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So What’s the Lesson for You?

Posted By: Randy GageMay 13, 2009

So I got a recommendation for a chiropractor in South Beach.  I called to find out she has no evening or weekend hours.  She has no staff.  So if she’s with a client, you go to voicemail.  She takes no insurance.  Or credit cards.  On my first visit, she came out to greet me barefoot.

Which isn’t surprising now, since she appears to work everyday barefoot.  Oh and one other thing:  She is one of the most amazing healers I have ever met.

So what’s the lesson here for you?


45 comments on “So What’s the Lesson for You?”

  1. the lesson is that you stayed there anyway - after all your preconceived notions that you took in with you about what a chiropractor should look and act like. the lesson is that the most successful of us don't have to follow the "rules" that everyone else goes by; we can blaze our own paths - and we should.


  2. It's like an old definition I've heard regarding Maslow's Hierarchy: Self-Actualization is going to a black tie event wearing a T-shirt and sneakers and not even noticing you're under-dressed.

  3. This chiropractor obviously knows her value. She runs her practice the way she likes and doesn't let the patients determine her hours or the way she gets paid.

    She is happy with who she is and what she does in life.

  4. The lesson here is on how she has truly focused in on what her true intent is. Not the trappings that always seem to come from owning a business, but focusing all of her healing intent on her clients. Pure unadulterated focus. That truly is a novel concept!

  5. simplicity.

    also if you love what you do, if you are great at what you do, if you are in alignment with your purpose, abundance will flow to you and through you.


  6. The lesson is simple "when you have feet odor problems, wear no shoes and keep customer happy"

    - I actually love this post Randy, I like to preach in blue jeans and even shorts - why wear the monkey suit - is dressing up for Jesus or anyone else really that important, no. It's the heart inside and the value we bring to people. Take care and keep posting!

  7. That what we "view" how someone should dress, act & behave isn't always how it should be. She sees her roll very diifferently than how we see it and makes it work for her because of who she is.

    I would love to meet someone like her and I bet you are glad you did. Totally out-of-the-box thinker and doer who know the direction in life she wants to take.


    Tom Larsen

  8. It validates how I work. I dress as I please to sell real estate. If folks are worried more about how I dress than what knowledge I have in my head that will benefit them then I'm not the guy they want to work with. I've sold just as much real estate in shorts and Hawaiian shirts as I have in business suits.

  9. As I started to read the story, I thought - OMG, how does she think to manage the business so poorly...

    However, it's the VALUE she provides to her clients that matters.
    The lesson: it's all about me and the value I provide to the people around me, not the high heels or french manicure.
    Great lesson, thanks Randy!

  10. Do what you love, the way you love, make no excuses, have fun doing it!!! But, be committed, passionate, enthusiastic, which really draws people to you!

  11. And of course the oldest and truest analogy ever made..

    "Don't judge a book by its cover"..

    I just had a similar experience: I met an 18 yr old guy who's involved in the Univera health products business I'm involved with for the past 6 months and is generating over $6K/month and soon will be $9K/mo. When I asked him how he does it, he says, "I'm just being myself!".. You can be pretty sure he's not talking to people in a 3 pc suit, LOL.

    Who we are and our intention is what matters.

    Thanks Randy!

  12. Chiropractors that don't wear shoes are better healers? 🙂

    Seriously ...

    1. Stay true to your beliefs and values. If you want to work barefoot every day, then find a way to make it happen!

    2. Live life at your own pace. Find a way to support yourself without having to cater to business needs more than you'd like to.

    3. If you're passionate about what you do, and you do it well, you'll have an easier time achieving 1 and 2. Find something that you can really dedicate yourself to!

  13. Very thought-provoking topic, Randy!

    Before saying anything further, as a holistic health coach myself, I APPLAUD YOU for believing in alternative health enough to support the industry. We practitioners have much to offer, especially since our current health care system is too expensive, too ineffective, and too influenced by personal and corporate interest to be of any real good to the population.

