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The Healing Power of Mind

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 3, 2011

You were created with an immune system of cells and organs designed to keep you healthy.  These cells fight invaders and the Infinite Intelligence in your body regenerates healthy cells automatically.

You also have a spiritual immunity to illness.  The Universe is designed for prosperous living and abundance.  The revitalizing force of the Universe is within you.  This intelligence is present in every cell of your body.

Even as you reflect on this physical and spiritual perfection you give more power to your immunity.  You replace lack-centered thoughts of illness and disease with prosperity thoughts of healing and perfection.  You are constantly renewing and revitalizing your body – and your life – with the healing power of the Universe.  That is the power of mind.




29 comments on “The Healing Power of Mind”

  1. you can get away from debt, bad people, bad situations, but not from YOURSELF...take good care of yourself by first putting GREAT THINKING in your mind...heal the mind, heal the spirit, then you heal the body...heal your life and finally touch and help the world... 😉

  2. Great topic. I used to only believe that a Dr. could heal me, but when I started throwing away prescriptions and denying surgery, I got into perfect alignment with my bodies internal healing ability. I no longer take prescriptions, and only go to a chiropractor regularly, as I believe my regular adjustments along with good diet, exercise, and mindset - keep me in practically perfect health. When people worry about sickness or give power of their health over to the care of a Dr who really is only practicing medicine - they weaken their bodies natural ability to heal from within.

    1. Hi John,
      I couldn't have said it better. The only thing I would offer is after years of going to a chiropractor I discovered something that worked way better. I had spinal issues most of my life. From broken neck at 19 to degenerating discs.
      I went to Chiropractor for years, until I reluctantly took a friends advice and seen an acupuncturist.
      They wanted to operate on my back, but my acupuncturists pleaded with me to give him a chance. I did and have not been to chiropractor in over ten years and haven't seen him in over five.
      I have seen this guy work countless miracles, from removing tumors to other conditions I can't spell 🙂

      As you said, most of the healing is in the mind.

      Thank you for your contribution,

  3. "You also have a spiritual immunity to illness." LOVE that. Very true, and a nice turn of phrase. Just a slightly different perspective for me, a new angle on something I already know. Thank you!

  4. Good thoughts to meditate upon, helping to replace the ones from lack of sleep. Looking forward to getting re-connected tonight 🙂

  5. The mind and subconscious for that matter has a great part in taking care and protecting us.

    But we cannot forget to bring conscious awareness into the picture or we just go into automatic pilot mode.

  6. Hi Randy,

    powerful stuff as usual. Sometimes it seems to me that we are less protected against mental pollution than against physical illness.

    Our physical immune system usually works automatically while our mental protection seems only to work with will power.

    Or am I mistaken ?

    Of course, we can even destroy even our physical immune system with the power of the mind.

    What do you think ?

    Take care


  7. I completely agree with this and live it fully. That said, for the sake of discussion, it "threw me for a loop" when a spiritual teacher of mine, who holds true to the principles of the universe fell sick with cancer for the second time in 5 years.

    Is there a deeper meaning to this? It's been hard for me to understand this...your thoughts?

    1. They may have gotten cancer as a test, they may have gotten it to inspire others to beat it, they may have gotten it because on some level they still hold onto victim-hood. Or they may have gotten it just because they got it - and we don't have the capacity to know why. I know I certainly haven't figured everything out. All we can do is continue the work, evolve our consciousness, and put the odds in our favor.


      1. Agreed, love that answer. Another teacher suggested to me that although she is a spiritual being, she's still in a human body, so like you said, she probably got it because she got it. It could be that she's being called to a higher purpose in another life (O.k. getting a little too woo-woo even for myself, but I'm at peace with that answer).

        Evolving is the hardest thing I personally have ever done. To stay connected to visions rather than conditions, to see the good in all people...sometimes that's hard when they just seem like schmucks; stopping to be grateful for such little things each day, something I didn't used to do, changes all the difficulties. The things we notice when we live in gratitude will transform any life.

        I am grateful to be learning new lessons as a result of my mentor's sickness.

        Love these conversations!

      2. I agree with the fact that thinking positive and prosperous thoughts is better than negative and lack-minded ones. The results are more often "good" than "bad". Then again, the bad stuff that happens to us, is oftentimes the best thing we needed at that time! 🙂


        Adrian Bolosin

      3. I think we have two basic paths in life

        to connect with the Universe, the Source and find unconditional love, faith, belief, and a life in Abundance - the Light if you will

        or play / get played by ego and fear - the Dark side if you will

        Few stay on either side but somewhere in a gray zone.

