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Soul Gardening

Posted By: Randy GageMay 15, 2012

In As A Man Thinketh, James Allen tells us that our minds are like a garden, which can be intelligently cultivated, or allowed to run wild.  In either event, it will bring forth.

If you plant and tend your garden, it will produce flowers or fruits, the things you cultivate.  If you don’t plant specific seeds, then animals, wind and other elements will cause random things to fall into it, producing an abundance of weeds and wild vegetation, likely to choke out useful plants.  One thing is certain – something will grow in your garden.

Just as a gardener must tend his or her plot, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity.  You must nurture and tend the thoughts of happiness, success and purpose.

If you practice gardening of this kind, you will soon discover that you are the master gardener of your soul.  You will come to the profound revelation that you are not the victim of your circumstance – but the architect of them.  For it is the thoughts that you give precedence to that shape your character, create your circumstances, and determine your ultimate destiny.


The outer circumstances and environment of your life is directly connected to your inner state.  The most important thing you can learn about success, prosperity and happiness is this – thought and character are one.

No one wakes up one day in prison, or divorce court, or the emergency room.  It is the direct result of the thoughts you have had up to that point.

Now if you are like most people, this is the part where you start to mentally make excuses for yourself... 

You believe that what I just said is true for other people most of the time, but you are quite certain that you have been the victim of extenuating circumstances beyond your control.  Your situation is different.  You’re special.


And the day you stop buying into that bullshit – is the day you break through to levels of greatness that are simply breathtaking.  Are you up for it?



49 comments on “Soul Gardening”

  1. I definitely started living a COMPLETE different life the minute I started taking responsibility for every event/action/person, etc. in my life.
    It's actually amazingly freeing 🙂
    Jeremy Reeves

  2. Oh soooo true. Sharon Lechter, has just released a manuscript from Napolean Hill ( author of Think and Grow Rich ) called "Outwitting The Devil" - it was written in 1938 and was so controversial that many people were scared of the reaction it could have. Basically it's an interview between Napolean Hill and the devil where the latter talks about his strategy to destroy 98% of human beings - and guess how? Yep, through their inability to tend their gardens! The other 2% he has no claim to as they have totally conquered their thinking.
    Highly recommended reading.

  3. Oh soooo true. Sharon Lechter, has just released a manuscript from Napolean Hill ( author of Think and Grow Rich ) called "Outwitting The Devil" - it was written in 1938 and was so controversial that many people were scared of the reaction it could have. Basically it's an interview between Napolean Hill and the devil where the latter talks about his strategy to destroy 98% of human beings - and guess how? Yep, through their inability to tend their gardens! The other 2% he has no claim to as they have totally conquered their thinking.
    Highly recommended reading.

  4. Change does not happen due to what happens to you; it happens when you make a decision.

  5. Change does not happen due to what happens to you; it happens when you make a decision.

  6. Let me add to the gardening, please:
    since wind and other elements do bring seeds e.g. of conversations or commands into our garden, which are mind influecing "seeds" from our friends and other people we meet, maybe it is a helping thought for older starters like me, to first construct and build a wintergarden in which we start gardening our own thoughts, off of the others at a safe place (which keep other seeds out) and later, when we´re more professional, we will go out into nature and enlarge that culture and take over the whole mindset....
    I wish you guys flowers and fruits!

  7. Let me add to the gardening, please:
    since wind and other elements do bring seeds e.g. of conversations or commands into our garden, which are mind influecing "seeds" from our friends and other people we meet, maybe it is a helping thought for older starters like me, to first construct and build a wintergarden in which we start gardening our own thoughts, off of the others at a safe place (which keep other seeds out) and later, when we´re more professional, we will go out into nature and enlarge that culture and take over the whole mindset....
    I wish you guys flowers and fruits!

  8. As always Randy, this is very timely. I realize my 'garden' hasn't been filled with roses and laughter lately so I need to bet back at it and do some critical thinking while keeping emotions out of it. And like all human beings this requires diligence and consistency, but the payoff is living the Dream. I'm SO grateful for your constant reminders since we need constant practice which in turn, produces the results we truly desire. Life is about the thoughts we hold and the choices we make .. BOOM! 

