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So How Did You React?

Posted By: Randy GageApril 21, 2009

In yesterday’s post, I suggested you schedule some time just to think.  Now how you responded to that says a lot about your likelihood of manifesting success, developing your intellect, and how happy you are.
Some possible reactions:

* That’s easy for Gage.  If he had kids he would realize it isn’t so easy.
* That’s easy for Gage.  If he had to go to a crappy job like mine, he would realize it isn’t so easy.
* That’s a good idea.  I’m just too busy right now to find the time.  Maybe when things “settle down” a little I’ll be able to do that.
* I don’t need quiet.  I function better with the TV or radio on in the background.
* That’s a great idea.  I’m going to carve out 15 minutes to do that today!

So which one did you do?  Tell the truth; God is listening!


16 comments on “So How Did You React?”

  1. I think that's an excellent idea. I actually do schedule time twice a day to think, reflect, have quiet time - first thing in the morning for about an hr and another hr before I go to bed. Usually I'll also have some time during the day. I'm a single parent of young children, own my own business, and am fairly busy. I don't waste time doing things like watching TV, though. We all do what we want to do.

  2. My cousin Jerry passed away yesterday and I removed myself from the din of the I was wasted from the weekend in San Diego. A good wasted. But I had read the post and the thoughts of the youthful days in St. Paul and cousin Jer were bubbling around. He mother was a yelling woman and would scream to the dozens of kids around all the time - shut up I can think! It was to no avail. But the truth of it was that she couldn't stand a silent moment. Knowing her voices were far more managable when she could barely think. I was far more pensive than the rest - I had my spots to be reading, drawing, taking that cat name - Aunt Bee - yes for real - would come in a shoo me out to play so that I wasn't to able to escape the noise. Now I manage to slip out of all the communication and read - something that I have ONLY manefested since I've been reading and listening to Gage - who knows, that might extend my life another couple of years.

  3. Was I misunderstood yesterday? Every mom with healthy children can get her "portion" of quiet time each day, when they're small is when they rest and when they grow is when they are at school. So moms and dads have no foundation to use kids as an excuse, the only problem might be that they often can't plan it in advance and when they get to it they may fall sound asleep and there goes the thinking... but usually, yes, it is possible and always gives good results. And we are so lucky, 'cause some good guys and some brilliant thinkers like yourself, Randy, make everything easier by guiding us, showing the way... Thanks!

  4. Hey Randy you re clever but I didnt say any of them like I write for in the last comment I allways think about my visions with piano melodies in the backgraund but as you told me think in quiet time and place I did that.
    Thank you a million Millionaire Messiah
    Azade from Iran

  5. That’s a great idea. I’m going to carve out 15 minutes to do that today!
    I've done it before too...
    You don't have to have a quiet place... i can for example waking on the street and be inside my mind thinking.

  6. I really do my thinking when I do my walk every day, I swear. I even refuse to walk with someone else, because it's my quiet time, my space, my time for me alone.

  7. Randy as God is my witness I said in yesterday's post:
    "Now that I have 4 bolts in my lower back I have to resort to
    using my elliptical stepper but the process is still the same.
    The thinking comes as serendipity to the physical exercise."

    The reference being that I do my "Quiet thinking" during exercise
    And to clarify this I do exercise daily even when I'm on the road.

  8. All good advice and ideas. As a parent, I could escape and think best in the own version of a hot-tub. As a parent, we also have the right to excersize authority, and schedule thinking time for the kids. It is good for their well being.Believe it or not , thinking time begins at birth or maybe before!

  9. I chose the last one, partly because I do take at least 30 minutes a day, and I have been slacking off with it a little bit recently. So, I needed the reminder and yesterday I took almost 2 hours of quiet meditation/thinking time, I think we all need reminders sometimes to do things because we get stuck in ruts.

    Because Randy does not have kids has nothing to do with it. I left my kids in daycare yesterday a little longer to get my time in, and then I picked them up and still spent 4 hours with them.

    Randy did have to go to a crappy job before, he did some things to change that, all you have to do is 'Accept Your Abundance!'. Work on yourself, I work a regular job that is still a job, no matter how much you love what you do, it is still a job. I love training people to get in the best shape, lose weight, bulk up; but I still have a job.

    Now let's talk about busy? Hmmm, I have to clean the house, I have to make dinner, I have kids, I have a job, my mother wants me to do this for her, the lawn needs to be cut, etc. You get the point, you need to make time for things to change. If you keep doing what you do, you will have what you always have had, does that make sense? Think about it.

    As far as needing noise, maybe you should just try and really think without the noise and see how much better you are at critical thinking/manifesting. Now make time for that 15 minutes, and start working on making a better life for yourself!

    Thanks for the blog Randy, you are the best!


  10. Well believe it or not, there are actually people that have plenty of time for thinking and do it often. It's called being single and working on yourself with the intention of having a live you love.

    I remember years ago at a seminar where the leader reminded us that we are 'human beings', NOT 'human doings'. So being is far more important to me than doing. Maybe I do too much of it? Hmm.. I wonder. I haven't achieved the life I love so obviously I need to manifest change.

  11. I love taking quiet time in the morning. This morning I went out walking by the lake - listening to the birds, the waves lapping and the din of traffic. And realized there is a reason why I have lived most of my life near water, either a lake or a river - there is something soothing and comforting for me. Thanks for the reminder Randy!

  12. I am still trying to manifest overall success. In general my intellect isn't suffering and I am ha ppy (on a scale 1 to 10, probably a good solid 8). However, I still rely on my background noise to keep focused -- and when I say that it isn't like it is so loud that others can hear it, just loud enough that it takes the edge off ...

