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Stake Your Claim

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 4, 2012

You’ve heard me say it many times:  You can’t be treated for prosperity – you have to be open to receive it.  So what’s the hold up for most people?

Worthiness issues.

They’re infected with mind viruses and don’t think they deserve prosperity.  So they don’t ask for it.

This may manifest as repeating abusive relationships, making bad investments, addiction behavior, poor food and exercise choices, or a myriad of other surface symptoms.

To get healthy, happy and prosperous, you have to know that you deserve it.  And once you know that, you have to claim it!

Meekness need not be weakness.  Stake your claim.


59 comments on “Stake Your Claim”

  1. Randy, your pictures make me laugh. There's gold in them there hills! Well, very nice I suppose. I do think we get held back by worthiness issues. I am not sure how one stakes their claim? What do you mean claim it? What stake is ours? How should we know?

    In your "You are Amazing Post", I thought I was looking at Gospel singers singing "Amazing Grace", only at second sight to realize they were holding whips and not microphones....Then I saw the man in a the stockade, I don't know the blockade, whatever it's called. So, I was thinking this is someone getting beat up or, a very strict choir director. 🙂

  2. my Mantra this for the rest of this month is: The universe is incomplete without me.

    So, if i'm made up of from the universe, then i am capable of having or doing anything the universe has to offer... (You can switch the universe out for God, what ever suits you best)

    I'm working on my worthiness issues.. I know I'm already seeing a difference in other parts of my life, so its already paying off. I hope someday I can help people like others have helped me.

    Thank you Randy!!

      1. @Annieb Thanks Annie! I am very capable of loving. I do feel like I'm on the right track. I have some money blocks from the past I need to understand so I can move past them.. I feel like I'm getting close to uncovering why I don't allow prosperity..

  3. my Mantra this for the rest of this month is: The universe is incomplete without me.

    So, if i'm made up of from the universe, then i am capable of having or doing anything the universe has to offer... (You can switch the universe out for God, what ever suits you best)

    I'm working on my worthiness issues.. I know I'm already seeing a difference in other parts of my life, so its already paying off. I hope someday I can help people like others have helped me.

    Thank you Randy!!

  4. I feel the similarity how to open the window which is high. I think the biggest disaster for many people- they don't realize that putting a little gumption and ingenuity it is really easy to find a ladder or stool, or ask someone to pull to be closer at the window and start opening process. What is easier- to look for another window, that is more available. But this window is to mediocrity, not to prosperity.


    I've always been a person of action, warrior and survivor. With developing that skill set I have moved from poverty to mediocrity. At the moment my biggest lesson in the road to prosperity is to learn the meekness and confidence to process.

    Thank you Randy. Although you're in the other side of the earth, I feel how you hold me while I give a window to prosperity.

  5. I feel the similarity how to open the window which is high. I think the biggest disaster for many people- they don't realize that putting a little gumption and ingenuity it is really easy to find a ladder or stool, or ask someone to pull to be closer at the window and start opening process. What is easier- to look for another window, that is more available. But this window is to mediocrity, not to prosperity.


    I've always been a person of action, warrior and survivor. With developing that skill set I have moved from poverty to mediocrity. At the moment my biggest lesson in the road to prosperity is to learn the meekness and confidence to process.

    Thank you Randy. Although you're in the other side of the earth, I feel how you hold me while I reach a window to prosperity.

  6. I feel the similarity how to open the window which is high. I think the biggest disaster for many people- they don't realize that putting a little gumption and ingenuity it is really easy to find a ladder or stool, or ask someone to pull to be closer at the window and start opening process. What is easier- to look for another window, that is more available. But this window is to mediocrity, not to prosperity.


    I've always been a person of action, warrior and survivor. With developing that skill set I have moved from poverty to mediocrity. At the moment my biggest lesson in the road to prosperity is to learn the meekness and confidence to process.

    Thank you Randy. Although you're in the other side of the earth, I feel how you hold me while I reach a window to prosperity.

  7. "Meekness need not be weakness." Well said, Randy!