  9. As always Randy, this is very timely. I realize my 'garden' hasn't been filled with roses and laughter lately so I need to bet back at it and do some critical thinking while keeping emotions out of it. And like all human beings this requires diligence and consistency, but the payoff is living the Dream. I'm SO grateful for your constant reminders since we need constant practice which in turn, produces the results we truly desire. Life is about the thoughts we hold and the choices we make .. BOOM! 

  10. Yeah Randy, Sometimes we need a kick in the butt to wake us the hell up! I read "As a man thinketh" because you recommended it about a year ago along with the book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" by Catherine Ponder. Both are excellent read. Keep 'em coming!

  11. Yeah Randy, Sometimes we need a kick in the butt to wake us the hell up! I read "As a man thinketh" because you recommended it about a year ago along with the book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" by Catherine Ponder. Both are excellent read. Keep 'em coming!

  12. Yeah Randy,  Sometimes we need a kick in the butt to wake us the hell up! I read "As a man thinketh" because you recommended it about a year ago along with the book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" by Catherine Ponder. Both are excellent read. Keep 'em coming! 

  13. Yeah Randy,  Sometimes we need a kick in the butt to wake us the hell up! I read "As a man thinketh" because you recommended it about a year ago along with the book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" by Catherine Ponder. Both are excellent read. Keep 'em coming! 

  14. Insightful article. Short, sweet, and powerfully to the point. Three words I love to live by that this article reminds me of:  Authenticity, Awareness, and Attitude. Be aware of who you are and things happening around you, take responsibility for your thoughts and actions, and have a positive attitude as much as possible. 

  15. Insightful article. Short, sweet, and powerfully to the point. Three words I love to live by that this article reminds me of:  Authenticity, Awareness, and Attitude. Be aware of who you are and things happening around you, take responsibility for your thoughts and actions, and have a positive attitude as much as possible. 

  16. Now, this was extremely POWERFUL! I certainly could have benefited from this message a few years ago, but even as the man I've become today - you have reminded me of just how far I've come, Randy. It was as though I was reading a powerful excerpt about myself. No kidding! I am also a huge fan of James Allen's, "As a Man Thinketh"; I attribute most of my success to that book. It's absolutely life-changing. I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it, yet. Thanks for the empowerment and confirmation, buddy. Awesome  read! 

  17. Now, this was extremely POWERFUL! I certainly could have benefited from this message a few years ago, but even as the man I've become today - you have reminded me of just how far I've come, Randy. It was as though I was reading a powerful excerpt about myself. No kidding! I am also a huge fan of James Allen's, "As a Man Thinketh"; I attribute most of my success to that book. It's absolutely life-changing. I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it, yet. Thanks for the empowerment and confirmation, buddy. Awesome  read! 

  18. Painfully true. As in the garden it takes some time to see the new plants growing and thriving, plus you need to protect them before they grow stronger. It takes some effort but its well worth that effort.

  19. Painfully true. As in the garden it takes some time to see the new plants growing and thriving, plus you need to protect them before they grow stronger. It takes some effort but its well worth that effort.

  20. But how hard wasn't it to admit it! I have been quite angry at you sometimes Randy for saying things like this. Until i understod that that it was me i was angry at. By the way thank you for the work you do.

  21. But how hard wasn't it to admit it! I have been quite angry at you sometimes Randy for saying things like this. Until i understod that that it was me i was angry at. By the way thank you for the work you do.

