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The Energy You Send Out

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 19, 2010

Okay let’s finally get to the issue we started discussing last week:  how you meet and attract positive people who bring value to your life.  The first lesson here is a basic law of prosperity…

All true forms of prosperity are a value-for-value exchange.  That means for BOTH parties.  I can’t even begin to tell you how many people want to take me to lunch, get advice from me, receive mentoring, have me join their Mastermind group, etc.   They approach me all the time.  Yet most talk endlessly about the help they want from me, offering nothing of value in return.

Once you are successful, you’re approached by many people holding out figurative battery jumpstart cables.  They want to clamp them on your body and suck all the energy from you.  That certainly doesn’t make you want to get hooked up.

So what about you?  What kind of energy do you send out to successful people you meet?  What kind of value do you bring to the relationship?  Are you the kind of person they would want in their inner circle?

Please think about this and share your thoughts below.  Then on the next post we’ll look at some cool places to meet positive people.


53 comments on “The Energy You Send Out”

  1. Randy, I love this post. I treasure what you say and who you are. I have felt this vibe from you for several years that I have had the opportunity to meet you and ask you just one question each time.

    Yes you answered me with honesty, however one thing I noticed each time is that the more I (emphasis on I) grow personally, the more comfortable I am when I meet you again. So I can see why you and many other successful people only share with those in an inner circle. This is great, and I do understand why.

    I also have observed that at this point in my journey the only value I can bring to successful people when we meet, is a geniune SMILE and a heart of gratitude for helping me to learn and to continue to grow. We are all students of many successful people and only a handful will ever make it where you are at today.

    Just my thoughts on this post and I hope to see you again at the next Mastermind Event.

    Thank you,


  2. Absolutely hit the nail on the head with this one.
    I think I'm going to link to this post in my email signature line. Is that too harsh?

  3. Good post Randy... like to get your thoughts on all these attraction marketers on the internet... often they give great content, often for free, but then you get the inevitable pitch to buy their stuff or asked to believe that oh, people are showing up in your inbox, can't wait to sign up and give you their money...
    I find it both offensive and insulting to my intelligence.. what do you think???
    Like the so-called nice guy on the street who offers to carry your bag for "free" and either you get hit up for money or watch him run off with your bag...

    1. Are you saying it's always a bad idea to offer something for FREE in a marketing campaign? When offering something for free, it can still have value even if there's no price tag. And there's still an exchange of value because your free item will be rewarded with appreciation from the other person. The mousetrap analogy only applies IMHO when someone is urged to buy something without value.

  4. When you live your life for other people, you put out the effort, but they get the benefit. This creates an energy drain, just the way it would if you did the work on a job and someone else got the paycheck.

  5. Great post!
    I love that you talk about how prosperity, abundance, etc. originates within ourselves. So true, and yet so misunderstood!
    I dig the truth I get here at this blog...there are a lot of others out there who are just spewing bullshit.
    Thanks for being real!

  6. Randy I think the best kind of energy that will draw people to you is to be yourself. Be genuine. People like that. And don't kid yourself for a minute people can tell when your face. Like a animal people have instincts and will see right threw BS.

    If you want to truly attract winners be a winner and I mean that from the inside out not outside in.

  7. Hi Randy
    Don't look for the right people, they will find you if you are connected in the spirit to help people.
    The more you give the more you receive.
    Thanks for your wisdom Randy.

  8. I have been told by a number of people that I think so differently that it has made them think. So maybe that is what I have to offer them: Those that think inside a box I show that they shouldn't start thinking outside the box but that they maybe should consider that there is no box in the first place; only one you have created yourself by imagining that there has to be one.

  9. In the Quechuan language of Peru there is no such expression as "thank you." Instead, the mountain people of Peru have a culture of reciprocity. Thank you comes in the form of reciprocal acts.

  10. That's a really interesting question. I'd like to think that I put out an enthusiastic, positive energy and that I provide value in the way of being a friend that is supportive of their goals and ambitions and that I'm a good listener and do my best to help them out, even if it's only in some small way. But given that I don't have too many of these kinds of people in my life on a regular basis, it does make me wonder what kind of vibes I really do put out!

  11. Tell me Randy,
    During a conversation with you, how would someone return value to you?
    What makes you feel like the time spent was equally worthwhile and mutually appreciated?

