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The Heroes We Deserve

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 26, 2022

You probably didn’t know that the Soviet Union was the first country to land on the moon.  Or that Soviet soldiers put the final bullet into Adolph Hitler in that bunker.  Or even that the Soviet Air Force dropped the bombs on Japan that brought the end to World War II.

That might sound crazy to you.  You might believe that Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the moon, Hitler took his own life in disgrace, and on August 6, 1945, the Enola Gay, B-29 bomber from the U.S. Air Force dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.  But you should know there are tens millions of people who believe if you belief that – you’re the crazy one.

Those tens of millions of people all live in Russia. And yes, they really do believe Mother Russia was the hero in each of those stories.

The reasons millions of Russians believe those things is because that’s what the government says, that’s what the newspapers, TV and radio reported, and that’s what the textbooks they read in school taught them.  And these are not dim-witted, crazed conspiracy theorists.  They’re bankers, scientists, policemen, schoolteachers, taxi drivers, and (of course) politicians.  Before you judge or ridicule them, or wonder how they can be so naïve, you should know if you were raised in Russia, in the era they were – you would believe exactly the same thing.

If you’re wondering how that is possible, then you simply don’t understand the extraordinary power of a free press.  Because when there is no free press, a repressive government like the former Soviet Union can brainwash literally millions of people to believe anything. And that’s exactly what they did.

I tell you all this for a very important reason.  I want you to know when you see the Russian army overrunning their neighbors in Ukraine, it isn’t because Russian people are evil, heartless, or cruel.  It’s because they were born in a country controlled by a murderous sociopath who is evil, heartless, and cruel.

As I wrote in my newsletter yesterday, there is a gaping hole in my heart, as I witness the death and destruction happening in Ukraine right now, at the hands of their brothers and sisters from Russia.  For the last 20+ years, I’ve probably been to both places more times than you’ve been to the dentist.  You should know, in both places, the winters are miserable, the food is terrible, the corruption is endemic, the bureaucracy is suffocating, and the history is breathtakingly cruel.  But the people – the people are beautiful, loving, and kind.  They hope and pray for peace as fervently as you do.

While politicians debate geopolitical bullshit, the people of these lands do their best to laugh and love, pay their bills and dine with friends, grumble about the weather and root on their favorite soccer team.  A mother in Saint Petersburg or a father in Mariupol aren’t really any different than their counterparts is San Diego or Madrid – with a desire to make a life for their children better than the ones they have had.  I spent time in the brutal environment in Siberia, only to discover Novosibirsk, an enchanted city that could rival Austin, Texas, Ann Arbor Michigan, or Madison, Wisconsin as the coolest college town you ever visited.

Today Russia is run by a corrupt gangster and his armies are invading Ukraine.  Innocent, peace-loving people on both sides are dying because of the power of memes, fear, and ideology.

About a week ago, I asked one of my clients in Russia if Putin was going to invade Ukraine.  His answer was chilling.  He asked me if I understood childhood bullies and how they must be responded to.  When I said I did, he told me that was the situation now.  That if Ukraine actually attacked Crimea, Donetsk, or Luhansk – Russia would defend itself.  Of course, the three areas he described are actually sovereign Ukrainian territory, invaded and occupied by Russia.  That is the level of the State controlled narrative there.  Two countries, one people, are killing each other because of the machinations, manipulations, and mind control of Vladimir Putin.

Make no mistake: This is an unprovoked, unjustified invasion by a powerful military power into a peaceful neighboring country that posed no threat to them.  It is a crime against humanity. 

It’s taken much heartbreak, deep reflection, and Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan – but I finally understand the United States cannot be the world’s policeman.  But what I simply will never understand – is why can’t the world be the world’s policeman?

Someday Hollywood is going to make a movie of this invasion and 13 of the biggest actors of the day will play the heroic Ukrainian soldiers on Snake Island and someone like Matt Damon or Robert Pattison will get to utter the line, “Russian warship, go fuck yourself!” Those 13 soldiers (and the memes they have spun off) will live on in legend forever.  But the sad, sick truth is that those brave young men are now prisoners of war or possibly dead.

