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The Clues of Victimhood…

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 15, 2018

In yesterday’s post we looked at people who become attached to the role of perpetual victim.  You can easily recognize them by the clues they give you. They simply delight in being oppressed, used, or taken advantage of.  They use being exploited as a substitute for healthy self-esteem.  They wear being victimized almost as a badge of honor.

Because they have low self-esteem, they proudly use their negative circumstances as a way to justify their worthiness.  (I do a deep dive on the mind viruses behind this crazy but common phenomenon in my book, Why You're Dumb, Sick and Broke...And How to Get Smart, Healthy and Rich!)

This perverse behavior is some of the most negative, unhealthy and dysfunctional bullshit people can ever subject themselves to.  Eventually they end up actually manifesting and attracting worse treatment – to justify this perverted vision they have of themselves.

In their mind:

Victimized = Sympathetic

Besieged = Compassionate

Oppressed = Noble

So how do you know if someone – including yourself – is a professional victim, working subconsciously to remain in this role?

I’ll show you in tomorrow’s post. Until then, please share your thoughts below.


8 comments on “The Clues of Victimhood…”

  1. I was stuck in victim-hood for years. A Survivor and Advocate for adults of childhood sexual abuse and adult rape, it takes years for many of us to cross over from victim to survivor to thriver. Many of us suffer / ed with PTSD because of our traumas and that keeps us stuck. One thing that helped me was when a fellow survivor said "Rena when are you going to stop playing the victim and start taking responsibility for your life? You are not responsible for what happened to you as a child or the rape, but you are 100% responsible for your life as an adult" WOW ---- That was the best gift anyone ever gave me, a REAL slap in the Mindset. I was led to believe I had NO choices and carried that belief for years. So it can go a lot deeper for many people. -- In my TEDx talk I give steps to help them cross over, it can help anyone going through any type of adversity. Tips for family and friends too ... -- I love the 60 min segment Oprah did on trauma. Instead of asking what's wrong with her, we start asking what happened to her. Just a different perspective ;-} thanks for letting me share.

    1. I'm going to read about oppression and slavery. We were slaves. We were abused.

      Rulers took power away from people.

      Now, take your power back. Choose your beliefs.

    2. I am also reading about being sorry, suffering and self sacrifice today.

      Let go of old beliefs to live.
      Sacrifice the old beliefs that tell you to sacrifice yourself.


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  • 8 comments on “The Clues of Victimhood…”

    1. I was stuck in victim-hood for years. A Survivor and Advocate for adults of childhood sexual abuse and adult rape, it takes years for many of us to cross over from victim to survivor to thriver. Many of us suffer / ed with PTSD because of our traumas and that keeps us stuck. One thing that helped me was when a fellow survivor said "Rena when are you going to stop playing the victim and start taking responsibility for your life? You are not responsible for what happened to you as a child or the rape, but you are 100% responsible for your life as an adult" WOW ---- That was the best gift anyone ever gave me, a REAL slap in the Mindset. I was led to believe I had NO choices and carried that belief for years. So it can go a lot deeper for many people. -- In my TEDx talk I give steps to help them cross over, it can help anyone going through any type of adversity. Tips for family and friends too ... -- I love the 60 min segment Oprah did on trauma. Instead of asking what's wrong with her, we start asking what happened to her. Just a different perspective ;-} thanks for letting me share.

      1. I'm going to read about oppression and slavery. We were slaves. We were abused.

        Rulers took power away from people.

        Now, take your power back. Choose your beliefs.

      2. I am also reading about being sorry, suffering and self sacrifice today.

        Let go of old beliefs to live.
        Sacrifice the old beliefs that tell you to sacrifice yourself.


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