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The Doctrines and Dogma of Sex…

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 25, 2019

Last post we discussed when someone told me that a picture I used looked like “hookers in a limo.”  I hadn’t intended that reaction, but the fact that the photo produced it works out perfect, because it allows us to talk about all the crazy, irrational dogma about sex.

When my friend said the pic looked like hookers in a limo, my response was, “What’s wrong with hookers in a limo?  If they’re out celebrating a birthday, good for them.”

Yet obviously even the term “hookers” isn’t very complimentary.  It’s used often to denigrate sex workers.  And when we say, “hookers in a limo,” now we can tarnish both sex workers and rich people.

Perhaps you follow a Holy book that condemns prostitution.  That’s certainly your right.  But I don’t think that takes you any closer to spirituality and enlightenment, and we can make the argument it takes you further from them.  Like a lot of things, organized religion has created a lot of doctrines and dogmas around sex.  Doctrines and dogmas most often serve to stymie critical thinking, create division, and foster judgment of others.  And that’s certainly the case with organized religion and sex.

When we as people (or as religions and governments) interfere or judge non-victim transactions between two consenting adults, we have left the arena of prosperous thinking.  (And please note the very important consideration of consent, age of consent, and no trafficking involved.)  Some people use their physical abilities to earn a living playing basketball.  Others use their abilities to be physical therapists.  And yet others use their physical abilities to be sex workers.  In each case, this is prosperity in action, because it’s a fair exchange of value, beneficial for both parties.  Can we just let go of all the judgment?

Please let me know your thoughts below.  And then on the next post, I want to continue the discussion, share something that may shock a considerable number of you.

- RG

3 comments on “The Doctrines and Dogma of Sex…”

  1. I think the same. "non-victim transactions between two consenting adults" You know the best that labelling someone as "adult" doesn't mean a damn thing. The age doesn't make anybody more wise and intelligent. In most cases, it is quiet the opposite. The difference between a young psychopath and an adult psychopath is that the adult have more power and opportunity to f&ck up things. The difference between a young sexual victim and an adult sexual victim is that the adult already have less to loose, because he or she already lost a big part of his or her soul (meaning, feelings, caring and so on. I wonder if this is the "poor in soul" thing what religions are talking about). It is not a judgement, it is an observation.

    I always like to refer to the nature, because believe it or not, nature is the most high-tech thing in this planet (just show me some technology, which makes a big tree from a 0.2 inch thing with water and soil). Absolutely no offense, but as you may know, the immune system is the military of your body. It recognise a virus and eliminate it. Except, if the virus is labelling itself friendly, like the HIV. In this case, the immune system accept it as new residents and say good day to them whenever they met. It is acceptance. It accept something which is a deadly virus, because they are pretending to be nice guys. Accepting everything in this f@cking life leads to the same result. It loads your mind with viruses, who pretending to be friendly and liberal. I don't say you must feel hate and rage, but mentioning negative facts about something is not a judgement. The judgement is a purely subjective thing. I also don't buy the "everything is happening in perfect order" and "everything is relative" bullsh!ts. They are making you accepting sh!ts, and that's all. Emotional-less observation is what matters.

    In the next post, you are probably going to mention that sex is not designed to be between male and female, because it is a dogma, and the act itself is what matters. No way I can buy that, sorry.

    The only good point is if a girl look like a sexy rich, she must be a whore. And other disparagement for the riches, those who nobody willing to defend.

    Our society is based on money and value. At some point in history, we reached the maximum level of population, what a moneyless barter system can allow. We were never been allowed to spread that much (7.7 billion dude) without money. Which means, if the money is suddenly gone from the world, billions would die even if the governments are starting to re-print it like hell. I would like to see a post about this subject, wondering, it is really the money is the root of all evil, while billions would die without it? Hating money is a form of suicidal tendency, and this is literally that, or just they taking too much for granted, because of ignorance. We are not depending on the nature alone any more, we are depending on money. I wish many people would understand it.

  2. I don;t think being a sex worker would block you from heaven. I think inequality and meanness do block heaven.

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  • 3 comments on “The Doctrines and Dogma of Sex…”

    1. I think the same. "non-victim transactions between two consenting adults" You know the best that labelling someone as "adult" doesn't mean a damn thing. The age doesn't make anybody more wise and intelligent. In most cases, it is quiet the opposite. The difference between a young psychopath and an adult psychopath is that the adult have more power and opportunity to f&ck up things. The difference between a young sexual victim and an adult sexual victim is that the adult already have less to loose, because he or she already lost a big part of his or her soul (meaning, feelings, caring and so on. I wonder if this is the "poor in soul" thing what religions are talking about). It is not a judgement, it is an observation.

      I always like to refer to the nature, because believe it or not, nature is the most high-tech thing in this planet (just show me some technology, which makes a big tree from a 0.2 inch thing with water and soil). Absolutely no offense, but as you may know, the immune system is the military of your body. It recognise a virus and eliminate it. Except, if the virus is labelling itself friendly, like the HIV. In this case, the immune system accept it as new residents and say good day to them whenever they met. It is acceptance. It accept something which is a deadly virus, because they are pretending to be nice guys. Accepting everything in this f@cking life leads to the same result. It loads your mind with viruses, who pretending to be friendly and liberal. I don't say you must feel hate and rage, but mentioning negative facts about something is not a judgement. The judgement is a purely subjective thing. I also don't buy the "everything is happening in perfect order" and "everything is relative" bullsh!ts. They are making you accepting sh!ts, and that's all. Emotional-less observation is what matters.

      In the next post, you are probably going to mention that sex is not designed to be between male and female, because it is a dogma, and the act itself is what matters. No way I can buy that, sorry.

      The only good point is if a girl look like a sexy rich, she must be a whore. And other disparagement for the riches, those who nobody willing to defend.

      Our society is based on money and value. At some point in history, we reached the maximum level of population, what a moneyless barter system can allow. We were never been allowed to spread that much (7.7 billion dude) without money. Which means, if the money is suddenly gone from the world, billions would die even if the governments are starting to re-print it like hell. I would like to see a post about this subject, wondering, it is really the money is the root of all evil, while billions would die without it? Hating money is a form of suicidal tendency, and this is literally that, or just they taking too much for granted, because of ignorance. We are not depending on the nature alone any more, we are depending on money. I wish many people would understand it.

    2. I don;t think being a sex worker would block you from heaven. I think inequality and meanness do block heaven.

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