      1. Most are too busy following. When we take our eyes off ourselves and engage in conversation, it is amazing to find how many thoughts and ideas we have to discuss. Thanks for the honest response.

  12. Brilliant :). What I can bring back? I know. 🙂 My positive energy, my ability to receive, my inspiration to explore this energy, what I am getting, around my peoples circle. To grow and explore all good I get from someone stronger than I am at this moment. Circylation and flow 🙂

  13. Randy, again, thank you. Each and every single time that I have read your posts, I have gained in some way! Thank you for raising this question; I have asked the same question to myself, "What value do I bring to "heavy hitters?" What I find best is to continue to work on myself, from the inside out, preparing to be of value, rather than another one of the many who try to suck from you. The thin line of confusion is to respectfully gain from them, without being a bother.

  14. I suppose it would depend entirely on the context but if it were a chance meeting I don't think I would "talk shop" so to speak. I would probably have a huge smile on my face and say something like "Oh wow look it's Randy Gage" and have a laugh hoping to get a smile out of you. And you would be a traveler seeing as though I'm in Australia so I'd probably ask you what you wanted to see while you were here. Then if I could help I would suggest something but if not I'd say sorry can't help you and say my goodbyes.

    Then again us Aussies are totally different in many ways. I am more interested in a person as a person from the start not what there standing is.

  15. I loved reading this post very much. I'm glad you wrote this post. I really am.

    "What kind of energy do you send out to successful people you meet?"

    The very positive energy of respect, integrity, admiration, trust, sincerity, sign of being honored to be near when they're near and being able to talk with such respectable individuals. Energy of great appreciation, not taking advantage of them simply because some of them are very approacheable, kind, sincere, thoughtful/sensitive enough to help meet the needs of needy people. And because they're simply nice individuals doesn't mean that they owe us and the world. Some people seem to be so arrogant, manipulative, and perhaps so ignorant, not quite knowing how they should treat such respectable, honorable, successful individuals, Those successful individuals didn't just reach their place at no cost to them. They spent so much efforts, time, and their whole life energies and that they should be highly honored and respected. They are not free, and the only free thing is a free cheese in the mousetrap.

    "What kind of value do you bring to the relationship?"

    I would like to be of help to them in anyway I can, perhaps .. all I could do to help them at my level would be in small things such as writing about them in blogs, tweet about them, or learn what they teach as much as I can. You don't need to force yourself to do things that may be of help to them. It is something that comes natural because you respect them and like them. You want to do it. For some reason, I don't feel comfortable with the word, 'value' It sounds cold, practical, and very business-like. When you respect those successful people and like them, and knowing what they do has been helping you, and when you come to know they are in need of something in some areas of their lives, you just want to help them to reciprocate their kindness - what they do to our lives - helping us improve our skills and knowledge. Even if the relationship is not like a one-to-one daily-based relationship, I believe there is a strong tie and connection between us knowing those successful people are contributing a lot of things in our lives, and vice versa (- that is, the successful people are also seeing us greatly respectful for them and wanting to learn what they teach and later see us moving forward to a higher ranking in our achievement, so forth).

    " Are you the kind of person they would want in their inner circle?"

    This, I don't know. : ) As much as I know I can't come up to their level, offering the kind of value they can offer, I know I can share my different experiences, spirituality, many interests and hobbies, talents, culture and language (Japanese), and my big heart [:)] that I like to believe I have, love and care 4 the needy, so someday they might want to include me in their inner circle... if not here on earth, then perhaps when we are finally in Heaven. 🙂

    A nice blog, RG. I enjoyed it very much. As Yoko Ono also says (I thought I was the only person who always say it wherever I go but learned she does, too), it's always natural and healthy to say 'I love you,' so I say to you here, RG, 'I love you and thank you for what you've been doing to the world', as well as to you all friends in Randyland community 'I love you all.'.. and to the world. God bless and good night! Hugs::: - Saachi

    1. I am in the process of my dream of working with people that I genuinely love and like. Everyone on the planet, including gurus, thrives when they are appreciated. So I create a climate of joy and contribution, and those that wish to enter that circle, will show up. That doesn't mean that I do not do all the practical things required to build a business and a life. What it does mean is that joy and contribution is the intention behind the desire, and it creates it's own unique selection process. Resentments of others, have no place here in my dream, as everyone is at there own stage of evolution in this abundant Universe. Without contrast, I would not continue to evolve toward that which I am wanting and intending.

