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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Posted By: Randy GageApril 21, 2011

We’re continuing our series all this week (and probably next) on health, and the role it plays in success and prosperity.  Today let’s look at chiropractic care.

This can make a big difference in your wellness.  Some of the obvious benefits of seeing a good chiropractor include pain relief in your joints, back, or head.  Other maybe not so obvious benefits include increased mobility, performance, balance, coordination and energy.

Chiropractic care corrects “subluxations,” which is when your vertebrae place pressure on the nerves.  Since your nervous system controls all functions of your body, including the immune system, chiropractic care can have a positive effect on keeping you healthy and energized.

Even if you’re not sick, your body still may be acquiring subluxations that are interfering with your nervous system and keeping you from optimal health.  Regular chiropractic check-ups can help you to maintain a healthy immune system and stave off illnesses or allergies.   Chiropractic adjustments will restore the balance of your nervous system and restore the flow of energy through your body.

Of course subluxations can be caused by serious trauma like sports injuries and car accidents.  But they also happen from slow, long-term things like poor posture, sitting in a bad chair, driving with a thick wallet in your back pocket, etc.

Like some of the other topics we’re discussing, not all “mainstream” health care providers support chiropractic.  Many MDs still think the only treatment for anything is drugs or cutting out an organ.  That’s a result of the poor training in medical schools on health and some fear-based lack beliefs.    I try to get an adjustment at least weekly, and really notice the fall off when I don’t.  If you’re not incorporating chiropractic care in your wellness routine, integrate it into your health program and you’ll notice an immediate improvement.

If you’re in South Florida, I have two doctors I recommend:

In Broward county, Dr. Steve Feinzig practices in Hollywood.   In addition to his chiropractic work, Steve incorporates cranial release, a fascinating technique which affects portions of the nervous system and its function that are not accessible through only spinal manipulation or soft tissue techniques.  This helps with more lasting corrections.  He’s also a master Yoga teacher, so he has a very holistic approach.  He’s waiting for this Internet fad to blow over, so he doesn’t have a website.  But you can find him on Facebook here.

Dr. Cora Llera practices here in Miami Beach.  She’s another amazing healer and the author of the book, Signature Energy Work. It’s a fascinating book exploring the role of energy in healing.  (And you should order and read no matter where you live.)  Like Steve she incorporates energy into her work, and uses applied kinesiology to get the best results.  Find her on her website:

When I was up in Detroit attending Shawne Duperon's Media Mastery Boot Camp I met and got several adjustments from Dr. Darren Schmidt.  Great guy with a practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  He also uses applied kinesiology, along with nutrition to better help you.  Find him at:

And it's been so long since I was at my Sydney place, I almost forgot about my chiropractor there.  Carol Langley is her name and facilitating healing in your body is her game.  Get her at 430 850 852.

So what about the rest of you?  Do you have a good chiropractor you recommend where you live?  Please share their information below.  Next post we'll look at structural integration with rolfing and soma therapy.


125 comments on “The Benefits of Chiropractic Care”

  1. I recommend three clinics:

    Dr. Pat Jary at Sanctuary Chiropractic and Wellness in Livonia, Michigan ( The center also offers acupuncture, massage, and more.

    Dynamic Life Chiropractic: two centers, one in Birmingham, MI (Dr. Daniel Judge) and one in Farmington Hills, MI (Dr. Christopher Perkins)

    These two doctors specialize in upper cervical care (they only adjust the neck).

  2. Chiropractors are NOT doctors. There have been recorded cases of people suffering mini strokes from manipulations of the neck causing nipping of the vertebral arteries that run up the sides of the vertebrae in the neck to bring blood to the brain. Subluxations and dislocations of the vertebrae CANNOT be diagnosed by just feeling the neck with the finger tips and need scans etc for accurate diagnosis. Heaven help the person with an undiagnosed spread of a cancer to one of the neck vertebrae, who walks in for a manipulation and goes out on a stretcher paralysed due to the diseases vertebrae collapsing and pressing on the spinal cord.Chiropractors are allowed to order xrays etc and learn anatomy during training but that does not make them doctors. Chiropractic per se is not bad and does give relief for pain due to minor problems.

    1. Firstly: Chiropractors are "doctors" of Chiropractic.
      Secondly: Please post where you read that they cause "mini strokes". I've heard heresay but have yet to read documented proof. (Now I've heard of strokes from manipulations performed by MD's, masseuses, karate instructors, PT's and spouses....)
      Thirdly: A good Chiropractor wont just feel and adjust but will perform a thorough exam and can and will take their own x-rays along with supplementary scans.
      You are right a Chiropractic education does not make one a medical doctor, but a medical education does not make one a dentist either.
      A fact you may be interested in is that Chiropractors have one of the lowest malpractice premiums of all the health care professionals. This is because it is one of the safest health care practices. The insurance companies know what is safe, what is dangerous and what is going to cost them the most in probable litigation.
      Thank you.

    2. Well there are people that eat a banana, have an allergic reaction and go into a stroke. If we're keeping score of how many people die or are injured from chiropractors versus MDs, the MDs win that contest hands down!


      1. I think what is interesting here is not the proof of what happens to people who go to a chiropractor, but the immediate negative answer my Murali. Why was that what you chose to post. No judgement just curious. Is this a test?

      2. It seems obvious why that would be. There are most likely many more MDs than Chiropractors. And, Chiropracters don't medicate or treat the range of illnesses out there.

        I am not saying anything for or against chiropractors, just that, that argument is a bit off.

        1. I was refering to Randy's argument that there are more MDs that have caused injuries or death. I was saying obviously that is true because there are more MDs than Chiropracters and Med. Doctors use medication and treat a wider array of ailments.


          1. Sorry, I have been misspelling Chiropractors all over the place. I just don't see the word all that often. 🙂


    3. Murali, I appreciate your comment. I don't know that much about Chiropracters, but it seems like their might be a time for a Chiropracter. However,one should know when what they really need is a medical doctor. For instance, if one is experiencing sudden chest pain and trouble breathing, please go to an MD.


      1. Thanks Annie. I seem to have thrown a spanner in the works and stirred up a hornets nest inadvertently :>). All I am saying is, serious problems should be ruled out before any manipulations are done . If you look at the number of people seen by a traditional doctor and alternative practitioners you will realise that the traditional doctor does not have the time to talk and reassure the patient as should be done ideally. So, unfortunately, it would like the traditional doctor is uncaring and only has $$ signs in their eyes. If You do not have a serious medical problem you could come back from a incense burning, crystal gazing,mantra chanting therapist and feel much better than seeing a traditional doctor, as the former would have the time to make you feel special and looked after. Sadly, traditional medicine, with ever increasing demands on time and developments in investigations is losing out on the personal touch....the art of practicing medicine. I will be taking myself off from this discussion, as 99% seem to be converted devotees and I do not believe in dissing anyones religion :>). I probably might get removed from the mailing list for being a naysayer.

        1. Well Murali, thanks for your input. I enjoy discussions with two sides! 🙂 Thanks.


          PS It is a shame some traditional Doctors don't have as much time.

    4. Actually the expression "subluxation" are subclinical due to that any real subluxation even of minor degrees causes great damage to spinal cords and spinal nervs.
      Chiropractors suggest that a dysfunctional segment, whether displaced significantly or not, should be referred to as a "subluxation" which in fact is misleading.
      What chirpractors more look for is the chain reactions of hypo and hyper mobilities of spinal joints.
      Where there are mechanical imbalancies hypomobil segments will occur and the body will balance it with overflaccid or hypermobil segment aim to keep overall sufficient movement.
      And its in the area of hypermobility that muscle spasm and pinched nerves will cause different form of pain.
      Our main problem is that we are exposed to gravity and our spinal tower are working to balance the heaviest part of our body - the head - capo .
      When i started my practice 1977, most of the patients came just because of to much work in wrong position and these days the most are due to to little work in few positions.

      There are no risk of getting damaged by this treatment if you see a recommended chiropractor/osteopat/naprapath .
      Good luck !

    5. Murali,

      Please provide the scientific references which show the evidence to support your claim.

      The medical literature is full of evidence of harm done by medical practitioners. No so for harm done by chiropractors.

      If Chiropractors had the same rate of harm done, not only would their insurance premiums soar, but (with the powerful political pressure from the medical profession and "Big Pharma") their profession would be wiped out completely.

      Most of Randy's posts relate to personal development at the level of intellectual, spiritual and emotional health - areas which are not so easy to measure, and open to interpretation and opinion.

      When it comes to physical health such as this post, it is much easier to quantify, and there is an enormous amount of scientific research out there to refer to. Consequently, it is inappropriate for any of us to simply make bold statements of opinion, without the supporting references.

      So - when you make a claim such as yours, you had better be prepared to back it up with the scientific references...


      1. Trevor, It is interesting to me you want scientific refrences regarding chiropractic care. Isn't the Scientific Method rejected by Chiropractors?

        Nothing against Chiropractors, just think that is interesting. I'm not sure the scientific proof is out there to condone or condemn Chiropractic care. It is somewhat metaphysical right? Really? I'm wondering.


        PS Do you always know that Randy has done his scientific research? We never really see it either. I mean do we??

        1. Annie,
          If your sense of humour is intact, look up ` That Mitchell and webb look homoeopathic a&e ` on YouTube

        2. Annie,

          It is perfectly reasonable for me to ask Murali to support the claim "There have been recorded cases of people suffering mini strokes from manipulations of the neck causing nipping of the vertebral arteries that run up the sides of the vertebrae in the neck to bring blood to the brain." with scientific evidence.

          Murali refers to "recorded cases" and thus should be able to provide the evidence of same.

          With all of the UN-scientific criticism of chiropractors and other "alternative" health care, surely there must be some real science to prove that they are bad...

          Nonsense on youtube is just that - nonsense...

          If you wish to criticise a science-based form of health care, then use science-based criticism


    6. Thanks Murali for your statement.
      Define the word "Doctor"! I am myself a Doctor, however my subject is "Computational Biology".
      Personally, I don't trust many medical doctors. Plenty of them are obese or smoke. That let me wonder what they have learnt at Uni.
      Medical Doctors are not trained on Nutrition, that's why they can only prescribe you medication with severe side effects, instead of telling you how to eat properly.