        There are however some things that we relate to as 'our Destiny' which are experiences we have set up before our physical birth. We will most probably face these experiences added to or despite of the path we choose through living out 'free will', being the cretors we are.

        The cancer is however never brought on anyone by someone else. Blame and judgement is not words of Abundance and unconditional love. But words of ego and fear. Cancer may be the ultimate test of faith. And always something we bring upon ourselves.

        1. Yes,we should not forget that health is a balance act which we maintains.With the power of mind, but also other things.We cannot cure cancer with the power of mind if the sickness has another reason.Cancer is a complicated thing.We often build it up in years.And something in our life is not rightly maintained, when we get it.Does not have to do with cosmic consiousness.We have to be in the life fully to be completely healthy.

      4. I just read in a book on Mind-Body Healing a reference to:

        "...the common requirement of traditional medical systems that healers have suffered the conditions that they come to treat: Their prior illness gives these healers first-hand acquaintance with and sensitivitity to the vagaries of the autonomic nervous system"

        So, perhaps for these spiritual people illness could be a learning experience that can bring them to the next level in their journey, equipping them to help others in new areas.


    2. I think they get it - like friends who've had cancer - because they try to DENY and AVOID negative feelings which they view are "NOT SPIRITUAL!"

      When emotions aren't embraced, loved, felt and integrated they manifest so that we will deal with them.

      If we avoid them they grow.

      Many people try hard to repress/suppress/avoid they feelings - when they are seen as WRONG, they grow into something Wrong.

      When they are embraced and felt - they feel met, heard, and loved up and have no power...

      That's my thought.... I see many folks who try to be positive, and avoid the shit - and it gets flung about... rather than turned to fertiliser...

  8. Saw Wayne Dyer at an event earlier in the year. Never been a fan of him. He came off completely arrogant to the audience - we weren't there to see him, he just was a guest.

    He spoke about his cancer he has now. He had a huge gut and talked about eating whatever he wanted. As a medical professional I thought he was a complete ass to say that he wasn't going to do anything about the cancer and that it would go away when it needed to go away.

    Ironically though, he had a doctor who "came" to him and they were taking supplements together just improve his life.

    Half the audience thought he came off like a contradicting fool of himself. He spoke about his cancer like he was above it from another planet.

    1. HI Michael-

      Here's a thought, take or leave it. You may want to examine what's going on inside of you for you so have such an adverse reaction to Dyer, or anybody for that matter. It's never about the other person but about what's going inside of us. My guess is, and I may be wrong, that Wayne is doing things about his cancer, but not in a traditional way. And if he chooses to do nothing about it, how does that make him an ass?

    2. I adore Wayne Dyer - tho I watch him year after year avoiding processing his negative emotions.

      He's had two failed marriages, issues with his health, breakdowns with his kids...

      And doesn't face the pain of them - makes a joke out of it... rather than be real.

      One of his things are "would you rather be happy or right?"

      I think both aren't best - I'd rather be AUTHENTIC... that way I have true relationships, than ones that don't share what we feel, and pretend we're happy when we aren't. Righteous or lying aren't the options I want to choose. Being real, transparent and authentic are more what I'm committed too...

  9. My 3 year old son was diagnossed with leukimia January 2011, since day one our mind is being focused on passing him the joy and strenght he needs. Today he s aware of the power of his thoughts, and he is so positive. Liffe is good if we think so! Kisses Ranndy, reading you every day has helped a lot.i

  10. Hi Randy,
    I agree,the mind have a tremendous influence over the body.And viceversa is available as well!Having a healthy lifestyle and exercising daily will improve your thoughts and feelings considerably!Our body it's a wonder of nature!As you said it has the capacity to heal itself without any additional help.
    However,the negative thought patterns are a deadly poison which destroys this natural harmony!
    That's why,working on our minds again and again is something necesarry.It's useless to work on the effect when the cause is still in us.

    Thank you for sharing this!

  11. I like how it was said in the video "The Secret" Disease or Dis-Easy when our bodies are not at easy or peace we attract Disease to our selfs and bodies.

    I also find it hard to mentally watch my thoughts in all areas... as in I am Cancer Free, or I don't welcome or attract Cancer ect. or I am Debt Free, or will be Debt Free.....

    We need to eliminate those words all together, as we are still thinking or using them, hence attracting them ...

    Living Wealthy Healthy and Smiling,

  12. Randy,
    The mind is so powerful! It's too bad more people don't realize they can tap into the universal healing power of the universe.

    Watching your mind and not buying into those negative thoughts is the first step in changing your thought patterns.


  13. Hi Randy,
    As always, great article. I don't know if you have ever seen the movie "What the Bleep" or "Down the Rabbit Hole", it gets into the quantum physics of thoughts.

