Whats the balance and how do we balance this if its possible cause it seems it continues where the new boogie man is the Arabs? What give's? Prosperous minds want to know?

      1. You said "As Allen taught, both the oppressed and oppressor are co-creators in ignorance". I really want to get this for I am a speaker to a Black Community and sometimes lots of them feel oppressed and victimized in some way by racism. Are you saying ignorant of what? The power of our thoughts from victim to victor? How do we find peace or harmony with are racial past and current prejudice? Do we ignore, make money and just be happy?

  10. I don't know if you meant for it to sound like this or not, but it seems like you are promoting apathy. Which seems very unlike you.

    To believe that justice is meted out in the cosmic wash, seems like we can just sit back and let unjustice prevail and not say a word. That's not what you mean, right?

    1. I think for the most part Randy, your message is wonderful and inspiring, but this is one of the flaws I see with "The Law of Attraction" and the idea of taking responsibility for everything that happens to you.

      While we do tend to notice or even attract good/bad circumstances depending on how we think and feel, the idea that people attract adverse circumstances subconsciously all the time, is a bit flawed.

      Anonymous, as for people who abuse others, are also victims, even more so than the people they hurt. Master and slave are both slaves.

      I did not choose to be gay, have an interest in creative things, any more than I chose my talents, abilities, and eye color. I also did not choose to be around adults growing up who could or would not understand and support either.

      While there are many people who support who people are, as well as people being true to themselves, people don't choose who their parents are or who they are.

      The people in your life can make or break you, and we can not always choose them.

      Did the people who have died in mass murder sprees throughout history, often because they just happened to be an "enemy" deserve to die because they weren't thinking the right happy thoughts?

      This is my main criticism of this philosophy. It is useful and empowering, but only to a point.

      1. Randy,

        I don't think you were being apathetic, or that some of these ideas are.

        As I said, I just see flaws in the ideas, and I got upset about it, and I was not sure how to deal with it, so I acted irrationally.

        Instead of asking for clarification, I was judgmental instead.

        1. My goodness, you are so hard on yourself. Don't be. Okay. You are great and you really think about things. I really don't think you were judgemental. You were just stating an opinion. That's what it is all about.

          You are brave Thomas. I can't speak for Randy, but I don't think he should find your comment offensive. I thought it was brave and thought provoking, and I am sure others did too.

          1. I never thought of myself as brave before. I've been such a coward. I always let people bully me around, and did what other people wanted.

            I'm going to be 30 in September, and I'd rather give who I am at the core a shot before I get too old.

          2. Yes, Thomas! Give who you really are a shot. You are brave. You have made many brave statements on this blog.

            Go get 'em kid. Give the world the gift of your true self. 🙂

          3. I choose to say these things, in spite of the risk involved.

            I choose to be a voice for those who do not have a voice, and those who can not stand up.

            I choose to be creative, in spite of a world which only values conformity and enforcing the status quo.

            I choose to ignore the barriers to success I and others put up.

            I choose to express compassion and understanding for those who are different from me, even if I do not always understand or appreciate.

            I choose to lead in spite of being told most of my life that my purpose is to follow and obey authority, even if authority is wrong and harmful.

            I choose to communicate with people regardless of background, age, ethnicity, or location.

            I choose to help other people grow, because it helps me grow.

            I choose to limit my exposure to people who are toxic.

            I choose to believe in the choices of others, even if they make me uneasy.

            I choose to do what is right, in spite of the fact it may be unpopular or could hurt me in the short term.

            I choose to learn and challenge myself constantly in spite of being considered flawed and weak, and lacking formal education beyond a semester and a half of college.

            I choose to enjoy my life, spending time exploring.

            I choose to buy quality over quantity.

            I choose to value ideas and people over things and money.

            I choose to view money and things as tools which enrich our lives.

            I choose to see natural beauty, but beauty in things like luxury goods and art.

            I choose to put myself first so I can be there when people need me.

            I choose to do "crazy" things, knowing that I could drop dead at any moment.

            I choose to become someone worth following.

            I choose to pass on lessons I have learned, both good and bad.

            I choose to listen.

            I choose to give constructive criticism, so that others may grow.

            I choose to do these things and have these values because genuine love, understanding and compassion did not exist.

            I choose to do it all because no one did it for me.

      2. Oh. I thought it was clear. I was trying to be succinct. Uhh... Okay. If you say there is injustice but no injustice, the universe takes care of it. It could sound like you are condoning apathy to causes of justice. For example, if people felt like gay rights would be taken care of by the universe, that the injustice of them not being able to marry for instance, would just be turned around by the universe, they may not get out and demonstrate or vote.

        Does that make more sense? I don't know. But, you are not like that you fight for causes you see as unjust. So, I don't think you do that. But, by reading that it sounds like you might be saying don't worry the universe will work it all out. Then, if that is true we don't have to take responsibility, we can just be apathetic and wait for the universe to make it just, except we are the universe right?

        1. Defend your views, take care of the big goals of humanity and get results can be done only with being in balance.

          Take a look at what the big world leaders? They have a different skin color and sex life.

          They all have in common- they are in balance. And not apathetic.