The Internet is running over with memes, videos, and stories of the valiant resistance of the Ukrainian people. I caught an interview between Wolf Blitzer and a member of the Ukrainian parliament.  She was proudly brandishing her newly acquired rifle she is prepared to use defending against the Russian invaders.  Millions or people around the globe are rooting for all the brave people like her to prevail against the invaders.  But rifles don’t stop tanks.  Stingers don’t stop high altitude bombers.  Burning tires cannot stop an advancing army for long.  Sanctions, U.N. proclamations, and supportive hashtags won’t save these brave people, and won’t stop a massacre of peaceful, innocent civilians.  If the world doesn’t unite in support of Ukraine immediately, it will be too late.  None of us can be truly prosperous until all of us are prosperous.

Volodymyr Zelensky has to be the most courageous, inspirational political leader I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. He will be the standard all future heroes and superheroes will be judged.  The Associated Press is reporting that American leaders beseeched Zelensky to leave Kyiv.  According to an American Intelligence official with knowledge of the conversation, his response was, “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.”

Right now Zelensky is not just the hero for Ukraine - he is the hero for the entire world. But I fear he will be dead within 48 hours.  And if he is – the world will not have deserved him.


- RG

Previous post: The Questions that Matter

29 comments on “The Heroes We Deserve”

  1. Randy, thank you for your very beautifully-expressed article about a very ugly side of the human condition! My heart truly breaks as it has so many times in these horrible and senseless situations.

    1. I agree Bob. As part of my personal development plan, I do my best to not listen to The Media, Government Special Reports or Social Media Posts and opinions, but one can not ignore the reality of what is happening in Ukraine.

      I appreciate Randy's perspective, and will accept it as truth, because I have no intentions of going to Ukraine to vet the information I am being fed in a Blog Post.

      I pray that the World Leaders will respond appropriately, and swiftly, to this situation and not lead the U.S. into a World War of Bliblical proportions. (our Government has the power to choose who and where the 'colateral damage' will be here at Home to escalate the U.S. War Machine response...remember 911).

      God save us all.

  2. This post is breathtakingly beautiful Randy and i thank you for taking the time to analyze and write it so well.

    I do have a question. When you say, why can’t the world be the world’s policemen, could you share how the world could unite in a way to help them?

    I’m deeply curious to learn what you have in mind.

    1. The sanctions we’ve enacted must be only the beginning. All of NATO, EU, and every nation on earth that respects human dignity and national sovereignty must make Putin and his country a pariah until they retreat from Ukraine or the Russian people remove him. We have to throw Russia completely out of the SWIFT banking system, cancel all flights to and from Russia, prohibit Russia aircraft from our airspaces, freeze their foreign assets, and create a hermetic seal around their country, buying absolutely nothing from them, including and especially their oil. Russia has a large army, but a very weak and faltering economy. Like all strongman eventually do, Putin has overreached and is making all the classic mistakes. Now this only ends two ways: 1) Putin conquers the world. 2) Putin is removed from power. I don't think it's going to be the first option. We must accelerate the timeline in order to save the most people in Ukraine.

      1. As a Russian living under sanctions for the last 3 months and in Russia for my whole life I wanted to disagree with some points.

        First off, I wouldn't say a lot of - if any - Russians believe that Russians were first on the Moon. They correctly know that Gagarin was first man in space - and a lot do believe the popular conspiracy theory that NOBODY was on the Moon and American moon landing was staged - but this is a global, originally American, conspiracy theory, not uniquely Russian one. The same is with Hitler and Hiroshima - nobody believes they were done by Russia, or at least people holding such beliefs are very rare (like I do know relatively affluent middle class people who believe immune response is a myth - there is a lot of ignorance, but it is very eclectic, not uniform and government-enforced).

        We are not North Korea, contrary to what a lot of people in the west believe (although the last 3 months we have made strides into its direction). Like a very good documentary from 2020 called «Cryptopia» mistakenly said that Wikipedia is banned in Russia. This is not true even now! Maybe a couple of articles were banned after 24.04.22, if that. And as most know, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were banned - but are also accessible through VPN, and Instagram's traffic didn't even drop that much, because it is used by relatively young and savvy people, capable of installing VPN (Facebook dropped significantly, because more users are over 40 and 50 and have trouble installing a VPN).

