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The Lie of Balance

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 21, 2012

There is not much you can't accomplish if you have passion, intensity and urgency.  So let’s break that down…

You need a goal that excites you, pulls you toward it, and has you throwing the covers off the bed in the morning to pursue it.

You can be cool; you can’t be casual – you have to be intense.  

And finally, you have to be impatient!  Patience is a virtue in many situations.  Patience when pursuing success is simply an excuse for mediocrity.

Be impatient to live your passion, and pursue it with intensity.

Self-help speakers and authors talk about balance a lot.  They suggest all of the different areas of your life should be in balance.  You may have seen the “balance wheel” where you are supposed to draw out a circle and divide it into areas of your life (family, work, recreation, spirituality, etc.).  They suggest it should be round, with all the areas of equal importance.

That’s one of those quaint motivational things that sounds good, looks good, and looks good on paper – just doesn’t work in the real world.  Successful people in any endeavor make a conscious decision to get OUT of balance, whether for a day, a week or a season.

No one is ever in perfect balance, other than for a few fleeting seconds.  The successful people are the ones who are conscious about where they are out of balance.  They choose the areas and time to get out of balance.

When a loved one is ill or dying, they choose to get out of balance to spend more time with them.  When the championship game is coming up, they choose to devote more time to training.  When they’re launching a new business, they realize it will require extra time and dedication - which must come from some other area of their life.

Want to be successful at something in your life?  Decide where you need to get out of balance. 

- RG

35 comments on “The Lie of Balance”

  1. I think health is one area to keep in balance... also spiritual, wealth & maybe notice where you are out of balance & why... what beliefs, thoughts & habits are causing the imbalance? Believe we can be happy, healthy, wealthy and good relationships.... prosperity... unlimited. We limit ourselves. We all have a purpose... God is Good .. so we have a good purpose.

    1. maybe let go of bad habits or things that take up your time that are not in alignment with what you want... your goals, dreams, vision, etc. What is important to you & what isn't? where is your focus? where is your time going?

  2. I think health is one area to keep in balance... also spiritual, wealth & maybe notice where you are out of balance & why... what beliefs, thoughts & habits are causing the imbalance? Believe we can be happy, healthy, wealthy and good relationships.... prosperity... unlimited. We limit ourselves. We all have a purpose... God is Good .. so we have a good purpose.

  3. maybe let go of bad habits or things that take up your time that are not in alignment with what you want... your goals, dreams, vision, etc. What is important to you & what isn't? where is your focus? where is your time going?

  4. Brilliant, Randy! 
    We've all been watching the Olympics; imagine if all those athletes kept themselves perfectly balanced - they'd all be standing still, because moving would throw them out of balance!  Balance. Pshaw.
         Balance is static; life is motion.  There is no balance in nature - despite the myths - but rather, constant wobbling back and forth that creates the illusion of balance for those too distant or too blind to see what's actually happening.  My interesting, adventuresome, out-of-balance life needs constant attention. Seeking balance, not  balance itself, means I'm alive.  I like that. 

  5. Brilliant, Randy! 
    We've all been watching the Olympics; imagine if all those athletes kept themselves perfectly balanced - they'd all be standing still, because moving would throw them out of balance!  Balance. Pshaw.
         Balance is static; life is motion.  There is no balance in nature - despite the myths - but rather, constant wobbling back and forth that creates the illusion of balance for those too distant or too blind to see what's actually happening.  My interesting, adventuresome, out-of-balance life needs constant attention. Seeking balance, not  balance itself, means I'm alive.  I like that. 

  6. So true Randy. There are a lot of ideal feel good ideals going around the personal growth industry. From my experience, most of them are neither realistic or practical.

  7. So true Randy. There are a lot of ideal feel good ideals going around the personal growth industry. From my experience, most of them are neither realistic or practical.

  8. Yes, I think I need to add intensity to some of my pursuits.  Also, I think now it is okay to be out of balance with my meals.  Sometimes chocolate is more important than vegetables.  And, there are occasions when cookies or donuts are in danger of getting hard and stale, and they should be eaten before fresh fruit..  🙂

  9. Yes, I think I need to add intensity to some of my pursuits.  Also, I think now it is okay to be out of balance with my meals.  Sometimes chocolate is more important than vegetables.  And, there are occasions when cookies or donuts are in danger of getting hard and stale, and they should be eaten before fresh fruit..  🙂

  10. I like this perspective and think you made the point in a swell fashion. I do believe the quest for balance really is about discipline and intention. Passion without discipline and intention can be chaos. The idea of arriving at balance is silly in my book too. Thanks for sharing @amber 

  11. I like this perspective and think you made the point in a swell fashion. I do believe the quest for balance really is about discipline and intention. Passion without discipline and intention can be chaos. The idea of arriving at balance is silly in my book too. Thanks for sharing @amber 

  12. Maybe this is not really the subject of your topic. But i just ask myself these questions about it. Why would a self-help speaker talk about a 'balance wheel' ? Because it don't work !? Everybody know that these guy's or women are succesful, right ? So i would think they have a good experience of working with this 'wheel thing', cause otherwise they would not teach it.
    I really question these things because if all these self-help speakers just teaching something to make money or whatever, than we can't take it serious anymore. And i think that's not the case.
    Maybe i am totally wrong here, but i like to see some other opinions on this.

  13. Maybe this is not really the subject of your topic. But i just ask myself these questions about it. Why would a self-help speaker talk about a 'balance wheel' ? Because it don't work !? Everybody know that these guy's or women are succesful, right ? So i would think they have a good experience of working with this 'wheel thing', cause otherwise they would not teach it.
    I really question these things because if all these self-help speakers just teaching something to make money or whatever, than we can't take it serious anymore. And i think that's not the case.
    Maybe i am totally wrong here, but i like to see some other opinions on this.