  3. Thanks Randy for this great post. I do believe that seeing a great Chiropractor will help ones health. Also including holistic treatments. I am from South Florida but live here in Toledo Ohio, I use a great Guy named Shawn Brohl DC, c.c.s.p
    419-866-6325) A great deal of stress can be caused by muscles being in pain. I hope that people take our advice and go see a Chiropractor.
    Look forward to your next post, until then.

  4. This was a great post! I've been seeing a chiropractor for over 4 years now after a chronic illness. I can happily say that since I have seen the chiropractor on a regular basis I feel amazing. I just made an appointment to go back since it had been a few months. Thanks for all that you do Randy - You Rock!

  5. Mural, don't be ignorant. They are real doctors and you have been lead down the wrong path. Do some research and you will find tons of very positive research. Don't forget, proper medicine is the third leading cause of death in the us. Chiropractic and holistic medicine are not even on the chart!

  6. There are good and not-so-good doctors of chiropractic, just as there are good and not-so-good medical doctors (and every other profession and specialty). Indeed, Randy, the "medically trained" practitioners who don't "get it"- they are poor diagnosticians - where the art of medicine is most important, have wreaked plenty of dangerous havoc.

    What matters most is getting a referral from someone who knows them...and knows of what level of trust a practitioner is worthy.

    There are risks to being alive ... and there are many, many ways to understand and assist when our bodies need help. I like to say that it is amazing that most of us experience reasonable function most of the time, when there are so many things can and do go wrong sometimes, but, they generally go right. I make a point to appreciate this blessing! Being human IS a glorious magical process.

    And, I love chiropractic. I wouldn't be functional at 55 without consistent care ... through two "older" pregnancies, dancing, teaching Nia movement fitness (which is totally healing, but I sometimes overdo's so groovy!), gardening, and life.

    In the MetroWest part of Boston, check out Dennis Coakley, D.C., L.Ac. He has been doing the chiro thing for 27 years, also an acupuncturist, and brings Active Release Technique for soft tissue injuries (sports and every other). He's a triathlete, so he gets that, too. People come from far away to him ... he has "the hands" - healing touch.

    Fundamental nutrition (especially minerals, phytonutrients), also contributes to healing and wellness..

    be well.

  7. LOVELY! I will never again NOT have a Chiropractor...having suffered from severe neck & back pain for close to a decade, through several Physicians, Neurologists, & Pain Management Practitioners in which I was subjected to a ridiculous number of hours in Clinic, Physical Therapy, Strength Training, and medication (none of which corrected my condition OR the side effects), I had almost accepted living in pain.

    After my first 3 visits to the Chiro I was in awe...only 4 weeks later, and I have now been pain free for over 5 months. In addition, my migraines have also taken a hike 🙂

    I live in the Nashville TN area and HIGHLY recommend Dr. Don Lounsbury - 615.883.9000 -


    1. Thanks Cynthia, I live in Nashville as well and was hoping someone would post about a good doc here. I guess ask and receive is working great for me today.

  8. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my chiropractor! Her name is Janine Trottier (Dr. Jan) and she is in Dallas, Texas. Her website is: She uses muscle testing to determine what needs adjustment, and she is always spot on! I trust her completely. In addition to chiropractic care, she does emotional healing that is phenomenal. She works with the subconscious to discover what thoughts and ideas are blocking you in the subconscious and remove them. She also does this work with food, She discovers what food and what feelings you associate with it, then neutralizes the word and food in you subconscious. For example you will not crave pretzels because you associate them with acceptance.It's really awesome! 🙂

  9. Randy,
    Thanks for the defense and promotion of chiropractic.
    The risk of injury from chiropractic manipulation is somewhere in the range of 1 in 2,000,000 to 1 in 4,000,000.
    The "research" everyone likes to refer to but not read it, shows that out of the 27 cases of injury in 90,000,000 adjustments, DO's and MD's account for 25 of them.
    Go to a chiropractor, you will be alright.

  10. I have been hurt by a Chiropractor in the past and wouldn't go to one again. I'm sure there are good and bad as in every walk of life, but my major issue with the modality is that it is a forced adjustment on the system, and when you force anything you will get a reaction back, hence a course of treatment can be long and protracted as you go through a 2 steps forwards one step back routine.

    Although not a common modality in the US, I use a therapy called Bowen Technique which originated in Australia via a guy called Tom Bowen. Lots of info on this very gentle and hugely effective modality can be found at . I am a qualified practitioner now due to the wonderful results I got from a very few (3) treatments. This is a Bowen Therapists biggest challenge financially, as the work sticks you don't need to see people as many times.

    1. My chiropractor says that long treatments are not what chiropractic services are about. If it takes more then 3-4 adjustments to "fix" an issue, she sends you to a specialist, b/c it's beyond what chiropractic care can heal.

  11. I've been seeing the same chiropractor for 13 years - Balanced Living in Ohio. They are a husband and wife team and I've always had success. They do muscle testing so I go when anyone if my family is sick and they've always kicked the sickness out of me in less than a week. I do see an MD when necessary, though.

    My youngest started having ear infections before she was a year old so I took her to the chiro - with the adjustment and homeopathy she was fine within a few days and hasn't had one in 12 years. Could be a coincidence, I realize, but I was happy she didn't need antibiotics.

    They also give me a lot of advice on health and nutrition. I already know a lot so when they give me advice I know they know what they're talking about.

  12. Randy I usually enjoy your column but this week you have come out with some bollocks. First of chiropractic. Chiropractic is based on a nonsense theory. They are quacks in the main.
    Your point about dark urine. This has nothing to do with the food you eat it's to do with hydration. The more water you drink the more colourless your urine. And the more you'll have to pee.
    Fit For Life is a bunch of pseudo-scientific hokum.
    Chinese medicine is quackery.

    Randy as someone who promotes critical thinking i'm amazed you've fallen for this crap. Can I recommend the following book to get you back on track. Bad Science by Ben Goldacre.

    1. I certainly approve people checking things out and having a healthy skepticism. The danger to watch for is moving from skepticism to cynicism. Unfortunately anyone can post pretty much anything they want on the Internet, but that doesn't make it true.

      Ask anyone that have been in acute pain and had an acupuncturist insert a needle to provide instant relief. I can go in with blogged sinuses and with two needles inserted, instantly open up my breathing again.

      As a guy who had a reverse cervical curve cured, and been receiving chiropractic treatments for more than 20 years, I have no doubt in its efficacy.

      You are correct in that the more water you drink, the clearer your urine will be. That's because the more water you drink, the more toxins you flush from your system. Water is one of the ways your body cleanses.

      As a former drug addict, I can tell you when I took crystal meth I had the darkest, bitter-smelling urine imaginable. And as I detoxed, it became clearer and clearer.

      I'm all for research and analysis. At the end of the day, your body gives you all the evidence you need.


    2. Thank you Karl.

      In London, there was hue and cry to stop funding of the Homoeopathic hospital that was being run with money allocated for the NHS ( National Health Service).Someone suggested that if the theory of Homoeopathy was correct, cutting funding and diluting that hospitals revenues will only make it stronger and hence what should be done is to increase funding by at least 1000% to weaken it and put it to rest. As I have adviced Annie, if you want a good laugh, look up...` That Mitchell and Webb look homoeopathic A&E ` on YouTube. I am mystified as to how the practitioners of this art can diagnose diseases without any investigations etc. How can one teat something without knowing what exactly one is treating ?

        1. Thanks Karl. Good video. I will pass it on to my friends and family. Most of these quackery crafts give psychological boosts and zilch else.A simple symptom like tiredness can be caused by many simple conditions and also by quite a few serious pathologies, most of which need scientific investigations for a diagnosis and treatment. Claiming that someones chakra is out of alignment and that drinking sweetened water from the Serengeti that has been diluted a zillion-fold, but still maintains memories of the natural herbs picked up by the hoofs of millions of Wildebeeste that dipped into it will cure tiredness and will make an old codger prance around like an energetic beast is asking for trouble, by missing causes for a low haemoglobin which could be the cause for the tiredness.These Charlatans have no training in any of the various subjects of medicine like anatomy, physiology, pathology etc and have no training in proper history taking and examination of the patients or access to investigations, and so, how they make a diagnosis is beyond me.

  13. If I've been in a serious accident and my body is bleeding, I definitely want to be taking to hospital and be seen by doctors. If I have stiffness, aches and pain and decreased mobility, I want to see a chiropractor.

    I go to see my chiropractor every week and I drive over an hour one way to see him. His treatments were a factor in my recover from illness. I had a significant improvement after 2 weeks (3 x week visits initially) and then after 6 weeks I had completely recovered from a rare disease that doctors have no cure for. After my return from 7 months overseas I went back to see him the day after I got back. To those in Melbourne, I can recommend Warren Sipser in Elwood, Ph 9513 1313. His adjustments are very gentle.

    I do find however, that releasing tension in muscles as well as exercising to strengthen others is a crucial part of the equation. My chiropractor says that I'm easier to adjust after I've had a rolfing massage. I don't always tell him when I've been. For rolfing I can recommend Michael Arnel in Canterbury, Ph 9888 4119. After many years with a stiff, painful shoulder, I was able to throw a ball again after my first rolfing massage.

    I also go to the gym to strengthen muscles. Not only does my body hurt and ache less but I have also developed terrific muscle tone all over. Although a lot of people place emphasis on strengthening core muscles, in my case I place emphasis on strengthening lower back muscles. My adjustments last longer and I don't feel it 'catching' as much.

    It's a huge financial commitment to do all of these things. I certainly would have a lot more money to spend on shoes and clothes if I didn't, but I know that the consequences of not taking care of those things you can't see are serious and significant. Chiropractic care has been a catalyst to me feeling the best I ever have in my life, so I'm sold on the therapy.

    1. Hey Carmen,

      If you spent the money on fashion shoes - they would probably do you more damage and you would have a greater need for the chiro...


  14. Randy,

    Yet another brilliant post.

    Chiropractic care has prevented me from needing the back surgery which was recommended by various medical specialists. Indeed, my spinal degeneration is reversing - as can be seen on the radiographs which the Chiropractor orders.

    The the medical people out there - I am not talking just about complete correction of scholiotic curvature, I am referring to the actual "arthritic" degeneration of individual vertebrae - they are changing back to the shape they were when I was a kid.

    I didn't think that was possible either, as it goes against everything I had been taught as a Dentist. But there you have it - not only can I change the morphology of the TMJs while making them healthy, the Chiropractor can change the shape of the vertebrae, in a positive way, while making the spine healthier...