        A lot of Russians do believe that Ukraine was attacked to prevent it from entering NATO and putting NATO's anti-missile defenses on Russian borders. This is very hard to falsify and probably even has some grain of truth in it, just very twisted. The infrastructure in Ukraine IS being methodically destroyed probably with the intention of making the country never qualify for NATO - and preventing Ukraine from ever entering NATO probably IS one of Putin's goals, just not the main one and not because he is afraid of NATO's aggression and their anti-missile complexes - more because he views Ukraine as his property or, to say more diplomatically, «sphere of influence», that he wants to control, not let it enter some competitive/hostile alliances that would make it uncontrollable and forever safe from his conquest.

        Also about the sanctions. I do think, sanctioning of country as a whole is very counter-productive (just like with Cuba, North Korea, Iran before), even if understandable, on parts of governments - and especially global corporations - and I am very grateful for any of the latter who did stay, because If they all go, a lot of blood of innocent people will be shed in the criminal chaos caused by mass unemployment and economic collapse. By sanctioning all people of Russia (including millions of actively anti-Putin Russians), by taking away their technology, money, means to feed themselves, speak out and organize against Putin, you basically help Putin's quest to subdue these uncontrollable elements once and for all. And the Russians who do support Putin and are brainwashed into already hating the west, obviously, start hating the west even more, when western companies overnight make their lives much more miserable by removing products and services, for which it's hard to find replacements (some might take sanctions as a wake-up call from their brainwashed trance - but VERY-VERY few, just like in Cuba, North Korea, Iran before). The smart thing, I would think, would be to instead support everybody in Russia who does anything against this war in any possible way, give them more services and resources, not to turn off their MasterCards, PayPals and Google monetization - but this probably seems too complex and risky, so corporations and governments choose more simple, safe and symbolic actions image-wise (like they do in a lot of situations).

        In my opinion sanctions should target only the small percentage of people really responsible for the war and make life really uncomfortable for them - and also all of CIA's experience and knowledge must be put to removing Putin from existence. I'm not generally a fan of CIA, but this time they would do everybody a big service if for once they arranged a competent assassination (unlikely, Putin is extremely paranoid, but one can dream).

        In the end I do think this bloody conflict will bring some future better situation, like the Holocaust helped the Jewish people at last to get their own country, but right now it is very hard to see this better future clearly and accept the cost. But in history, it seems, the cost of freedom, peace, progress is always hard to accept and will be for a long time.

  3. Randy, thank you for the enlightening post. It's so sad that this is happening, in 2021 no less, and to your point that the world would allow it. I think your question is the question of the year.

  4. Since 1990/1991 first gulf war, when Saddam invaded Kuwait where I'm from, I still recover from it. I know exactly what they are going through right now.
    Beautiful deep reflection Randy, and courageous stand you made. I thank you forever.

  5. Like you Randy I have travelled numerous times to that part of the world since 2009 . I have spent a lot of time in my business partners homes , traveled with them , , built deep relationships .

    Hoping and praying this ends positively . Top 1% post . By the way I do agree with your assessment of Novosibirsk .

  6. Last week Alan Weiss and I sat chatting about contrarian views and how you and he agree on the necessity of expressing such views.
    Alas, this post really makes me hope and pray that MANY agree with you on this, and that the world unites to remove such a threat as this from power.
    Here’s to your post resonating and a united front stopping the war.

  7. Thank you, Randy!
    I live in Latvia, we have border and long history with Russia. I was born in USSR times snd still remember the history lessons in which we were told lots of lies. Just in family and after Latvia get back independence, I learned about real facts and history.
    What is happening in Ukraine is terrifying. And it's as you say is one sick man's policy and ideology. And there are people who don't see the truth through it.
    I hope that world will stund up united and stop this madness

  8. Dear Randy, fully agree with what you wrote and totally disagree with Putin´s action, however I have a question. What makes you think that the information you are getting from your mass media is telling you the truth? Eg. in case of covid or Freedom Convoy 2022 I do not believe the official narrative a word. So how can I know, I am objectively informed in other news?
    Wishing you all the best, Turiya

    1. Well two things: One I know how the media operates and I use discernment. More importantly, I have dozens of contacts in both countries and am getting real time information from the source. Literally from people who are in the fight.

