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The Energy of Money

Posted By: Randy GageJune 15, 2011

You never want to affirm negative statements like you “can’t afford” something, or “it’s only money.”  Like everything else, money is energy and can be attracted and repelled.

Of course money isn’t the only element of prosperity.  But as I say on my YouTube video, Poverty Doesn’t Buy Happiness either!  So it may make sense for you to say it wouldn’t be prudent to buy something at a particular time.  Just be careful how you position things in your own mind.

How are you doing on this?  Please check in below, and next post we’ll explore negotiating the balance between being a spendthrift and a miser.

P.S.   As long as you guys keep that volcano calm for a while, I’ll see you back in Buenos Aires again tomorrow!



25 comments on “The Energy of Money”

  1. Great reminder - I struggle with this and when I catch myself going to the "dark side" I gently nudge myself back to the light. Would love to hear what other people do.

  2. When I was made aware of this concept some time ago and began eliminating those kinds of thoughts and words from my mind and conversations, I found that I was increasingly better able to "afford" what crossed my path.

    What I know now is that I'm no longer blocking the energy called money by living from a self-imposed state of lack.

  3. I have been a lot better, I used to say we could not afford things all the time, the groceries, going out to eat, buying nice things at the store, getting things for our kids, etc. In the last year I have totally changed that mind set and we go out to eat 3 to 6 times a week, buy things that we want, do things we want to do and we are living without going into debt. We actually have magically continued to make more money, how awesome is that! I owe a lot of gratitude to Randy for his books, blogs, facebook, and twitter posts! So if you are struggling with this, then you need to read a book of his, check out his youtube channel, friend him on twitter, etc. And you need to do these things daily! Everyday I look at something that helps rid of programmed mind viruses! Good luck.

  4. Randy,

    Your feelings around money are very interesting. If you say you can't afford something, you seem to stay broke. If you act as if you can and go about spending, you get into debt.

    There's a fine line between affirming negative and positive statements. It would be interesting to hear the self-talk of the people who have lost everything in the last couple of years.


  5. The power of our mind to create is amazing! Once resentment of all things financial was replaced with "what can I do to increase my buying power?", things are completely different. Whatever I focus on is what appears. I now have more jobs/opportunities than I can handle and when I think about attracting prospects, my phone rings or people notice my car signs. When I'm distracted, everything stops. My negative self talk/worry about money was causing pain in my back! My chiropractor told me that resentment was my back issue and taught me how to bring it to mind, release it and the pain disappeared!
    I believe we should be prepared for emergencies/disaster and I admit that I am struggling with using my new found wealth for higher priorities. I WANT seahorses/equipment for my aquarium but need green house supplies, etc. I am definitely struggling! It's a quality problem.

  6. "I decide not to buy it right now" gives me the control of when I'll buy something and when I won't. It's not a matter of money or lack of it, it's my decision... 🙂

    thanks Randy!!

  7. Hi Randy,
    I have been working the last time on this, in order to change my negative thoughts about money, and I know that I have to keep working, because have been 27 years of thinking wrong, fortunately I know I can do it, I can change the way I think about money and the most important, I have to convince myself that I DESERVE the money, as I read once, no one has more money than he or she THINK he or she deserves.


  8. You really have to believe you are where you want to be, and not let anything negative in your present life pull you down. What your living now is a result of your old state of mind.

  9. Working everyday on it, but I am having a bad time because it's OK for me, but not for other people I know who I think are wasting money. I know, I shouldn't care about the other people....

  10. Like others have mentioned here, the work around being WORTHY of Prosperity is where I focus my thoughts and beliefs. And when you grow up in an environment that is the opposite of this, there's constant work necessary.

    We all have things that are important to us in Life. For some it's spiritual practice, going to sports arenas, clothes, dining out, clubbing, cars, etc. I know what's important to me, and I 'treat' myself to things that bring me Joy, regardless. And I do this since in my heart I know the abundance of the Universe is unlimited and maintaining thoughts in this way, along with a constant flow of Gratitude is pure Joy.

    "And that's all I have to say about that" ~ Forrest Gump

  11. I'm continually becoming aware of negative thoughts about money and learning how to change my ways.

    My husband and I are working toward financial freedom-so instead of asking "can we afford this?" We ask "Is this some we REALLY want?" "Is this going to get us closer to our dreams or create an obstacle to overcome later?"

    By taking a moment to pause, it empowers us to not to focus on lack but to focus on what we want the future to bring.

  12. We've recently had a financial setback that has significantly reduced our income, and consequently, this is a HOT Topic for me! Oddly enough, the setback isn't bothering me - I trust that my needs will continue to be met. I've lived, happily, on a much smaller income. Sometimes we are on the crest of the wave, sometimes in the trough between waves. We float.

