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The Meaning of Perfectly Imperfect

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 22, 2022

(Monday Mojo 8/22/22)

Thank God It’s Monday!  Let's get after it...

Many of you have been asking for more content, since I’m not posting to my blog as frequently.  In response to your requests, I’m going to test out this new “Monday Mojo” concept.  It will be a second email each week (and I’ll repost here on the blog) with just a short, pithy message to get your mindset ready to have an epic week. Today let’s explore the meaning of perfectly imperfect.

No one is perfect.  But in a sense, everyone is perfect, because you’re not supposed to be perfect.  We're all a mix of limiting beliefs, lazy tendencies, and epic genius. The secret: Surround yourself with people who speak to your greatness.


- RG

Previous Post: How to Conquer Self-Sabotage

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