Let’s go back to the topic we were discussing before Christmas about how we co-create the things that happen in our life. I said that I happen to believe that everything that happens to me is mani...
Let’s go back to the topic we were discussing before Christmas about how we co-create the things that happen in our life. I said that I happen to believe that everything that happens to me is mani...
Ok so we’ve been discussing how we co-create our reality by the power of thought. Now there are a couple important elements to this: (more…)...
So in yesterday’s post, I told you that we attract, intended or not, at the level we have personally evolved to. Now of course, this can be one of the hardest things to see in yourself. When we ...
I received a question on the blog about writing letters to someone’s angel. (I mention this on my prosperity album.) She wants to know what you do with it after you write it. (more…)...
So I meant a guy in the softball league I’ll call “Jeremy.” He’s 36 years old, and in his 36 winters, he’s seen a lot. His father told his family that he didn’t love them, and walked o...
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