    The real evidence is there.

    The surgeon can't make things better, they can only cut stuff out, or fuse vertebrae together - reducing the spinal mobility. The MD can't improve the spine with drugs - but they can make you an addict...

    My preferred addiction is health.

    That's why I see my chiropractor.


  15. Great article, Randy! I agree "alternative" therapies should be part of everyone's health care toolbox!

    I lived the good chiropractor/bad chiropractor experience first hand, and lived to tell about it!

    Several years ago I tweaked my neck working out and after several days I could not move, sleep, sit or stand - seriously. I really have no words for the pain I was experiencing. Visited chiropractor #1 who not only didn't help me, but made it worse. I left there in tears. The next day friend took me to her chiropractor, who saw me *at his home* *on a Saturday* and that night I slept for the first time in a week. He saw me again the next day *at his home* *on a Sunday* -- poof! good as new. Since then his treatments have single-handedly enabled me to work out hard without injury, and overall I am generally healthier.

    If you're on the fence about seeing a chiropractor, ask around and get a recommendation. Your body will thrive in the care of a good chiropractor.

    PS - my chiropractor hero is Rick Dunlap (Philadelphia).

  16. Born with Scoliosis, I know about excruciating pain.

    Chiropractors were definitely a tremendous help! I am so grateful that I was rescued from a spinal surgery. Also, I refused to take any medications and treatments were a better option.

    In addition to adjustments they stressed exercising, adding good nutrition and taking supplements to feel better.

    I no longer find the need to see one, but I am open for an occasional tweak here and there. It feels TERRIFIC!!!

    I recommend: A+
    Dr. Constantine Calakos
    454 West 58th Street Suite 1C
    NY, NY 10019
    212 757-9080/
    MWF 9:00AM-6:00PM Thurs. 7AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-2PM

    ~Hope this helps!

  17. Okay, I don't know about seeing a Chiropractor. Honestly, I am to frightened, it sounds terrifying to me.

    However, I do know people that say it has benefited them. So, I don't see anything wrong with it, or other alternative medicines as long as one knows that sometimes medication is required. We are lucky to live in modern times with good medication. We are also lucky to have such wonderful advances in the medical field, and talented medical prationers to help us.

    Perhaps with Universal Healthcare, we can all get the traditional and alternative medical care we need. 🙂

    Which leads me to....Randy, I am a little annoyed with you and your comment you made about Doctor's working for free and my support of slavery. I keep hoping you explain yourself and you haven't. Do you mind telling me why or what you meant by that? I would like to know. Thank you.

    I was surprised, you responded that way, it seemed kinda harsh. Besides, I thought you knew I was a Universal Health Care advocate.


    1. I did know you were a universal healthy care advocate. But I've traveled to enough Socialist and Communist countries to know that's not the answer. Have you been to Atlas Shrugged yet?

      1. Randy, I will not get to see that at the movies, I'm pretty sure. I will read the book this summer, I am planning on it, or one of hers anyways. That way I can be more informed with my criticisms. 🙂 As for the movies, I will probably be seeing "RIO" and "HOP"(with a six year old we are fairly limited). If I get a chance to go see it, I will, otherwise I will watch it on DVD. I am anxious to see it.

        As for health care, I have traveled through some of those countries as well. I think you are right, that communism did not work out well at all. The Doctors did get paid though.

        Yesterday on CNN they were reporting on the 10 happiest countries(USA was 12th). All the top ten happiest countries had universal health care. It can work and we don't have to be communist or socialist to do it. We will still have captialism rest assured, even with universal health care. Look how well the libraries work out and they are a universal welfare program. 🙂

        Thanks for the reply. I am trying to fight fair now Randy, I hope you see an improvement. Let's be gentle with each other okay?


      2. PS I have only been to one "former" communist country, I have never been to one still practicing. So yes, you have more first hand experience. But, I should ask you what about the countries where they have universal health care and they are not Communist or only Socialist? Doesn't Austraila have universal health care? You live there too right? What is that like?


        1. We have to always check the premise and look for the logic. I bet the ten happiest countries in that survey all served apple pie too, but that doesn't mean apple pie is the cause of it.

          When it comes to prosperity, the only free cheese is in the mousetrap.


          1. Okay, maybe it was the apple pie. 🙂 However, we can conclude that universal healthcare didn't make them unhappy!


  18. Great plug for chiropractic. I've been getting adjusted weekly for 16 years. I don't want to imagine the kind of person I would have been without it. I've been a practicing chiropractor for 11 years now, and there's nothing better than opening people's views up to a superior view of life on earth!

  19. Fortunately my back is healthy or at least I think it is. Weightlifting is part of my exercise routine and it builds stronger bones, tendons, and muscle. One of its great benefits is a strong back. I agree we should not only rely on mainstream medicine because it is far too narrow a focus and may be lacking in real healing ability and maintaining wellness. I have a question for the readers out there. I heard somewhere that Vitamin D is actually a wonder drug in maintaining wellness and we can't get a strong enough dose in the pills that are available. Is this true or just an unfounded rumour?

    1. Edward, I don't know for sure. But, I think I read a while ago the best way to get vitamin D was from the sun. The article was talking about vitamin D enriched foods though, like milk. The article was saying you can't get enough vitamin D in those enriched food products.

      Vitamin D is crucial to wellness. I think, I don't know if I am remembering this correctly, but I think lack of vitamin D can hurt your immune system or lead to autoimmune disease. I'm not sure though Edward, I read that article a while ago. Anyway, hope someone with more knoweledge answers too!


      1. Annie,

        You read correctly about Vitamin D - it is best to produce it naturally by exposure to the sun.

        In these times of fear of skin cancer, we are encouraged to cover ourselves with lotion to block out the sun. The end result is that the population is suffering dramatically increasing Vitamin D deficiency, and, interestingly, increasing skin cancer...

        You are also right about Vitamin D and the immune system - it is essential to a wide range of functions, including immune function.

        Furthermore, Vitamin D has been shown in many published research studies to have the highest correlation of any factor at all, in protecting against various cancers including breast cancer and skin cancer. The regular use of high SPF lotions has been shown to have a high correlation with the incidence of skin cancer...

        YES Edward - Vitamin D is a bit of a wonder drug, simply because it is essential to so many functions, and the ever-increasing Vitamin D deficiency in the western world is costing us a fortune in medical care. Of course, the drug companies love it because they can develop all sorts of drugs to "treat" the symptoms, and make an even greater fortune for themselves,, and they won't tell anyone that all they have to do is spend a little time in the sun... (without sunscreen)

        Instead, they make sunscreen which not only deprives us of Vitamin D, but the sunscreens contain carcinogenic chemicals themselves, which we absorb through the skin, thus doubly increasing the chance of cancer - which the drug companies then provide more drugs to "treat"...

        Classic vicious cycle - and it really is vicious. Our lives are at stake, but at least Big Pharma is making billions...

        Too many references for me to list here, but try -

        Mike Adams and his various featured writers all do their research and reference everything they write. Mike goes a bit too far for my personal liking, but I can't fault the research.

        You can search his site for various topic, but for your particular question, Edward, look at the articles listed here -

        I hope this helps


  20. I absolutely feel great since seeing my Chiropractor! It's amazing how it's not only the spine that gets fixed. Every part of my feels the best ever!

  21. Brilliant insights again, Randy - Thanks.

    We've discovered an ANGEL disguised as an exceptionally skilled, kind, experienced and insightful Chiropractor - in north Los Angeles area of Woodland Hills, California:

    Dr. Bonnie Rotheiser
    22554 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA

    ~ Art

  22. Once every 6 weeks unless there's a problem, then I see my chiropractor more often. (once a week for 2 or 3 weeks).

  23. I highly recommend Dr. Roger Bohn, Bonita Springs, Florida. Even though I now live on the East coast of Florida, I drive across the state for my adjustments. Maybe some people think I am crazy, that that's OK, he has been treating me for almost 20 years and has helped me so much.

  24. I totally agree with you Randy. I feel that I have a new start after seeing my chiropractor. His treat and release approach is the best. He fixed my neck, upper and middle back issues, then showed me excercises to help maintain good posture, alignment and ultimately good health. I am a 47 year old who once felt about 80. Now I feel like I am in my 20's again! If I ever have issues, I go back for a little adjustment and I'm good as new! If you live in the Hartford/Farmington Valley area of Connecticut, I highly recommend Dr. Jason Frankel @ Musculoskeletal Therapy & Rehabilitation in Avon, CT 860-675-9500

  25. Hi Randy,

    I haven't been to the chiro in 15 years. Time to go back and realign.

    When I went, I felt good. They deal in healing energies, and we are energy. Makes sense, right?

    Thanks for sharing the reminder.


  26. Randy -

    I appreciate you sharing your wisdom and experience with us all - lifting us to a higher level of excellence in everything.

    I have experienced the benefits of a chiropractor and say that I firmly support the benefits. Although, I have to admit I had a negative meme buried deep in my mind from childhood about chiropractors. Growing up in the 80's I heard nothing but bad stories about chiropractors...they were called "quacks" and the practice was "junk science"...people who knew people who had terrible experiences. Kinda of like an urban legend...hmmm...

    However when I looked bad the only person I knew who was forever disabled was my aunt who had back surgery from a Dr. - who has since had his license revoked in several states. No one I KNEW had been disabled from a chiropractor but someone who I knew and loved had been by a Dr. who was supposed to be the best educated and trusting...again, a meme in my mind that was buried deep.

    My experience with Chiropractors came while I was training for my 1st Half Marathon in 2007. After having fluid in my knee and from the urging of a co-worker (who was also training with me) I visited a Chiropractor for the 1st time. Before he even touched me he took a thorough history of me by sitting down with me for over an hour and talking to me about any ailments, diseases or diagnosis I have had in the past plus any of my family. Seeing him twice a week for over a year was the most energizing and healthy time of my life. Again, I saw a Chiropractor in 2009 who did the same...over an hour discussing my wellbeing, what I hoped to achieve through working with him and what problems or issues I am experiencing based on my health.

    Again, Randy I appreciate your willingness to have us evolve and test our conscious and sub-concious thoughts and ideas that are bringing us wellbeing or keeping us mired down in lack and mediocrity.


  27. I love & completely believe in chiropractic medicine. Although I have been a nurse for my entire life, I loathe traditional medicine. Pain is an indicator of something not being right in your body. When medications are prescribed to "relieve" the pain, they never deal with the root cause or source therefore the process of breaking down your body continues. Times when I have pulled my back or slept wrong & my neck is out of line, the first thing I reach for is all natural, Valerian & the phone to call my chiropractor.