      1. Wow Randy! If you stand back and read what you just wrote, you are doing the exact same thing. I have family and friends in both countries also. Zielinski is a frickin tyrant that has been killing Russian people for years. Why did the Crimea get taken back by Russia? You're a pretty loud name in the MLM world. And you worked hard to get there. What you say and spread has a big impact. You should really take that seriously cause this post is absolutely the same crap that we are getting fed from the media in the states, in Canada, and out of the Ukraine.

        1. And just to be clear I'm neither Putin or zielinski supporter. But the Russian people that have been living in Ukraine have been getting killed by that radical Zielinski for years!!!

  9. Your post brought me to tears. I have nothing more I can say. I fear that the politicians responsible for enacting the needed responses are too frightened to do so.

  10. Yes, I know who is the Soviet Union is because they were in my country for 40 years.
    I don't love this time because always pushed us. 1949 to 1989 this time was bad.
    I'm now on the train and I write more real information.
    Thank you always for your true information.
    Piece love and unicorn
    My main country is Hungary.

  11. Thank you for this article! I was born in socialist Czechoslovakia in 1972 during so-called normalization. Lies, oppression, opportunism {and the presence of the Soviet Army} were part of everyday life. It was unimaginable to believe a different way of life was actually possible. It wasn't until after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 that my eyes started to open. If censorship is widespread and long-lasting, there will grow entire generations of brainwashed people. Our Czech nation also remembers being given up via the Munchen Agreement in 1938 as an appeasement to Hitler by the Western states in exchange for his promise to spare the West his invasion, but we all know what ensued.
    Today, there were some 80 000 Czech people in the center of Prague expressing their support for Ukraine.
    Thank you for your insightful article and your attention to this matter. Events are unfolding much too quickly and taking a very dangerous turn.

  12. Check information before writing facts about soviet people, dear Randy.
    Yuri Gagarin was first who went to space, in 1961. Neil Armstrong made a step to the Moon. Thease are different things.
    Please stop making such declarations about ukraine and russian people, because you do very painful to people who are very nervous and fuel opposition.
    We all want pease and work and prospere, this is very agressive propaganda from both parts and from USA.
    I wish you all the best.

  13. I am in Bulgaria and I am hurt by the fact that our two fraternal peoples are currently killing each other. I am hurt by the young Ukrainian and Russian soldiers and civil people who are dying..The war is being fought a few hundred miles from Bulgaria and there is a huge minority of Bessarabian Bulgarians who have been shelled and whose lives are in immediate danger. Two fraternal peoples are currently being killed. I believe it is important not to experience fear and horror. which naturally conquers all of us, but on the contrary right now to feel peace and love in our hearts and send it to those who need it. Because I deeply believe that everything around us is energy and our feelings and thoughts can change it. millions of hearts that are experiencing unconditional divine love at this time are able to change reality. I BELIEVE in this. PEACE AND LOVE!

  14. Propaganda is on both sides. Just like in the Cold war. Its not black and white. I wish everyone pease and love. Greatings from Bulgaria

  15. I believe that Putler is dying of cancer - this is why he rushed the attack before finalizing Nord Stream 2 which contradicts his original intentions in this department. This pretentious, entitled dreg of society wishes to "rebuild" pre soviet russia (yes small letter "r" is on purpose) before he draws his last breath, it's beyond absurd but so are the innerworkings of his mind. Zelensky is the one who will be well remembered not him. Now we just sit and wait till enraged oligarchs or sickness eliminate Putler. Tick Tock Putler...

  16. The battle is here; I need ammunition, not a ride. Such people are needed in the world - patriots with dignity..We do not need fleeing migrants who do not know that unresolved problems always catch up with them and wherever you are ..even with accumulation.. Respect for Zelinski ..

