There’s a huge delta between what most people perceive as leadership and what true leadership actually entails. The textbook case study of this is President Donald Trump. For mental heal...
There’s a huge delta between what most people perceive as leadership and what true leadership actually entails. The textbook case study of this is President Donald Trump. For mental heal...
Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises was quite a brilliant chap. Friedrich Hayak was his student and was greatly influenced by him. And von Mises is acknowledged as one of the leaders in the st...
I just finished the 1,248th book I’ve read on leadership. (Give or take one or ten.) Leadership books are actually a cottage industry these days. Too bad so many of them completely miss the ma...
In the last post we looked at how you can create a learning agenda for yourself. This is a powerful process because instead of just focusing on achieving a goal, you’re actually working on who you...
A non-profit organization I’m a member of recently launched a new initiative. They faced some initial resistance, and immediately crumpled like a cheap suit. I guess they thought the changes they ...
As most of you know, I’m passionate about leaders and leadership. The business arena and the world in general desperately need more leaders. That’s why I’m dropping you another postcard: Bec...
Nothing drives me nuts more than speakers, consultants and trainers promoting things they have no experience in. And maybe nowhere is this more prevalent than books on leadership. There must be 50...
We’ve been talking a lot lately about Seth Godin’s book “Tribes,” and what it takes to lead them. We’ve looked at the marketing aspects, and starting a movement, and know that the best exa...
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