    Many people today are disabled merely because of (a) poor diet & nutrition (b) lack of adequate exercise (c) masking the symptoms by covering them with drugs. I won't get into a discussion of disease processes, but 9/10 times our bodies do wonders when we implement simple, slight-edge adjustments in any of those areas. Chiropractic health is one of those measures I highly recommend.

    I used to love (not really) hearing someone say, "Well, when you get started going to a Chiropractor, you have to keep going."
    To which I would ask in a blonde way, " often do you see your medical doctor & have this list of medications filled? Monthly?"

    Thanks for sharing Randy! I have enjoyed your series on health & prosperity. They are hand in hand!

  28. Randy

    so interesting that you should bring this up, particularly as my brother who turned me on to you and is a huge fan, is not a big proponent of this arena of "support."

    I have someone to absolutely recommend and I constantly share this with others when I learn of someone suffering, and/or in a position of making a decision about back surgery. Dr. David Rowe of Rowe Chiropractic (his dad was an early educator in this methodology)in New York City,212-486-8888, has been assisting me in this area for some time, particularly as a result of trauma from being hit by a car. However as you say, and he will agree there is so much more that ignites subluxation starting from when a baby is taken from the womb.
    He is an expert in what is called the GONSTEAD METHOD, not your tradtional "chiropractic," approach. For I did see him after experiencing what many have the first time they went to a "chiropractor." He like you sees the healing process as a 360 approach VERY MUCH inclusive of how we THINK, MOVE and EAT. I do know that he is connected to a network around the country and around the world of those who specialize in this method, as he also lectures around the world. So whether you are in NYC where he is, or elsewhere, he can tune people into help...His dedication to his work is unlike few I have seen in any medical related arena.
    And he works with all from babies to elderly whose issues arise from an array of situations.
    If you are in NY, and you think chiro's are all "quacks," I highly suggest you consider at least speaking with him, which he is very open to doing. Additionally, his entire office, is unique in its approach to people.

    It was inspiring hearing your belief in such care with the great insights you bring to developing mind and perception shifts.

  29. I know very little about this treatment. It seems to be a very controversial subject with regards to benefits vs liability. I recall many years ago, when I attended Anthony Robbins Mastery University that one of the coach's, Pete Egosque, not sure if I spelled that right, who was at the time a well known for his work with top athletes injuries, said that many people don't have back problems, they have hip alignment problems. I know he had a book or two out at that time that showed the exercises to do to align our hips.

  30. Randy, thank you for this information, it's very helpful. From what you're saying here, it sounds like chiropractic could probably help my migraines, is that correct? I would like to find a natural approach and I was beginning to think that I would have to resort to acupuncture, but I'm really afraid of needles. If anyone knows of a good chiropractor in The New England area (RI or MA) please reply here.

    1. Dr Leroy White, DC, Framingham, MA Uses KST and other chiropractic methods to help you body be well. 508-875-6545

  31. After an car accident the doctor´s did not understand to get my health fully back to what i was looking for. After seeing an amercian chiropractic doctor here in Munich i´m back. I see them once i have a feeling, or every 6 weeks. I love to get to know them. It really helps.

  32. Hey guys,

    I'm actually just back from an appointment with Cora. I was discussing how shocked I was to see this debate and controversy on chiropractic care. It feels like a time warp back to 1976 or something. It goes without saying (but won't), there are risks with ANY and ALL health care practices. But after 100 years plus of practice, chiropractic care has proven to be very safe. Frankly this debate would be expected on an AMA blog, but it's surprising to see here.

    But as Cora pointed out, chiropractic as a profession has only been around about 100 years. And you see some people still dispute acupuncture and Chinese medicine, which was proven at least 5,000 or 6,000 years ago!


  33. I go to The Center for Vital Living. Dr Bob Mulcahy is a fabulous Chiropractor. They also have a Yoga studio there. If you are ever in Falmouth, Massachusetts check him out!

  34. I would highly recommend these guys in the Manchester Area UK
    Greater Manchester Chiropractic Wellness Clinics
    8-10 Derby Way, Marple, STOCKPORT SK6 7AH - 0044161 449 5006 and
    466 Didsbury Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport SK4 3BS - 0044161 432 6708
    Chiropractic adjustments have massively helped me. Give it a go

  35. I am a Chiropractor and have been in private practice for seven years and I absolutely love what I do! My youngest patient was 2 hours old and my oldest patient was 95. Chiropractic is scientific, validated and here to stay!

  36. I enjoy you because of your own efforts on this web page. Gloria really likes managing research and it is obvious why. My partner and i learn all concerning the lively mode you offer insightful things by means of your web blog and as well as inspire response from website visitors on the subject while our own daughter has always been studying so much. Enjoy the rest of the year. You have been performing a glorious job.

  37. Goodness, i could use some help with my back. My dad says I got his bad back, I don't know if that is even possible. I really want to try out a <a href="">chiropractic clinic Wasilla</a>. Anything that might help my stubborn back problems would be amazing!

  38. Goodness, i could use some help with my back. My dad says I got his bad back, I don't know if that is even possible. I really want to try out a <a href="">chiropractic clinic Wasilla</a>. Anything that might help my stubborn back problems would be amazing!

  39. You write a better article as compare to other articles . I like the way you describe all the aspects relevant this field.
    Also I would be glad if you check out my website: .

  40. I agree and think that chiropractic adjustments can really help with the nervous system like the article said. I do a lot of power-lifting and most of it is the nervous system trying the use all the muscles possible. I have noticed that when I went in to the chiropractor, I recovered a lot faster. So I think there is something to be said about chiropractics and the nervous system and how they work with each other. <a href='' ></a&gt;

  41. I only ever associated chiropractors with joints and muscle pain. I didn't realize that chiropractic care could prevent you from getting sick! What you said makes a lot of sense. The spine is crucial in so many of our bodily functions, including our nervous and immune systems. I can see why chiropractors are so important as a result. Thank goodness there are so many good ones out there!

  42. Thanks for the information about the benefits of chiropractic care!  I have been having a lot of back pain lately as you mentioned.  I think it might be the result of an old sports injury.  I found it interesting that nerve pain can be caused by improper alignment.  Hopefully a chiropractor visit can help me deal with this pain!

  43. Going to the chiropractor can really help you get your back on track again. It is amazing how well they are able to help you with your alignment. I would suggest going to see a chiropractor as soon as you start noticing back pain. The sooner you go in for help the sooner you will feel back to normal again.

  44. I've been to a chiropractor a few times to try and cure my chronic migraines. It is amazing how many things a chiropractor has the ability to fix. I've been reading that a chiropractor can also help reduce things like colds, and heartburn. I don't know how true that is, but if it is, that is amazing. <a href='' ></a&gt;

  45. I've never seen a chiropractor before, but I'd like to get in the habit. Back pain runs in my family, and it's already hitting me. I think part of the problem is the way I sleep, but I don't know enough to change things. I'd really like to talk to someone who could give me professional advice and suggestions. |

  46. I thought it was interesting to learn in the fourth paragraph that it's the subluxations that are interfering with your nervous system most commonly. What exactly is a subluxation that can adversely affect your nervous system though? It seems like the tension can build up in your muscles through stress. Is this why people get knots in their back? Sometimes those stress-knots can be debilitating when you have to get up for the day. How can you subdue them other than confiding with the best method of going to a chiropractor?

  47. Randy, this is some really great information. I have always been a little scared of needles so going to a chiropractor was something I thought I would never even think about doing. However I had no idea that it could help relieve so much pain. It seems like I will have to give not going to the chiropractor a second thought, it looks like it is super helpful.

  48. I have always believed that chiropractic care is good for bones and muscles, but I had no idea it could help the immune system as well. I saw a chiropractor years ago, and have been wanting to find a new one to go to. After reading this, I am even more determined, and I also want to get some of my family members in on it.

  49. Chiropractors provide a very important service. My wife is pregnant and I find that she's experiencing a lot of extra stress on her back. I wish that I was good enough at back massages to help her feel better, but I think that a professional chiropractor would be best.

  50. I have had a bad back ever since I was little. A few days ago, I was chatting with a friend of mine, and she told me that a chiropractor would really help. This made me decide to do a little research for myself. I didn't know that chiropractors releved pressure points, that sounds really relaxing.

  51. I didn't know that a chiropractor could help to reduce pain in your joints, back and head.  My mother in law gets frequent migraines and has tried a lot of different medications to treat them.  I wonder if a chiropractor would be able to help her relieve her pain.   It seems like she should do a little research to see if this option could help her.  <a href='' ></a&gt;

  52. Thanks for the recommendations. I've never seen a chiropractor before, but my daughter's dance instructor told me to look for one for her. She's only been dancing for a few months, but she's having trouble with some of the positions. Hopefully a chiropractor will be able to offer some explanation.

  53. Randy, I had no idea that chiropractors could do so much to improve your quality of life. I didn't know that chiropractors could fix pressure that is affecting your nerves. That is something that is going to cause you a lot of pain if you don't get it fixed right way. It seems there are a lot of things that people don't know about chiropractor.

  54. Randy, I have never heard of subluxations before. I didn't know that chiropractic care can actually help to correct it and release pressure on the nerves. That could definitely be very beneficial. I'll have to look more into chiropractic care to see if I should try it.

  55. The part stuck out to me when you mentioned that sometimes injuries can occur over a longer period of time due to habits that we have with our posture and other things.   It would make sense that over time, our bodies might work themselves around and that they might need a tune-up now and again.   That being said, I think everyone is different, so the needs are probably going to be different as well.

  56. Thanks Randy for
    sharing this great post. I would recommend Dr. Jason B. Kaster. He is
    a trusted & Naples areas. He treats auto accident injuries,
    back pain, headaches, etc., with nutrition and gentle chiropractic
    care. Their licensed massage therapists are the finest in the
    industry, and they’ll customize massage techniques specifically to
    your needs for greater healing, pain relief and relaxation.

  57. Randy, this was a great article about the benefits of chiropractic care. I had no idea that going to the chiropractor could improve things like balance and energy. Having no pain and more energy sounds good to me! I may have to give this a try!
    Emily Smith |

  58. Ever since I was a little girl, I have dealt with back pain. Over the years, I have tried many different things, but never a chiropractor. It sounds like it could really help release some of the tension, and get the blood in my body flowing again. If some of the tension around my spine was gone, I would feel so much better. It sounds like I should get in and see a chiropractor!