    I agree with several of the other commentators that one possible "lesson" pertains to the need for us, who are engaged in manifesting wealth and comfort, not to be so quick to judge or, more importantly, misjudge! So many opportunities for advancement and prosperity are "diamonds" buried in nuggets of coal. Those truly skilled in creating success, whether for intentions of greater wealth or, as in your case, physical health, suspend judgment and review opportunities with a clear mind.

    When I first considered the therapeutic power of essential oils, it took me 2-3 months to commit. After so many years of results with herbs, homeopathics, and other alternative health modalities, I just could not get my mind around the belief that essential oils can be used successfully to address cancer, heart disease and many other illnesses. But dang it, I finally pushed past my own judgments, gave it a hearty try, and here I am, nearly 12 years later, having seen MIRACLES OF HEALING for many of my family, friends, clients and even my pets.

    Having said that, however, I am thinking that the "lesson" your event is really trying to point out is even more profound. For while premature judgment is important for searching out success and prosperity, even more important is the concept of TRUST. We entrepreneurs tend to be a fearful bunch. Rather than give ideas, strategies and even casual events our full faith and patience, we lose interest, commitment or abandon ship before the iron gets hottest. Yes, there is always a "cut and run" point in any project we get involved with. Sometimes knowing when to do that IS the lesson. But if you put FEAR and MISJUDGMENT at the helm of your decision-making process when reviewing an opportunity, you will miss the boat entirely.

    I say if you want to manifest tremendous prosperity, practice this strategy more: LOOK & LISTEN -- EXERCISE THE BEST INTENTION -- EXECUTE THE BEST ACTION -- TRUST IN YOURSELF -- and GIVE THE RESULTS ADEQUATE TIME TO GROW. Or, stated in another way, start doing some gardening. I'm not into it myself, but during the few times when girlfriends or Mom twisted my arm into helping with planting new seed, I can tell you that gardening affirms with great credibility ALL of the principles I just mentioned.

    Thanks a bunch for all that you are doing to guide and inspire us, Randy.

    - Holistic Joe

  14. Lessons for me?

    1. I can simplify my life and still be effective and fulfill my vocation.

    2. I can conduct myself in relation to the world on my own terms and still be loved and valued.

    Thanks, Randy!

  15. The recommendation got you there and in the face of expectations the recommendation had you partake in the experience. The experience had you return.

    We need to work on our recommendations. We need to ask for referrals and we need to exceed people’s expectations.

  16. I agree with this post, this chiropractor was recommended to Randy. A friend said, "Go see her, she is THE BEST!" First of all you are going to go see her because recommendations from friends are the most powerful. This chiropractor is very valuable(expert at what she does), she is in line with her purpose, she has a ton of positive energy, and she works in her comfortable environment accepting her abundance! I have actually been to someone like this, and she herself is an amazing healer, and I have a great testimony from seeing her! I would is very powerful. The bottom line is you have to be an expert in your field, your product has to have value, and you have to be in tune with your prosperity consciousness.

  17. This sounds JUST like my homeopath (who works out of a rather cluttered home office and literally brings MIRACLES to every one of us priveleged enough to cross her door) AND my chiropractor (who was recently dressed up because he was out of laundry and I was the ONLY on all DAY that noticed at 5:30pm.) Iam definitely going to share...and keep working on MY business to be seen the EXACT same way by even more people than I already am!

  18. Trust. You trusted the words of the person who gave you the referral and even though the visual did not represent your standard, the system of doing business wasn't consistent with other business you may respect, your trust carried you through to share the gift of the touch.

  19. She lives life on her terms. Seeing those terms suit her so well accorded with your beliefs, too. How could you possibly disapprove of someone living life the way you believe it should be lived?

  20. The lesson here is that technology can not buy good service or good standards. It can only enhance it. And that at the end of the day bigger isn't always better.

