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The Day You’re Really Born…

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 16, 2021

It was Christmas Eve in a year that shall remain unidentified.  I was in a drab room at the Miami Airport Marriott, writing my suicide journal.  I wasn’t melodramatic or even frantic, in fact, quite the opposite.  I was calm, methodical, and deliberate, logically journaling to myself all the reasons why it really made no sense to keep on living.  The list was extensive and impressive and didn’t leave much room for debate.

It was inevitable I got to that point really.  I was staying in the hotel using my frequent flyer points because I had just come out of my eleventh negative, dysfunctional relationship in a row, and needed a place to live.  Each morning I woke to the sound of jets thundering overhead and a view of the dumpster behind the hotel next door.  My health was failing but my business was growing.  To the outside world I was a whiz kid climbing the ladder of success, but the bloodshot eyes staring me back in the mirror knew I was an abject failure.  My client list and reputation were rising, and my income was increasing, but I was failing at the only thing that mattered…


There were people who desperately wanted to love me, but I couldn’t let them in.  I didn’t love myself and was so emotionally handicapped that I wasn’t going to allow anyone else to either.  That level of self-hate always leads to self-destructive behavior, so it was no surprise how it was ending up. Fortunately, I was working with a mental health professional and he called me back on that Christmas Eve.  Likewise, if you are entertaining suicidal thoughts, I’m begging you to please reach out for professional help

Little did I know it then, but this experience was the reason I ended up writing my book Radical Rebirth so many years later.  But I didn’t know this was the reason I wrote the book when I wrote the book.  That realization didn’t wash over on me until after the book was out and I started talking about it and receiving messages from readers.  That’s when the most important message of the book came to me:

If you hate your life and/or hate yourself, you don’t have to kill yourself.  You can mindfully kill off the parts or you and your life that you hate.  And that changes everything...   

Including the way you view your birthday.  If you’re like most people, you probably only know your “fake birthday” – the day when you were delivered from your mother’s womb.  But that traditional birthday isn’t the day you were given life – it’s the day you were given the entirely optional choice to experience life.  Because you’re not really born until you decide to accept the opportunity to co-create and really live your life. 

To accomplish this, you must become mindful enough to think about what you think about.  You must be able to step back, rise above your thoughts, and be conscious of them – becoming the thinker of the thought.  Only when you become the thinker of the thought, do you become the architect of your life.  You are now using your mind instead of being used by your mind.  You stop believing in fate, luck, and happenstance and start realizing that you’re a co-creator of your destiny.  That is when you start to access the inherent power within your being. The day that happens, get yourself a birthday cake and blow out the candles.   Because that’s the day you are truly born.   

If you’re really fortunate (as I have been), you might also get to celebrate a few other birthdays... 

Every September I celebrate the night I was shot and left for dead.  Each year since 2006, I celebrate the terminal medical diagnosis I received then.  Because after experiences like these, you never take a sunrise, old friend, or another breath for granted. At this age the math gets fuzzy, but I estimate that September 19th I’ll be celebrating my 137th birthday. 

By the time you reach as many birthdays as this, you stop thinking about success and direct your focus to significance.  It’s why I conduct my Prosperity Livestreams every week and why I had no choice but to write Radical Rebirth.  And why I’m asking you to spread the word about both the book and the prosperity ministry.  

There is someone close to you who really needs to read the book.  Would you consider gifting them a copy?  Donating a couple to your local library or high school?  Writing a review on Goodreads, Amazon, or other sites?  Posting about it on your social media? 

And will you enlist in the growing prosperity army?

Join me every week for a livestream teaching on the principles of prosperity, free enterprise, and generosity. 

  • No Doctrines: Bold Ideas, not Ideology
  • No Dogma: Strong Beliefs, Loosely Held
  • No Holy Books: You are the Sacred Wisdom
  • No Salvation: Simply Exploration

This prosperity ministry is not a church.  In fact, it’s an un-church.  It’s a for-profit, spiritual ministry – for people of all faiths, and those with no religious faith – to learn, fellowship, and grow together. 

I have a HUGE vision for this... 

Right now we’re doing the lessons online.  But post-Covid-19, it’s my dream that those who wish to attend the lessons in person can do so.  I envision a spiritual oasis that attracts visitors from around the world. One day, this will be a multi-planetary community of prosperity warriors, committed to have more prosperity, circulate more prosperity, and become more prosperity.  (I’m hoping the next people to visit the moon will experience our services, and if Elon Musk does what I think he can, we’ll be broadcasting on Mars as well.)  Will you be a part of this?