    One thing I do like to do is "compare down" - instead of comparing my wealth-level to Randy, I compare it to the millions of folk on the planet who have much less. And I am so very very grateful. So what if I can't buy some pretty new thing? I can enjoy imagining the ownership of it - have all those happy feelings - without the clutter. Simplicity has its virtues.

  13. Yoda wouldn't like this next statement, but I really try at this. I wish I was better. I am aware of the negative thoughts, and aware of what not to affirm. My disconnect is in attraction. I seem to be moving through drying cement... not sure how to get to where I want to go. And beyond frustrated I cannot figure it out!

  14. Raymond: June 16,2011 at12.30pm
    I am grateful to you for this reminder.
    Often times I am filled with negative thoughts such as, 'can't afford it now;will I be able to do it' and so on.
    I would guide against such negativity.


  15. Hi Randy,

    I've doubled-up in this department Randy, doing money magnet affirmations on the hour, every hour.

    Money is energy. If we feel lacking, we block this energy. If we feel abundant, we don't.

    Thanks for sharing!


  16. It is interesting to see what money can do for us but also what we have done to money. We even said money is evil.
    The energy of money is like the energy of thought. Good thoughts turn into good actions. Value yourself and the service you provide high, and you will be paid accordingly.

    Saying 'it's only money' is like diminishing yourself. Be aware of what you think about yourself and money, because this has been, is being and will be reflect in your quality of life.

    Thanks Randy!

  17. As Napoleon Hil says in his book "Positive Mental Attitude, a path to success," we must put the talisman of positive mental attitude up. It's almost amazing how things are, the issue is to know how they work and let them flow.
    My internal conflict is between what you are talking about in the next post, being a miser or being a spendthrift, this struggle every time when I can enjoy something. Did I need to spend money on that or things like that? I have a lot to learn.
    Randy, I'm going to Buenos Aires, we start the travel tonight, we have to travel 1500 Km by car (18 hours), because flights are canceled, but the encounter and education are worth the effort. I hope to shake your hand again, but now not only me but with a few more people who are going with me. Greetings from Patagonia Argentina. Gabe Suarez
    PS: We are coming up with a bit of ash from the volcano...hahaha 🙂

    1. We're going to explore that exact issue in the next post. And the airport is open. I landed in Buenos Aires this morning.


  18. Maybe it's a woman thing but I often justify purchases by

    "I can't afford NOT to buy it."

    Looking forward to your next post.
    Buen Viaje in Buenos Aires.

  19. Replace "I can't afford that" with "I can afford that in devine order and it will be mine," no matter what it is. Through repetition faith and expectancy it will surely be yours 10 fold!

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  • 25 comments on “The Energy of Money”

    1. Great reminder - I struggle with this and when I catch myself going to the "dark side" I gently nudge myself back to the light. Would love to hear what other people do.

    2. When I was made aware of this concept some time ago and began eliminating those kinds of thoughts and words from my mind and conversations, I found that I was increasingly better able to "afford" what crossed my path.

      What I know now is that I'm no longer blocking the energy called money by living from a self-imposed state of lack.

    3. I have been a lot better, I used to say we could not afford things all the time, the groceries, going out to eat, buying nice things at the store, getting things for our kids, etc. In the last year I have totally changed that mind set and we go out to eat 3 to 6 times a week, buy things that we want, do things we want to do and we are living without going into debt. We actually have magically continued to make more money, how awesome is that! I owe a lot of gratitude to Randy for his books, blogs, facebook, and twitter posts! So if you are struggling with this, then you need to read a book of his, check out his youtube channel, friend him on twitter, etc. And you need to do these things daily! Everyday I look at something that helps rid of programmed mind viruses! Good luck.

    4. Randy,

      Your feelings around money are very interesting. If you say you can't afford something, you seem to stay broke. If you act as if you can and go about spending, you get into debt.

      There's a fine line between affirming negative and positive statements. It would be interesting to hear the self-talk of the people who have lost everything in the last couple of years.


    5. The power of our mind to create is amazing! Once resentment of all things financial was replaced with "what can I do to increase my buying power?", things are completely different. Whatever I focus on is what appears. I now have more jobs/opportunities than I can handle and when I think about attracting prospects, my phone rings or people notice my car signs. When I'm distracted, everything stops. My negative self talk/worry about money was causing pain in my back! My chiropractor told me that resentment was my back issue and taught me how to bring it to mind, release it and the pain disappeared!
      I believe we should be prepared for emergencies/disaster and I admit that I am struggling with using my new found wealth for higher priorities. I WANT seahorses/equipment for my aquarium but need green house supplies, etc. I am definitely struggling! It's a quality problem.