  21. If you are good, you can afford to dress the way you like, which is what I did before meeting you and hearing you say we need to dress professional ! and you know what? Since I now wear at least a tie ! yey...that's a lot of work from Bernadette to get me just there !...
    I still feel the same and my patients still respect me for who I am, not the suits I wear !
    It reminds me of my mum who was telling me that to wear shorts at work I needed to become a doctor first ! so I did...become a doctor!
    I still never dared wearing shorts in my office...

  22. Let me say that this is the BEST forum post because you ASKED what the lesson was for US instead of telling us some of your "rules" for living.

    So, the FIRST lesson for me, was that I got a chance to examine my own beliefs about the situation you stated factually. Great.

    The SECOND is that I was reminded that indeed we are "making it all up" as "conversations with God" puts it. So, whatever I CHOOSE for the lesson to be for me will be the lesson- unless I choose otherwise.

    The THIRD lesson is what I am now CHOOSING the lesson to be:
    That this healer is so in-tune with her own BEING, that she can create the lifestyle she wants, and still DO what she wants, and people will still WANT her to do what she wants.

    and by extension, so can I!

    I LOVED this Randy- thanks!

  23. Wow! She lives by her own rules , she doesn't follow the herd mentality of how she should run her business or her life.
    Kudos to her!
    We should all have the courage to do the same!

    Thanks Randy.

  24. Well, you went there by recommendation didn't you?
    And she is one of the most amazing healers you have ever met.

    The rest, has nothing to do with you.


  25. The world tends to think that the appearance, how we present ourselves, behave, and act are what bring a person to become successful. However, when a person truly knows himself or herself and is confident about who he or she is, nothing really matters, as long as he or she sees her role in a unique way, knowing her niche, even if it is totally different from the streotyped world views, she is a giant and successful from a view of her niche audience. You can't simply make the programmed ideas or technology work alone to become successful, or wishing to be so by aiming to win the hearts of prospects, unless you let your heart and true loving attitude get involved in good relationships with people on a personal level in MLM business.

    I would love to meet her, and I'm sure you are glad you met her, Randy. In connecting this story with MLM, I want to keep reminding myself of the principles (besides believing the consequences of a positive belief) of how you (Randy) stressed an importance on the relationships in the MLM business, as well as what Robert Kiyosaki and Ann Sieg commented.: Network Marketing is the business school for people who like helping people by Robert Kiyosaki, and "... if you want to truly become successful in MLM, you have to have a true genuine love for people by ” Ann Sieg.

    In summary, your message here is: "Trust." You trusted the words spoken to you about this person, and although she really didn't visually represent to live up to your presumed standard when you first met her, you trusted the words. Through her personal touch, your trust carried you, and it was determined by you the words were true. It's about the consequence/bio-product of faith, trust, and a heart-to-heart connection with people that you trust.. also.
    A fake - go money getter - attitude would never win the hearts of people in the first place but would lose them all ... at the end because people are not fool. They would simply know the intention.

    I truly enjoy your blog. Thanks, Randy.

  26. Lesson #1: Bigger isn't necessarily better. Umm, what I mean to say is -- err, you don't have to go with corporate giants or the big John Hopkins "type" when you can get the same if not BETTER service from a sole provider.

    Lesson #2: It is all about you. Small service providers have the ability and time to care for you and your well being, $$ it isn't necessarily the bottom line.

  27. Recommendations from trusted friends are very powerful. If you had looked up her name in the directory she would not have touched you.

  28. Congrats to her and her customers. Her shoes, hours, phone answering or lack thereof has no relationship to her ability to help/heal.

    'Proper' clothes is just one of the many beliefs we get programmed with from chilldhood on.

    Many of them are very limiting beliefs.

  29. Nice comment Bones. I believe that presence begets presence. She is a great healer because she is one with herself and the moment - and people can either be liberated or repelled by this.

  30. One thing in my mind, according to my senses the chiropractor although he is very powerful in skills lack something. Maybe the value of her self that equate to being poor. I am right?
    He is great but why he is poor, he is talented but why others are so rich?