    Our body is an amazing organism. To the point of completely regenerating every cell within 7 years.

    When they say "Our lives are the results of the thoughts we had yesterday, and our live tomorrow will be the results of the thoughts we have today" they weren't joking around

    Thank you for all you do,
    Jeff Faldalen

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  • 29 comments on “The Healing Power of Mind”

    1. you can get away from debt, bad people, bad situations, but not from YOURSELF...take good care of yourself by first putting GREAT THINKING in your mind...heal the mind, heal the spirit, then you heal the body...heal your life and finally touch and help the world... 😉

    2. Great topic. I used to only believe that a Dr. could heal me, but when I started throwing away prescriptions and denying surgery, I got into perfect alignment with my bodies internal healing ability. I no longer take prescriptions, and only go to a chiropractor regularly, as I believe my regular adjustments along with good diet, exercise, and mindset - keep me in practically perfect health. When people worry about sickness or give power of their health over to the care of a Dr who really is only practicing medicine - they weaken their bodies natural ability to heal from within.

      1. Hi John,
        I couldn't have said it better. The only thing I would offer is after years of going to a chiropractor I discovered something that worked way better. I had spinal issues most of my life. From broken neck at 19 to degenerating discs.
        I went to Chiropractor for years, until I reluctantly took a friends advice and seen an acupuncturist.
        They wanted to operate on my back, but my acupuncturists pleaded with me to give him a chance. I did and have not been to chiropractor in over ten years and haven't seen him in over five.
        I have seen this guy work countless miracles, from removing tumors to other conditions I can't spell 🙂

        As you said, most of the healing is in the mind.

        Thank you for your contribution,

    3. "You also have a spiritual immunity to illness." LOVE that. Very true, and a nice turn of phrase. Just a slightly different perspective for me, a new angle on something I already know. Thank you!

    4. Good thoughts to meditate upon, helping to replace the ones from lack of sleep. Looking forward to getting re-connected tonight 🙂

    5. The mind and subconscious for that matter has a great part in taking care and protecting us.

      But we cannot forget to bring conscious awareness into the picture or we just go into automatic pilot mode.

    6. Hi Randy,

      powerful stuff as usual. Sometimes it seems to me that we are less protected against mental pollution than against physical illness.

      Our physical immune system usually works automatically while our mental protection seems only to work with will power.

      Or am I mistaken ?

      Of course, we can even destroy even our physical immune system with the power of the mind.

      What do you think ?

      Take care


    7. I completely agree with this and live it fully. That said, for the sake of discussion, it "threw me for a loop" when a spiritual teacher of mine, who holds true to the principles of the universe fell sick with cancer for the second time in 5 years.

      Is there a deeper meaning to this? It's been hard for me to understand this...your thoughts?

      1. They may have gotten cancer as a test, they may have gotten it to inspire others to beat it, they may have gotten it because on some level they still hold onto victim-hood. Or they may have gotten it just because they got it - and we don't have the capacity to know why. I know I certainly haven't figured everything out. All we can do is continue the work, evolve our consciousness, and put the odds in our favor.


        1. Agreed, love that answer. Another teacher suggested to me that although she is a spiritual being, she's still in a human body, so like you said, she probably got it because she got it. It could be that she's being called to a higher purpose in another life (O.k. getting a little too woo-woo even for myself, but I'm at peace with that answer).

          Evolving is the hardest thing I personally have ever done. To stay connected to visions rather than conditions, to see the good in all people...sometimes that's hard when they just seem like schmucks; stopping to be grateful for such little things each day, something I didn't used to do, changes all the difficulties. The things we notice when we live in gratitude will transform any life.

          I am grateful to be learning new lessons as a result of my mentor's sickness.

          Love these conversations!

        2. I agree with the fact that thinking positive and prosperous thoughts is better than negative and lack-minded ones. The results are more often "good" than "bad". Then again, the bad stuff that happens to us, is oftentimes the best thing we needed at that time! 🙂


          Adrian Bolosin

        3. I think we have two basic paths in life

          to connect with the Universe, the Source and find unconditional love, faith, belief, and a life in Abundance - the Light if you will

          or play / get played by ego and fear - the Dark side if you will

          Few stay on either side but somewhere in a gray zone.

          There are however some things that we relate to as 'our Destiny' which are experiences we have set up before our physical birth. We will most probably face these experiences added to or despite of the path we choose through living out 'free will', being the cretors we are.

          The cancer is however never brought on anyone by someone else. Blame and judgement is not words of Abundance and unconditional love. But words of ego and fear. Cancer may be the ultimate test of faith. And always something we bring upon ourselves.