      1. You sound like a good philosopher who loves to work with people that you genuinely love and like. That's great. Just wanted to agree with what you indicated that everyone is at there own stage of evolution in this abundant Universe. That's true. However, I don't see any resentments of others in the above person's comment. The above person may just love some successful people to death. Nothing is wrong with that, I don't think. Cheers!

        1. Sorry I should have been more specific. That was the regards to the complaint about receiving other peoples opps and spam. It's very simple, you can just ignore, and recognize where they are at in their evolution.

  16. What kind of energy do I send out to successful people? Respect, an attitude of learning, a willingness to do what I can to help them become even more successful.

    Of course I am paying attention to THEIR intentions & integrity... I have dropped relationships with some financially successful people when I have sensed they want me to do something that violates my integrity, are sacrificing long term success as they grasp for short term notoriety, or simply want to receive and not give (are "energy vampires").

    What value do I bring? Willingness to speak truthfully, send them articles/books/emails about their hobbies or business tips they can use, be on time for appointments, send thank you cards for their time, listen respectfully to advice I've directly requested, apply their advice provided it aligns with my integrity, be respectful of their time, priorities and commitments. Applaud their success! Be prepared for our meetings. Introduce them to people who will assist them in reaching their goals.

    Yes, I am the kind of person they want in their inner circle.

    1. So here is some food for thought...

      You mention, "I have dropped relationships with some financially successful people when I have sensed they want me to do something that violates my integrity, are sacrificing long term success as they grasp for short term notoriety, or simply want to receive and not give (are “energy vampires”)."

      Why do you just say financially successful people? Hasn't the same situation arisen with broke people?
      This may indicate some lack consciousness so you may want to do some critical thinking on this.


      1. Thanks for your comments.

        Since your topic seemed to focus on financially successful people, I kept that focus.

        and yes, I do the same analysis and "dropping" in the case of "broke people"

  17. I love it! What a great post. I've been thinking about contacting a well known guru in the area I'm interested in and now I know how to approach it. It will be about how I can help them and in return I'll be enlightened. Thanks Randy!

  18. Being at the top doesn't come without helping new people get started, they are the life blood of our industry. We wouldn't be at the top if there weren't others involved in many ways. If you help enough people get what they what you will ultimately get what you want. Randy you have helped so many that's why you are at the top.
    Appreciate all the golden nuggets I've received from you.

  19. Randy,

    I never really had this mindset, perhaps it's a stubborn flaw of my ego but it has benefited me because I see and stress what I have to bring to the table when it comes to relationships. I become more aware of my self worth each day and although I can learn from everybody and everything - and generally do - I don't feel the need to cling to someone and suck them energy dry because I have the access to the same Power as they.

    Ryan Biddulph

  20. Do you scare off some by your wattage? Yes you are like a 1,00 watt light bulb you even radiate from off your picture.

  21. If they are better at something I want to improve, I'm interested, but it doesn't necessarily mean I want to hang out with them, or they with me. So what.

    Your inner circle is really within yourself anyway.

    Spend more time with your "higher self" so you can be who you really are, and see people for what they really are, for you, and you for them.

    The rest will follow, together with the additional question:

    Is he or she really the kind of person you would want in your inner circle?

  22. Hi Randy

    I think the first time I met you was at the Marriott in London a few years ago, I got you a drink during the break, some kind of soft drink as you were the main speaker and I wanted to make sure a) your thirst was quenched and b) show my appreciation for all the knowledge you shared that eve. I like to think that I add value to all my relationships regardless of the success levels as I truly value everyone in my life. What would you consider as value for value to be in your inner circle? Always happy to help in whatever way I can and not just for you but everyone I value in my life.

  23. I just had this conversation with someone yesterday. She is struggling in her business, and I suggested that she begin networking with other industry leaders. Her first response was, "I HATE going to someone with puppy dog eyes and begging for advice. It's so pathetic." I laughed, and told her that such behavior WOULD BE pathetic. But I also showed her that "true" networking isn't about "what can you give me," but rather, "How can we PARTNER so that BOTH of our companies get a financial boost."

    When she thought about networking in those terms, she liked the idea.

