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Starting at Reality

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 30, 2009

We’ve been talking about awareness of our thoughts, with the intent to take charge of them, to them take charge of the results in our life.  So just how do you make a change, when you’ve been basically conditioned and programmed for negative thoughts your whole life?

I joke in my seminars about my mother having “worst case thermonuclear meltdown scenario syndrome” for her propensity to suggest the worst possible outcome in any given situation.   But there is a serious side to the joke…

There are many people who almost always see things in a negative light, fear for the worst, and expect bad things to happen.  I know, because I was one of them for about 35 years.

So how do you change that?

Step one is what we’ve been discussing on the last few posts:  You have to become aware of your thoughts.  Next, you must accept that you are not your thoughts, that they are just a part of who you are.

Then you have to get a real and honest appraisal of the slant of most of your thoughts.  You must avoid denial and develop an honest picture of the kind of thoughts you have.

Even if you discover that 99% of your thoughts are negative – that is still a positive step.  Because now at least you know what to work on.   So start there.  Take today and study your thoughts at every opportunity.   Try and quantify the percentages, positive and negative.  Please share your findings below with the rest of the community.  And we’ll pick up from there on the next post.

- RG

14 comments on “Starting at Reality”

  1. Each day I'm getting better and better at this subject....Now I'm taking every negative thing that happens daily, studying it, then seeing how I can learn from it and do better! Even at night when I can't use the Internet. I leave 20-30 pages up in my browser to study and focus on what I can do to make these pages better tmrw! Planning the next day and building my biz! It's helping me gain total focus and control......I'm not even mad that my iamagel site has been hacked by alivemax! And they're using iamagel for their company now!
    Thanks for the the great tips over the years!

  2. I keep running the "Create a Vacuum" thoughts. I think "Do I need to just give and give and give creating a vacuum in my savings account, which in turn attracts wealth?". And how then I wonder how to create the vacuum necessary to find my soulmate? And then there are so many other thoughts associated with the partner issue. It's obviously some sort of fear I have and I know I must release it. I DO feel good most of the time and am totally aware of my fear/limiting programming, too.

    I guess what I'm saying is having all this great knowledge you share with us brings about the 'hurdle' to overcome, and at the same time, it becomes frustrating NOT overcoming it.. I feel like Homer Simpson.. DOH!

  3. Great post, thanks. I constantly try to overcome negative financial thoughts, why I don't have money, why I lack money, how come my debt keeps increasing. I need to focus on more positive thought process.

    What can help?

  4. I used to be that way until very recently when I read a great book that started turning my thinking around. Thank heavens!!! For the past two weeks I've noticed I rarely have a negative thought, but I have to watch them the whole time.

    Now the Universe is filling my life with good things. For years I dreamed of driving a Mercedes Benz but negative thoughts plagued me, so of course I never got one. Now one of my neighbours who shares my driveway has a new car. A Mercedes Benz, which can look at when it's there and remind myself that mine is on its way.


    I look forward to the next installment

  5. Hey! Your mom is just like mine! L.O.L.
    Anytime I have something big planned, she foresees the worst outcome. Up until very recently my sister and I would comiserate on our mother's negative comments.

    Today she made one of her all too common comments regarding an event coming up soon. My first inclination was to run to my sister to tell her all about it. Instead I decided not to give it any of my energy, and to let it go.


    Thanks Randy,


  6. Thank you mr. Randy for the Burning Bowl Ceremony!
    It helped a lot.
    Very intresting point to go away from thinking that you and your thoughts are the same!!!!
    Thank you very much and the best for all of us!!!

  7. It's even harder when you are living with someone who is on that negative treadmill, it really tests one's ability to stay focused on the positive and not get pulled into their downward spiral. But unless we are both on the same page we can't manifest what we want. I guess it's a matter of timing and waiting for him to work through this phase until he comes to his own realisation. In the meantime I'm continuing to work on me.

  8. its challenging to live with my thoughts,take a note of them-and stay focused on the positive create positive thoughts and from that manifest a positive present..since ive learned that its a better way of life ,i cant give up on it. and im getting better at it every day!
    thank you for being who you are!

  9. I am a networker, the thing is that every new member who comes to my group I just consider it as a usual thing that should happen. but at the same situation if anyone ignores me or my downlines, it becomes a woow situation for me and it realy makes me down. the negative energy that I get from being ignored is much more than the time that one new member accepts our idia. that's the thing. We have been adopted to exaggerate negative stuff and being normal with possitive ones. it should totaly get changed !

  10. you are wright!!! iti s wonderfull today to me, to have a sisetmatictal talks about all this things related with postive psychology and spirtual life. I notice that in some ocations my fears are the one who are thinking... and also my frustrations,and I think.. that is my realityy ,,,but now say : iam building that reality, thinking builts reality..thats why we most be alert and awarness

  11. "Things don't just happen - they are made to happen", Kennedy said in a speech. This is true for what is happening on a global scale on this planet, such as the "worst case financial thermonuclear meltdown scenario syndrome", but it is also true for each and every one of us individually.