This page always lists the time and topic for the next lesson, and it has an archive of the previous shows.  Please bookmark the page and stop by whenever you need a jolt to your prosperity consciousness.  I would be most grateful if you would circulate the prosperity and spread the word about the livestream. You can support the broadcasts here.

You in?

- RG

Previous post: Finding Power in the Pain

9 comments on “The Day You’re Really Born…”

  1. When Antony Bourdain topped himself, I said to a friend, I think he had a huge self-loathing problem that he never dealt with. Looking forward to seeing the new doc on him this weekend, Roadrunner.. cheers David

  2. Absolutely loved this and going to buy book and share this with everyone. Love you Randy Gage!!! You continue to make an impact on my life. Sandi

  3. Some thoughts I'd like to share: this is a very very different "big picture" than the picture painted in your prosperity CD's Randy, where "taking a hotel room for two months" is accentuated as a "cool part of your prosperity unfoldment".. very intriguing! (just an observation & feedback)

    and while I considered ending my life two years ago because of a setback of which I was the cause, the principle of life within me got to know itself as me in the context of "bouncing back and learning from the mistake I made"

    autosuggestion is "auto-pilot" living's best friend.. too much of people's active autosuggestions are "negative memes UNexamined"..

    I appreciate the blogpost; that tool guts to write it!


  4. I had wondered how you reconciled your previous life with the future life you thought you wanted. Praying for you and your family as you go through the grieving process after the loss of Susie.

  5. Six years ago, my body went into a strike, even sitting was causing pain. Reading today's article, I think that this time in July back then was one of many re-births througout the following years, developing from an insurance agent and student of economics to a trainer - and potential coach - in a way that I never had imagined.

    Wish you a great week, greetings from Austria,


  6. I saved this Post until I could read it in it's entirety and, as usual, it did not disappoint. I love when you open up and show us the raw and authentic Randy Gage. Your latest book Radical Rebirth was published at the right time in my life, because at 57 years old, I was going through some 'growing pains' in my relationships (or lack thereof), and my career (or lack of success). I discovered in your book that it is Ok to just Let Go of that person I was being, (that I thought I had to fix), and just start over and Be who I want to be. Without regard for what others wanted for me, or thought of me. I AM the fucking storm (page 199).

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  • 9 comments on “The Day You’re Really Born…”

    1. When Antony Bourdain topped himself, I said to a friend, I think he had a huge self-loathing problem that he never dealt with. Looking forward to seeing the new doc on him this weekend, Roadrunner.. cheers David

    2. Absolutely loved this and going to buy book and share this with everyone. Love you Randy Gage!!! You continue to make an impact on my life. Sandi

    3. Some thoughts I'd like to share: this is a very very different "big picture" than the picture painted in your prosperity CD's Randy, where "taking a hotel room for two months" is accentuated as a "cool part of your prosperity unfoldment".. very intriguing! (just an observation & feedback)

      and while I considered ending my life two years ago because of a setback of which I was the cause, the principle of life within me got to know itself as me in the context of "bouncing back and learning from the mistake I made"

      autosuggestion is "auto-pilot" living's best friend.. too much of people's active autosuggestions are "negative memes UNexamined"..

      I appreciate the blogpost; that tool guts to write it!


    4. I had wondered how you reconciled your previous life with the future life you thought you wanted. Praying for you and your family as you go through the grieving process after the loss of Susie.

    5. Six years ago, my body went into a strike, even sitting was causing pain. Reading today's article, I think that this time in July back then was one of many re-births througout the following years, developing from an insurance agent and student of economics to a trainer - and potential coach - in a way that I never had imagined.

      Wish you a great week, greetings from Austria,


    6. I saved this Post until I could read it in it's entirety and, as usual, it did not disappoint. I love when you open up and show us the raw and authentic Randy Gage. Your latest book Radical Rebirth was published at the right time in my life, because at 57 years old, I was going through some 'growing pains' in my relationships (or lack thereof), and my career (or lack of success). I discovered in your book that it is Ok to just Let Go of that person I was being, (that I thought I had to fix), and just start over and Be who I want to be. Without regard for what others wanted for me, or thought of me. I AM the fucking storm (page 199).

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