    So, I think your idea goes both ways: people being APPROACHED don't like non-value relationships; but people who truly are value-minded and seeking win/win partnerships don't like free advice, either. 🙂

  24. Yeah……intellectual property......when to invest?, when not too….? Who to lend it to and at what price?

    I don`t really have a circle, being an artist its all inward, and self indulgent. It sounds terrible but I have few friends that I really talk to , reason being while I`m creating their out doing their own thing. Working, chasing their dream.

    I don`t really seek to attract anyone in my life, the one person in my circle is my partner she`s a writer so for her its all inward as well.

    We share the same head space most times which is unsurprising. I don`t have a group of artists that I hang out with, maybe I should?…..I`m not sure how much art would get done though, which is part of the reason why I tend to work alone, you can get things done and most times it just takes time.

    And maybe it is about seeking out those with a “shared interest” or trying to attract them.They may not be friends but those that talk “your language” or have a similar focus. In my field they are rare, everyone has their own take on beauty and proportion.


  25. For a long time, I used to complain that " Look what he did to me ".Then , I got the revelation that I was looking into people's negatives rather than positives aspects.So people defensively shoot back.

  26. The thing that struck me was the value for value concept. Indeed those are the conditions for prosperity to occur. I just got a brand new pick-up truck - yippee! Super crewcab 4x4 F150. I am prosperous because I have the pick-up truck and Ford is prosperous because they sold it. It's a 2010 with a 292 hp V8 and 6 speed automatic. It was on for a great deal 28500 CDN and NO Freight or PDI (just taxes). I saw the value in this price and got alot (literally and figuratively) of vehicle for the money. So prosperity did occur here for both parties. The Universe is in balance. Now I have to go and douse it with rustproofing oil.

  27. Well, I ASKED you how much it COSTS to take you to lunch so I hope that counts as value.

    I would NEVER think to ask to buy you lunch without providing value in return. And just buying you a sandwich isn't enough for your time, I know.

  28. I was one of those people too 😀

    Maybe you could understand us better if you just remember yourself back in the time when you were not a successful person.On that time, wouldn't you wanted to have a friend with prosperous thoughts? Be friend with someone successful? Have you ever asked them?what did you offer them in exchange?

    When I myself asked you that I actually thought to myself, why would he even want to be friend with me?what do I have for him?I couldn't find the answer because I 've never been in a situation that you are right now and I don't know what a person like you expect from his friends in exchange.

    I am a positive person to my friends and try to teach them things I have learned about success and prosperity I even introduced your works to them, but when it comes to a prosperous person, I don't know what to offer because he is a positive person already, he doesn't need me to encourage him .

    Me and my friends can exchange values because we don't have much of a difference in the level we are .

    As my request for being friends with you,I said to myself," okay I am not like him,I may not be in the same level with him but it's worth asking him and if he seemed interested I would tell him about myself, then it would be him to see if this friendship worth it or not."

    I still love to be friends with you or people like you,tell me whether I have to change something in myself or not,please.What should I do to be able to make friends with guys like you?

    Have a great time

  29. "If they actually listen when I speak, respond with intelligent conversation, are positive and cause me to think about things differently."


    I would have brought that to lunch, too 😉

  30. Hey Randy, thank you for your heart share.
    Good point!

    I have many talents also to share.

    I offer any one of those talents with you for the asking.

    To see what I offer please view my blog s about not only taking, but giving back.

    Take care my friend, it's always a pleasure to read your post or view your video.

  31. I would like to think I bring to the table positive energy, a loyal resource (for those who deserve it), competence in my profession, and being honest and true to my word, no matter what and with no excuses. I still believe a handshake goes a long way. I would hope those are values people desire to have in their inner circle.

  32. yes very true thing you told.i watch each and every successful person and try to improve myself day by day so that il be an inspiration for the people who are behind me

  33. Ok, while I understand the concept of this post and a great one, ty Randy. But let me ask you, being that you are considered a very successful man and highly respected, what would someone who is not where you are (yet) have to offer in value to you? There are some people who want advice and mentoring who don't feel they have anything to offer in exchange for being with you. I often hear "if you want to be successful, hang around those who are where you want to be and watch & listen." Also, if you don't get a return from the exact person you're with, does that mean it won't come back to you some other form? Just curious to hear your thoughts.

  34. Maybe you should think about giving unconditionally, and then you can learn from the ones who you think are "takers". To say "All true forms of prosperity are a value-for-value exchange." is a very egotistical way of saying "I'm better than you, and if you don't have a way of making my life more prosperous than it already is than I don't need you in it."

