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The Cause and Effect of Your Thoughts

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 23, 2009

In yesterday’s post we talked about the link between your thoughts and your current reality.  Let’s explore that a little deeper…

Random, fragmented thoughts lead to distraction.  And distraction ultimately leads to failure and poverty.

Fear-based thoughts lead to inaction, procrastination, and avoidance behavior.  In the workplace these symptoms can produce lack of promotions, or getting you fired.  In your personal life they can cause broken relationships and never really giving life a go.

Entitlement thoughts lead to gluttony and laziness.   Condemnatory thoughts lead to fear, accusation, and rash judgments.  These then cause ostracism, isolation, and exclusion.

Of course thoughts on the other side of the equation produce results of the other kind.  We’ll explore that on the next post.  Until then, please check in with your thoughts below.


23 comments on “The Cause and Effect of Your Thoughts”

  1. Today's thoughts: Upon waking up this morning my first thought of the day was 'Today is going to be a wonderful day'. Full of creativity today. I had just received some lace that I had ordered online and am making samples of panties that will later be marketed online later this year to early next year. Today IS a WONDERFUL day indeed! The energy is flowing to me and through me.

    I hope you have a wonderful day as well. Enjoy your time in Moscow =)


  2. RG,

    The thoughts patterns you wrote about are a result of a poor self-image. If you want to go a bit deeper, ALL your thoughts and ALL your actions are always congruent with your self-image.

    If people say they want to be a millionaire and have this and that, but their self-image does not agree, it is like they are trying to be the winner of a 5k marathon race while they are dragging a 50 pound weight on one foot. The development of the self-image is first and foremost in any self-development. It is the core of who we are. We need to work on that before anything. The rest is really icing on the cake. I say that because all the positivity and the rah rah and the "you can do it!" is really just icing. You need to have a good tasting cake in the first place before you put on the icing. If the cake tastes like crap because of a crappy recipe (poor self image) no icing can make the cake taste delicious.

    Here's an excerpt from Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Malt:

    Jesus warned us about the folly of putting a patch of new material upon old garment, or of putting new wine into old bottles. "Positive thinking" cannot be used effectively as a patch or a crutch to the same old self image. In fact it is literally impossible to really think positively about a particular situation as long as you hold a negative concept about self. And numerous experiments have shown that once the concept of self is changed, other things consistent with the new concept of self, are accomplished easily and without strain."


  3. Hey guys! I was gone doing some shows- I'm SURE you missed me!

    I would think that the thoughts of gratitude, contribution, and giving probably lead to the most productive life we can create; thanks for pointing this out!

  4. Having fully realised the direct impact of thougths and their tendency to mould real-life experience (consciusly desired or without any awareness ) of one's life , I keep continuosly '' refreshing'' the content of my conscious mind and fulfill it only with constructive , inspiring and creative thoughts and emotions. It's so great that being only 21 y.o. I finally became ''awake'' . Moreover , the more I see material outcomes of my thougts' activity the more my self-esteem and knowledge of the fact ,that I am the master of my own universe , skyrockets. I enter into every new day with ''hunger'' of expectations and aspirations to experience and reap the results of my thoughts .Such an amazing feeling !

  5. Thank You Randy ...

    I was aware of the power of thought, however seeing it the way you have broken it down really opened my eyes. I never really looked at the various types of thoughts such as: Entitlement and Fear-Based and what behaviors they manifest!

    Very Powerful Stuff!

  6. Randy,

    So many of us work on getting "fit" physically yet what about "emotional fitness?" I love your blog and speaking about our thoughts ties right into this. My intention now is to become an "elite" athlete emotionally. It takes practice and "drilling" if you will just like my tennis game! We get practice all day long to manage our thoughts and decide which ones we entertain and give ANY attention to at all!

    It does come down to taking responsibility doesn't it Randy! I remember the day I learned the concept of taking responsibility versus victim mentality and that I OWN my response to life and people and "stuff".

    Inspire you do....most important though is make us think and take responsibility and be live intentionally! GOD BLESS!

  7. Dear Randy and Everyone,

    I love this topic and agree with the consequences of our thoughts. I would like to add another detail I feel is important.