  17. Randy wrote: "Volodymyr Zelensky has to be the most courageous, inspirational political leader I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. He will be the standard all future heroes and superheroes will be judged. " Well, he might not be such a saint after all:

    Here in Czech Republic Andrej Babis also capitalized on widespread public anger at corruption and became prime minister. Later was found out, he is a king of corruption. Now he is heading to become a president so he gets immunity and does not got to jail. To think that somebody becomes politician to help his nation is a Grand Illusion.

      1. Let me clarify: I'm not talking about Zelensky's policy positions as I don't follow the politics there closely enough, nor know whether those allegations of offshore money are true or not. But the profile of courage he has demonstrated against the Russian invasion and murder of innocent civilians is the most inspiration leadership I've seen in my lifetime. - RG

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  • 29 comments on “The Heroes We Deserve”

    1. Randy, thank you for your very beautifully-expressed article about a very ugly side of the human condition! My heart truly breaks as it has so many times in these horrible and senseless situations.

      1. I agree Bob. As part of my personal development plan, I do my best to not listen to The Media, Government Special Reports or Social Media Posts and opinions, but one can not ignore the reality of what is happening in Ukraine.

        I appreciate Randy's perspective, and will accept it as truth, because I have no intentions of going to Ukraine to vet the information I am being fed in a Blog Post.

        I pray that the World Leaders will respond appropriately, and swiftly, to this situation and not lead the U.S. into a World War of Bliblical proportions. (our Government has the power to choose who and where the 'colateral damage' will be here at Home to escalate the U.S. War Machine response...remember 911).

        God save us all.

    2. This post is breathtakingly beautiful Randy and i thank you for taking the time to analyze and write it so well.

      I do have a question. When you say, why can’t the world be the world’s policemen, could you share how the world could unite in a way to help them?

      I’m deeply curious to learn what you have in mind.

      1. The sanctions we’ve enacted must be only the beginning. All of NATO, EU, and every nation on earth that respects human dignity and national sovereignty must make Putin and his country a pariah until they retreat from Ukraine or the Russian people remove him. We have to throw Russia completely out of the SWIFT banking system, cancel all flights to and from Russia, prohibit Russia aircraft from our airspaces, freeze their foreign assets, and create a hermetic seal around their country, buying absolutely nothing from them, including and especially their oil. Russia has a large army, but a very weak and faltering economy. Like all strongman eventually do, Putin has overreached and is making all the classic mistakes. Now this only ends two ways: 1) Putin conquers the world. 2) Putin is removed from power. I don't think it's going to be the first option. We must accelerate the timeline in order to save the most people in Ukraine.

        1. As a Russian living under sanctions for the last 3 months and in Russia for my whole life I wanted to disagree with some points.

          First off, I wouldn't say a lot of - if any - Russians believe that Russians were first on the Moon. They correctly know that Gagarin was first man in space - and a lot do believe the popular conspiracy theory that NOBODY was on the Moon and American moon landing was staged - but this is a global, originally American, conspiracy theory, not uniquely Russian one. The same is with Hitler and Hiroshima - nobody believes they were done by Russia, or at least people holding such beliefs are very rare (like I do know relatively affluent middle class people who believe immune response is a myth - there is a lot of ignorance, but it is very eclectic, not uniform and government-enforced).

          We are not North Korea, contrary to what a lot of people in the west believe (although the last 3 months we have made strides into its direction). Like a very good documentary from 2020 called «Cryptopia» mistakenly said that Wikipedia is banned in Russia. This is not true even now! Maybe a couple of articles were banned after 24.04.22, if that. And as most know, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were banned - but are also accessible through VPN, and Instagram's traffic didn't even drop that much, because it is used by relatively young and savvy people, capable of installing VPN (Facebook dropped significantly, because more users are over 40 and 50 and have trouble installing a VPN).

          A lot of Russians do believe that Ukraine was attacked to prevent it from entering NATO and putting NATO's anti-missile defenses on Russian borders. This is very hard to falsify and probably even has some grain of truth in it, just very twisted. The infrastructure in Ukraine IS being methodically destroyed probably with the intention of making the country never qualify for NATO - and preventing Ukraine from ever entering NATO probably IS one of Putin's goals, just not the main one and not because he is afraid of NATO's aggression and their anti-missile complexes - more because he views Ukraine as his property or, to say more diplomatically, «sphere of influence», that he wants to control, not let it enter some competitive/hostile alliances that would make it uncontrollable and forever safe from his conquest.