          Complain those who have thinking of the victim, they have found the cause: skin color or sexual orientation barriers to his/hers success.

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  • 29 comments on “The Natural Order of Things”

    1. This does not in any way diminish the truth of Randy's piece this evening. But I'm really not sure "balance" is what it's all about. In fact I think "life balance" is a myth and not to be pursued for a single minute. Balance is a static state rather than a dynamic and energetic one. Every form of movement requires off-balance.

      To me it's about "alignment" and how we recognize the mind-blowing synthesis between all things. As was perfectly said, the magic is when we jump into that river where all the energies come together and have it take us to remarkable places. What always makes me shake my head is that even the most enlightened know nothing about the power that's been given to us.

      1. I agree with you as I have found out that balance is a static state. Once I thought it was desirable until I decided to `take the leap` from external to internal and `Wow` what a wild, painful, glorious ride it is, and has been out of my trance state
        At my present stage I am deeply into alignment so recognise what you are speaking about.

    2. Being in a Balance or being at Peace ... people sought in the world since creation.

      If more I want to be in Peace, as willingly I overcome challenges and obstacles,accept risks.

      The more I do, the sooner rid of the disturbing factors. As a stone that tumble down the hill.

      And the world looks very different than two years ago. Completely incomparable. That's true.

    3. Hi RG,

      Judging according to appearances causes us to forget this great Truth you speak of.

      It reminds me of a person who commits a heinous criminal act, yet walks. People say these folks "got away with it", yet when you read up on these individuals they attract all forms of negative circumstances going forward. Either they wind up back in court, die violently and quickly, or contract some horrible form of disease which leads to an agonizing death. If they haven't made amends with the Universe for their transgression, things get ugly quickly.

      The Universe didn't punish anybody in these instances. These folks punished themselves. Same deal with someone who believes fully in the divine order of things. No matter what happens these folks believe the better things get, the better things get, in a Universe of perfect divine order. And if something appears to be getting worse, it's not, because appearances are fleeting, deceiving and rarely if ever reveal the Truth of the matter.

      Thanks for sharing Randy.


      1. Just curious...why do you have to "earn" it? Just open to receive it. Better yet, just recognize you already have/are the "cheese."

    4. Remember RG said when the Sopranos was winding up.. Tony having to sleep with a gun... but as Tony said to Melfi the shrink... only two places a guy like me winds up.. dead or in jail... talk about a hole in your bucket...
      One thing I loved about that series was how it showed all that mindless consumerism, getting stuff, sex, booze, drugs, etc... and all in different characters... and none of it brought them any real deep down happiness...
      Bob Proctor did a webinar today which I listened to... says there a big difference between fun and happiness...
      I'm so pumped to do what he said to do, do something you love, plan out your day and love doing it...

    5. This made me realize one thing...

      I always thought that I "knew" how things really are, and I obviously do not.

      There are people in my life that I cannot easily cut out, who think instant results are possible, people who are not successful are just lazy, or that people do it all themselves.

      I know full well that even when someone does get measurable results quickly, it does not last, and many happy, successful people had their greatest triumph AFTER they had failed hard core.

      All of the things that people spend their whole lives trying to avoid, I have experienced already:

      I have been labelled as inferior (by "experts" and people close to me who supported that) (and was dumb enough to listen), made poor health and financial decisions, lost almost everything I owned, almost died, had bad relationships, missed out on opportunity that was perfect fit for who I am, lost connections with people I care about and who genuinely cared about me.

      It is not as horrible as people think it could be. As Randy as said, I was at the scene of every crime.

      We all need supportive people to empower us, and I have had the good fortune of finding people who are both locally, and all over the world.

      I aim to be the person that some of the people around me will not:

      I will encourage others to grow because people did not do it for me.

    6. I see a really beautiful world around all of us, I try to see the beauty even where most people don't.
      As Dr. Wayne Dyer says: "If you change the way you look at things, things you look at change"

      Thanks Randy,


    7. This is very beautiful Randy! You touch me very deeply with what you write. And I choose to be around people that see the beauty and possibilities in their fellow beings and surroundings. Thank's and have a nice journey to Tokyo.

    8. "If you ask any spiritual teacher or shaman for his or her assessment of what is going on today you will get the answer that human beings are so out of balance that everything around us is happening in extremes.

      Getting back into balance is key to healing the planet and ourselves.

      It is time for us to fully embody earth wisdom. It is time to stop thinking about spiritual practices but live them. And to do this we must be embodied. We need to stop “going” to spiritual realities. Instead we need to experience our spirit in every cell of our being.

      Don’t just let your mind travel when you do spiritual work rather make it a full body experience.

      A Hopi friend of mine shared with me once that when the Hopi journey they take their bodies with them. Shamanism is not an out of body practice. For shamanic practices have always taught how to live a harmonious life connected with nature. You must be embodied to do this."

    9. Hey Randy how does his tie into racial, sexual or disabled prejudice? Slavery. Native American wipe out,etc. And why is the same person at the scene of the crime? The powerful elite white man? Whats the balance and how do we balance this if its possible cause it seems it continues where the new boogie man is the Arabs? What give's? Prosperous minds want to know?