    According to linguists, "blessed are the meek" is a poor translation. A more accurate translation is "blessed are the gentle" or "kind" or "considerate", which puts a totally different spin on what Jesus said. (Although "inherit the earth" is still a pretty darned good description of prosperity!)


  8. "Meekness need not be weakness." Well said, Randy!

    According to linguists, "blessed are the meek" is a poor translation. A more accurate translation is "blessed are the gentle" or "kind" or "considerate", which puts a totally different spin on what Jesus said. (Although "inherit the earth" is still a pretty darned good description of prosperity!)


  9. Great words about meekness, Randy! You are one of 5 people, who is always inspiring instead of the world spreads.

    I remember many stories, when I fall in bad relationships with week unsecured guys. Why? because every time I met someone reliable and well-being careful guy, I rather scared of his power or thought he was boring.

    When I changed my position, different people came closely to me. Prosperious people.

  10. Great words about meekness, Randy! You are one of 5 people, who is always inspiring instead of the world spreads.

    I remember many stories, when I fall in bad relationships with week unsecured guys. Why? because every time I met someone reliable and well-being careful guy, I rather scared of his power or thought he was boring.

    When I changed my position, different people came closely to me. Prosperious people.

  11. I am half way through "Atlas Shrugged". I don't belong here. I am not sure yet where I fit, but I know it is not here now. So, Randy you will be happy to note, A. I have been reading Ayn Rand, and B. I am leaving.

    1. @Annieb Have you ever read Moby Dick? That too was a book Randy recommended some years back to elevate your consciousness level. I am in love with Ayn Rand's emotional universe tha she shared with us in her novels. Be a student of Greatness whereever you go. Is that the realm to which you belong?

  12. I am half way through "Atlas Shrugged". I don't belong here. I am not sure yet where I fit, but I know it is not here now. So, Randy you will be happy to note, A. I have been reading Ayn Rand, and B. I am leaving.

  13. I soooo get this! I have purchased and read all of your mini books and will read them again! This weekend I'm with T. Harv Eker!! I can't wait:)! Thanks for the Alert for today's Blog. It's perfect - Of course! Joy, DJ

  14. I soooo get this! I have purchased and read all of your mini books and will read them again! This weekend I'm with T. Harv Eker!! I can't wait:)! Thanks for the Alert for today's Blog. It's perfect - Of course! Joy, DJ

  15. @Annieb Thanks Annie! I am very capable of loving. I do feel like I'm on the right track. I have some money blocks from the past I need to understand so I can move past them.. I feel like I'm getting close to uncovering why I don't allow prosperity..

  16. My daily mantra is "I AM ENOUGH" with emphasis on the "I AM" of course, which is the most powerful statement we can make to the Universe. And with this also comes "Thank You", another powerful statement. This is again about playing LARGE in the world and dreaming BIG! I find that when I share my BIG vision with those that have never heard it before, they get excited, which in turn, excites me and amplifies the delivery of what's necessary by the Universe to achieve it.

    No playing meek here Randy. This is about living LARGE and exceeding rather than just achieving!

  17. My daily mantra is "I AM ENOUGH" with emphasis on the "I AM" of course, which is the most powerful statement we can make to the Universe. And with this also comes "Thank You", another powerful statement. This is again about playing LARGE in the world and dreaming BIG! I find that when I share my BIG vision with those that have never heard it before, they get excited, which in turn, excites me and amplifies the delivery of what's necessary by the Universe to achieve it.

    No playing meek here Randy. This is about living LARGE and exceeding rather than just achieving!

  18. Am I prosperous?

    It's all about perception.

    Well over half the people on this planet would look at my lifestyle & my income and say...."Good Grief, woman, you are Prosperous beyond belief!"

    They might observe, as St. Matthew did, that "To the one who hath, more shall be given; that one shall have more abundance" or in the modern vernacular, "The Rich get Richer!"

    I shall get richer! I shall have more abundance!

    When I think thus, my immediate stinking' thinkin' says, "many people will be envious of me & envious people are dangerous!" So I downplay my prosperity, I convince myself that I am NOT prosperous.

    Cwazy, innit?