          Also about the sanctions. I do think, sanctioning of country as a whole is very counter-productive (just like with Cuba, North Korea, Iran before), even if understandable, on parts of governments - and especially global corporations - and I am very grateful for any of the latter who did stay, because If they all go, a lot of blood of innocent people will be shed in the criminal chaos caused by mass unemployment and economic collapse. By sanctioning all people of Russia (including millions of actively anti-Putin Russians), by taking away their technology, money, means to feed themselves, speak out and organize against Putin, you basically help Putin's quest to subdue these uncontrollable elements once and for all. And the Russians who do support Putin and are brainwashed into already hating the west, obviously, start hating the west even more, when western companies overnight make their lives much more miserable by removing products and services, for which it's hard to find replacements (some might take sanctions as a wake-up call from their brainwashed trance - but VERY-VERY few, just like in Cuba, North Korea, Iran before). The smart thing, I would think, would be to instead support everybody in Russia who does anything against this war in any possible way, give them more services and resources, not to turn off their MasterCards, PayPals and Google monetization - but this probably seems too complex and risky, so corporations and governments choose more simple, safe and symbolic actions image-wise (like they do in a lot of situations).

          In my opinion sanctions should target only the small percentage of people really responsible for the war and make life really uncomfortable for them - and also all of CIA's experience and knowledge must be put to removing Putin from existence. I'm not generally a fan of CIA, but this time they would do everybody a big service if for once they arranged a competent assassination (unlikely, Putin is extremely paranoid, but one can dream).

          In the end I do think this bloody conflict will bring some future better situation, like the Holocaust helped the Jewish people at last to get their own country, but right now it is very hard to see this better future clearly and accept the cost. But in history, it seems, the cost of freedom, peace, progress is always hard to accept and will be for a long time.

    3. Randy, thank you for the enlightening post. It's so sad that this is happening, in 2021 no less, and to your point that the world would allow it. I think your question is the question of the year.

    4. Since 1990/1991 first gulf war, when Saddam invaded Kuwait where I'm from, I still recover from it. I know exactly what they are going through right now.
      Beautiful deep reflection Randy, and courageous stand you made. I thank you forever.

    5. Like you Randy I have travelled numerous times to that part of the world since 2009 . I have spent a lot of time in my business partners homes , traveled with them , , built deep relationships .

      Hoping and praying this ends positively . Top 1% post . By the way I do agree with your assessment of Novosibirsk .

    6. Last week Alan Weiss and I sat chatting about contrarian views and how you and he agree on the necessity of expressing such views.
      Alas, this post really makes me hope and pray that MANY agree with you on this, and that the world unites to remove such a threat as this from power.
      Here’s to your post resonating and a united front stopping the war.

    7. Thank you, Randy!
      I live in Latvia, we have border and long history with Russia. I was born in USSR times snd still remember the history lessons in which we were told lots of lies. Just in family and after Latvia get back independence, I learned about real facts and history.
      What is happening in Ukraine is terrifying. And it's as you say is one sick man's policy and ideology. And there are people who don't see the truth through it.
      I hope that world will stund up united and stop this madness

    8. Dear Randy, fully agree with what you wrote and totally disagree with Putin´s action, however I have a question. What makes you think that the information you are getting from your mass media is telling you the truth? Eg. in case of covid or Freedom Convoy 2022 I do not believe the official narrative a word. So how can I know, I am objectively informed in other news?
      Wishing you all the best, Turiya

      1. Well two things: One I know how the media operates and I use discernment. More importantly, I have dozens of contacts in both countries and am getting real time information from the source. Literally from people who are in the fight.

        1. Wow Randy! If you stand back and read what you just wrote, you are doing the exact same thing. I have family and friends in both countries also. Zielinski is a frickin tyrant that has been killing Russian people for years. Why did the Crimea get taken back by Russia? You're a pretty loud name in the MLM world. And you worked hard to get there. What you say and spread has a big impact. You should really take that seriously cause this post is absolutely the same crap that we are getting fed from the media in the states, in Canada, and out of the Ukraine.