  31. the beauty is that you were able to throw away any attachments/judgements that you might have preconceived a chiropractor should be and follow your flow.

    "All things work together for good, there are no exceptions, except in the ego's judgement."

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  • 45 comments on “So What’s the Lesson for You?”

    1. the lesson is that you stayed there anyway - after all your preconceived notions that you took in with you about what a chiropractor should look and act like. the lesson is that the most successful of us don't have to follow the "rules" that everyone else goes by; we can blaze our own paths - and we should.


    2. It's like an old definition I've heard regarding Maslow's Hierarchy: Self-Actualization is going to a black tie event wearing a T-shirt and sneakers and not even noticing you're under-dressed.

    3. This chiropractor obviously knows her value. She runs her practice the way she likes and doesn't let the patients determine her hours or the way she gets paid.

      She is happy with who she is and what she does in life.

    4. The lesson here is on how she has truly focused in on what her true intent is. Not the trappings that always seem to come from owning a business, but focusing all of her healing intent on her clients. Pure unadulterated focus. That truly is a novel concept!

    5. simplicity.

      also if you love what you do, if you are great at what you do, if you are in alignment with your purpose, abundance will flow to you and through you.


    6. The lesson is simple "when you have feet odor problems, wear no shoes and keep customer happy"

      - I actually love this post Randy, I like to preach in blue jeans and even shorts - why wear the monkey suit - is dressing up for Jesus or anyone else really that important, no. It's the heart inside and the value we bring to people. Take care and keep posting!

    7. That what we "view" how someone should dress, act & behave isn't always how it should be. She sees her roll very diifferently than how we see it and makes it work for her because of who she is.

      I would love to meet someone like her and I bet you are glad you did. Totally out-of-the-box thinker and doer who know the direction in life she wants to take.


      Tom Larsen

    8. It validates how I work. I dress as I please to sell real estate. If folks are worried more about how I dress than what knowledge I have in my head that will benefit them then I'm not the guy they want to work with. I've sold just as much real estate in shorts and Hawaiian shirts as I have in business suits.

    9. As I started to read the story, I thought - OMG, how does she think to manage the business so poorly...

      However, it's the VALUE she provides to her clients that matters.
      The lesson: it's all about me and the value I provide to the people around me, not the high heels or french manicure.
      Great lesson, thanks Randy!

    10. Do what you love, the way you love, make no excuses, have fun doing it!!! But, be committed, passionate, enthusiastic, which really draws people to you!

    11. And of course the oldest and truest analogy ever made..

      "Don't judge a book by its cover"..

      I just had a similar experience: I met an 18 yr old guy who's involved in the Univera health products business I'm involved with for the past 6 months and is generating over $6K/month and soon will be $9K/mo. When I asked him how he does it, he says, "I'm just being myself!".. You can be pretty sure he's not talking to people in a 3 pc suit, LOL.

      Who we are and our intention is what matters.

      Thanks Randy!

    12. Chiropractors that don't wear shoes are better healers? 🙂

      Seriously ...

      1. Stay true to your beliefs and values. If you want to work barefoot every day, then find a way to make it happen!

      2. Live life at your own pace. Find a way to support yourself without having to cater to business needs more than you'd like to.

      3. If you're passionate about what you do, and you do it well, you'll have an easier time achieving 1 and 2. Find something that you can really dedicate yourself to!

    13. Very thought-provoking topic, Randy!

      Before saying anything further, as a holistic health coach myself, I APPLAUD YOU for believing in alternative health enough to support the industry. We practitioners have much to offer, especially since our current health care system is too expensive, too ineffective, and too influenced by personal and corporate interest to be of any real good to the population.

      I agree with several of the other commentators that one possible "lesson" pertains to the need for us, who are engaged in manifesting wealth and comfort, not to be so quick to judge or, more importantly, misjudge! So many opportunities for advancement and prosperity are "diamonds" buried in nuggets of coal. Those truly skilled in creating success, whether for intentions of greater wealth or, as in your case, physical health, suspend judgment and review opportunities with a clear mind.