    For me, it isn't about "not deserving Prosperity; I DO deserve it - but being prosperous is Dangerous! Poor people hate the Rich - right? I'd love to have your help to switch that perception around!

  19. Am I prosperous?

    It's all about perception.

    Well over half the people on this planet would look at my lifestyle & my income and say...."Good Grief, woman, you are Prosperous beyond belief!"

    They might observe, as St. Matthew did, that "To the one who hath, more shall be given; that one shall have more abundance" or in the modern vernacular, "The Rich get Richer!"

    I shall get richer! I shall have more abundance!

    When I think thus, my immediate stinking' thinkin' says, "many people will be envious of me & envious people are dangerous!" So I downplay my prosperity, I convince myself that I am NOT prosperous.

    Cwazy, innit?

    For me, it isn't about "not deserving Prosperity; I DO deserve it - but being prosperous is Dangerous! Poor people hate the Rich - right? I'd love to have your help to switch that perception around!

  20. @Annieb Have you ever read Moby Dick? That too was a book Randy recommended some years back to elevate your consciousness level. I am in love with Ayn Rand's emotional universe tha she shared with us in her novels. Be a student of Greatness whereever you go. Is that the realm to which you belong?

  21. Randy, I now officially declare that I am worthy of abundance. I always knew it which has lead me to a great life already, however simply by admitting that I deserve even more (for a lot of reasons), I left the plateau I was stuck on. Here's my question for you though: Ever since I started working on this a few weeks back thanks to you, I've experienced quite a bit of an emotional roller coaster (I even cried this morning when it really hit me) and from the comments below I can see that other people need tips and help to achieve this. So as much as I like you for being an example (which often already can do a lot), do you have specific tips on how to truly integrate this into our lives?

    Thank you for all your inspiration.

  22. Randy, I now officially declare that I am worthy of abundance. I always knew it which has lead me to a great life already, however simply by admitting that I deserve even more (for a lot of reasons), I left the plateau I was stuck on. Here's my question for you though: Ever since I started working on this a few weeks back thanks to you, I've experienced quite a bit of an emotional roller coaster (I even cried this morning when it really hit me) and from the comments below I can see that other people need tips and help to achieve this. So as much as I like you for being an example (which often already can do a lot), do you have specific tips on how to truly integrate this into our lives?

    Thank you for all your inspiration.

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  • 59 comments on “Stake Your Claim”

    1. Randy, your pictures make me laugh. There's gold in them there hills! Well, very nice I suppose. I do think we get held back by worthiness issues. I am not sure how one stakes their claim? What do you mean claim it? What stake is ours? How should we know?

      In your "You are Amazing Post", I thought I was looking at Gospel singers singing "Amazing Grace", only at second sight to realize they were holding whips and not microphones....Then I saw the man in a the stockade, I don't know the blockade, whatever it's called. So, I was thinking this is someone getting beat up or, a very strict choir director. 🙂

    2. my Mantra this for the rest of this month is: The universe is incomplete without me.

      So, if i'm made up of from the universe, then i am capable of having or doing anything the universe has to offer... (You can switch the universe out for God, what ever suits you best)

      I'm working on my worthiness issues.. I know I'm already seeing a difference in other parts of my life, so its already paying off. I hope someday I can help people like others have helped me.

      Thank you Randy!!

        1. @Annieb Thanks Annie! I am very capable of loving. I do feel like I'm on the right track. I have some money blocks from the past I need to understand so I can move past them.. I feel like I'm getting close to uncovering why I don't allow prosperity..

    3. my Mantra this for the rest of this month is: The universe is incomplete without me.

      So, if i'm made up of from the universe, then i am capable of having or doing anything the universe has to offer... (You can switch the universe out for God, what ever suits you best)

      I'm working on my worthiness issues.. I know I'm already seeing a difference in other parts of my life, so its already paying off. I hope someday I can help people like others have helped me.

      Thank you Randy!!

    4. I feel the similarity how to open the window which is high. I think the biggest disaster for many people- they don't realize that putting a little gumption and ingenuity it is really easy to find a ladder or stool, or ask someone to pull to be closer at the window and start opening process. What is easier- to look for another window, that is more available. But this window is to mediocrity, not to prosperity.