          1. Yes,we should not forget that health is a balance act which we maintains.With the power of mind, but also other things.We cannot cure cancer with the power of mind if the sickness has another reason.Cancer is a complicated thing.We often build it up in years.And something in our life is not rightly maintained, when we get it.Does not have to do with cosmic consiousness.We have to be in the life fully to be completely healthy.

        4. I just read in a book on Mind-Body Healing a reference to:

          "...the common requirement of traditional medical systems that healers have suffered the conditions that they come to treat: Their prior illness gives these healers first-hand acquaintance with and sensitivitity to the vagaries of the autonomic nervous system"

          So, perhaps for these spiritual people illness could be a learning experience that can bring them to the next level in their journey, equipping them to help others in new areas.


      2. I think they get it - like friends who've had cancer - because they try to DENY and AVOID negative feelings which they view are "NOT SPIRITUAL!"

        When emotions aren't embraced, loved, felt and integrated they manifest so that we will deal with them.

        If we avoid them they grow.

        Many people try hard to repress/suppress/avoid they feelings - when they are seen as WRONG, they grow into something Wrong.

        When they are embraced and felt - they feel met, heard, and loved up and have no power...

        That's my thought.... I see many folks who try to be positive, and avoid the shit - and it gets flung about... rather than turned to fertiliser...

    8. Saw Wayne Dyer at an event earlier in the year. Never been a fan of him. He came off completely arrogant to the audience - we weren't there to see him, he just was a guest.

      He spoke about his cancer he has now. He had a huge gut and talked about eating whatever he wanted. As a medical professional I thought he was a complete ass to say that he wasn't going to do anything about the cancer and that it would go away when it needed to go away.

      Ironically though, he had a doctor who "came" to him and they were taking supplements together just improve his life.

      Half the audience thought he came off like a contradicting fool of himself. He spoke about his cancer like he was above it from another planet.

      1. HI Michael-

        Here's a thought, take or leave it. You may want to examine what's going on inside of you for you so have such an adverse reaction to Dyer, or anybody for that matter. It's never about the other person but about what's going inside of us. My guess is, and I may be wrong, that Wayne is doing things about his cancer, but not in a traditional way. And if he chooses to do nothing about it, how does that make him an ass?

      2. I adore Wayne Dyer - tho I watch him year after year avoiding processing his negative emotions.

        He's had two failed marriages, issues with his health, breakdowns with his kids...

        And doesn't face the pain of them - makes a joke out of it... rather than be real.

        One of his things are "would you rather be happy or right?"

        I think both aren't best - I'd rather be AUTHENTIC... that way I have true relationships, than ones that don't share what we feel, and pretend we're happy when we aren't. Righteous or lying aren't the options I want to choose. Being real, transparent and authentic are more what I'm committed too...

    9. My 3 year old son was diagnossed with leukimia January 2011, since day one our mind is being focused on passing him the joy and strenght he needs. Today he s aware of the power of his thoughts, and he is so positive. Liffe is good if we think so! Kisses Ranndy, reading you every day has helped a lot.i

    10. Hi Randy,
      I agree,the mind have a tremendous influence over the body.And viceversa is available as well!Having a healthy lifestyle and exercising daily will improve your thoughts and feelings considerably!Our body it's a wonder of nature!As you said it has the capacity to heal itself without any additional help.
      However,the negative thought patterns are a deadly poison which destroys this natural harmony!
      That's why,working on our minds again and again is something necesarry.It's useless to work on the effect when the cause is still in us.

      Thank you for sharing this!

    11. I like how it was said in the video "The Secret" Disease or Dis-Easy when our bodies are not at easy or peace we attract Disease to our selfs and bodies.

      I also find it hard to mentally watch my thoughts in all areas... as in I am Cancer Free, or I don't welcome or attract Cancer ect. or I am Debt Free, or will be Debt Free.....

      We need to eliminate those words all together, as we are still thinking or using them, hence attracting them ...

      Living Wealthy Healthy and Smiling,

    12. Randy,
      The mind is so powerful! It's too bad more people don't realize they can tap into the universal healing power of the universe.

      Watching your mind and not buying into those negative thoughts is the first step in changing your thought patterns.


    13. Hi Randy,
      As always, great article. I don't know if you have ever seen the movie "What the Bleep" or "Down the Rabbit Hole", it gets into the quantum physics of thoughts.

      Our body is an amazing organism. To the point of completely regenerating every cell within 7 years.

      When they say "Our lives are the results of the thoughts we had yesterday, and our live tomorrow will be the results of the thoughts we have today" they weren't joking around

      Thank you for all you do,
      Jeff Faldalen

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