    And by the way - what is YOUR contribution to any global situation? Do you spend your energy in a nonproductive way for you, thus a productive way for "them"? Or have you put on your brakes to reverse the situation? One person, one ripple into the collective unconscious can make a major difference. Two people, two ripples ... What kind of ripple do you choose to send out?

    We must all come from the depths of ourselves. No matter what we find there, we can correct and heal and move forward.

    Starting at reality is to know who you are and who you are NOT. Most people actualize who they are NOT. As you pull out and release who you are NOT, what is left is YOU.

    Are you willing to take responsibility for conscious directed power that flows through the instrument that is your physical body while on this plane?

    The world is your oyster. Accept nothing less than the best, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. That is how "they" think and from that perspective we can learn even from "them".

  12. I've come to realize, that once you are aware of your thoughts, you suddenly become aware of other people thoughts as well.

    You can immediately see who is positive and who is negative, and more importantly, you can see WHY they are having the kind of life they have! This is truly amazing! Don't be one of those people see and say "I know why this guy is living the life he is", instead strive to be the guy (gal) people say " I would love to live the life he is living"

    Today, when I find this negative people, even if they are my close friends, I get tired pretty quickly to be around them, I feel they suck my life out of me!

    On the other hand there are people who you feel great with, which kind of person do you want to be?

    Thanks Randy for keeping us always looking forward to improve!

    Have a nice day everybody!

  13. Interesting that I read this now. Just two days ago a person very close to my heart accused me of being too positive. He was really angry, too. He was mad at me because I didn't affirm his negativity. He's been going through a bad divorce and has had a life full of hard knocks but recently he's won not one, but 3, court cases involving the custody of his daughter. He did this himself, without an attorney, and yet all he sees is the negatives when his ex tries to put obstacles in his way (like I said a bad divorce). When I tried to remind him that he's done so much he got really pissed. "See, that's what you do, all the time. You are positive. I'm negative. You know that about me and you still do that. It makes me think you are defending her."

    After taking a deep breath, I told him I'm not defending anyone; I'm simply trying to reinforce what he's accomplished and reminding him of it.

    I realized, in that moment, that I can't remove his negativity but I don't have to share it. So, I'll keep seeing the positives and just keep quiet about his negativity. It's not mine, after all.

    I love him but letting him suck me into that void isn't something I can do. I have things I need to accomplish and I know, deep down inside, that seeing only negative will breed more of the same. I wish I could bring him out of his darkness but he's the only one who can do that. All I can do is keep myself out of it and some days that's not an easy task!

    Negative thoughts are so much easier to manifest than positive but being aware of that becomes half the battle.

    Another good post Mr. Randy.


  14. Dear Randy,

    Thank you so much for such a great post... once again!

    I commit to the challenge of studying my thoughts at every opportunity. More specifically, I will concentrate on prosperity (and lack of prosperity!) thoughts.

    I look forward to my findings... and to pursuing with your next post.


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  • 14 comments on “Starting at Reality”

    1. Each day I'm getting better and better at this subject....Now I'm taking every negative thing that happens daily, studying it, then seeing how I can learn from it and do better! Even at night when I can't use the Internet. I leave 20-30 pages up in my browser to study and focus on what I can do to make these pages better tmrw! Planning the next day and building my biz! It's helping me gain total focus and control......I'm not even mad that my iamagel site has been hacked by alivemax! And they're using iamagel for their company now!
      Thanks for the the great tips over the years!

    2. I keep running the "Create a Vacuum" thoughts. I think "Do I need to just give and give and give creating a vacuum in my savings account, which in turn attracts wealth?". And how then I wonder how to create the vacuum necessary to find my soulmate? And then there are so many other thoughts associated with the partner issue. It's obviously some sort of fear I have and I know I must release it. I DO feel good most of the time and am totally aware of my fear/limiting programming, too.

      I guess what I'm saying is having all this great knowledge you share with us brings about the 'hurdle' to overcome, and at the same time, it becomes frustrating NOT overcoming it.. I feel like Homer Simpson.. DOH!

    3. Great post, thanks. I constantly try to overcome negative financial thoughts, why I don't have money, why I lack money, how come my debt keeps increasing. I need to focus on more positive thought process.

      What can help?

    4. I used to be that way until very recently when I read a great book that started turning my thinking around. Thank heavens!!! For the past two weeks I've noticed I rarely have a negative thought, but I have to watch them the whole time.

      Now the Universe is filling my life with good things. For years I dreamed of driving a Mercedes Benz but negative thoughts plagued me, so of course I never got one. Now one of my neighbours who shares my driveway has a new car. A Mercedes Benz, which can look at when it's there and remind myself that mine is on its way.


      I look forward to the next installment

    5. Hey! Your mom is just like mine! L.O.L.
      Anytime I have something big planned, she foresees the worst outcome. Up until very recently my sister and I would comiserate on our mother's negative comments.