    Now don't get me wrong, i'm not saying accept everyone in your life. Just know that keeping an open mind might give you some unforeseen treasures from the most unlikely of people. Be smart, but not closed minded. People are attracted to success in general, that doesn't make them bad people nor not have anything to offer.

  35. What I do is energetically inquire about them and what they spend their time doing. It's important to treat people, everyone, regardless of their status, as a uniquely created and divine human. We all have something amazing to give but often we overlook the simplicity of just listening and communication.

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  • 53 comments on “The Energy You Send Out”

    1. Randy, I love this post. I treasure what you say and who you are. I have felt this vibe from you for several years that I have had the opportunity to meet you and ask you just one question each time.

      Yes you answered me with honesty, however one thing I noticed each time is that the more I (emphasis on I) grow personally, the more comfortable I am when I meet you again. So I can see why you and many other successful people only share with those in an inner circle. This is great, and I do understand why.

      I also have observed that at this point in my journey the only value I can bring to successful people when we meet, is a geniune SMILE and a heart of gratitude for helping me to learn and to continue to grow. We are all students of many successful people and only a handful will ever make it where you are at today.

      Just my thoughts on this post and I hope to see you again at the next Mastermind Event.

      Thank you,


    2. Absolutely hit the nail on the head with this one.
      I think I'm going to link to this post in my email signature line. Is that too harsh?

    3. Good post Randy... like to get your thoughts on all these attraction marketers on the internet... often they give great content, often for free, but then you get the inevitable pitch to buy their stuff or asked to believe that oh, people are showing up in your inbox, can't wait to sign up and give you their money...
      I find it both offensive and insulting to my intelligence.. what do you think???
      Like the so-called nice guy on the street who offers to carry your bag for "free" and either you get hit up for money or watch him run off with your bag...

      1. Are you saying it's always a bad idea to offer something for FREE in a marketing campaign? When offering something for free, it can still have value even if there's no price tag. And there's still an exchange of value because your free item will be rewarded with appreciation from the other person. The mousetrap analogy only applies IMHO when someone is urged to buy something without value.

    4. When you live your life for other people, you put out the effort, but they get the benefit. This creates an energy drain, just the way it would if you did the work on a job and someone else got the paycheck.

    5. Great post!
      I love that you talk about how prosperity, abundance, etc. originates within ourselves. So true, and yet so misunderstood!
      I dig the truth I get here at this blog...there are a lot of others out there who are just spewing bullshit.
      Thanks for being real!

    6. Randy I think the best kind of energy that will draw people to you is to be yourself. Be genuine. People like that. And don't kid yourself for a minute people can tell when your face. Like a animal people have instincts and will see right threw BS.

      If you want to truly attract winners be a winner and I mean that from the inside out not outside in.

    7. Hi Randy
      Don't look for the right people, they will find you if you are connected in the spirit to help people.
      The more you give the more you receive.
      Thanks for your wisdom Randy.

    8. I have been told by a number of people that I think so differently that it has made them think. So maybe that is what I have to offer them: Those that think inside a box I show that they shouldn't start thinking outside the box but that they maybe should consider that there is no box in the first place; only one you have created yourself by imagining that there has to be one.

    9. In the Quechuan language of Peru there is no such expression as "thank you." Instead, the mountain people of Peru have a culture of reciprocity. Thank you comes in the form of reciprocal acts.

    10. That's a really interesting question. I'd like to think that I put out an enthusiastic, positive energy and that I provide value in the way of being a friend that is supportive of their goals and ambitions and that I'm a good listener and do my best to help them out, even if it's only in some small way. But given that I don't have too many of these kinds of people in my life on a regular basis, it does make me wonder what kind of vibes I really do put out!

    11. Tell me Randy,
      During a conversation with you, how would someone return value to you?
      What makes you feel like the time spent was equally worthwhile and mutually appreciated?

        1. Most are too busy following. When we take our eyes off ourselves and engage in conversation, it is amazing to find how many thoughts and ideas we have to discuss. Thanks for the honest response.

    12. Brilliant :). What I can bring back? I know. 🙂 My positive energy, my ability to receive, my inspiration to explore this energy, what I am getting, around my peoples circle. To grow and explore all good I get from someone stronger than I am at this moment. Circylation and flow 🙂

    13. Randy, again, thank you. Each and every single time that I have read your posts, I have gained in some way! Thank you for raising this question; I have asked the same question to myself, "What value do I bring to "heavy hitters?" What I find best is to continue to work on myself, from the inside out, preparing to be of value, rather than another one of the many who try to suck from you. The thin line of confusion is to respectfully gain from them, without being a bother.

