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The Religion of Hate…

At some moment, a line was crossed, and everything changed... 

(It’s 4 am in Miami and I should be sleeping.  But I woke up at two, unable to get back to sleep and decided to write thi...

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Loving to Hate

In America today, we absolutely love to hate each other.  (This post is about United States, but if you change the labels, it’s probably accurate for the situation in most other countries.)&nbs...

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Who Is Manipulating Your Mind?

It is almost impossible to overstate how much manipulation and mind programming you are exposed to on a daily basis.  The sheer amount of it, and the insidious hidden agendas behind it are staggering...

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Being Manipulated for Hate

(Note: I’m posting Monday’s blog early, for reasons you’ll see below.  For the first time, I’m writing this blog specifically for my fellow Americans.  Although I believe it may offer some u...

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