    The CONTINUITY of focus on a particular thought has a huge impact on the results.

    Basicly, if we are alert enough to catch ourselves in the act of thinking a negative thought, we have the opportunity to break the negative pattern.

    Negative thoughts are nothing more than indicators in our own personal guidance system. Negative thought being the opposite direction of where we want to be, and positive thought being the direction of our desired bliss.

    It's simple to locate:"Does this thought have ANYTHING to do with my DESIRED final destination?" If no, scratch it and move on, if yes, keep it and add to it.

    Dwelling on a thought gets us trapped in a thought spiral that will exponentially increase the negativity we are experiencing to the point we see no possibility of any positive outcomes to the situation we are thinking about.

    The good news is: it works the other way around as well, so all we have to do is "dwell" on positive thoughts; focus only on thoughts that makes us feel good and are RELEVANT to what we want to achieve.

    Thank you, reviewing this subject is doing me great service :o) best wishes,

  8. For quite a while I was wondering why you behaved the way you do. The way you responded to questions, what you said, how you said, the things you said.

    About a month ago the lightbulb went on and in this and the last post I got it clear that your behaviour was a reflection of how you handle that constant stream of thoughts in our head.

    I am modelling you closely now...


  9. I love what you wrote. My question is, how do I get my mind right to have powerful thoughts? Im so tired of beating myself up.

  10. I've just got this book "Feeding your demons" that Ir ead half of yesterday...

    Basically the premis is we face and engage - instead of running away/fighting/ignoring - all the fears, gluttony, addictions, pain that eat up the inner resources and cause us to behave in ways we don't want/like.

    We communicate with them, and ask them what they want, and neeed and how that will help them.

    Then we feed them what they want in our imagination...

    Until they transform... We address the undercurrents rather than them dominating us... We learn to work with them and create them into an Ally rather than a monster within us that kills our energy and drains our presense.

    Thanks RG.

  11. I would like to look deeper inside this question. Besides the thoughts we have some temporary condition, which is formed by our thoughts, but not only that one. There are some other external factors which are influencing our mind. For example, when we walking across the street, we may have one kind of our condition, when we drive our car - another, and when we get into our home - third kind of condition. It's not that condition which caused by thoughts. Because if you will be attentive, you can feel effect in that moment when you step over the threshold of your home. And, for example, when you join the audience of some concert after it's begining or entered cinema, when the movie already started, you may fill just an explosion of the different fillings which is breakthrough your mind. Why this happened? I believe because not only the thoughts exists, but some environment, some substance in your mind where the thoughts are being inside. I called that substance the atmosphere and I believe this thing is very important in our thinking. Because not only the thoughts alone itself influencing our live, but also atmosphere influencing the thoughts! It's mean, that if you will understand how to control the atmosphere, you can establish direction of thinking not by separate thoughts, but with your willpower! So, you can just use your willpower to transform negative atmosphere, which caused by negative thoughts to the positive atmosphere, which means positive thoughts.

    Krono from Kiev, Ukraine.

  12. Steve the choice is up to you. What happened in the past, is just that... the past. You can not undo the past. I was a victim for 31 years, I beat myself up daily for things I could not control as a child that had happened to me, and for choices I had made that I wish I could take back. This cycle of regretful thought, and beating myself up inside was getting me nowhere. I played the victim any time I needed an excuse. You must make a conscious decision to move past your past. Live NOW, the past does not exsist, tomorrow never comes, the time to be alive is NOW. I have never been much into reading, but a very special person in my life gave me a book one day and told me to read it. He made me promise that I would read it, and I did. So I would like to suggest that you read it as well, 'Get Out of Neutral' by J.B. Glossinger. But don't stop there, keep reading books, this will help. It was suggested to me to read books by Seth Godin, Zig Ziglar, T. Harv Eker, and lets not forget where we are at right now, of course Randy Gage.

    If you really want to get your ''mind right'' you have to make the choice. You are here, keep coming to this blog and read it every day, you have accomplished step #1 and that is acknowledging that there is something better to be had. Read all of the other comments, you sir are not alone. The energy is in you, you can learn to grab hold of it and control it. I am going to also suggest watching the movie The Secret. It was also suggested to me to watch The Yes Movie which I have not done yet, but it has the beloved Randy Gage in it so it MUST be good 😉

    You can make that change. You just have to believe.