    14. I suppose it would depend entirely on the context but if it were a chance meeting I don't think I would "talk shop" so to speak. I would probably have a huge smile on my face and say something like "Oh wow look it's Randy Gage" and have a laugh hoping to get a smile out of you. And you would be a traveler seeing as though I'm in Australia so I'd probably ask you what you wanted to see while you were here. Then if I could help I would suggest something but if not I'd say sorry can't help you and say my goodbyes.

      Then again us Aussies are totally different in many ways. I am more interested in a person as a person from the start not what there standing is.

    15. I loved reading this post very much. I'm glad you wrote this post. I really am.

      "What kind of energy do you send out to successful people you meet?"

      The very positive energy of respect, integrity, admiration, trust, sincerity, sign of being honored to be near when they're near and being able to talk with such respectable individuals. Energy of great appreciation, not taking advantage of them simply because some of them are very approacheable, kind, sincere, thoughtful/sensitive enough to help meet the needs of needy people. And because they're simply nice individuals doesn't mean that they owe us and the world. Some people seem to be so arrogant, manipulative, and perhaps so ignorant, not quite knowing how they should treat such respectable, honorable, successful individuals, Those successful individuals didn't just reach their place at no cost to them. They spent so much efforts, time, and their whole life energies and that they should be highly honored and respected. They are not free, and the only free thing is a free cheese in the mousetrap.

      "What kind of value do you bring to the relationship?"

      I would like to be of help to them in anyway I can, perhaps .. all I could do to help them at my level would be in small things such as writing about them in blogs, tweet about them, or learn what they teach as much as I can. You don't need to force yourself to do things that may be of help to them. It is something that comes natural because you respect them and like them. You want to do it. For some reason, I don't feel comfortable with the word, 'value' It sounds cold, practical, and very business-like. When you respect those successful people and like them, and knowing what they do has been helping you, and when you come to know they are in need of something in some areas of their lives, you just want to help them to reciprocate their kindness - what they do to our lives - helping us improve our skills and knowledge. Even if the relationship is not like a one-to-one daily-based relationship, I believe there is a strong tie and connection between us knowing those successful people are contributing a lot of things in our lives, and vice versa (- that is, the successful people are also seeing us greatly respectful for them and wanting to learn what they teach and later see us moving forward to a higher ranking in our achievement, so forth).

      " Are you the kind of person they would want in their inner circle?"

      This, I don't know. : ) As much as I know I can't come up to their level, offering the kind of value they can offer, I know I can share my different experiences, spirituality, many interests and hobbies, talents, culture and language (Japanese), and my big heart [:)] that I like to believe I have, love and care 4 the needy, so someday they might want to include me in their inner circle... if not here on earth, then perhaps when we are finally in Heaven. 🙂

      A nice blog, RG. I enjoyed it very much. As Yoko Ono also says (I thought I was the only person who always say it wherever I go but learned she does, too), it's always natural and healthy to say 'I love you,' so I say to you here, RG, 'I love you and thank you for what you've been doing to the world', as well as to you all friends in Randyland community 'I love you all.'.. and to the world. God bless and good night! Hugs::: - Saachi

      1. I am in the process of my dream of working with people that I genuinely love and like. Everyone on the planet, including gurus, thrives when they are appreciated. So I create a climate of joy and contribution, and those that wish to enter that circle, will show up. That doesn't mean that I do not do all the practical things required to build a business and a life. What it does mean is that joy and contribution is the intention behind the desire, and it creates it's own unique selection process. Resentments of others, have no place here in my dream, as everyone is at there own stage of evolution in this abundant Universe. Without contrast, I would not continue to evolve toward that which I am wanting and intending.

        1. You sound like a good philosopher who loves to work with people that you genuinely love and like. That's great. Just wanted to agree with what you indicated that everyone is at there own stage of evolution in this abundant Universe. That's true. However, I don't see any resentments of others in the above person's comment. The above person may just love some successful people to death. Nothing is wrong with that, I don't think. Cheers!

          1. Sorry I should have been more specific. That was the regards to the complaint about receiving other peoples opps and spam. It's very simple, you can just ignore, and recognize where they are at in their evolution.