  59. I had no idea that chiropractor care is so beneficial. I just heard recently that it can even help prevent cold. I am meeting a chiropractor next week, and I am very excited to see the changes in my body and health!

  60. I would go to a chiropractor any day to get rid of my joint and back pain. As you have said that is what they are able to do. My message therapist isn't really working anymore, so I am going to try a new type of health professional.

  61. Chiropractic care is very important for anyone who has
    hectic lifestyle. For any hardworking person, it is important to get adequate
    healthcare by seeing a few
    regularly. Otherwise you will face serious health issues later on.

  62. That's good to know that chiropractic care can have a positive thing in your health. It's something that I find quite fascinating to know about. Maybe it could be something for me to try out with my wife, since we do have problems with back pain.

  63. I've always heard that chiropractic care can be very beneficial, but I never knew the specifics. Reading about how it plays into helping the nerve system, I can better understand how it can help you feel energized. I think that I'd like to start this with my family on getting regular visits now! Thanks for the help!

  64. I enjoy you because of your own efforts on this web page. Gloria really
    likes managing research and it is obvious why. My partner and i learn
    all concerning the lively mode you offer insightful things by means of
    your web blog and as well as inspire response from website visitors on
    the subject while our own daughter has always been studying so much.
    Enjoy the rest of the year. You have been performing a glorious job.

  65. This is really appreciated that you have presented this data over here, I love all the information shared. It will be very helpful to understand about the benefits of chiropractic care . Great post to share, thanks for publishing this here!!I found this Having loads of data, if possible do have a look.

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  • 125 comments on “The Benefits of Chiropractic Care”

    1. I recommend three clinics:

      Dr. Pat Jary at Sanctuary Chiropractic and Wellness in Livonia, Michigan ( The center also offers acupuncture, massage, and more.

      Dynamic Life Chiropractic: two centers, one in Birmingham, MI (Dr. Daniel Judge) and one in Farmington Hills, MI (Dr. Christopher Perkins)

      These two doctors specialize in upper cervical care (they only adjust the neck).

    2. Chiropractors are NOT doctors. There have been recorded cases of people suffering mini strokes from manipulations of the neck causing nipping of the vertebral arteries that run up the sides of the vertebrae in the neck to bring blood to the brain. Subluxations and dislocations of the vertebrae CANNOT be diagnosed by just feeling the neck with the finger tips and need scans etc for accurate diagnosis. Heaven help the person with an undiagnosed spread of a cancer to one of the neck vertebrae, who walks in for a manipulation and goes out on a stretcher paralysed due to the diseases vertebrae collapsing and pressing on the spinal cord.Chiropractors are allowed to order xrays etc and learn anatomy during training but that does not make them doctors. Chiropractic per se is not bad and does give relief for pain due to minor problems.

      1. Firstly: Chiropractors are "doctors" of Chiropractic.
        Secondly: Please post where you read that they cause "mini strokes". I've heard heresay but have yet to read documented proof. (Now I've heard of strokes from manipulations performed by MD's, masseuses, karate instructors, PT's and spouses....)
        Thirdly: A good Chiropractor wont just feel and adjust but will perform a thorough exam and can and will take their own x-rays along with supplementary scans.
        You are right a Chiropractic education does not make one a medical doctor, but a medical education does not make one a dentist either.
        A fact you may be interested in is that Chiropractors have one of the lowest malpractice premiums of all the health care professionals. This is because it is one of the safest health care practices. The insurance companies know what is safe, what is dangerous and what is going to cost them the most in probable litigation.
        Thank you.

      2. Well there are people that eat a banana, have an allergic reaction and go into a stroke. If we're keeping score of how many people die or are injured from chiropractors versus MDs, the MDs win that contest hands down!


        1. I think what is interesting here is not the proof of what happens to people who go to a chiropractor, but the immediate negative answer my Murali. Why was that what you chose to post. No judgement just curious. Is this a test?

        2. It seems obvious why that would be. There are most likely many more MDs than Chiropractors. And, Chiropracters don't medicate or treat the range of illnesses out there.

          I am not saying anything for or against chiropractors, just that, that argument is a bit off.

          1. I was refering to Randy's argument that there are more MDs that have caused injuries or death. I was saying obviously that is true because there are more MDs than Chiropracters and Med. Doctors use medication and treat a wider array of ailments.


            1. Sorry, I have been misspelling Chiropractors all over the place. I just don't see the word all that often. 🙂


      3. Murali, I appreciate your comment. I don't know that much about Chiropracters, but it seems like their might be a time for a Chiropracter. However,one should know when what they really need is a medical doctor. For instance, if one is experiencing sudden chest pain and trouble breathing, please go to an MD.


        1. Thanks Annie. I seem to have thrown a spanner in the works and stirred up a hornets nest inadvertently :>). All I am saying is, serious problems should be ruled out before any manipulations are done . If you look at the number of people seen by a traditional doctor and alternative practitioners you will realise that the traditional doctor does not have the time to talk and reassure the patient as should be done ideally. So, unfortunately, it would like the traditional doctor is uncaring and only has $$ signs in their eyes. If You do not have a serious medical problem you could come back from a incense burning, crystal gazing,mantra chanting therapist and feel much better than seeing a traditional doctor, as the former would have the time to make you feel special and looked after. Sadly, traditional medicine, with ever increasing demands on time and developments in investigations is losing out on the personal touch....the art of practicing medicine. I will be taking myself off from this discussion, as 99% seem to be converted devotees and I do not believe in dissing anyones religion :>). I probably might get removed from the mailing list for being a naysayer.

          1. Well Murali, thanks for your input. I enjoy discussions with two sides! 🙂 Thanks.


            PS It is a shame some traditional Doctors don't have as much time.

      4. Actually the expression "subluxation" are subclinical due to that any real subluxation even of minor degrees causes great damage to spinal cords and spinal nervs.
        Chiropractors suggest that a dysfunctional segment, whether displaced significantly or not, should be referred to as a "subluxation" which in fact is misleading.
        What chirpractors more look for is the chain reactions of hypo and hyper mobilities of spinal joints.
        Where there are mechanical imbalancies hypomobil segments will occur and the body will balance it with overflaccid or hypermobil segment aim to keep overall sufficient movement.
        And its in the area of hypermobility that muscle spasm and pinched nerves will cause different form of pain.
        Our main problem is that we are exposed to gravity and our spinal tower are working to balance the heaviest part of our body - the head - capo .
        When i started my practice 1977, most of the patients came just because of to much work in wrong position and these days the most are due to to little work in few positions.

        There are no risk of getting damaged by this treatment if you see a recommended chiropractor/osteopat/naprapath .
        Good luck !

      5. Murali,

        Please provide the scientific references which show the evidence to support your claim.

        The medical literature is full of evidence of harm done by medical practitioners. No so for harm done by chiropractors.

        If Chiropractors had the same rate of harm done, not only would their insurance premiums soar, but (with the powerful political pressure from the medical profession and "Big Pharma") their profession would be wiped out completely.

        Most of Randy's posts relate to personal development at the level of intellectual, spiritual and emotional health - areas which are not so easy to measure, and open to interpretation and opinion.

        When it comes to physical health such as this post, it is much easier to quantify, and there is an enormous amount of scientific research out there to refer to. Consequently, it is inappropriate for any of us to simply make bold statements of opinion, without the supporting references.

        So - when you make a claim such as yours, you had better be prepared to back it up with the scientific references...


        1. Trevor, It is interesting to me you want scientific refrences regarding chiropractic care. Isn't the Scientific Method rejected by Chiropractors?

          Nothing against Chiropractors, just think that is interesting. I'm not sure the scientific proof is out there to condone or condemn Chiropractic care. It is somewhat metaphysical right? Really? I'm wondering.


          PS Do you always know that Randy has done his scientific research? We never really see it either. I mean do we??

          1. Annie,
            If your sense of humour is intact, look up ` That Mitchell and webb look homoeopathic a&e ` on YouTube

          2. Annie,

            It is perfectly reasonable for me to ask Murali to support the claim "There have been recorded cases of people suffering mini strokes from manipulations of the neck causing nipping of the vertebral arteries that run up the sides of the vertebrae in the neck to bring blood to the brain." with scientific evidence.

            Murali refers to "recorded cases" and thus should be able to provide the evidence of same.

            With all of the UN-scientific criticism of chiropractors and other "alternative" health care, surely there must be some real science to prove that they are bad...

            Nonsense on youtube is just that - nonsense...

            If you wish to criticise a science-based form of health care, then use science-based criticism


      6. Thanks Murali for your statement.
        Define the word "Doctor"! I am myself a Doctor, however my subject is "Computational Biology".
        Personally, I don't trust many medical doctors. Plenty of them are obese or smoke. That let me wonder what they have learnt at Uni.
        Medical Doctors are not trained on Nutrition, that's why they can only prescribe you medication with severe side effects, instead of telling you how to eat properly.

    3. Thanks Randy for this great post. I do believe that seeing a great Chiropractor will help ones health. Also including holistic treatments. I am from South Florida but live here in Toledo Ohio, I use a great Guy named Shawn Brohl DC, c.c.s.p
      419-866-6325) A great deal of stress can be caused by muscles being in pain. I hope that people take our advice and go see a Chiropractor.
      Look forward to your next post, until then.

    4. This was a great post! I've been seeing a chiropractor for over 4 years now after a chronic illness. I can happily say that since I have seen the chiropractor on a regular basis I feel amazing. I just made an appointment to go back since it had been a few months. Thanks for all that you do Randy - You Rock!

    5. Mural, don't be ignorant. They are real doctors and you have been lead down the wrong path. Do some research and you will find tons of very positive research. Don't forget, proper medicine is the third leading cause of death in the us. Chiropractic and holistic medicine are not even on the chart!

    6. There are good and not-so-good doctors of chiropractic, just as there are good and not-so-good medical doctors (and every other profession and specialty). Indeed, Randy, the "medically trained" practitioners who don't "get it"- they are poor diagnosticians - where the art of medicine is most important, have wreaked plenty of dangerous havoc.

      What matters most is getting a referral from someone who knows them...and knows of what level of trust a practitioner is worthy.

