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The Awakening

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 31, 2011

Last post we talked about the Power stored within you, waiting for your demand.  Let’s review the premises I have asserted over there…

In your true nature, you are a perfect individualization of Infinite Intelligence.  This Infinite Intelligence created man in its image.  Thus you are the Self-expression of the Infinite Power of the Universe.  Then I asked you the following question:

If you are the manifestation of this Power – if this Power is expressing Itself as you – can it leave or forsake Its own Self-expression?

Now you have probably figured out what I think.  Infinite Intelligence is above you, below you, next to you, within you, and projecting Itself AS you.

That means that not only are you the image and likeness of this Power, but you are forever one with this Power.   You and this Power can never be separated.  And once you understand this at every level of your consciousness, your true awakening has arrived!

- RG

14 comments on “The Awakening”

  1. This sentence, which you picked today out of your latest book, Randy, already grabbed my full attention when reading your book! It very much led me to understand my personal power which I sometimes can´t handle that well. But I understand now, that I have to use all its potential! Thank you for this eye-opening, or call it "aha-effect" as well as an awakening which you offered. A very good point which one seldom gets to read about!! Enjoy your day!

  2. You can't be separate from God in this life, but it's debatable after we die. Many faiths talk of separation from god, not in this life, but the next.

  3. Yes Randy, did you say make a demand or call it forth and we see the manisfestation because' greater is He that is in me than....... ' towards an exciting life!

    Your leadership material is meaty. I know I will benefit from it and the video on 'Healthy Ego' not Edging God out.

    Again thanks vm

  4. Randy, that is a really positive perspective and one I think I mostly agree with. At least I think it is hard to go wrong with this kind of faith.

    Did any critical thinking go on?

    No, not so much...

    But, you know what you made a group of people feel really happy and positive. Now, we probably want hold hands and sing worship songs together around a burning cross or something....


    In all seriousness. I do think this premise is true, and when we feel separated from this power, we probably really aren't it just seems like it.

    A truly wise person know they do not have all the answers....Randyson. Even when they are probably right. 🙂

  5. Being One with the Infinite Intelligence provides us access to infinite information, love, abundance and Joy. So in order to be 'guided' by the Infinite, meditating would be one of the many tools we have at our disposal to access it, correct? And then there's simply paying attention, listening and of course, developing an Attitude of Gratitude as well.

    I have developed the habit of writing down those things I am grateful for every morning after my meditation. I also affirm in writing the things I wish to be, live and experience.

    Thanks Randy.. it's always good to hear the affirmation that we are One.

  6. This makes total sense for if you never set your intentions then how can anything ever be manifested? Setting your intentions, creates the magic and miracles in your life. For it is said that if you do not have miracles happening in your life then you must be doing something wrong. Change your thoughts, change your energy...manifest your miracles.
    Gotta love the life you live and live your life with love!

  7. I just read something very similar.
    Actually we don't breathe, breathing happens to us just like blood circulation and digestion. All is controlled by the infinite intelligence ( the power you're mentioning in your post)
    Great post! thanks for the share.

  8. Wow, I just read about this few days ago..And now you come Randy with this beautiful post. Indeed,if you accept and cultivate this connection everyday then you truly recognizw you divine nature. When you see yourself as separate from the infinite intelligence or other people you start to lose your power..and make room for a consciouness of fear and lack.

    Thanks for the great reminder.

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  • 14 comments on “The Awakening”

    1. This sentence, which you picked today out of your latest book, Randy, already grabbed my full attention when reading your book! It very much led me to understand my personal power which I sometimes can´t handle that well. But I understand now, that I have to use all its potential! Thank you for this eye-opening, or call it "aha-effect" as well as an awakening which you offered. A very good point which one seldom gets to read about!! Enjoy your day!

    2. You can't be separate from God in this life, but it's debatable after we die. Many faiths talk of separation from god, not in this life, but the next.

    3. Yes Randy, did you say make a demand or call it forth and we see the manisfestation because' greater is He that is in me than....... ' towards an exciting life!

      Your leadership material is meaty. I know I will benefit from it and the video on 'Healthy Ego' not Edging God out.

      Again thanks vm

    4. Randy, that is a really positive perspective and one I think I mostly agree with. At least I think it is hard to go wrong with this kind of faith.

      Did any critical thinking go on?

      No, not so much...

      But, you know what you made a group of people feel really happy and positive. Now, we probably want hold hands and sing worship songs together around a burning cross or something....


      In all seriousness. I do think this premise is true, and when we feel separated from this power, we probably really aren't it just seems like it.

      A truly wise person know they do not have all the answers....Randyson. Even when they are probably right. 🙂

    5. Being One with the Infinite Intelligence provides us access to infinite information, love, abundance and Joy. So in order to be 'guided' by the Infinite, meditating would be one of the many tools we have at our disposal to access it, correct? And then there's simply paying attention, listening and of course, developing an Attitude of Gratitude as well.

      I have developed the habit of writing down those things I am grateful for every morning after my meditation. I also affirm in writing the things I wish to be, live and experience.

      Thanks Randy.. it's always good to hear the affirmation that we are One.

    6. This makes total sense for if you never set your intentions then how can anything ever be manifested? Setting your intentions, creates the magic and miracles in your life. For it is said that if you do not have miracles happening in your life then you must be doing something wrong. Change your thoughts, change your energy...manifest your miracles.
      Gotta love the life you live and live your life with love!

    7. I just read something very similar.
      Actually we don't breathe, breathing happens to us just like blood circulation and digestion. All is controlled by the infinite intelligence ( the power you're mentioning in your post)
      Great post! thanks for the share.

    8. Wow, I just read about this few days ago..And now you come Randy with this beautiful post. Indeed,if you accept and cultivate this connection everyday then you truly recognizw you divine nature. When you see yourself as separate from the infinite intelligence or other people you start to lose your power..and make room for a consciouness of fear and lack.

      Thanks for the great reminder.

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