      When I first considered the therapeutic power of essential oils, it took me 2-3 months to commit. After so many years of results with herbs, homeopathics, and other alternative health modalities, I just could not get my mind around the belief that essential oils can be used successfully to address cancer, heart disease and many other illnesses. But dang it, I finally pushed past my own judgments, gave it a hearty try, and here I am, nearly 12 years later, having seen MIRACLES OF HEALING for many of my family, friends, clients and even my pets.

      Having said that, however, I am thinking that the "lesson" your event is really trying to point out is even more profound. For while premature judgment is important for searching out success and prosperity, even more important is the concept of TRUST. We entrepreneurs tend to be a fearful bunch. Rather than give ideas, strategies and even casual events our full faith and patience, we lose interest, commitment or abandon ship before the iron gets hottest. Yes, there is always a "cut and run" point in any project we get involved with. Sometimes knowing when to do that IS the lesson. But if you put FEAR and MISJUDGMENT at the helm of your decision-making process when reviewing an opportunity, you will miss the boat entirely.

      I say if you want to manifest tremendous prosperity, practice this strategy more: LOOK & LISTEN -- EXERCISE THE BEST INTENTION -- EXECUTE THE BEST ACTION -- TRUST IN YOURSELF -- and GIVE THE RESULTS ADEQUATE TIME TO GROW. Or, stated in another way, start doing some gardening. I'm not into it myself, but during the few times when girlfriends or Mom twisted my arm into helping with planting new seed, I can tell you that gardening affirms with great credibility ALL of the principles I just mentioned.

      Thanks a bunch for all that you are doing to guide and inspire us, Randy.

      - Holistic Joe

    14. Lessons for me?

      1. I can simplify my life and still be effective and fulfill my vocation.

      2. I can conduct myself in relation to the world on my own terms and still be loved and valued.

      Thanks, Randy!

    15. The recommendation got you there and in the face of expectations the recommendation had you partake in the experience. The experience had you return.

      We need to work on our recommendations. We need to ask for referrals and we need to exceed people’s expectations.

    16. I agree with this post, this chiropractor was recommended to Randy. A friend said, "Go see her, she is THE BEST!" First of all you are going to go see her because recommendations from friends are the most powerful. This chiropractor is very valuable(expert at what she does), she is in line with her purpose, she has a ton of positive energy, and she works in her comfortable environment accepting her abundance! I have actually been to someone like this, and she herself is an amazing healer, and I have a great testimony from seeing her! I would is very powerful. The bottom line is you have to be an expert in your field, your product has to have value, and you have to be in tune with your prosperity consciousness.

    17. This sounds JUST like my homeopath (who works out of a rather cluttered home office and literally brings MIRACLES to every one of us priveleged enough to cross her door) AND my chiropractor (who was recently dressed up because he was out of laundry and I was the ONLY on all DAY that noticed at 5:30pm.) Iam definitely going to share...and keep working on MY business to be seen the EXACT same way by even more people than I already am!

    18. Trust. You trusted the words of the person who gave you the referral and even though the visual did not represent your standard, the system of doing business wasn't consistent with other business you may respect, your trust carried you through to share the gift of the touch.

    19. She lives life on her terms. Seeing those terms suit her so well accorded with your beliefs, too. How could you possibly disapprove of someone living life the way you believe it should be lived?

    20. The lesson here is that technology can not buy good service or good standards. It can only enhance it. And that at the end of the day bigger isn't always better.

    21. If you are good, you can afford to dress the way you like, which is what I did before meeting you and hearing you say we need to dress professional ! and you know what? Since I now wear at least a tie ! yey...that's a lot of work from Bernadette to get me just there !...
      I still feel the same and my patients still respect me for who I am, not the suits I wear !
      It reminds me of my mum who was telling me that to wear shorts at work I needed to become a doctor first ! so I did...become a doctor!
      I still never dared wearing shorts in my office...