      There are risks to being alive ... and there are many, many ways to understand and assist when our bodies need help. I like to say that it is amazing that most of us experience reasonable function most of the time, when there are so many things can and do go wrong sometimes, but, they generally go right. I make a point to appreciate this blessing! Being human IS a glorious magical process.

      And, I love chiropractic. I wouldn't be functional at 55 without consistent care ... through two "older" pregnancies, dancing, teaching Nia movement fitness (which is totally healing, but I sometimes overdo's so groovy!), gardening, and life.

      In the MetroWest part of Boston, check out Dennis Coakley, D.C., L.Ac. He has been doing the chiro thing for 27 years, also an acupuncturist, and brings Active Release Technique for soft tissue injuries (sports and every other). He's a triathlete, so he gets that, too. People come from far away to him ... he has "the hands" - healing touch.

      Fundamental nutrition (especially minerals, phytonutrients), also contributes to healing and wellness..

      be well.

    7. LOVELY! I will never again NOT have a Chiropractor...having suffered from severe neck & back pain for close to a decade, through several Physicians, Neurologists, & Pain Management Practitioners in which I was subjected to a ridiculous number of hours in Clinic, Physical Therapy, Strength Training, and medication (none of which corrected my condition OR the side effects), I had almost accepted living in pain.

      After my first 3 visits to the Chiro I was in awe...only 4 weeks later, and I have now been pain free for over 5 months. In addition, my migraines have also taken a hike 🙂

      I live in the Nashville TN area and HIGHLY recommend Dr. Don Lounsbury - 615.883.9000 -


      1. Thanks Cynthia, I live in Nashville as well and was hoping someone would post about a good doc here. I guess ask and receive is working great for me today.

    8. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my chiropractor! Her name is Janine Trottier (Dr. Jan) and she is in Dallas, Texas. Her website is: She uses muscle testing to determine what needs adjustment, and she is always spot on! I trust her completely. In addition to chiropractic care, she does emotional healing that is phenomenal. She works with the subconscious to discover what thoughts and ideas are blocking you in the subconscious and remove them. She also does this work with food, She discovers what food and what feelings you associate with it, then neutralizes the word and food in you subconscious. For example you will not crave pretzels because you associate them with acceptance.It's really awesome! 🙂

    9. Randy,
      Thanks for the defense and promotion of chiropractic.
      The risk of injury from chiropractic manipulation is somewhere in the range of 1 in 2,000,000 to 1 in 4,000,000.
      The "research" everyone likes to refer to but not read it, shows that out of the 27 cases of injury in 90,000,000 adjustments, DO's and MD's account for 25 of them.
      Go to a chiropractor, you will be alright.

    10. I have been hurt by a Chiropractor in the past and wouldn't go to one again. I'm sure there are good and bad as in every walk of life, but my major issue with the modality is that it is a forced adjustment on the system, and when you force anything you will get a reaction back, hence a course of treatment can be long and protracted as you go through a 2 steps forwards one step back routine.

      Although not a common modality in the US, I use a therapy called Bowen Technique which originated in Australia via a guy called Tom Bowen. Lots of info on this very gentle and hugely effective modality can be found at . I am a qualified practitioner now due to the wonderful results I got from a very few (3) treatments. This is a Bowen Therapists biggest challenge financially, as the work sticks you don't need to see people as many times.

      1. My chiropractor says that long treatments are not what chiropractic services are about. If it takes more then 3-4 adjustments to "fix" an issue, she sends you to a specialist, b/c it's beyond what chiropractic care can heal.

    11. I've been seeing the same chiropractor for 13 years - Balanced Living in Ohio. They are a husband and wife team and I've always had success. They do muscle testing so I go when anyone if my family is sick and they've always kicked the sickness out of me in less than a week. I do see an MD when necessary, though.

      My youngest started having ear infections before she was a year old so I took her to the chiro - with the adjustment and homeopathy she was fine within a few days and hasn't had one in 12 years. Could be a coincidence, I realize, but I was happy she didn't need antibiotics.

      They also give me a lot of advice on health and nutrition. I already know a lot so when they give me advice I know they know what they're talking about.

    12. Randy I usually enjoy your column but this week you have come out with some bollocks. First of chiropractic. Chiropractic is based on a nonsense theory. They are quacks in the main.
      Your point about dark urine. This has nothing to do with the food you eat it's to do with hydration. The more water you drink the more colourless your urine. And the more you'll have to pee.
      Fit For Life is a bunch of pseudo-scientific hokum.
      Chinese medicine is quackery.

      Randy as someone who promotes critical thinking i'm amazed you've fallen for this crap. Can I recommend the following book to get you back on track. Bad Science by Ben Goldacre.

      1. I certainly approve people checking things out and having a healthy skepticism. The danger to watch for is moving from skepticism to cynicism. Unfortunately anyone can post pretty much anything they want on the Internet, but that doesn't make it true.

        Ask anyone that have been in acute pain and had an acupuncturist insert a needle to provide instant relief. I can go in with blogged sinuses and with two needles inserted, instantly open up my breathing again.

        As a guy who had a reverse cervical curve cured, and been receiving chiropractic treatments for more than 20 years, I have no doubt in its efficacy.

        You are correct in that the more water you drink, the clearer your urine will be. That's because the more water you drink, the more toxins you flush from your system. Water is one of the ways your body cleanses.

        As a former drug addict, I can tell you when I took crystal meth I had the darkest, bitter-smelling urine imaginable. And as I detoxed, it became clearer and clearer.

        I'm all for research and analysis. At the end of the day, your body gives you all the evidence you need.


      2. Thank you Karl.

        In London, there was hue and cry to stop funding of the Homoeopathic hospital that was being run with money allocated for the NHS ( National Health Service).Someone suggested that if the theory of Homoeopathy was correct, cutting funding and diluting that hospitals revenues will only make it stronger and hence what should be done is to increase funding by at least 1000% to weaken it and put it to rest. As I have adviced Annie, if you want a good laugh, look up...` That Mitchell and Webb look homoeopathic A&E ` on YouTube. I am mystified as to how the practitioners of this art can diagnose diseases without any investigations etc. How can one teat something without knowing what exactly one is treating ?

          1. Thanks Karl. Good video. I will pass it on to my friends and family. Most of these quackery crafts give psychological boosts and zilch else.A simple symptom like tiredness can be caused by many simple conditions and also by quite a few serious pathologies, most of which need scientific investigations for a diagnosis and treatment. Claiming that someones chakra is out of alignment and that drinking sweetened water from the Serengeti that has been diluted a zillion-fold, but still maintains memories of the natural herbs picked up by the hoofs of millions of Wildebeeste that dipped into it will cure tiredness and will make an old codger prance around like an energetic beast is asking for trouble, by missing causes for a low haemoglobin which could be the cause for the tiredness.These Charlatans have no training in any of the various subjects of medicine like anatomy, physiology, pathology etc and have no training in proper history taking and examination of the patients or access to investigations, and so, how they make a diagnosis is beyond me.

    13. If I've been in a serious accident and my body is bleeding, I definitely want to be taking to hospital and be seen by doctors. If I have stiffness, aches and pain and decreased mobility, I want to see a chiropractor.

      I go to see my chiropractor every week and I drive over an hour one way to see him. His treatments were a factor in my recover from illness. I had a significant improvement after 2 weeks (3 x week visits initially) and then after 6 weeks I had completely recovered from a rare disease that doctors have no cure for. After my return from 7 months overseas I went back to see him the day after I got back. To those in Melbourne, I can recommend Warren Sipser in Elwood, Ph 9513 1313. His adjustments are very gentle.

      I do find however, that releasing tension in muscles as well as exercising to strengthen others is a crucial part of the equation. My chiropractor says that I'm easier to adjust after I've had a rolfing massage. I don't always tell him when I've been. For rolfing I can recommend Michael Arnel in Canterbury, Ph 9888 4119. After many years with a stiff, painful shoulder, I was able to throw a ball again after my first rolfing massage.

      I also go to the gym to strengthen muscles. Not only does my body hurt and ache less but I have also developed terrific muscle tone all over. Although a lot of people place emphasis on strengthening core muscles, in my case I place emphasis on strengthening lower back muscles. My adjustments last longer and I don't feel it 'catching' as much.

      It's a huge financial commitment to do all of these things. I certainly would have a lot more money to spend on shoes and clothes if I didn't, but I know that the consequences of not taking care of those things you can't see are serious and significant. Chiropractic care has been a catalyst to me feeling the best I ever have in my life, so I'm sold on the therapy.

      1. Hey Carmen,

        If you spent the money on fashion shoes - they would probably do you more damage and you would have a greater need for the chiro...


    14. Randy,

      Yet another brilliant post.

      Chiropractic care has prevented me from needing the back surgery which was recommended by various medical specialists. Indeed, my spinal degeneration is reversing - as can be seen on the radiographs which the Chiropractor orders.

      The the medical people out there - I am not talking just about complete correction of scholiotic curvature, I am referring to the actual "arthritic" degeneration of individual vertebrae - they are changing back to the shape they were when I was a kid.

      I didn't think that was possible either, as it goes against everything I had been taught as a Dentist. But there you have it - not only can I change the morphology of the TMJs while making them healthy, the Chiropractor can change the shape of the vertebrae, in a positive way, while making the spine healthier...

      The real evidence is there.

      The surgeon can't make things better, they can only cut stuff out, or fuse vertebrae together - reducing the spinal mobility. The MD can't improve the spine with drugs - but they can make you an addict...

      My preferred addiction is health.

      That's why I see my chiropractor.


    15. Great article, Randy! I agree "alternative" therapies should be part of everyone's health care toolbox!

      I lived the good chiropractor/bad chiropractor experience first hand, and lived to tell about it!

      Several years ago I tweaked my neck working out and after several days I could not move, sleep, sit or stand - seriously. I really have no words for the pain I was experiencing. Visited chiropractor #1 who not only didn't help me, but made it worse. I left there in tears. The next day friend took me to her chiropractor, who saw me *at his home* *on a Saturday* and that night I slept for the first time in a week. He saw me again the next day *at his home* *on a Sunday* -- poof! good as new. Since then his treatments have single-handedly enabled me to work out hard without injury, and overall I am generally healthier.

      If you're on the fence about seeing a chiropractor, ask around and get a recommendation. Your body will thrive in the care of a good chiropractor.

      PS - my chiropractor hero is Rick Dunlap (Philadelphia).

