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The Lost Opportunity…

Posted By: Randy GageJune 23, 2019

Think about how much time is devoted to worshiping deities, Stone Age superstitions, and all of the attendant dogma, doctrines and limiting beliefs that go along with that.   Imagine if it was utilized in introspection, self-awareness, and personal development instead.

- RG

2 comments on “The Lost Opportunity…”

  1. Don't suggest that Randy. The education system might change to deliver well rounded individuals, instead of morons ready for job after job after job.

    Who would clean our houses, tend our gardens and carry out the millions of other jobs we rely on the herd for?

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  • 2 comments on “The Lost Opportunity…”

    1. Don't suggest that Randy. The education system might change to deliver well rounded individuals, instead of morons ready for job after job after job.

      Who would clean our houses, tend our gardens and carry out the millions of other jobs we rely on the herd for?

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