  22. wondering which comes first... healthy diet or healthier thoughts? Maybe some thoughts to eat healthier and then eating healthier (tending your body's garden) raises more positive thoughts? there is a "Gut" brain connected to the head brain... "You are what you eat"...
    "The brain has a direct effect on the stomach. For example, the very thought of eating can release the stomach’s juices before food gets there. This connection goes both ways. A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person’s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, stress, or depression. That’s because the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected — so intimately that they should be viewed as one system."
    and there is also a "The Heart Brain
    The intrinsic cardiac nervous system, or heart brain, is made up of complex ganglia, containing afferent (receiving) local circuit (interneurons) and efferent (transmitting) sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. Multifunctional sensory neurites, which are distributed throughout the heart, are sensitive to many types of sensory input originating from within the heart itself. The intrinsic cardiac ganglia integrate messages from the brain and other processing centers throughout the body with information received from the cardiac sensory neurites. Once information has been processed by the heart’s intrinsic neurons, the appropriate signals are sent to the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes as well as the muscles in the heart. Thus, under normal physiological conditions, the heart’s intrinsic nervous system plays an important role in much of the routine control of cardiac function, independent of the central nervous system. Dr. Armour and his colleagues have shown that the heart’s intrinsic nervous system is vital for the maintenance of cardiovascular stability and efficiency, and that without it, the heart cannot operate properly."
    Mind, Body & soul gardening

    1. "The heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain."
      "There is a "state of ease" that each of us can access to help release emotional turbulence and help maintain coherent alignment between our heart, mind and emotions. Learning to access our personal space of "inner-ease" can be done with minimum practice and in just a little time. When operating in an ease-mode, it’s easier to choose less stressful perceptions and attitudes and re-create "flow" in our daily routines."
      Heart Math "Notice & Ease" tool if you notice unwanted feelings such as anxiety, tension, anger, worry and sadness:
      Step 1: Notice and admit what you are feeling.
      Step 2: Try to name the feeling.
      Step 3: Tell yourself to e-a-s-e …
      "as you gently focus in your heart, relax as you breathe and e-a-s-e the stress out. As you tell yourself to ease in your heart, relax and ease the stressful emotion out, feel as if the unwanted emotion is leaving your system. Don’t force it out; ease it out. Befriend the reaction by holding it in your heart, then let the feeling ease out of your system. If you try to fight your feelings or push them away, they will gain energy. Befriending your feelings will help you clear."
      Use inner ease tool for 1 minute throughout day...

    2. I am also thinking there is a lot in our subconscious that we aren't aware of... so if what we are manifesting isn't matching what we think we are thinking then we need to change what is in the subconscious.
      Breathing, Eating & Drinking healthy, & praying (positive...repetitive...of what you do want)..."For it is the thoughts that you give precedence to that shape your character, create your circumstances, and determine your ultimate destiny."
      Be the change... be the example...

  23. great post Randy..its like hitting bombs in softball ..most people have the strength to do it but they don't do it for some reason.(:

  24. great post Randy..its like hitting bombs in softball ..most people have the strength to do it but they don't do it for some reason.(:

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  • 49 comments on “Soul Gardening”

    1. I definitely started living a COMPLETE different life the minute I started taking responsibility for every event/action/person, etc. in my life.
      It's actually amazingly freeing 🙂
      Jeremy Reeves

    2. Oh soooo true. Sharon Lechter, has just released a manuscript from Napolean Hill ( author of Think and Grow Rich ) called "Outwitting The Devil" - it was written in 1938 and was so controversial that many people were scared of the reaction it could have. Basically it's an interview between Napolean Hill and the devil where the latter talks about his strategy to destroy 98% of human beings - and guess how? Yep, through their inability to tend their gardens! The other 2% he has no claim to as they have totally conquered their thinking.
      Highly recommended reading.

    3. Oh soooo true. Sharon Lechter, has just released a manuscript from Napolean Hill ( author of Think and Grow Rich ) called "Outwitting The Devil" - it was written in 1938 and was so controversial that many people were scared of the reaction it could have. Basically it's an interview between Napolean Hill and the devil where the latter talks about his strategy to destroy 98% of human beings - and guess how? Yep, through their inability to tend their gardens! The other 2% he has no claim to as they have totally conquered their thinking.
      Highly recommended reading.