      I've always been a person of action, warrior and survivor. With developing that skill set I have moved from poverty to mediocrity. At the moment my biggest lesson in the road to prosperity is to learn the meekness and confidence to process.

      Thank you Randy. Although you're in the other side of the earth, I feel how you hold me while I give a window to prosperity.

    5. I feel the similarity how to open the window which is high. I think the biggest disaster for many people- they don't realize that putting a little gumption and ingenuity it is really easy to find a ladder or stool, or ask someone to pull to be closer at the window and start opening process. What is easier- to look for another window, that is more available. But this window is to mediocrity, not to prosperity.


      I've always been a person of action, warrior and survivor. With developing that skill set I have moved from poverty to mediocrity. At the moment my biggest lesson in the road to prosperity is to learn the meekness and confidence to process.

      Thank you Randy. Although you're in the other side of the earth, I feel how you hold me while I reach a window to prosperity.

    6. I feel the similarity how to open the window which is high. I think the biggest disaster for many people- they don't realize that putting a little gumption and ingenuity it is really easy to find a ladder or stool, or ask someone to pull to be closer at the window and start opening process. What is easier- to look for another window, that is more available. But this window is to mediocrity, not to prosperity.


      I've always been a person of action, warrior and survivor. With developing that skill set I have moved from poverty to mediocrity. At the moment my biggest lesson in the road to prosperity is to learn the meekness and confidence to process.

      Thank you Randy. Although you're in the other side of the earth, I feel how you hold me while I reach a window to prosperity.

    7. "Meekness need not be weakness." Well said, Randy!

      According to linguists, "blessed are the meek" is a poor translation. A more accurate translation is "blessed are the gentle" or "kind" or "considerate", which puts a totally different spin on what Jesus said. (Although "inherit the earth" is still a pretty darned good description of prosperity!)


    8. "Meekness need not be weakness." Well said, Randy!

      According to linguists, "blessed are the meek" is a poor translation. A more accurate translation is "blessed are the gentle" or "kind" or "considerate", which puts a totally different spin on what Jesus said. (Although "inherit the earth" is still a pretty darned good description of prosperity!)


    9. Great words about meekness, Randy! You are one of 5 people, who is always inspiring instead of the world spreads.

      I remember many stories, when I fall in bad relationships with week unsecured guys. Why? because every time I met someone reliable and well-being careful guy, I rather scared of his power or thought he was boring.

      When I changed my position, different people came closely to me. Prosperious people.

    10. Great words about meekness, Randy! You are one of 5 people, who is always inspiring instead of the world spreads.

      I remember many stories, when I fall in bad relationships with week unsecured guys. Why? because every time I met someone reliable and well-being careful guy, I rather scared of his power or thought he was boring.

      When I changed my position, different people came closely to me. Prosperious people.

    11. I am half way through "Atlas Shrugged". I don't belong here. I am not sure yet where I fit, but I know it is not here now. So, Randy you will be happy to note, A. I have been reading Ayn Rand, and B. I am leaving.

      1. @Annieb Have you ever read Moby Dick? That too was a book Randy recommended some years back to elevate your consciousness level. I am in love with Ayn Rand's emotional universe tha she shared with us in her novels. Be a student of Greatness whereever you go. Is that the realm to which you belong?

    12. I am half way through "Atlas Shrugged". I don't belong here. I am not sure yet where I fit, but I know it is not here now. So, Randy you will be happy to note, A. I have been reading Ayn Rand, and B. I am leaving.

    13. I soooo get this! I have purchased and read all of your mini books and will read them again! This weekend I'm with T. Harv Eker!! I can't wait:)! Thanks for the Alert for today's Blog. It's perfect - Of course! Joy, DJ

    14. I soooo get this! I have purchased and read all of your mini books and will read them again! This weekend I'm with T. Harv Eker!! I can't wait:)! Thanks for the Alert for today's Blog. It's perfect - Of course! Joy, DJ

    15. @Annieb Thanks Annie! I am very capable of loving. I do feel like I'm on the right track. I have some money blocks from the past I need to understand so I can move past them.. I feel like I'm getting close to uncovering why I don't allow prosperity..

