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The Critical Thinking Tribe

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 26, 2008

We’ve been talking a lot lately about Seth Godin’s book “Tribes,” and what it takes to lead them.  We’ve looked at the marketing aspects, and starting a movement, and know that the best examples actually do both.

We’ve looked at some great examples, such as the marketing juggernauts of Viper owners, Starbucks devotees, and the fans of Cirque do Soleil and Jimmy Buffet, to name a few.  We also looked at Barak Obama and Ron Paul; evaluating the amazing accomplishments they have done leading people toward a shared vision.

During this process, I spent some time thinking about this tribe of my own I lead.  We’re in the process of redesigning my website and Alicia asked me what a wanted for a headline.  I went through all of the usual suspects and finally came up with, “Community for Critical Thinkers.”

I think the Christmas poem posting was the perfect example of that.  Because the best tribes are not one-person affairs.  They are often started by one person, but then attract others to lead the charge.

The other day I mentioned I’m a member of the Parrot Head tribe, and went for a burger at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville restaurant.  Of course afterward I went next door to the store.  Now I’ve got every song he’s ever recorded, and I certainly don’t need more t-shirts. And I keep telling myself I won’t buy any more physical CDs, and stick with the iTunes instead.  But I still ended up spending $130 before leaving.

I bought the “Meet Me in Margaritaville” double album because my old one had worn out, and his “Boats, Beaches, Bars & Ballads” 4-CD set, so I could download it on the jukebox in the Challenger for the ride back to South Beach.  The four-disc set came with a “Parrot Head Handbook,” another brilliant stroke.  It’s filled with articles about the parrot head phenomenon, notes from Jimmy, stories behind the songs, and a discography.

A Buffet show is as much about the crowd as it is Jimmy.  And I feel that way about this blog, my work, and the tribe (or I should probably say un-tribe) I lead.

I didn’t put any rules or restrictions on the poem submissions, because you wouldn’t have followed them anyway.   When you lead a group of critical thinkers, you don’t get followers.  You get non-conformists who join you in the joy, high, and freedom of actually exercising that muscle we call a brain.  And exercise it you did!

I spent a couple hours yesterday, just reading, re-reading, laughing along with and savoring all the submissions you posted.  For the most part, I saw them as a reflection of me and what I do:  clever, creative, slightly crazed, intriguing, serious, fun, rude, lewd, sophisticated yet crude.  You guys know how to color outside the lines, and still get the picture finished with aplomb, creativity, and beauty.

If you look at the previous versions that I have done, I chastise us for the frailties and problems we have, but try to bring it around to something hopeful at the end.  So I was hoping you guys would do that.  And you certainly did.

Interesting to note what a huge role President-elect Obama played in the submissions. It shows how important a figure he has become around the world.  And also that he does inspire a great deal of hope.  Also interesting were the number of guys that followed the advice of the Christmas song to “keep the yuletide Gay!”

All told, what a great and fun demonstration of creativity and critical thinking.  Initially I thought I might be able to parse together 8 or 10 verses submitted to create one final version.  But with the number of great complete works, that wouldn’t work.  So please just enjoy them as they are.

As far as the prize, I couldn’t nail down one winner.  So ALL of the finalists will get to share in the grand prize I have selected – D!

Some other observations:

Robert Stack, the fame coach, was generous to a fault with his ideas on awarding the prizes.  With my money, the bitch!  Obviously David Feinstein, Mark Worthen, and Carole Boudreau were imbibing a little too much of their holiday eggnog.

Where was the submission from Bones?  Anyone that can write a book about the chic pick-up techniques of Captain James T. Kirk, could write a God damned little poem!  And who gave Bob Burg and Art Jonak permission to take the day off?

The Award for Best of the Best goes to: Gary Vincent, Will Kidd, Catherine McLean, Matt Seaman, Angela M.C. D'Alton, Linda Wallace, Nancy Chapman, and Jim “Mad Dog” Barber, not necessarily in that order.

With honorable mention to: Amber, Rachel Henke, Frank, Susan Sheehan, Randy in NJ, and Rich B.

As far as the many of you lusting after the prize of a night of hot steamy sex with me, Zhannur posted her picture here: And while she’s obviously a sexy hunk of woman and tempted me greatly, alas she did not post a submission.  Among the winners, seeking the award, Will Kidd was cute enough to qualify, but since he’s married to one of my best friends, I think I’ll stay clear of that drama, for fear we might all end up on a Jerry Springer show one day.

Seriously, great job all of you.  It’s great to be in a group of talented and creative free thinkers.   I’m looking forward to working with you all in 2009, for a year of challenge, growth and empowerment!


11 comments on “The Critical Thinking Tribe”

  1. Hi Randy,

    Great blog, I enjoy reading it and have really liked your entries on Seth Godin's Tribe book. I finished that book within a week or two after it came out, purchased another 10 copies and gave them to friends and colleagues who I felt really needed to understand what their role was with their tribe. So in reading your blog posts, I have become curious about what other books you think are important or have had a significant impact on you. I would assume that a set of Ayn Rand’s work would be in the top ten of your list along with “Why You’re Dumb, Sick, and Broke” but what other works would you include?