    22. Let me say that this is the BEST forum post because you ASKED what the lesson was for US instead of telling us some of your "rules" for living.

      So, the FIRST lesson for me, was that I got a chance to examine my own beliefs about the situation you stated factually. Great.

      The SECOND is that I was reminded that indeed we are "making it all up" as "conversations with God" puts it. So, whatever I CHOOSE for the lesson to be for me will be the lesson- unless I choose otherwise.

      The THIRD lesson is what I am now CHOOSING the lesson to be:
      That this healer is so in-tune with her own BEING, that she can create the lifestyle she wants, and still DO what she wants, and people will still WANT her to do what she wants.

      and by extension, so can I!

      I LOVED this Randy- thanks!

    23. Wow! She lives by her own rules , she doesn't follow the herd mentality of how she should run her business or her life.
      Kudos to her!
      We should all have the courage to do the same!

      Thanks Randy.

    24. Well, you went there by recommendation didn't you?
      And she is one of the most amazing healers you have ever met.

      The rest, has nothing to do with you.


    25. The world tends to think that the appearance, how we present ourselves, behave, and act are what bring a person to become successful. However, when a person truly knows himself or herself and is confident about who he or she is, nothing really matters, as long as he or she sees her role in a unique way, knowing her niche, even if it is totally different from the streotyped world views, she is a giant and successful from a view of her niche audience. You can't simply make the programmed ideas or technology work alone to become successful, or wishing to be so by aiming to win the hearts of prospects, unless you let your heart and true loving attitude get involved in good relationships with people on a personal level in MLM business.

      I would love to meet her, and I'm sure you are glad you met her, Randy. In connecting this story with MLM, I want to keep reminding myself of the principles (besides believing the consequences of a positive belief) of how you (Randy) stressed an importance on the relationships in the MLM business, as well as what Robert Kiyosaki and Ann Sieg commented.: Network Marketing is the business school for people who like helping people by Robert Kiyosaki, and "... if you want to truly become successful in MLM, you have to have a true genuine love for people by ” Ann Sieg.

      In summary, your message here is: "Trust." You trusted the words spoken to you about this person, and although she really didn't visually represent to live up to your presumed standard when you first met her, you trusted the words. Through her personal touch, your trust carried you, and it was determined by you the words were true. It's about the consequence/bio-product of faith, trust, and a heart-to-heart connection with people that you trust.. also.
      A fake - go money getter - attitude would never win the hearts of people in the first place but would lose them all ... at the end because people are not fool. They would simply know the intention.

      I truly enjoy your blog. Thanks, Randy.

    26. Lesson #1: Bigger isn't necessarily better. Umm, what I mean to say is -- err, you don't have to go with corporate giants or the big John Hopkins "type" when you can get the same if not BETTER service from a sole provider.

      Lesson #2: It is all about you. Small service providers have the ability and time to care for you and your well being, $$ it isn't necessarily the bottom line.

    27. Recommendations from trusted friends are very powerful. If you had looked up her name in the directory she would not have touched you.

    28. Congrats to her and her customers. Her shoes, hours, phone answering or lack thereof has no relationship to her ability to help/heal.

      'Proper' clothes is just one of the many beliefs we get programmed with from chilldhood on.

      Many of them are very limiting beliefs.

    29. Nice comment Bones. I believe that presence begets presence. She is a great healer because she is one with herself and the moment - and people can either be liberated or repelled by this.

    30. One thing in my mind, according to my senses the chiropractor although he is very powerful in skills lack something. Maybe the value of her self that equate to being poor. I am right?
      He is great but why he is poor, he is talented but why others are so rich?

    31. the beauty is that you were able to throw away any attachments/judgements that you might have preconceived a chiropractor should be and follow your flow.

      "All things work together for good, there are no exceptions, except in the ego's judgement."

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