  13. I normally give myself thirty minutes in the am and thirty in the p,m. but for serious peace I would suggest taking yourself off to Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris , find yourself a bench, close your eyes and soak up the peace. You will find that maybe an hour has passed.....follow this through into your daily life when you get home..


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  • 16 comments on “So How Did You React?”

    1. I think that's an excellent idea. I actually do schedule time twice a day to think, reflect, have quiet time - first thing in the morning for about an hr and another hr before I go to bed. Usually I'll also have some time during the day. I'm a single parent of young children, own my own business, and am fairly busy. I don't waste time doing things like watching TV, though. We all do what we want to do.

    2. My cousin Jerry passed away yesterday and I removed myself from the din of the I was wasted from the weekend in San Diego. A good wasted. But I had read the post and the thoughts of the youthful days in St. Paul and cousin Jer were bubbling around. He mother was a yelling woman and would scream to the dozens of kids around all the time - shut up I can think! It was to no avail. But the truth of it was that she couldn't stand a silent moment. Knowing her voices were far more managable when she could barely think. I was far more pensive than the rest - I had my spots to be reading, drawing, taking that cat name - Aunt Bee - yes for real - would come in a shoo me out to play so that I wasn't to able to escape the noise. Now I manage to slip out of all the communication and read - something that I have ONLY manefested since I've been reading and listening to Gage - who knows, that might extend my life another couple of years.

    3. Was I misunderstood yesterday? Every mom with healthy children can get her "portion" of quiet time each day, when they're small is when they rest and when they grow is when they are at school. So moms and dads have no foundation to use kids as an excuse, the only problem might be that they often can't plan it in advance and when they get to it they may fall sound asleep and there goes the thinking... but usually, yes, it is possible and always gives good results. And we are so lucky, 'cause some good guys and some brilliant thinkers like yourself, Randy, make everything easier by guiding us, showing the way... Thanks!

    4. Hey Randy you re clever but I didnt say any of them like I write for in the last comment I allways think about my visions with piano melodies in the backgraund but as you told me think in quiet time and place I did that.
      Thank you a million Millionaire Messiah
      Azade from Iran

    5. That’s a great idea. I’m going to carve out 15 minutes to do that today!
      I've done it before too...
      You don't have to have a quiet place... i can for example waking on the street and be inside my mind thinking.

    6. I really do my thinking when I do my walk every day, I swear. I even refuse to walk with someone else, because it's my quiet time, my space, my time for me alone.

    7. Randy as God is my witness I said in yesterday's post:
      "Now that I have 4 bolts in my lower back I have to resort to
      using my elliptical stepper but the process is still the same.
      The thinking comes as serendipity to the physical exercise."

      The reference being that I do my "Quiet thinking" during exercise
      And to clarify this I do exercise daily even when I'm on the road.

    8. All good advice and ideas. As a parent, I could escape and think best in the own version of a hot-tub. As a parent, we also have the right to excersize authority, and schedule thinking time for the kids. It is good for their well being.Believe it or not , thinking time begins at birth or maybe before!

    9. I chose the last one, partly because I do take at least 30 minutes a day, and I have been slacking off with it a little bit recently. So, I needed the reminder and yesterday I took almost 2 hours of quiet meditation/thinking time, I think we all need reminders sometimes to do things because we get stuck in ruts.

      Because Randy does not have kids has nothing to do with it. I left my kids in daycare yesterday a little longer to get my time in, and then I picked them up and still spent 4 hours with them.

      Randy did have to go to a crappy job before, he did some things to change that, all you have to do is 'Accept Your Abundance!'. Work on yourself, I work a regular job that is still a job, no matter how much you love what you do, it is still a job. I love training people to get in the best shape, lose weight, bulk up; but I still have a job.

      Now let's talk about busy? Hmmm, I have to clean the house, I have to make dinner, I have kids, I have a job, my mother wants me to do this for her, the lawn needs to be cut, etc. You get the point, you need to make time for things to change. If you keep doing what you do, you will have what you always have had, does that make sense? Think about it.

      As far as needing noise, maybe you should just try and really think without the noise and see how much better you are at critical thinking/manifesting. Now make time for that 15 minutes, and start working on making a better life for yourself!

      Thanks for the blog Randy, you are the best!


    10. Well believe it or not, there are actually people that have plenty of time for thinking and do it often. It's called being single and working on yourself with the intention of having a live you love.

      I remember years ago at a seminar where the leader reminded us that we are 'human beings', NOT 'human doings'. So being is far more important to me than doing. Maybe I do too much of it? Hmm.. I wonder. I haven't achieved the life I love so obviously I need to manifest change.

    11. I love taking quiet time in the morning. This morning I went out walking by the lake - listening to the birds, the waves lapping and the din of traffic. And realized there is a reason why I have lived most of my life near water, either a lake or a river - there is something soothing and comforting for me. Thanks for the reminder Randy!

    12. I am still trying to manifest overall success. In general my intellect isn't suffering and I am ha ppy (on a scale 1 to 10, probably a good solid 8). However, I still rely on my background noise to keep focused -- and when I say that it isn't like it is so loud that others can hear it, just loud enough that it takes the edge off ...

    13. I normally give myself thirty minutes in the am and thirty in the p,m. but for serious peace I would suggest taking yourself off to Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris , find yourself a bench, close your eyes and soak up the peace. You will find that maybe an hour has passed.....follow this through into your daily life when you get home..


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