  13. It's a daily challenge and the only way I can stay on top of my thoughts and keep them positive is to keep listening to and reading the good stuff. It's not enough to do it now and then.. at least certainly not for me!

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  • 23 comments on “The Cause and Effect of Your Thoughts”

    1. Today's thoughts: Upon waking up this morning my first thought of the day was 'Today is going to be a wonderful day'. Full of creativity today. I had just received some lace that I had ordered online and am making samples of panties that will later be marketed online later this year to early next year. Today IS a WONDERFUL day indeed! The energy is flowing to me and through me.

      I hope you have a wonderful day as well. Enjoy your time in Moscow =)


    2. RG,

      The thoughts patterns you wrote about are a result of a poor self-image. If you want to go a bit deeper, ALL your thoughts and ALL your actions are always congruent with your self-image.

      If people say they want to be a millionaire and have this and that, but their self-image does not agree, it is like they are trying to be the winner of a 5k marathon race while they are dragging a 50 pound weight on one foot. The development of the self-image is first and foremost in any self-development. It is the core of who we are. We need to work on that before anything. The rest is really icing on the cake. I say that because all the positivity and the rah rah and the "you can do it!" is really just icing. You need to have a good tasting cake in the first place before you put on the icing. If the cake tastes like crap because of a crappy recipe (poor self image) no icing can make the cake taste delicious.

      Here's an excerpt from Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Malt:

      Jesus warned us about the folly of putting a patch of new material upon old garment, or of putting new wine into old bottles. "Positive thinking" cannot be used effectively as a patch or a crutch to the same old self image. In fact it is literally impossible to really think positively about a particular situation as long as you hold a negative concept about self. And numerous experiments have shown that once the concept of self is changed, other things consistent with the new concept of self, are accomplished easily and without strain."


    3. Hey guys! I was gone doing some shows- I'm SURE you missed me!

      I would think that the thoughts of gratitude, contribution, and giving probably lead to the most productive life we can create; thanks for pointing this out!

    4. Having fully realised the direct impact of thougths and their tendency to mould real-life experience (consciusly desired or without any awareness ) of one's life , I keep continuosly '' refreshing'' the content of my conscious mind and fulfill it only with constructive , inspiring and creative thoughts and emotions. It's so great that being only 21 y.o. I finally became ''awake'' . Moreover , the more I see material outcomes of my thougts' activity the more my self-esteem and knowledge of the fact ,that I am the master of my own universe , skyrockets. I enter into every new day with ''hunger'' of expectations and aspirations to experience and reap the results of my thoughts .Such an amazing feeling !

    5. Thank You Randy ...

      I was aware of the power of thought, however seeing it the way you have broken it down really opened my eyes. I never really looked at the various types of thoughts such as: Entitlement and Fear-Based and what behaviors they manifest!

      Very Powerful Stuff!

    6. Randy,

      So many of us work on getting "fit" physically yet what about "emotional fitness?" I love your blog and speaking about our thoughts ties right into this. My intention now is to become an "elite" athlete emotionally. It takes practice and "drilling" if you will just like my tennis game! We get practice all day long to manage our thoughts and decide which ones we entertain and give ANY attention to at all!

      It does come down to taking responsibility doesn't it Randy! I remember the day I learned the concept of taking responsibility versus victim mentality and that I OWN my response to life and people and "stuff".

      Inspire you do....most important though is make us think and take responsibility and be live intentionally! GOD BLESS!

    7. Dear Randy and Everyone,

      I love this topic and agree with the consequences of our thoughts. I would like to add another detail I feel is important.

      The CONTINUITY of focus on a particular thought has a huge impact on the results.

      Basicly, if we are alert enough to catch ourselves in the act of thinking a negative thought, we have the opportunity to break the negative pattern.

      Negative thoughts are nothing more than indicators in our own personal guidance system. Negative thought being the opposite direction of where we want to be, and positive thought being the direction of our desired bliss.