        1. You said "As Allen taught, both the oppressed and oppressor are co-creators in ignorance". I really want to get this for I am a speaker to a Black Community and sometimes lots of them feel oppressed and victimized in some way by racism. Are you saying ignorant of what? The power of our thoughts from victim to victor? How do we find peace or harmony with are racial past and current prejudice? Do we ignore, make money and just be happy?

    10. I don't know if you meant for it to sound like this or not, but it seems like you are promoting apathy. Which seems very unlike you.

      To believe that justice is meted out in the cosmic wash, seems like we can just sit back and let unjustice prevail and not say a word. That's not what you mean, right?

      1. I think for the most part Randy, your message is wonderful and inspiring, but this is one of the flaws I see with "The Law of Attraction" and the idea of taking responsibility for everything that happens to you.

        While we do tend to notice or even attract good/bad circumstances depending on how we think and feel, the idea that people attract adverse circumstances subconsciously all the time, is a bit flawed.

        Anonymous, as for people who abuse others, are also victims, even more so than the people they hurt. Master and slave are both slaves.

        I did not choose to be gay, have an interest in creative things, any more than I chose my talents, abilities, and eye color. I also did not choose to be around adults growing up who could or would not understand and support either.

        While there are many people who support who people are, as well as people being true to themselves, people don't choose who their parents are or who they are.

        The people in your life can make or break you, and we can not always choose them.

        Did the people who have died in mass murder sprees throughout history, often because they just happened to be an "enemy" deserve to die because they weren't thinking the right happy thoughts?

        This is my main criticism of this philosophy. It is useful and empowering, but only to a point.

        1. Randy,

          I don't think you were being apathetic, or that some of these ideas are.

          As I said, I just see flaws in the ideas, and I got upset about it, and I was not sure how to deal with it, so I acted irrationally.

          Instead of asking for clarification, I was judgmental instead.

          1. My goodness, you are so hard on yourself. Don't be. Okay. You are great and you really think about things. I really don't think you were judgemental. You were just stating an opinion. That's what it is all about.

            You are brave Thomas. I can't speak for Randy, but I don't think he should find your comment offensive. I thought it was brave and thought provoking, and I am sure others did too.

            1. I never thought of myself as brave before. I've been such a coward. I always let people bully me around, and did what other people wanted.

              I'm going to be 30 in September, and I'd rather give who I am at the core a shot before I get too old.

            2. Yes, Thomas! Give who you really are a shot. You are brave. You have made many brave statements on this blog.

              Go get 'em kid. Give the world the gift of your true self. 🙂

            3. I choose to say these things, in spite of the risk involved.

              I choose to be a voice for those who do not have a voice, and those who can not stand up.

              I choose to be creative, in spite of a world which only values conformity and enforcing the status quo.

              I choose to ignore the barriers to success I and others put up.

              I choose to express compassion and understanding for those who are different from me, even if I do not always understand or appreciate.

              I choose to lead in spite of being told most of my life that my purpose is to follow and obey authority, even if authority is wrong and harmful.

              I choose to communicate with people regardless of background, age, ethnicity, or location.

              I choose to help other people grow, because it helps me grow.

              I choose to limit my exposure to people who are toxic.

              I choose to believe in the choices of others, even if they make me uneasy.

              I choose to do what is right, in spite of the fact it may be unpopular or could hurt me in the short term.

              I choose to learn and challenge myself constantly in spite of being considered flawed and weak, and lacking formal education beyond a semester and a half of college.

              I choose to enjoy my life, spending time exploring.

              I choose to buy quality over quantity.

              I choose to value ideas and people over things and money.

              I choose to view money and things as tools which enrich our lives.

              I choose to see natural beauty, but beauty in things like luxury goods and art.

              I choose to put myself first so I can be there when people need me.

              I choose to do "crazy" things, knowing that I could drop dead at any moment.

              I choose to become someone worth following.

              I choose to pass on lessons I have learned, both good and bad.

              I choose to listen.

              I choose to give constructive criticism, so that others may grow.

              I choose to do these things and have these values because genuine love, understanding and compassion did not exist.

              I choose to do it all because no one did it for me.

        2. Oh. I thought it was clear. I was trying to be succinct. Uhh... Okay. If you say there is injustice but no injustice, the universe takes care of it. It could sound like you are condoning apathy to causes of justice. For example, if people felt like gay rights would be taken care of by the universe, that the injustice of them not being able to marry for instance, would just be turned around by the universe, they may not get out and demonstrate or vote.

          Does that make more sense? I don't know. But, you are not like that you fight for causes you see as unjust. So, I don't think you do that. But, by reading that it sounds like you might be saying don't worry the universe will work it all out. Then, if that is true we don't have to take responsibility, we can just be apathetic and wait for the universe to make it just, except we are the universe right?

          1. Defend your views, take care of the big goals of humanity and get results can be done only with being in balance.

            Take a look at what the big world leaders? They have a different skin color and sex life.

            They all have in common- they are in balance. And not apathetic.

            Complain those who have thinking of the victim, they have found the cause: skin color or sexual orientation barriers to his/hers success.

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