    4. Change does not happen due to what happens to you; it happens when you make a decision.

    5. Change does not happen due to what happens to you; it happens when you make a decision.

    6. Let me add to the gardening, please:
      since wind and other elements do bring seeds e.g. of conversations or commands into our garden, which are mind influecing "seeds" from our friends and other people we meet, maybe it is a helping thought for older starters like me, to first construct and build a wintergarden in which we start gardening our own thoughts, off of the others at a safe place (which keep other seeds out) and later, when we´re more professional, we will go out into nature and enlarge that culture and take over the whole mindset....
      I wish you guys flowers and fruits!

    7. Let me add to the gardening, please:
      since wind and other elements do bring seeds e.g. of conversations or commands into our garden, which are mind influecing "seeds" from our friends and other people we meet, maybe it is a helping thought for older starters like me, to first construct and build a wintergarden in which we start gardening our own thoughts, off of the others at a safe place (which keep other seeds out) and later, when we´re more professional, we will go out into nature and enlarge that culture and take over the whole mindset....
      I wish you guys flowers and fruits!

    8. As always Randy, this is very timely. I realize my 'garden' hasn't been filled with roses and laughter lately so I need to bet back at it and do some critical thinking while keeping emotions out of it. And like all human beings this requires diligence and consistency, but the payoff is living the Dream. I'm SO grateful for your constant reminders since we need constant practice which in turn, produces the results we truly desire. Life is about the thoughts we hold and the choices we make .. BOOM! 

    9. As always Randy, this is very timely. I realize my 'garden' hasn't been filled with roses and laughter lately so I need to bet back at it and do some critical thinking while keeping emotions out of it. And like all human beings this requires diligence and consistency, but the payoff is living the Dream. I'm SO grateful for your constant reminders since we need constant practice which in turn, produces the results we truly desire. Life is about the thoughts we hold and the choices we make .. BOOM! 

    10. Yeah Randy, Sometimes we need a kick in the butt to wake us the hell up! I read "As a man thinketh" because you recommended it about a year ago along with the book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" by Catherine Ponder. Both are excellent read. Keep 'em coming!

    11. Yeah Randy, Sometimes we need a kick in the butt to wake us the hell up! I read "As a man thinketh" because you recommended it about a year ago along with the book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" by Catherine Ponder. Both are excellent read. Keep 'em coming!

    12. Yeah Randy,  Sometimes we need a kick in the butt to wake us the hell up! I read "As a man thinketh" because you recommended it about a year ago along with the book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" by Catherine Ponder. Both are excellent read. Keep 'em coming! 

    13. Yeah Randy,  Sometimes we need a kick in the butt to wake us the hell up! I read "As a man thinketh" because you recommended it about a year ago along with the book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" by Catherine Ponder. Both are excellent read. Keep 'em coming! 

    14. Insightful article. Short, sweet, and powerfully to the point. Three words I love to live by that this article reminds me of:  Authenticity, Awareness, and Attitude. Be aware of who you are and things happening around you, take responsibility for your thoughts and actions, and have a positive attitude as much as possible. 

    15. Insightful article. Short, sweet, and powerfully to the point. Three words I love to live by that this article reminds me of:  Authenticity, Awareness, and Attitude. Be aware of who you are and things happening around you, take responsibility for your thoughts and actions, and have a positive attitude as much as possible. 

    16. Now, this was extremely POWERFUL! I certainly could have benefited from this message a few years ago, but even as the man I've become today - you have reminded me of just how far I've come, Randy. It was as though I was reading a powerful excerpt about myself. No kidding! I am also a huge fan of James Allen's, "As a Man Thinketh"; I attribute most of my success to that book. It's absolutely life-changing. I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it, yet. Thanks for the empowerment and confirmation, buddy. Awesome  read! 

    17. Now, this was extremely POWERFUL! I certainly could have benefited from this message a few years ago, but even as the man I've become today - you have reminded me of just how far I've come, Randy. It was as though I was reading a powerful excerpt about myself. No kidding! I am also a huge fan of James Allen's, "As a Man Thinketh"; I attribute most of my success to that book. It's absolutely life-changing. I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it, yet. Thanks for the empowerment and confirmation, buddy. Awesome  read! 