    16. Born with Scoliosis, I know about excruciating pain.

      Chiropractors were definitely a tremendous help! I am so grateful that I was rescued from a spinal surgery. Also, I refused to take any medications and treatments were a better option.

      In addition to adjustments they stressed exercising, adding good nutrition and taking supplements to feel better.

      I no longer find the need to see one, but I am open for an occasional tweak here and there. It feels TERRIFIC!!!

      I recommend: A+
      Dr. Constantine Calakos
      454 West 58th Street Suite 1C
      NY, NY 10019
      212 757-9080/
      MWF 9:00AM-6:00PM Thurs. 7AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-2PM

      ~Hope this helps!

    17. Okay, I don't know about seeing a Chiropractor. Honestly, I am to frightened, it sounds terrifying to me.

      However, I do know people that say it has benefited them. So, I don't see anything wrong with it, or other alternative medicines as long as one knows that sometimes medication is required. We are lucky to live in modern times with good medication. We are also lucky to have such wonderful advances in the medical field, and talented medical prationers to help us.

      Perhaps with Universal Healthcare, we can all get the traditional and alternative medical care we need. 🙂

      Which leads me to....Randy, I am a little annoyed with you and your comment you made about Doctor's working for free and my support of slavery. I keep hoping you explain yourself and you haven't. Do you mind telling me why or what you meant by that? I would like to know. Thank you.

      I was surprised, you responded that way, it seemed kinda harsh. Besides, I thought you knew I was a Universal Health Care advocate.


      1. I did know you were a universal healthy care advocate. But I've traveled to enough Socialist and Communist countries to know that's not the answer. Have you been to Atlas Shrugged yet?

        1. Randy, I will not get to see that at the movies, I'm pretty sure. I will read the book this summer, I am planning on it, or one of hers anyways. That way I can be more informed with my criticisms. 🙂 As for the movies, I will probably be seeing "RIO" and "HOP"(with a six year old we are fairly limited). If I get a chance to go see it, I will, otherwise I will watch it on DVD. I am anxious to see it.

          As for health care, I have traveled through some of those countries as well. I think you are right, that communism did not work out well at all. The Doctors did get paid though.

          Yesterday on CNN they were reporting on the 10 happiest countries(USA was 12th). All the top ten happiest countries had universal health care. It can work and we don't have to be communist or socialist to do it. We will still have captialism rest assured, even with universal health care. Look how well the libraries work out and they are a universal welfare program. 🙂

          Thanks for the reply. I am trying to fight fair now Randy, I hope you see an improvement. Let's be gentle with each other okay?


        2. PS I have only been to one "former" communist country, I have never been to one still practicing. So yes, you have more first hand experience. But, I should ask you what about the countries where they have universal health care and they are not Communist or only Socialist? Doesn't Austraila have universal health care? You live there too right? What is that like?


          1. We have to always check the premise and look for the logic. I bet the ten happiest countries in that survey all served apple pie too, but that doesn't mean apple pie is the cause of it.

            When it comes to prosperity, the only free cheese is in the mousetrap.


            1. Okay, maybe it was the apple pie. 🙂 However, we can conclude that universal healthcare didn't make them unhappy!


    18. Great plug for chiropractic. I've been getting adjusted weekly for 16 years. I don't want to imagine the kind of person I would have been without it. I've been a practicing chiropractor for 11 years now, and there's nothing better than opening people's views up to a superior view of life on earth!

    19. Fortunately my back is healthy or at least I think it is. Weightlifting is part of my exercise routine and it builds stronger bones, tendons, and muscle. One of its great benefits is a strong back. I agree we should not only rely on mainstream medicine because it is far too narrow a focus and may be lacking in real healing ability and maintaining wellness. I have a question for the readers out there. I heard somewhere that Vitamin D is actually a wonder drug in maintaining wellness and we can't get a strong enough dose in the pills that are available. Is this true or just an unfounded rumour?

      1. Edward, I don't know for sure. But, I think I read a while ago the best way to get vitamin D was from the sun. The article was talking about vitamin D enriched foods though, like milk. The article was saying you can't get enough vitamin D in those enriched food products.

        Vitamin D is crucial to wellness. I think, I don't know if I am remembering this correctly, but I think lack of vitamin D can hurt your immune system or lead to autoimmune disease. I'm not sure though Edward, I read that article a while ago. Anyway, hope someone with more knoweledge answers too!


        1. Annie,

          You read correctly about Vitamin D - it is best to produce it naturally by exposure to the sun.

          In these times of fear of skin cancer, we are encouraged to cover ourselves with lotion to block out the sun. The end result is that the population is suffering dramatically increasing Vitamin D deficiency, and, interestingly, increasing skin cancer...

          You are also right about Vitamin D and the immune system - it is essential to a wide range of functions, including immune function.

          Furthermore, Vitamin D has been shown in many published research studies to have the highest correlation of any factor at all, in protecting against various cancers including breast cancer and skin cancer. The regular use of high SPF lotions has been shown to have a high correlation with the incidence of skin cancer...

          YES Edward - Vitamin D is a bit of a wonder drug, simply because it is essential to so many functions, and the ever-increasing Vitamin D deficiency in the western world is costing us a fortune in medical care. Of course, the drug companies love it because they can develop all sorts of drugs to "treat" the symptoms, and make an even greater fortune for themselves,, and they won't tell anyone that all they have to do is spend a little time in the sun... (without sunscreen)

          Instead, they make sunscreen which not only deprives us of Vitamin D, but the sunscreens contain carcinogenic chemicals themselves, which we absorb through the skin, thus doubly increasing the chance of cancer - which the drug companies then provide more drugs to "treat"...

          Classic vicious cycle - and it really is vicious. Our lives are at stake, but at least Big Pharma is making billions...

          Too many references for me to list here, but try -

          Mike Adams and his various featured writers all do their research and reference everything they write. Mike goes a bit too far for my personal liking, but I can't fault the research.

          You can search his site for various topic, but for your particular question, Edward, look at the articles listed here -

          I hope this helps


    20. I absolutely feel great since seeing my Chiropractor! It's amazing how it's not only the spine that gets fixed. Every part of my feels the best ever!

    21. Brilliant insights again, Randy - Thanks.

      We've discovered an ANGEL disguised as an exceptionally skilled, kind, experienced and insightful Chiropractor - in north Los Angeles area of Woodland Hills, California:

      Dr. Bonnie Rotheiser
      22554 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA

      ~ Art

    22. Once every 6 weeks unless there's a problem, then I see my chiropractor more often. (once a week for 2 or 3 weeks).

    23. I highly recommend Dr. Roger Bohn, Bonita Springs, Florida. Even though I now live on the East coast of Florida, I drive across the state for my adjustments. Maybe some people think I am crazy, that that's OK, he has been treating me for almost 20 years and has helped me so much.

    24. I totally agree with you Randy. I feel that I have a new start after seeing my chiropractor. His treat and release approach is the best. He fixed my neck, upper and middle back issues, then showed me excercises to help maintain good posture, alignment and ultimately good health. I am a 47 year old who once felt about 80. Now I feel like I am in my 20's again! If I ever have issues, I go back for a little adjustment and I'm good as new! If you live in the Hartford/Farmington Valley area of Connecticut, I highly recommend Dr. Jason Frankel @ Musculoskeletal Therapy & Rehabilitation in Avon, CT 860-675-9500

    25. Hi Randy,

      I haven't been to the chiro in 15 years. Time to go back and realign.

      When I went, I felt good. They deal in healing energies, and we are energy. Makes sense, right?

      Thanks for sharing the reminder.


    26. Randy -

      I appreciate you sharing your wisdom and experience with us all - lifting us to a higher level of excellence in everything.

      I have experienced the benefits of a chiropractor and say that I firmly support the benefits. Although, I have to admit I had a negative meme buried deep in my mind from childhood about chiropractors. Growing up in the 80's I heard nothing but bad stories about chiropractors...they were called "quacks" and the practice was "junk science"...people who knew people who had terrible experiences. Kinda of like an urban legend...hmmm...

      However when I looked bad the only person I knew who was forever disabled was my aunt who had back surgery from a Dr. - who has since had his license revoked in several states. No one I KNEW had been disabled from a chiropractor but someone who I knew and loved had been by a Dr. who was supposed to be the best educated and trusting...again, a meme in my mind that was buried deep.

      My experience with Chiropractors came while I was training for my 1st Half Marathon in 2007. After having fluid in my knee and from the urging of a co-worker (who was also training with me) I visited a Chiropractor for the 1st time. Before he even touched me he took a thorough history of me by sitting down with me for over an hour and talking to me about any ailments, diseases or diagnosis I have had in the past plus any of my family. Seeing him twice a week for over a year was the most energizing and healthy time of my life. Again, I saw a Chiropractor in 2009 who did the same...over an hour discussing my wellbeing, what I hoped to achieve through working with him and what problems or issues I am experiencing based on my health.

      Again, Randy I appreciate your willingness to have us evolve and test our conscious and sub-concious thoughts and ideas that are bringing us wellbeing or keeping us mired down in lack and mediocrity.


    27. I love & completely believe in chiropractic medicine. Although I have been a nurse for my entire life, I loathe traditional medicine. Pain is an indicator of something not being right in your body. When medications are prescribed to "relieve" the pain, they never deal with the root cause or source therefore the process of breaking down your body continues. Times when I have pulled my back or slept wrong & my neck is out of line, the first thing I reach for is all natural, Valerian & the phone to call my chiropractor.

      Many people today are disabled merely because of (a) poor diet & nutrition (b) lack of adequate exercise (c) masking the symptoms by covering them with drugs. I won't get into a discussion of disease processes, but 9/10 times our bodies do wonders when we implement simple, slight-edge adjustments in any of those areas. Chiropractic health is one of those measures I highly recommend.

      I used to love (not really) hearing someone say, "Well, when you get started going to a Chiropractor, you have to keep going."
      To which I would ask in a blonde way, " often do you see your medical doctor & have this list of medications filled? Monthly?"

      Thanks for sharing Randy! I have enjoyed your series on health & prosperity. They are hand in hand!

    28. Randy

      so interesting that you should bring this up, particularly as my brother who turned me on to you and is a huge fan, is not a big proponent of this arena of "support."