          1. And just to be clear I'm neither Putin or zielinski supporter. But the Russian people that have been living in Ukraine have been getting killed by that radical Zielinski for years!!!

    9. Your post brought me to tears. I have nothing more I can say. I fear that the politicians responsible for enacting the needed responses are too frightened to do so.

    10. Yes, I know who is the Soviet Union is because they were in my country for 40 years.
      I don't love this time because always pushed us. 1949 to 1989 this time was bad.
      I'm now on the train and I write more real information.
      Thank you always for your true information.
      Piece love and unicorn
      My main country is Hungary.

    11. Thank you for this article! I was born in socialist Czechoslovakia in 1972 during so-called normalization. Lies, oppression, opportunism {and the presence of the Soviet Army} were part of everyday life. It was unimaginable to believe a different way of life was actually possible. It wasn't until after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 that my eyes started to open. If censorship is widespread and long-lasting, there will grow entire generations of brainwashed people. Our Czech nation also remembers being given up via the Munchen Agreement in 1938 as an appeasement to Hitler by the Western states in exchange for his promise to spare the West his invasion, but we all know what ensued.
      Today, there were some 80 000 Czech people in the center of Prague expressing their support for Ukraine.
      Thank you for your insightful article and your attention to this matter. Events are unfolding much too quickly and taking a very dangerous turn.

    12. Check information before writing facts about soviet people, dear Randy.
      Yuri Gagarin was first who went to space, in 1961. Neil Armstrong made a step to the Moon. Thease are different things.
      Please stop making such declarations about ukraine and russian people, because you do very painful to people who are very nervous and fuel opposition.
      We all want pease and work and prospere, this is very agressive propaganda from both parts and from USA.
      I wish you all the best.

    13. I am in Bulgaria and I am hurt by the fact that our two fraternal peoples are currently killing each other. I am hurt by the young Ukrainian and Russian soldiers and civil people who are dying..The war is being fought a few hundred miles from Bulgaria and there is a huge minority of Bessarabian Bulgarians who have been shelled and whose lives are in immediate danger. Two fraternal peoples are currently being killed. I believe it is important not to experience fear and horror. which naturally conquers all of us, but on the contrary right now to feel peace and love in our hearts and send it to those who need it. Because I deeply believe that everything around us is energy and our feelings and thoughts can change it. millions of hearts that are experiencing unconditional divine love at this time are able to change reality. I BELIEVE in this. PEACE AND LOVE!

    14. Propaganda is on both sides. Just like in the Cold war. Its not black and white. I wish everyone pease and love. Greatings from Bulgaria

    15. I believe that Putler is dying of cancer - this is why he rushed the attack before finalizing Nord Stream 2 which contradicts his original intentions in this department. This pretentious, entitled dreg of society wishes to "rebuild" pre soviet russia (yes small letter "r" is on purpose) before he draws his last breath, it's beyond absurd but so are the innerworkings of his mind. Zelensky is the one who will be well remembered not him. Now we just sit and wait till enraged oligarchs or sickness eliminate Putler. Tick Tock Putler...

    16. The battle is here; I need ammunition, not a ride. Such people are needed in the world - patriots with dignity..We do not need fleeing migrants who do not know that unresolved problems always catch up with them and wherever you are ..even with accumulation.. Respect for Zelinski ..

    17. Randy wrote: "Volodymyr Zelensky has to be the most courageous, inspirational political leader I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. He will be the standard all future heroes and superheroes will be judged. " Well, he might not be such a saint after all:

      Here in Czech Republic Andrej Babis also capitalized on widespread public anger at corruption and became prime minister. Later was found out, he is a king of corruption. Now he is heading to become a president so he gets immunity and does not got to jail. To think that somebody becomes politician to help his nation is a Grand Illusion.

        1. Let me clarify: I'm not talking about Zelensky's policy positions as I don't follow the politics there closely enough, nor know whether those allegations of offshore money are true or not. But the profile of courage he has demonstrated against the Russian invasion and murder of innocent civilians is the most inspiration leadership I've seen in my lifetime. - RG

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