    16. What kind of energy do I send out to successful people? Respect, an attitude of learning, a willingness to do what I can to help them become even more successful.

      Of course I am paying attention to THEIR intentions & integrity... I have dropped relationships with some financially successful people when I have sensed they want me to do something that violates my integrity, are sacrificing long term success as they grasp for short term notoriety, or simply want to receive and not give (are "energy vampires").

      What value do I bring? Willingness to speak truthfully, send them articles/books/emails about their hobbies or business tips they can use, be on time for appointments, send thank you cards for their time, listen respectfully to advice I've directly requested, apply their advice provided it aligns with my integrity, be respectful of their time, priorities and commitments. Applaud their success! Be prepared for our meetings. Introduce them to people who will assist them in reaching their goals.

      Yes, I am the kind of person they want in their inner circle.

      1. So here is some food for thought...

        You mention, "I have dropped relationships with some financially successful people when I have sensed they want me to do something that violates my integrity, are sacrificing long term success as they grasp for short term notoriety, or simply want to receive and not give (are “energy vampires”)."

        Why do you just say financially successful people? Hasn't the same situation arisen with broke people?
        This may indicate some lack consciousness so you may want to do some critical thinking on this.


        1. Thanks for your comments.

          Since your topic seemed to focus on financially successful people, I kept that focus.

          and yes, I do the same analysis and "dropping" in the case of "broke people"

    17. I love it! What a great post. I've been thinking about contacting a well known guru in the area I'm interested in and now I know how to approach it. It will be about how I can help them and in return I'll be enlightened. Thanks Randy!

    18. Being at the top doesn't come without helping new people get started, they are the life blood of our industry. We wouldn't be at the top if there weren't others involved in many ways. If you help enough people get what they what you will ultimately get what you want. Randy you have helped so many that's why you are at the top.
      Appreciate all the golden nuggets I've received from you.

    19. Randy,

      I never really had this mindset, perhaps it's a stubborn flaw of my ego but it has benefited me because I see and stress what I have to bring to the table when it comes to relationships. I become more aware of my self worth each day and although I can learn from everybody and everything - and generally do - I don't feel the need to cling to someone and suck them energy dry because I have the access to the same Power as they.

      Ryan Biddulph

    20. Do you scare off some by your wattage? Yes you are like a 1,00 watt light bulb you even radiate from off your picture.

    21. If they are better at something I want to improve, I'm interested, but it doesn't necessarily mean I want to hang out with them, or they with me. So what.

      Your inner circle is really within yourself anyway.

      Spend more time with your "higher self" so you can be who you really are, and see people for what they really are, for you, and you for them.

      The rest will follow, together with the additional question:

      Is he or she really the kind of person you would want in your inner circle?

    22. Hi Randy

      I think the first time I met you was at the Marriott in London a few years ago, I got you a drink during the break, some kind of soft drink as you were the main speaker and I wanted to make sure a) your thirst was quenched and b) show my appreciation for all the knowledge you shared that eve. I like to think that I add value to all my relationships regardless of the success levels as I truly value everyone in my life. What would you consider as value for value to be in your inner circle? Always happy to help in whatever way I can and not just for you but everyone I value in my life.

    23. I just had this conversation with someone yesterday. She is struggling in her business, and I suggested that she begin networking with other industry leaders. Her first response was, "I HATE going to someone with puppy dog eyes and begging for advice. It's so pathetic." I laughed, and told her that such behavior WOULD BE pathetic. But I also showed her that "true" networking isn't about "what can you give me," but rather, "How can we PARTNER so that BOTH of our companies get a financial boost."

      When she thought about networking in those terms, she liked the idea.

      So, I think your idea goes both ways: people being APPROACHED don't like non-value relationships; but people who truly are value-minded and seeking win/win partnerships don't like free advice, either. 🙂

    24. Yeah……intellectual property......when to invest?, when not too….? Who to lend it to and at what price?

      I don`t really have a circle, being an artist its all inward, and self indulgent. It sounds terrible but I have few friends that I really talk to , reason being while I`m creating their out doing their own thing. Working, chasing their dream.

      I don`t really seek to attract anyone in my life, the one person in my circle is my partner she`s a writer so for her its all inward as well.

      We share the same head space most times which is unsurprising. I don`t have a group of artists that I hang out with, maybe I should?…..I`m not sure how much art would get done though, which is part of the reason why I tend to work alone, you can get things done and most times it just takes time.