    Thank you,


  2. Good thing about untribe is that you can freely criticize, be rude or JOKE on the chief.
    so by the way I am guy and a hetero- one 🙂

  3. The challenge that I have with a "critical thinking" only tribe - is that it only accesses one part of the brain... cerebral cortex..

    So it's -still - in a sense - being "had" by something... Yes it's a step along from the reptilian brain - and being caught in fight or flight... Now it's just been caught in "thinking" - albeit critically.

    It's like we've moved from men using one head to another missing bits in between!

    Hmmmm .... what about the pre-frontal cortex - where we find visceral learning, embodiment, spiritual experience and intuition?

    And the ability to use whatever is needed at the time - i.e. the glorious ability to flow fluidly between the 3 - not being "HAD" by any one way of being... but having the ability to utilise whatever is required of you in the moment...


    Luscious loving, and celebrating the senses 🙂

  4. Hey Natalie-
    I am highly empathic, tactile and intuitive. So, I think I get what you are trying to say here. It sounds like, if a "critical thinking" tribe is too limited for you that it may be time to lead a tribe of your own. One that encompasses all the parts you have to offer and want others to experience.

  5. Well, well- I didn't know that I would be missed!

    I caught a cold, and had a THRONG of family here the past few days, so I fell behind in my blog readings- but I must say that a lot of these posts were GREAT! I feel a little late to the party now, but I guess I'll have to add my submission now....

    There arose such a roar
    about all the different factions keeping score.

    The right hated the left, the left hated the right,
    and no one ever bothered to find out what'd happened in the night

    After a sit-down, a drink, and a few smoked joints,
    both sides realized the other made good points

    They both called Santa and made their pleas
    that Christmas come even to those who don't believe

    Santa's sleigh was full and brimmin'
    with copies of Captain Kirk's Guide To Women

    Others bought their copies right on Amazon,
    while some went to the website-

    And Bones Rodriguez Smiling and smug,
    Didn't mind writing a poem that was just a shameless plug.

  6. Hey Randy did you notice the "Trive Q &A" from Seth's blog a few weeks back? Excellent ebook/pdf (in my opinion). Answers a lot of the basics behind the concept and movement of free thinkers.

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  • 11 comments on “The Critical Thinking Tribe”

    1. Hi Randy,

      Great blog, I enjoy reading it and have really liked your entries on Seth Godin's Tribe book. I finished that book within a week or two after it came out, purchased another 10 copies and gave them to friends and colleagues who I felt really needed to understand what their role was with their tribe. So in reading your blog posts, I have become curious about what other books you think are important or have had a significant impact on you. I would assume that a set of Ayn Rand’s work would be in the top ten of your list along with “Why You’re Dumb, Sick, and Broke” but what other works would you include?

      Thank you,


    2. Good thing about untribe is that you can freely criticize, be rude or JOKE on the chief.
      so by the way I am guy and a hetero- one 🙂

    3. The challenge that I have with a "critical thinking" only tribe - is that it only accesses one part of the brain... cerebral cortex..

      So it's -still - in a sense - being "had" by something... Yes it's a step along from the reptilian brain - and being caught in fight or flight... Now it's just been caught in "thinking" - albeit critically.

      It's like we've moved from men using one head to another missing bits in between!

      Hmmmm .... what about the pre-frontal cortex - where we find visceral learning, embodiment, spiritual experience and intuition?

      And the ability to use whatever is needed at the time - i.e. the glorious ability to flow fluidly between the 3 - not being "HAD" by any one way of being... but having the ability to utilise whatever is required of you in the moment...


      Luscious loving, and celebrating the senses 🙂

    4. Hey Natalie-
      I am highly empathic, tactile and intuitive. So, I think I get what you are trying to say here. It sounds like, if a "critical thinking" tribe is too limited for you that it may be time to lead a tribe of your own. One that encompasses all the parts you have to offer and want others to experience.

    5. Well, well- I didn't know that I would be missed!

      I caught a cold, and had a THRONG of family here the past few days, so I fell behind in my blog readings- but I must say that a lot of these posts were GREAT! I feel a little late to the party now, but I guess I'll have to add my submission now....

      There arose such a roar
      about all the different factions keeping score.

      The right hated the left, the left hated the right,
      and no one ever bothered to find out what'd happened in the night

      After a sit-down, a drink, and a few smoked joints,
      both sides realized the other made good points

      They both called Santa and made their pleas
      that Christmas come even to those who don't believe

      Santa's sleigh was full and brimmin'
      with copies of Captain Kirk's Guide To Women

      Others bought their copies right on Amazon,
      while some went to the website-

      And Bones Rodriguez Smiling and smug,
      Didn't mind writing a poem that was just a shameless plug.

    6. Hey Randy did you notice the "Trive Q &A" from Seth's blog a few weeks back? Excellent ebook/pdf (in my opinion). Answers a lot of the basics behind the concept and movement of free thinkers.

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