      It's simple to locate:"Does this thought have ANYTHING to do with my DESIRED final destination?" If no, scratch it and move on, if yes, keep it and add to it.

      Dwelling on a thought gets us trapped in a thought spiral that will exponentially increase the negativity we are experiencing to the point we see no possibility of any positive outcomes to the situation we are thinking about.

      The good news is: it works the other way around as well, so all we have to do is "dwell" on positive thoughts; focus only on thoughts that makes us feel good and are RELEVANT to what we want to achieve.

      Thank you, reviewing this subject is doing me great service :o) best wishes,

    8. For quite a while I was wondering why you behaved the way you do. The way you responded to questions, what you said, how you said, the things you said.

      About a month ago the lightbulb went on and in this and the last post I got it clear that your behaviour was a reflection of how you handle that constant stream of thoughts in our head.

      I am modelling you closely now...


    9. I love what you wrote. My question is, how do I get my mind right to have powerful thoughts? Im so tired of beating myself up.

    10. I've just got this book "Feeding your demons" that Ir ead half of yesterday...

      Basically the premis is we face and engage - instead of running away/fighting/ignoring - all the fears, gluttony, addictions, pain that eat up the inner resources and cause us to behave in ways we don't want/like.

      We communicate with them, and ask them what they want, and neeed and how that will help them.

      Then we feed them what they want in our imagination...

      Until they transform... We address the undercurrents rather than them dominating us... We learn to work with them and create them into an Ally rather than a monster within us that kills our energy and drains our presense.

      Thanks RG.

    11. I would like to look deeper inside this question. Besides the thoughts we have some temporary condition, which is formed by our thoughts, but not only that one. There are some other external factors which are influencing our mind. For example, when we walking across the street, we may have one kind of our condition, when we drive our car - another, and when we get into our home - third kind of condition. It's not that condition which caused by thoughts. Because if you will be attentive, you can feel effect in that moment when you step over the threshold of your home. And, for example, when you join the audience of some concert after it's begining or entered cinema, when the movie already started, you may fill just an explosion of the different fillings which is breakthrough your mind. Why this happened? I believe because not only the thoughts exists, but some environment, some substance in your mind where the thoughts are being inside. I called that substance the atmosphere and I believe this thing is very important in our thinking. Because not only the thoughts alone itself influencing our live, but also atmosphere influencing the thoughts! It's mean, that if you will understand how to control the atmosphere, you can establish direction of thinking not by separate thoughts, but with your willpower! So, you can just use your willpower to transform negative atmosphere, which caused by negative thoughts to the positive atmosphere, which means positive thoughts.

      Krono from Kiev, Ukraine.

    12. Steve the choice is up to you. What happened in the past, is just that... the past. You can not undo the past. I was a victim for 31 years, I beat myself up daily for things I could not control as a child that had happened to me, and for choices I had made that I wish I could take back. This cycle of regretful thought, and beating myself up inside was getting me nowhere. I played the victim any time I needed an excuse. You must make a conscious decision to move past your past. Live NOW, the past does not exsist, tomorrow never comes, the time to be alive is NOW. I have never been much into reading, but a very special person in my life gave me a book one day and told me to read it. He made me promise that I would read it, and I did. So I would like to suggest that you read it as well, 'Get Out of Neutral' by J.B. Glossinger. But don't stop there, keep reading books, this will help. It was suggested to me to read books by Seth Godin, Zig Ziglar, T. Harv Eker, and lets not forget where we are at right now, of course Randy Gage.

      If you really want to get your ''mind right'' you have to make the choice. You are here, keep coming to this blog and read it every day, you have accomplished step #1 and that is acknowledging that there is something better to be had. Read all of the other comments, you sir are not alone. The energy is in you, you can learn to grab hold of it and control it. I am going to also suggest watching the movie The Secret. It was also suggested to me to watch The Yes Movie which I have not done yet, but it has the beloved Randy Gage in it so it MUST be good 😉

      You can make that change. You just have to believe.


    13. It's a daily challenge and the only way I can stay on top of my thoughts and keep them positive is to keep listening to and reading the good stuff. It's not enough to do it now and then.. at least certainly not for me!

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