      And maybe it is about seeking out those with a “shared interest” or trying to attract them.They may not be friends but those that talk “your language” or have a similar focus. In my field they are rare, everyone has their own take on beauty and proportion.


    25. For a long time, I used to complain that " Look what he did to me ".Then , I got the revelation that I was looking into people's negatives rather than positives aspects.So people defensively shoot back.

    26. The thing that struck me was the value for value concept. Indeed those are the conditions for prosperity to occur. I just got a brand new pick-up truck - yippee! Super crewcab 4x4 F150. I am prosperous because I have the pick-up truck and Ford is prosperous because they sold it. It's a 2010 with a 292 hp V8 and 6 speed automatic. It was on for a great deal 28500 CDN and NO Freight or PDI (just taxes). I saw the value in this price and got alot (literally and figuratively) of vehicle for the money. So prosperity did occur here for both parties. The Universe is in balance. Now I have to go and douse it with rustproofing oil.

    27. Well, I ASKED you how much it COSTS to take you to lunch so I hope that counts as value.

      I would NEVER think to ask to buy you lunch without providing value in return. And just buying you a sandwich isn't enough for your time, I know.

    28. I was one of those people too 😀

      Maybe you could understand us better if you just remember yourself back in the time when you were not a successful person.On that time, wouldn't you wanted to have a friend with prosperous thoughts? Be friend with someone successful? Have you ever asked them?what did you offer them in exchange?

      When I myself asked you that I actually thought to myself, why would he even want to be friend with me?what do I have for him?I couldn't find the answer because I 've never been in a situation that you are right now and I don't know what a person like you expect from his friends in exchange.

      I am a positive person to my friends and try to teach them things I have learned about success and prosperity I even introduced your works to them, but when it comes to a prosperous person, I don't know what to offer because he is a positive person already, he doesn't need me to encourage him .

      Me and my friends can exchange values because we don't have much of a difference in the level we are .

      As my request for being friends with you,I said to myself," okay I am not like him,I may not be in the same level with him but it's worth asking him and if he seemed interested I would tell him about myself, then it would be him to see if this friendship worth it or not."

      I still love to be friends with you or people like you,tell me whether I have to change something in myself or not,please.What should I do to be able to make friends with guys like you?

      Have a great time

    29. "If they actually listen when I speak, respond with intelligent conversation, are positive and cause me to think about things differently."


      I would have brought that to lunch, too 😉

    30. Hey Randy, thank you for your heart share.
      Good point!

      I have many talents also to share.

      I offer any one of those talents with you for the asking.

      To see what I offer please view my blog s about not only taking, but giving back.

      Take care my friend, it's always a pleasure to read your post or view your video.

    31. I would like to think I bring to the table positive energy, a loyal resource (for those who deserve it), competence in my profession, and being honest and true to my word, no matter what and with no excuses. I still believe a handshake goes a long way. I would hope those are values people desire to have in their inner circle.

    32. yes very true thing you told.i watch each and every successful person and try to improve myself day by day so that il be an inspiration for the people who are behind me

    33. Ok, while I understand the concept of this post and a great one, ty Randy. But let me ask you, being that you are considered a very successful man and highly respected, what would someone who is not where you are (yet) have to offer in value to you? There are some people who want advice and mentoring who don't feel they have anything to offer in exchange for being with you. I often hear "if you want to be successful, hang around those who are where you want to be and watch & listen." Also, if you don't get a return from the exact person you're with, does that mean it won't come back to you some other form? Just curious to hear your thoughts.

    34. Maybe you should think about giving unconditionally, and then you can learn from the ones who you think are "takers". To say "All true forms of prosperity are a value-for-value exchange." is a very egotistical way of saying "I'm better than you, and if you don't have a way of making my life more prosperous than it already is than I don't need you in it."

      Now don't get me wrong, i'm not saying accept everyone in your life. Just know that keeping an open mind might give you some unforeseen treasures from the most unlikely of people. Be smart, but not closed minded. People are attracted to success in general, that doesn't make them bad people nor not have anything to offer.

    35. What I do is energetically inquire about them and what they spend their time doing. It's important to treat people, everyone, regardless of their status, as a uniquely created and divine human. We all have something amazing to give but often we overlook the simplicity of just listening and communication.

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