    18. Painfully true. As in the garden it takes some time to see the new plants growing and thriving, plus you need to protect them before they grow stronger. It takes some effort but its well worth that effort.

    19. Painfully true. As in the garden it takes some time to see the new plants growing and thriving, plus you need to protect them before they grow stronger. It takes some effort but its well worth that effort.

    20. But how hard wasn't it to admit it! I have been quite angry at you sometimes Randy for saying things like this. Until i understod that that it was me i was angry at. By the way thank you for the work you do.

    21. But how hard wasn't it to admit it! I have been quite angry at you sometimes Randy for saying things like this. Until i understod that that it was me i was angry at. By the way thank you for the work you do.

    22. wondering which comes first... healthy diet or healthier thoughts? Maybe some thoughts to eat healthier and then eating healthier (tending your body's garden) raises more positive thoughts? there is a "Gut" brain connected to the head brain... "You are what you eat"...
      "The brain has a direct effect on the stomach. For example, the very thought of eating can release the stomach’s juices before food gets there. This connection goes both ways. A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person’s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, stress, or depression. That’s because the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected — so intimately that they should be viewed as one system."
      and there is also a "The Heart Brain
      The intrinsic cardiac nervous system, or heart brain, is made up of complex ganglia, containing afferent (receiving) local circuit (interneurons) and efferent (transmitting) sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. Multifunctional sensory neurites, which are distributed throughout the heart, are sensitive to many types of sensory input originating from within the heart itself. The intrinsic cardiac ganglia integrate messages from the brain and other processing centers throughout the body with information received from the cardiac sensory neurites. Once information has been processed by the heart’s intrinsic neurons, the appropriate signals are sent to the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes as well as the muscles in the heart. Thus, under normal physiological conditions, the heart’s intrinsic nervous system plays an important role in much of the routine control of cardiac function, independent of the central nervous system. Dr. Armour and his colleagues have shown that the heart’s intrinsic nervous system is vital for the maintenance of cardiovascular stability and efficiency, and that without it, the heart cannot operate properly."
      Mind, Body & soul gardening

      1. "The heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain."
        "There is a "state of ease" that each of us can access to help release emotional turbulence and help maintain coherent alignment between our heart, mind and emotions. Learning to access our personal space of "inner-ease" can be done with minimum practice and in just a little time. When operating in an ease-mode, it’s easier to choose less stressful perceptions and attitudes and re-create "flow" in our daily routines."
        Heart Math "Notice & Ease" tool if you notice unwanted feelings such as anxiety, tension, anger, worry and sadness:
        Step 1: Notice and admit what you are feeling.
        Step 2: Try to name the feeling.
        Step 3: Tell yourself to e-a-s-e …
        "as you gently focus in your heart, relax as you breathe and e-a-s-e the stress out. As you tell yourself to ease in your heart, relax and ease the stressful emotion out, feel as if the unwanted emotion is leaving your system. Don’t force it out; ease it out. Befriend the reaction by holding it in your heart, then let the feeling ease out of your system. If you try to fight your feelings or push them away, they will gain energy. Befriending your feelings will help you clear."
        Use inner ease tool for 1 minute throughout day...

      2. I am also thinking there is a lot in our subconscious that we aren't aware of... so if what we are manifesting isn't matching what we think we are thinking then we need to change what is in the subconscious.
        Breathing, Eating & Drinking healthy, & praying (positive...repetitive...of what you do want)..."For it is the thoughts that you give precedence to that shape your character, create your circumstances, and determine your ultimate destiny."
        Be the change... be the example...

    23. great post Randy..its like hitting bombs in softball ..most people have the strength to do it but they don't do it for some reason.(:

    24. great post Randy..its like hitting bombs in softball ..most people have the strength to do it but they don't do it for some reason.(:

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