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The Big Picture...

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 9, 2009

A while back I arrived in Cancun and went to the area where the driver from the hotel was supposed to be.  He wasn’t there.  After ten minutes I found him.  He said the van was still 15 minutes away.   So I hopped into a cab and spent 40 bucks.

After waiting in line to check in, I finally got to the counter where the clerk said that there was a different area for check in for my group.  So I went down there and started waiting in line again. When I finally got my room, it was a smoking double instead of the non-smoking single reserved.  And the place reeked of mold, which I am allergic to.

But that didn’t stop me from waking up at 5 am to work on a new project I was excited about.  Hanging around with the faculty at the event, and networking with the other participants had my creative juices flowing and the million-dollar ideas flying.  While others were bitching about the hotel, I chose to work on stuff that could earn me enough money to build my own hotel.  That’s the big picture.

How about you?

Do you keep your eye on the stuff that’s important, or do you let allow distractions to deflect your focus from your goal?  How you answer that question has a great deal to do with how successful you will be.


P.S.  The responses to the post “Dying to Live” were overwhelming.  And inspiring to see so many of you touched and making commitments to living BIG!

10 comments on “The Big Picture...”

  1. You are so right about remaining focused on the Big Picture.

    When it comes to my opera company that I'm putting together, I really work on seeing the end result instead worrying about the minutia and cranking about things not under my control.
    Tasks will get done, either by myself or by others that I delegate to.

    Opening night is the prize and always on my mind and in my mind's eye!

    Have a great week!
    Lucinda "The Operadiva"

  2. You are starting an opera company. That blows me away and I wish I could help!! (no, I can't sing, act, read music, play an instrument, etc. but I put on 2 full length musicals a year with middle schoolers for a number of years and some amazing shows with high schoolers.) I did go to Indiana University and had an opera major for a suite mate one year and lived next to the old Music Building. I can still hear the music drifting out on a warm afternoon........) IU did outdoor operas in the summer when I was an undergrad. Imagine Faust in the middle of the night sky!

    Continued success and keep your eyes on the prize!

  3. Thank you Randy.
    How easy it is to get side tracked.
    One of my goals for this year actually is to focus on what I want to do and not allow others negative energy to change and redirect mine.
    It starts with taking responsibility(getting that part more and more)
    I'm the only one who can choose to stay negative with the herd as Randy calls them or to find ways to put myself in a positive vibration(by listening to a part of recording by Randy or Bob Proctor, reading Randy's Rants etc.) and continue on my towards my goal.

    May only good things happen to all of you.

  4. Thank you so much for the well wishes. It's been amazing , through Facebook, I have been receiving so many well wishes of encouragement from total strangers from around the world.

    There is a song by Gloria Estefan called "Coming Out of the Dark" she wrote after her bus accdent.

    The lyrics say..." I know the love that saved me, Your sharing with me, Starting again is part of the plan, And I'll be so much stronger holding your hand..."

    Anyway she said that because of so many people wishing her well and praying for her, she really felt that energy come her way thus the essence of those lyrics.

    After reading your comments as well as so many others on my other networking sites, I have to tell you I have been able to focus in on all that positive energy coming my way. It is truly helping me go in the right direction and remain focused on the BIG picture.

    Thank you,

  5. I find myself getting derailed a lot of the time, but i always realise when i do, and get myself back on track. I still have to learn a lot, and every day is a new challenge.

    Craig gave me a stone in Mannheim, i have now exchanged that stone for a minature car of the one i want to drive. It's actually not very comfortable to have in my pocket all day. But an even better reminder

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  • 10 comments on “The Big Picture...”

    1. You are so right about remaining focused on the Big Picture.

      When it comes to my opera company that I'm putting together, I really work on seeing the end result instead worrying about the minutia and cranking about things not under my control.
      Tasks will get done, either by myself or by others that I delegate to.

      Opening night is the prize and always on my mind and in my mind's eye!

      Have a great week!
      Lucinda "The Operadiva"

    2. You are starting an opera company. That blows me away and I wish I could help!! (no, I can't sing, act, read music, play an instrument, etc. but I put on 2 full length musicals a year with middle schoolers for a number of years and some amazing shows with high schoolers.) I did go to Indiana University and had an opera major for a suite mate one year and lived next to the old Music Building. I can still hear the music drifting out on a warm afternoon........) IU did outdoor operas in the summer when I was an undergrad. Imagine Faust in the middle of the night sky!

      Continued success and keep your eyes on the prize!

    3. Thank you Randy.
      How easy it is to get side tracked.
      One of my goals for this year actually is to focus on what I want to do and not allow others negative energy to change and redirect mine.
      It starts with taking responsibility(getting that part more and more)
      I'm the only one who can choose to stay negative with the herd as Randy calls them or to find ways to put myself in a positive vibration(by listening to a part of recording by Randy or Bob Proctor, reading Randy's Rants etc.) and continue on my towards my goal.

      May only good things happen to all of you.

    4. Thank you so much for the well wishes. It's been amazing , through Facebook, I have been receiving so many well wishes of encouragement from total strangers from around the world.

      There is a song by Gloria Estefan called "Coming Out of the Dark" she wrote after her bus accdent.

      The lyrics say..." I know the love that saved me, Your sharing with me, Starting again is part of the plan, And I'll be so much stronger holding your hand..."

      Anyway she said that because of so many people wishing her well and praying for her, she really felt that energy come her way thus the essence of those lyrics.

      After reading your comments as well as so many others on my other networking sites, I have to tell you I have been able to focus in on all that positive energy coming my way. It is truly helping me go in the right direction and remain focused on the BIG picture.

      Thank you,

    5. I find myself getting derailed a lot of the time, but i always realise when i do, and get myself back on track. I still have to learn a lot, and every day is a new challenge.

      Craig gave me a stone in Mannheim, i have now exchanged that stone for a minature car of the one i want to drive. It's actually not very comfortable to have in my pocket all day. But an even better reminder

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