      I have someone to absolutely recommend and I constantly share this with others when I learn of someone suffering, and/or in a position of making a decision about back surgery. Dr. David Rowe of Rowe Chiropractic (his dad was an early educator in this methodology)in New York City,212-486-8888, has been assisting me in this area for some time, particularly as a result of trauma from being hit by a car. However as you say, and he will agree there is so much more that ignites subluxation starting from when a baby is taken from the womb.
      He is an expert in what is called the GONSTEAD METHOD, not your tradtional "chiropractic," approach. For I did see him after experiencing what many have the first time they went to a "chiropractor." He like you sees the healing process as a 360 approach VERY MUCH inclusive of how we THINK, MOVE and EAT. I do know that he is connected to a network around the country and around the world of those who specialize in this method, as he also lectures around the world. So whether you are in NYC where he is, or elsewhere, he can tune people into help...His dedication to his work is unlike few I have seen in any medical related arena.
      And he works with all from babies to elderly whose issues arise from an array of situations.
      If you are in NY, and you think chiro's are all "quacks," I highly suggest you consider at least speaking with him, which he is very open to doing. Additionally, his entire office, is unique in its approach to people.

      It was inspiring hearing your belief in such care with the great insights you bring to developing mind and perception shifts.

    29. I know very little about this treatment. It seems to be a very controversial subject with regards to benefits vs liability. I recall many years ago, when I attended Anthony Robbins Mastery University that one of the coach's, Pete Egosque, not sure if I spelled that right, who was at the time a well known for his work with top athletes injuries, said that many people don't have back problems, they have hip alignment problems. I know he had a book or two out at that time that showed the exercises to do to align our hips.

    30. Randy, thank you for this information, it's very helpful. From what you're saying here, it sounds like chiropractic could probably help my migraines, is that correct? I would like to find a natural approach and I was beginning to think that I would have to resort to acupuncture, but I'm really afraid of needles. If anyone knows of a good chiropractor in The New England area (RI or MA) please reply here.

      1. Dr Leroy White, DC, Framingham, MA Uses KST and other chiropractic methods to help you body be well. 508-875-6545

    31. After an car accident the doctor´s did not understand to get my health fully back to what i was looking for. After seeing an amercian chiropractic doctor here in Munich i´m back. I see them once i have a feeling, or every 6 weeks. I love to get to know them. It really helps.

    32. Hey guys,

      I'm actually just back from an appointment with Cora. I was discussing how shocked I was to see this debate and controversy on chiropractic care. It feels like a time warp back to 1976 or something. It goes without saying (but won't), there are risks with ANY and ALL health care practices. But after 100 years plus of practice, chiropractic care has proven to be very safe. Frankly this debate would be expected on an AMA blog, but it's surprising to see here.

      But as Cora pointed out, chiropractic as a profession has only been around about 100 years. And you see some people still dispute acupuncture and Chinese medicine, which was proven at least 5,000 or 6,000 years ago!


    33. I go to The Center for Vital Living. Dr Bob Mulcahy is a fabulous Chiropractor. They also have a Yoga studio there. If you are ever in Falmouth, Massachusetts check him out!

    34. I would highly recommend these guys in the Manchester Area UK
      Greater Manchester Chiropractic Wellness Clinics
      8-10 Derby Way, Marple, STOCKPORT SK6 7AH - 0044161 449 5006 and
      466 Didsbury Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport SK4 3BS - 0044161 432 6708
      Chiropractic adjustments have massively helped me. Give it a go

    35. I am a Chiropractor and have been in private practice for seven years and I absolutely love what I do! My youngest patient was 2 hours old and my oldest patient was 95. Chiropractic is scientific, validated and here to stay!

    36. I enjoy you because of your own efforts on this web page. Gloria really likes managing research and it is obvious why. My partner and i learn all concerning the lively mode you offer insightful things by means of your web blog and as well as inspire response from website visitors on the subject while our own daughter has always been studying so much. Enjoy the rest of the year. You have been performing a glorious job.

    37. Goodness, i could use some help with my back. My dad says I got his bad back, I don't know if that is even possible. I really want to try out a <a href="">chiropractic clinic Wasilla</a>. Anything that might help my stubborn back problems would be amazing!

    38. Goodness, i could use some help with my back. My dad says I got his bad back, I don't know if that is even possible. I really want to try out a <a href="">chiropractic clinic Wasilla</a>. Anything that might help my stubborn back problems would be amazing!

    39. You write a better article as compare to other articles . I like the way you describe all the aspects relevant this field.
      Also I would be glad if you check out my website: .

    40. I agree and think that chiropractic adjustments can really help with the nervous system like the article said. I do a lot of power-lifting and most of it is the nervous system trying the use all the muscles possible. I have noticed that when I went in to the chiropractor, I recovered a lot faster. So I think there is something to be said about chiropractics and the nervous system and how they work with each other. <a href='' ></a&gt;

    41. I only ever associated chiropractors with joints and muscle pain. I didn't realize that chiropractic care could prevent you from getting sick! What you said makes a lot of sense. The spine is crucial in so many of our bodily functions, including our nervous and immune systems. I can see why chiropractors are so important as a result. Thank goodness there are so many good ones out there!

    42. Thanks for the information about the benefits of chiropractic care!  I have been having a lot of back pain lately as you mentioned.  I think it might be the result of an old sports injury.  I found it interesting that nerve pain can be caused by improper alignment.  Hopefully a chiropractor visit can help me deal with this pain!

    43. Going to the chiropractor can really help you get your back on track again. It is amazing how well they are able to help you with your alignment. I would suggest going to see a chiropractor as soon as you start noticing back pain. The sooner you go in for help the sooner you will feel back to normal again.

    44. I've been to a chiropractor a few times to try and cure my chronic migraines. It is amazing how many things a chiropractor has the ability to fix. I've been reading that a chiropractor can also help reduce things like colds, and heartburn. I don't know how true that is, but if it is, that is amazing. <a href='' ></a&gt;

    45. I've never seen a chiropractor before, but I'd like to get in the habit. Back pain runs in my family, and it's already hitting me. I think part of the problem is the way I sleep, but I don't know enough to change things. I'd really like to talk to someone who could give me professional advice and suggestions. |

    46. I thought it was interesting to learn in the fourth paragraph that it's the subluxations that are interfering with your nervous system most commonly. What exactly is a subluxation that can adversely affect your nervous system though? It seems like the tension can build up in your muscles through stress. Is this why people get knots in their back? Sometimes those stress-knots can be debilitating when you have to get up for the day. How can you subdue them other than confiding with the best method of going to a chiropractor?

    47. Randy, this is some really great information. I have always been a little scared of needles so going to a chiropractor was something I thought I would never even think about doing. However I had no idea that it could help relieve so much pain. It seems like I will have to give not going to the chiropractor a second thought, it looks like it is super helpful.

    48. I have always believed that chiropractic care is good for bones and muscles, but I had no idea it could help the immune system as well. I saw a chiropractor years ago, and have been wanting to find a new one to go to. After reading this, I am even more determined, and I also want to get some of my family members in on it.

    49. Chiropractors provide a very important service. My wife is pregnant and I find that she's experiencing a lot of extra stress on her back. I wish that I was good enough at back massages to help her feel better, but I think that a professional chiropractor would be best.

    50. I have had a bad back ever since I was little. A few days ago, I was chatting with a friend of mine, and she told me that a chiropractor would really help. This made me decide to do a little research for myself. I didn't know that chiropractors releved pressure points, that sounds really relaxing.

    51. I didn't know that a chiropractor could help to reduce pain in your joints, back and head.  My mother in law gets frequent migraines and has tried a lot of different medications to treat them.  I wonder if a chiropractor would be able to help her relieve her pain.   It seems like she should do a little research to see if this option could help her.  <a href='' ></a&gt;

    52. Thanks for the recommendations. I've never seen a chiropractor before, but my daughter's dance instructor told me to look for one for her. She's only been dancing for a few months, but she's having trouble with some of the positions. Hopefully a chiropractor will be able to offer some explanation.

    53. Randy, I had no idea that chiropractors could do so much to improve your quality of life. I didn't know that chiropractors could fix pressure that is affecting your nerves. That is something that is going to cause you a lot of pain if you don't get it fixed right way. It seems there are a lot of things that people don't know about chiropractor.

    54. Randy, I have never heard of subluxations before. I didn't know that chiropractic care can actually help to correct it and release pressure on the nerves. That could definitely be very beneficial. I'll have to look more into chiropractic care to see if I should try it.

    55. The part stuck out to me when you mentioned that sometimes injuries can occur over a longer period of time due to habits that we have with our posture and other things.   It would make sense that over time, our bodies might work themselves around and that they might need a tune-up now and again.   That being said, I think everyone is different, so the needs are probably going to be different as well.

    56. Thanks Randy for
      sharing this great post. I would recommend Dr. Jason B. Kaster. He is
      a trusted & Naples areas. He treats auto accident injuries,
      back pain, headaches, etc., with nutrition and gentle chiropractic
      care. Their licensed massage therapists are the finest in the
      industry, and they’ll customize massage techniques specifically to
      your needs for greater healing, pain relief and relaxation.

    57. Randy, this was a great article about the benefits of chiropractic care. I had no idea that going to the chiropractor could improve things like balance and energy. Having no pain and more energy sounds good to me! I may have to give this a try!
      Emily Smith |

    58. Ever since I was a little girl, I have dealt with back pain. Over the years, I have tried many different things, but never a chiropractor. It sounds like it could really help release some of the tension, and get the blood in my body flowing again. If some of the tension around my spine was gone, I would feel so much better. It sounds like I should get in and see a chiropractor!

    59. I had no idea that chiropractor care is so beneficial. I just heard recently that it can even help prevent cold. I am meeting a chiropractor next week, and I am very excited to see the changes in my body and health!

    60. I would go to a chiropractor any day to get rid of my joint and back pain. As you have said that is what they are able to do. My message therapist isn't really working anymore, so I am going to try a new type of health professional.

    61. Chiropractic care is very important for anyone who has
      hectic lifestyle. For any hardworking person, it is important to get adequate
      healthcare by seeing a few
      regularly. Otherwise you will face serious health issues later on.

    62. That's good to know that chiropractic care can have a positive thing in your health. It's something that I find quite fascinating to know about. Maybe it could be something for me to try out with my wife, since we do have problems with back pain.

    63. I've always heard that chiropractic care can be very beneficial, but I never knew the specifics. Reading about how it plays into helping the nerve system, I can better understand how it can help you feel energized. I think that I'd like to start this with my family on getting regular visits now! Thanks for the help!

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