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The Idea Deficit

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 30, 2012

Most people think the reason they’re not rich is because they don’t have enough money.  But that’s not true.

The reason they’re not rich is because they haven’t come up with the right idea.  Or they came up with the right idea, but haven’t acted upon it.

The only thing between you and your first (or next) million – is the right idea.


24 comments on “The Idea Deficit”

  1. Randy your always challenging how I think about things!  If a person believes their not rich because they don't have enough money  you claim is a false statement.  But if that is what they believe then it is "true".  Even a millionaire may think they do not have enough money, therefore excluding themselves from being part of the rich. I wholeheartedly agree with the lack of ideas because good ideas with action can make the world a better place!  Thanks for all you do, Randy.

  2. Randy your always challenging how I think about things!  If a person believes their not rich because they don't have enough money  you claim is a false statement.  But if that is what they believe then it is "true".  Even a millionaire may think they do not have enough money, therefore excluding themselves from being part of the rich. I wholeheartedly agree with the lack of ideas because good ideas with action can make the world a better place!  Thanks for all you do, Randy.

  3. Randy.. thanks so much for sharing this and as always its very timely. There is definitely a disparity of ideas, especially those that touch people and move them towards change. And this is why you bring so much value to the world. It's my intention to bring change and moments ago, I retained a consultant to help me mold and develop an idea I've been working on for months and there's no telling where it will lead. My vision will continue to evolve and grow clearer and your reminders of critical thinking and letting go have been of tremendous help. I'm deeply grateful.

  4. Randy.. thanks so much for sharing this and as always its very timely. There is definitely a disparity of ideas, especially those that touch people and move them towards change. And this is why you bring so much value to the world. It's my intention to bring change and moments ago, I retained a consultant to help me mold and develop an idea I've been working on for months and there's no telling where it will lead. My vision will continue to evolve and grow clearer and your reminders of critical thinking and letting go have been of tremendous help. I'm deeply grateful.

  5. But please, make sure it's a good idea.. brutal on Dragon's Den, not as much on Shark Tank, where people get shot down with the stupidest ideas, heart breaking when they've put their life savings into them..  and Mr. Wonderful says something so brutal, bordering on cruel.. but what the hell.

  6. But please, make sure it's a good idea.. brutal on Dragon's Den, not as much on Shark Tank, where people get shot down with the stupidest ideas, heart breaking when they've put their life savings into them..  and Mr. Wonderful says something so brutal, bordering on cruel.. but what the hell.

  7. Just finished "risky is the new safe", great book fire this time!!! A must read for everyone who wants to live a meaningful life.

  8. Just finished "risky is the new safe", great book fire this time!!! A must read for everyone who wants to live a meaningful life.

  9. Boom...boom...boom!!! Thanks for this simple but all-powerful reminder RG! This one is getting printed out and posted on the wall. 🙂

  10. Boom...boom...boom!!! Thanks for this simple but all-powerful reminder RG! This one is getting printed out and posted on the wall. 🙂

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  • 24 comments on “The Idea Deficit”

    1. Randy your always challenging how I think about things!  If a person believes their not rich because they don't have enough money  you claim is a false statement.  But if that is what they believe then it is "true".  Even a millionaire may think they do not have enough money, therefore excluding themselves from being part of the rich. I wholeheartedly agree with the lack of ideas because good ideas with action can make the world a better place!  Thanks for all you do, Randy.

    2. Randy your always challenging how I think about things!  If a person believes their not rich because they don't have enough money  you claim is a false statement.  But if that is what they believe then it is "true".  Even a millionaire may think they do not have enough money, therefore excluding themselves from being part of the rich. I wholeheartedly agree with the lack of ideas because good ideas with action can make the world a better place!  Thanks for all you do, Randy.

    3. Randy.. thanks so much for sharing this and as always its very timely. There is definitely a disparity of ideas, especially those that touch people and move them towards change. And this is why you bring so much value to the world. It's my intention to bring change and moments ago, I retained a consultant to help me mold and develop an idea I've been working on for months and there's no telling where it will lead. My vision will continue to evolve and grow clearer and your reminders of critical thinking and letting go have been of tremendous help. I'm deeply grateful.

    4. Randy.. thanks so much for sharing this and as always its very timely. There is definitely a disparity of ideas, especially those that touch people and move them towards change. And this is why you bring so much value to the world. It's my intention to bring change and moments ago, I retained a consultant to help me mold and develop an idea I've been working on for months and there's no telling where it will lead. My vision will continue to evolve and grow clearer and your reminders of critical thinking and letting go have been of tremendous help. I'm deeply grateful.

    5. But please, make sure it's a good idea.. brutal on Dragon's Den, not as much on Shark Tank, where people get shot down with the stupidest ideas, heart breaking when they've put their life savings into them..  and Mr. Wonderful says something so brutal, bordering on cruel.. but what the hell.

    6. But please, make sure it's a good idea.. brutal on Dragon's Den, not as much on Shark Tank, where people get shot down with the stupidest ideas, heart breaking when they've put their life savings into them..  and Mr. Wonderful says something so brutal, bordering on cruel.. but what the hell.

    7. Just finished "risky is the new safe", great book fire this time!!! A must read for everyone who wants to live a meaningful life.

    8. Just finished "risky is the new safe", great book fire this time!!! A must read for everyone who wants to live a meaningful life.

    9. Boom...boom...boom!!! Thanks for this simple but all-powerful reminder RG! This one is getting printed out and posted on the wall. 🙂

    10. Boom...boom...boom!!! Thanks for this simple but all-powerful reminder RG! This one is getting printed out and posted on the wall. 🙂

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