    16. My daily mantra is "I AM ENOUGH" with emphasis on the "I AM" of course, which is the most powerful statement we can make to the Universe. And with this also comes "Thank You", another powerful statement. This is again about playing LARGE in the world and dreaming BIG! I find that when I share my BIG vision with those that have never heard it before, they get excited, which in turn, excites me and amplifies the delivery of what's necessary by the Universe to achieve it.

      No playing meek here Randy. This is about living LARGE and exceeding rather than just achieving!

    17. My daily mantra is "I AM ENOUGH" with emphasis on the "I AM" of course, which is the most powerful statement we can make to the Universe. And with this also comes "Thank You", another powerful statement. This is again about playing LARGE in the world and dreaming BIG! I find that when I share my BIG vision with those that have never heard it before, they get excited, which in turn, excites me and amplifies the delivery of what's necessary by the Universe to achieve it.

      No playing meek here Randy. This is about living LARGE and exceeding rather than just achieving!

    18. Am I prosperous?

      It's all about perception.

      Well over half the people on this planet would look at my lifestyle & my income and say...."Good Grief, woman, you are Prosperous beyond belief!"

      They might observe, as St. Matthew did, that "To the one who hath, more shall be given; that one shall have more abundance" or in the modern vernacular, "The Rich get Richer!"

      I shall get richer! I shall have more abundance!

      When I think thus, my immediate stinking' thinkin' says, "many people will be envious of me & envious people are dangerous!" So I downplay my prosperity, I convince myself that I am NOT prosperous.

      Cwazy, innit?

      For me, it isn't about "not deserving Prosperity; I DO deserve it - but being prosperous is Dangerous! Poor people hate the Rich - right? I'd love to have your help to switch that perception around!

    19. Am I prosperous?

      It's all about perception.

      Well over half the people on this planet would look at my lifestyle & my income and say...."Good Grief, woman, you are Prosperous beyond belief!"

      They might observe, as St. Matthew did, that "To the one who hath, more shall be given; that one shall have more abundance" or in the modern vernacular, "The Rich get Richer!"

      I shall get richer! I shall have more abundance!

      When I think thus, my immediate stinking' thinkin' says, "many people will be envious of me & envious people are dangerous!" So I downplay my prosperity, I convince myself that I am NOT prosperous.

      Cwazy, innit?

      For me, it isn't about "not deserving Prosperity; I DO deserve it - but being prosperous is Dangerous! Poor people hate the Rich - right? I'd love to have your help to switch that perception around!

    20. @Annieb Have you ever read Moby Dick? That too was a book Randy recommended some years back to elevate your consciousness level. I am in love with Ayn Rand's emotional universe tha she shared with us in her novels. Be a student of Greatness whereever you go. Is that the realm to which you belong?

    21. Randy, I now officially declare that I am worthy of abundance. I always knew it which has lead me to a great life already, however simply by admitting that I deserve even more (for a lot of reasons), I left the plateau I was stuck on. Here's my question for you though: Ever since I started working on this a few weeks back thanks to you, I've experienced quite a bit of an emotional roller coaster (I even cried this morning when it really hit me) and from the comments below I can see that other people need tips and help to achieve this. So as much as I like you for being an example (which often already can do a lot), do you have specific tips on how to truly integrate this into our lives?

      Thank you for all your inspiration.

    22. Randy, I now officially declare that I am worthy of abundance. I always knew it which has lead me to a great life already, however simply by admitting that I deserve even more (for a lot of reasons), I left the plateau I was stuck on. Here's my question for you though: Ever since I started working on this a few weeks back thanks to you, I've experienced quite a bit of an emotional roller coaster (I even cried this morning when it really hit me) and from the comments below I can see that other people need tips and help to achieve this. So as much as I like you for being an example (which often already can do a lot), do you have specific tips on how to truly integrate this into our lives?

      Thank you for all your inspiration.

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