    6. "I decide not to buy it right now" gives me the control of when I'll buy something and when I won't. It's not a matter of money or lack of it, it's my decision... 🙂

      thanks Randy!!

    7. Hi Randy,
      I have been working the last time on this, in order to change my negative thoughts about money, and I know that I have to keep working, because have been 27 years of thinking wrong, fortunately I know I can do it, I can change the way I think about money and the most important, I have to convince myself that I DESERVE the money, as I read once, no one has more money than he or she THINK he or she deserves.


    8. You really have to believe you are where you want to be, and not let anything negative in your present life pull you down. What your living now is a result of your old state of mind.

    9. Working everyday on it, but I am having a bad time because it's OK for me, but not for other people I know who I think are wasting money. I know, I shouldn't care about the other people....

    10. Like others have mentioned here, the work around being WORTHY of Prosperity is where I focus my thoughts and beliefs. And when you grow up in an environment that is the opposite of this, there's constant work necessary.

      We all have things that are important to us in Life. For some it's spiritual practice, going to sports arenas, clothes, dining out, clubbing, cars, etc. I know what's important to me, and I 'treat' myself to things that bring me Joy, regardless. And I do this since in my heart I know the abundance of the Universe is unlimited and maintaining thoughts in this way, along with a constant flow of Gratitude is pure Joy.

      "And that's all I have to say about that" ~ Forrest Gump

    11. I'm continually becoming aware of negative thoughts about money and learning how to change my ways.

      My husband and I are working toward financial freedom-so instead of asking "can we afford this?" We ask "Is this some we REALLY want?" "Is this going to get us closer to our dreams or create an obstacle to overcome later?"

      By taking a moment to pause, it empowers us to not to focus on lack but to focus on what we want the future to bring.

    12. We've recently had a financial setback that has significantly reduced our income, and consequently, this is a HOT Topic for me! Oddly enough, the setback isn't bothering me - I trust that my needs will continue to be met. I've lived, happily, on a much smaller income. Sometimes we are on the crest of the wave, sometimes in the trough between waves. We float.

      One thing I do like to do is "compare down" - instead of comparing my wealth-level to Randy, I compare it to the millions of folk on the planet who have much less. And I am so very very grateful. So what if I can't buy some pretty new thing? I can enjoy imagining the ownership of it - have all those happy feelings - without the clutter. Simplicity has its virtues.

    13. Yoda wouldn't like this next statement, but I really try at this. I wish I was better. I am aware of the negative thoughts, and aware of what not to affirm. My disconnect is in attraction. I seem to be moving through drying cement... not sure how to get to where I want to go. And beyond frustrated I cannot figure it out!

    14. Raymond: June 16,2011 at12.30pm
      I am grateful to you for this reminder.
      Often times I am filled with negative thoughts such as, 'can't afford it now;will I be able to do it' and so on.
      I would guide against such negativity.


    15. Hi Randy,

      I've doubled-up in this department Randy, doing money magnet affirmations on the hour, every hour.

      Money is energy. If we feel lacking, we block this energy. If we feel abundant, we don't.

      Thanks for sharing!


    16. It is interesting to see what money can do for us but also what we have done to money. We even said money is evil.
      The energy of money is like the energy of thought. Good thoughts turn into good actions. Value yourself and the service you provide high, and you will be paid accordingly.

      Saying 'it's only money' is like diminishing yourself. Be aware of what you think about yourself and money, because this has been, is being and will be reflect in your quality of life.

      Thanks Randy!

    17. As Napoleon Hil says in his book "Positive Mental Attitude, a path to success," we must put the talisman of positive mental attitude up. It's almost amazing how things are, the issue is to know how they work and let them flow.
      My internal conflict is between what you are talking about in the next post, being a miser or being a spendthrift, this struggle every time when I can enjoy something. Did I need to spend money on that or things like that? I have a lot to learn.
      Randy, I'm going to Buenos Aires, we start the travel tonight, we have to travel 1500 Km by car (18 hours), because flights are canceled, but the encounter and education are worth the effort. I hope to shake your hand again, but now not only me but with a few more people who are going with me. Greetings from Patagonia Argentina. Gabe Suarez
      PS: We are coming up with a bit of ash from the volcano...hahaha 🙂

      1. We're going to explore that exact issue in the next post. And the airport is open. I landed in Buenos Aires this morning.


    18. Maybe it's a woman thing but I often justify purchases by

      "I can't afford NOT to buy it."

      Looking forward to your next post.
      Buen Viaje in Buenos Aires.

    19. Replace "I can't afford that" with "I can afford that in devine order and it will be mine," no matter what it is. Through repetition faith and expectancy it will surely be yours 10 fold!

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