      Today she made one of her all too common comments regarding an event coming up soon. My first inclination was to run to my sister to tell her all about it. Instead I decided not to give it any of my energy, and to let it go.


      Thanks Randy,


    6. Thank you mr. Randy for the Burning Bowl Ceremony!
      It helped a lot.
      Very intresting point to go away from thinking that you and your thoughts are the same!!!!
      Thank you very much and the best for all of us!!!

    7. It's even harder when you are living with someone who is on that negative treadmill, it really tests one's ability to stay focused on the positive and not get pulled into their downward spiral. But unless we are both on the same page we can't manifest what we want. I guess it's a matter of timing and waiting for him to work through this phase until he comes to his own realisation. In the meantime I'm continuing to work on me.

    8. its challenging to live with my thoughts,take a note of them-and stay focused on the positive create positive thoughts and from that manifest a positive present..since ive learned that its a better way of life ,i cant give up on it. and im getting better at it every day!
      thank you for being who you are!

    9. I am a networker, the thing is that every new member who comes to my group I just consider it as a usual thing that should happen. but at the same situation if anyone ignores me or my downlines, it becomes a woow situation for me and it realy makes me down. the negative energy that I get from being ignored is much more than the time that one new member accepts our idia. that's the thing. We have been adopted to exaggerate negative stuff and being normal with possitive ones. it should totaly get changed !

    10. you are wright!!! iti s wonderfull today to me, to have a sisetmatictal talks about all this things related with postive psychology and spirtual life. I notice that in some ocations my fears are the one who are thinking... and also my frustrations,and I think.. that is my realityy ,,,but now say : iam building that reality, thinking builts reality..thats why we most be alert and awarness

    11. "Things don't just happen - they are made to happen", Kennedy said in a speech. This is true for what is happening on a global scale on this planet, such as the "worst case financial thermonuclear meltdown scenario syndrome", but it is also true for each and every one of us individually.

      And by the way - what is YOUR contribution to any global situation? Do you spend your energy in a nonproductive way for you, thus a productive way for "them"? Or have you put on your brakes to reverse the situation? One person, one ripple into the collective unconscious can make a major difference. Two people, two ripples ... What kind of ripple do you choose to send out?

      We must all come from the depths of ourselves. No matter what we find there, we can correct and heal and move forward.

      Starting at reality is to know who you are and who you are NOT. Most people actualize who they are NOT. As you pull out and release who you are NOT, what is left is YOU.

      Are you willing to take responsibility for conscious directed power that flows through the instrument that is your physical body while on this plane?

      The world is your oyster. Accept nothing less than the best, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. That is how "they" think and from that perspective we can learn even from "them".

    12. I've come to realize, that once you are aware of your thoughts, you suddenly become aware of other people thoughts as well.

      You can immediately see who is positive and who is negative, and more importantly, you can see WHY they are having the kind of life they have! This is truly amazing! Don't be one of those people see and say "I know why this guy is living the life he is", instead strive to be the guy (gal) people say " I would love to live the life he is living"

      Today, when I find this negative people, even if they are my close friends, I get tired pretty quickly to be around them, I feel they suck my life out of me!

      On the other hand there are people who you feel great with, which kind of person do you want to be?

      Thanks Randy for keeping us always looking forward to improve!

      Have a nice day everybody!

    13. Interesting that I read this now. Just two days ago a person very close to my heart accused me of being too positive. He was really angry, too. He was mad at me because I didn't affirm his negativity. He's been going through a bad divorce and has had a life full of hard knocks but recently he's won not one, but 3, court cases involving the custody of his daughter. He did this himself, without an attorney, and yet all he sees is the negatives when his ex tries to put obstacles in his way (like I said a bad divorce). When I tried to remind him that he's done so much he got really pissed. "See, that's what you do, all the time. You are positive. I'm negative. You know that about me and you still do that. It makes me think you are defending her."

      After taking a deep breath, I told him I'm not defending anyone; I'm simply trying to reinforce what he's accomplished and reminding him of it.

      I realized, in that moment, that I can't remove his negativity but I don't have to share it. So, I'll keep seeing the positives and just keep quiet about his negativity. It's not mine, after all.

      I love him but letting him suck me into that void isn't something I can do. I have things I need to accomplish and I know, deep down inside, that seeing only negative will breed more of the same. I wish I could bring him out of his darkness but he's the only one who can do that. All I can do is keep myself out of it and some days that's not an easy task!

      Negative thoughts are so much easier to manifest than positive but being aware of that becomes half the battle.

      Another good post Mr. Randy.


    14. Dear Randy,

      Thank you so much for such a great post... once again!

      I commit to the challenge of studying my thoughts at every opportunity. More specifically, I will concentrate on prosperity (and lack of prosperity!) thoughts.

      I look forward to my findings... and to pursuing with your next post.


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