  14. Love this RG! So true! And Simply Unbelievable! People are worried about being devoted to something because it will make them more unbalanced than they already are, the fear of success. The thing they don't realize is that throwing themselves extremely out of balance for a while (a few years) to achieve great success is way better than staying a bit unbalanced for a life time and achieving no success at all.

  15. Love this RG! So true! And Simply Unbelievable! People are worried about being devoted to something because it will make them more unbalanced than they already are, the fear of success. The thing they don't realize is that throwing themselves extremely out of balance for a while (a few years) to achieve great success is way better than staying a bit unbalanced for a life time and achieving no success at all.

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  • 35 comments on “The Lie of Balance”

    1. I think health is one area to keep in balance... also spiritual, wealth & maybe notice where you are out of balance & why... what beliefs, thoughts & habits are causing the imbalance? Believe we can be happy, healthy, wealthy and good relationships.... prosperity... unlimited. We limit ourselves. We all have a purpose... God is Good .. so we have a good purpose.

      1. maybe let go of bad habits or things that take up your time that are not in alignment with what you want... your goals, dreams, vision, etc. What is important to you & what isn't? where is your focus? where is your time going?

    2. I think health is one area to keep in balance... also spiritual, wealth & maybe notice where you are out of balance & why... what beliefs, thoughts & habits are causing the imbalance? Believe we can be happy, healthy, wealthy and good relationships.... prosperity... unlimited. We limit ourselves. We all have a purpose... God is Good .. so we have a good purpose.

    3. maybe let go of bad habits or things that take up your time that are not in alignment with what you want... your goals, dreams, vision, etc. What is important to you & what isn't? where is your focus? where is your time going?

    4. Brilliant, Randy! 
      We've all been watching the Olympics; imagine if all those athletes kept themselves perfectly balanced - they'd all be standing still, because moving would throw them out of balance!  Balance. Pshaw.
           Balance is static; life is motion.  There is no balance in nature - despite the myths - but rather, constant wobbling back and forth that creates the illusion of balance for those too distant or too blind to see what's actually happening.  My interesting, adventuresome, out-of-balance life needs constant attention. Seeking balance, not  balance itself, means I'm alive.  I like that. 

    5. Brilliant, Randy! 
      We've all been watching the Olympics; imagine if all those athletes kept themselves perfectly balanced - they'd all be standing still, because moving would throw them out of balance!  Balance. Pshaw.
           Balance is static; life is motion.  There is no balance in nature - despite the myths - but rather, constant wobbling back and forth that creates the illusion of balance for those too distant or too blind to see what's actually happening.  My interesting, adventuresome, out-of-balance life needs constant attention. Seeking balance, not  balance itself, means I'm alive.  I like that. 

    6. So true Randy. There are a lot of ideal feel good ideals going around the personal growth industry. From my experience, most of them are neither realistic or practical.

    7. So true Randy. There are a lot of ideal feel good ideals going around the personal growth industry. From my experience, most of them are neither realistic or practical.

    8. Yes, I think I need to add intensity to some of my pursuits.  Also, I think now it is okay to be out of balance with my meals.  Sometimes chocolate is more important than vegetables.  And, there are occasions when cookies or donuts are in danger of getting hard and stale, and they should be eaten before fresh fruit..  🙂

    9. Yes, I think I need to add intensity to some of my pursuits.  Also, I think now it is okay to be out of balance with my meals.  Sometimes chocolate is more important than vegetables.  And, there are occasions when cookies or donuts are in danger of getting hard and stale, and they should be eaten before fresh fruit..  🙂

    10. I like this perspective and think you made the point in a swell fashion. I do believe the quest for balance really is about discipline and intention. Passion without discipline and intention can be chaos. The idea of arriving at balance is silly in my book too. Thanks for sharing @amber 

    11. I like this perspective and think you made the point in a swell fashion. I do believe the quest for balance really is about discipline and intention. Passion without discipline and intention can be chaos. The idea of arriving at balance is silly in my book too. Thanks for sharing @amber 

    12. Maybe this is not really the subject of your topic. But i just ask myself these questions about it. Why would a self-help speaker talk about a 'balance wheel' ? Because it don't work !? Everybody know that these guy's or women are succesful, right ? So i would think they have a good experience of working with this 'wheel thing', cause otherwise they would not teach it.
      I really question these things because if all these self-help speakers just teaching something to make money or whatever, than we can't take it serious anymore. And i think that's not the case.
      Maybe i am totally wrong here, but i like to see some other opinions on this.

    13. Maybe this is not really the subject of your topic. But i just ask myself these questions about it. Why would a self-help speaker talk about a 'balance wheel' ? Because it don't work !? Everybody know that these guy's or women are succesful, right ? So i would think they have a good experience of working with this 'wheel thing', cause otherwise they would not teach it.
      I really question these things because if all these self-help speakers just teaching something to make money or whatever, than we can't take it serious anymore. And i think that's not the case.
      Maybe i am totally wrong here, but i like to see some other opinions on this.

    14. Love this RG! So true! And Simply Unbelievable! People are worried about being devoted to something because it will make them more unbalanced than they already are, the fear of success. The thing they don't realize is that throwing themselves extremely out of balance for a while (a few years) to achieve great success is way better than staying a bit unbalanced for a life time and achieving no success at all.

    15. Love this RG! So true! And Simply Unbelievable! People are worried about being devoted to something because it will make them more unbalanced than they already are, the fear of success. The thing they don't realize is that throwing themselves extremely out of balance for a while (a few years) to achieve great success is way better than staying a bit unbalanced for a life time and achieving no success at all.

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