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The Idea Shortage

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 15, 2012

One of the early influences for me writing Risky is the New Safe was the work of Charles Fillmore.  Charles was the co-founder of the Unity church with his wife Myrtle.  He taught that we have a creator who provided for all our needs and that prosperity surrounds us, everywhere on earth. 

So how do we manifest it on the physical plane?

Through the power of ideas.  I devoted a chapter in my book to this and titled it, “The New Religion of Ideas.”  Because ideas will become the most sought after currency in the new economy.

Ideas create value.  Ideas drive innovation.  Ideas solve problems.  And that’s how wealth is created.  By creating new ways to build value and solve problems.  You might want to read that last sentence again.  (Or a few hundred times and post it on your monitor.)

No one really has a money shortage.  What they really have is an idea shortage!


18 comments on “The Idea Shortage”

  1. WOW - Love it when you talk like this!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is so much power in this - the amazing thing is to really grasp this and take it in. You're right - I'll print this and put it up different places where I live - and on my calender and my computer, where I'll see it often. Thank's 🙂

  2. WOW - Love it when you talk like this!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is so much power in this - the amazing thing is to really grasp this and take it in. You're right - I'll print this and put it up different places where I live - and on my calender and my computer, where I'll see it often. Thank's 🙂

  3. RG, 
    I feel like I have the ideas, just so many people think I am crazy and then I have to figure out the ones worth pursuing.  Guess that's the problem with an an "out of the box" brain! But then again, you know me....

  4. RG, 
    I feel like I have the ideas, just so many people think I am crazy and then I have to figure out the ones worth pursuing.  Guess that's the problem with an an "out of the box" brain! But then again, you know me....

  5. Absolutely agree...though I suggest expanding the value of ideas far beyond "problem solving." We are far too stuck in problem solving mode which, by definition, means we are always focused on the past. Ideas reveal possibilities and possibilities are always about the future. That's the magic of the icons (Branson, Jobs, etc.) of our age. In my view the phrase needs to be "Ideas create."  And leave it at that.

    1. @IAN PERCY Ian, I believe that Jobs and Branson ARE simply solving problems. They are solving the problem of people wanting a better, more beautiful, more sexy, more exciting, more fulfilling, more in alignment with their values product. Most things these guys offer have already existed in some capacity, but they simply solved the problem of making them more appealing to a certain crowd/market. I totally get what you're saying, but I personally still believe/feel that they are solving problems/filling voids in the marketplace.

  6. Absolutely agree...though I suggest expanding the value of ideas far beyond "problem solving." We are far too stuck in problem solving mode which, by definition, means we are always focused on the past. Ideas reveal possibilities and possibilities are always about the future. That's the magic of the icons (Branson, Jobs, etc.) of our age. In my view the phrase needs to be "Ideas create."  And leave it at that.

  7. @IAN PERCY Ian, I believe that Jobs and Branson ARE simply solving problems. They are solving the problem of people wanting a better, more beautiful, more sexy, more exciting, more fulfilling, more in alignment with their values product. Most things these guys offer have already existed in some capacity, but they simply solved the problem of making them more appealing to a certain crowd/market. I totally get what you're saying, but I personally still believe/feel that they are solving problems/filling voids in the marketplace.

  8. Randy, I love this! The only thing I would add to the last statement would be: No one really has a money shortage. What they really have is an idea and self-belief/self-esteem shortage. 🙂

  9. Randy, I love this! The only thing I would add to the last statement would be: No one really has a money shortage. What they really have is an idea and self-belief/self-esteem shortage. 🙂

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  • 18 comments on “The Idea Shortage”

    1. WOW - Love it when you talk like this!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is so much power in this - the amazing thing is to really grasp this and take it in. You're right - I'll print this and put it up different places where I live - and on my calender and my computer, where I'll see it often. Thank's 🙂

    2. WOW - Love it when you talk like this!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is so much power in this - the amazing thing is to really grasp this and take it in. You're right - I'll print this and put it up different places where I live - and on my calender and my computer, where I'll see it often. Thank's 🙂

    3. RG, 
      I feel like I have the ideas, just so many people think I am crazy and then I have to figure out the ones worth pursuing.  Guess that's the problem with an an "out of the box" brain! But then again, you know me....

    4. RG, 
      I feel like I have the ideas, just so many people think I am crazy and then I have to figure out the ones worth pursuing.  Guess that's the problem with an an "out of the box" brain! But then again, you know me....

    5. Absolutely agree...though I suggest expanding the value of ideas far beyond "problem solving." We are far too stuck in problem solving mode which, by definition, means we are always focused on the past. Ideas reveal possibilities and possibilities are always about the future. That's the magic of the icons (Branson, Jobs, etc.) of our age. In my view the phrase needs to be "Ideas create."  And leave it at that.

      1. @IAN PERCY Ian, I believe that Jobs and Branson ARE simply solving problems. They are solving the problem of people wanting a better, more beautiful, more sexy, more exciting, more fulfilling, more in alignment with their values product. Most things these guys offer have already existed in some capacity, but they simply solved the problem of making them more appealing to a certain crowd/market. I totally get what you're saying, but I personally still believe/feel that they are solving problems/filling voids in the marketplace.

    6. Absolutely agree...though I suggest expanding the value of ideas far beyond "problem solving." We are far too stuck in problem solving mode which, by definition, means we are always focused on the past. Ideas reveal possibilities and possibilities are always about the future. That's the magic of the icons (Branson, Jobs, etc.) of our age. In my view the phrase needs to be "Ideas create."  And leave it at that.

    7. @IAN PERCY Ian, I believe that Jobs and Branson ARE simply solving problems. They are solving the problem of people wanting a better, more beautiful, more sexy, more exciting, more fulfilling, more in alignment with their values product. Most things these guys offer have already existed in some capacity, but they simply solved the problem of making them more appealing to a certain crowd/market. I totally get what you're saying, but I personally still believe/feel that they are solving problems/filling voids in the marketplace.

    8. Randy, I love this! The only thing I would add to the last statement would be: No one really has a money shortage. What they really have is an idea and self-belief/self-esteem shortage. 🙂

    9. Randy, I love this! The only thing I would add to the last statement would be: No one really has a money shortage. What they really have is an idea and self-belief/self-esteem shortage. 🙂

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