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Sharing Prosperity

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 29, 2011

Want to become wealthier?  Give prosperity away. 

No, I’m not turning into an ascetic or advocating socialism, as much as Annie would like that!  I’m suggesting you simply apply one of the most simple but profound principles of universal law:

You can’t out give the universe.

All true prosperity is infinite:  Love, hugs, money, harmony, etc.  The more you give, the more you get back.  The real key is giving the right way…

Creating entitlement mentality or allowing needy people to play rackets on you is not what we’re talking about.  What you want to practice is prosperous giving, done lovingly, joyfully, gratefully, to people and organizations you feel are worthy of the support.

You actually put into play a number of universal laws in this scenario.  The circulation law of prosperity, the law of giving and receiving, and the vacuum law of prosperity.

Even if you don’t feel very abundant at the moment, you have much to give.  Share a hug, send a card, make a phone call, or pick a flower for someone.

Break up your prosperity and circulate it.  Give and you will receive.  Create a vacuum and the universe will fill it with good.

Ain’t it great!


28 comments on “Sharing Prosperity”

  1. Completely agree, giving is always good for everyone when it is voluntary.

    I know this isn't a political posting but wanted to ask you what are your thoughts on Ron Paul for President? He follows the constitution and the austrian economic model promoted by Milton Friedman, Hayek etc. He seems to be the first candidate that talks any sense and understands that it was government that caused the 'financial crisis' and wants to shrink it back to its original purpose.

    He wants to keep the earnings in the hands of the people so they can spend and contribute as they choose.
    Do you think he would be the best person for Americans to create their own prosperity?

  2. "Whatever you want, give it away" is the 9th of my "11 Commandments." It's pretty well the most important of the 11. I smiled when I learned that a speaker had reproduced my poster over his own name but left out #9...apparently he didn't understand the very point you're making Randy.

    Want to know what your kids are thinking and feeling? Stop asking them! Tell them what YOU are thinking and feeling...and they'll gradually open their hearts to you in the most amazing way.

    Want power as a manager or leader? Give the power away to your team and they'll give it back to you a thousand times over.

    Whatever it is you want, give it away.

  3. Hello Randy and Hello Ian,
    I have had the opportunity to hear you both speak in Vancouver, Canada. You are two of the best speakers I have heard. (You were speaking to the Canadian Speakers assoc.)

    In terms of prosperity you are spot on. Do for others what you want others to do for you. The timeless rule. If you want more prosperity give it away.

    So simple and so powerful.

    All the best,

  4. Thank you Randy,

    Thank you for the examples about the human services... I was not thinking that this is the value... Because I feel, that these things are normal for me... I Love to surprise someone, to give the people something unexpected... This I love the most.

    I already started intuitively. Yesterday I was meditating a lot about these things which I am doing... I called to my best friend, we talked together for a long time into the night together and discussed questions of value ... Then came to me one question ... I told her, what if what we take for granted, and for some it means a lot?

    E.g. I love to support the people when they feel they are down (and not only in these cases). I love the moment, when I see, that my interest for them and truely better understanding their needs... leads to theirs better understanding... I love when sad people changed their point of view after these discussions into light and they are shinning... Their eyes shinning....
    I am still asking is it enough?

    Today I was relaxing in very nice restaurant and read... After when I was paying... I asked the waitresses, How is she
    going? And she started to talk... It was great, I felt that she need support, because she feel fearful about the future... I don´t read newspaper, not watching TV for a maybe year, so I don´t know what are the things in Czech Republic, the people expect... She told me, that the prices are going up and people are scared about giving money and buying things... I told her, that every time I go to shop, the shop is full of people and they hanging bags... So I think that they are buying things, they like..

    It leads me to think again about a point of view... Somebody think from perspective of wealth and somebody think from perspective of lack.

    So when I know, that I can choose my thoughts, I choose perspective of wealth :o)

    Thank you,

  5. Since our 'heart center' is where we truly live, giving is without doubt, the most gratifying display of Love. And there's no limit to how much love we can give, much like the abundance of the Universe.

    Giving is the greatest of all contributions and it can be done in many forms as you've said here Randy. It's NOT just about giving $$ since as human spirits we are gifted with so many abilities and talents.

    Thanks Randy!

  6. Another winner post. Thanks for continuing to share your wisdom with us.

    Loved your caveat: Creating entitlement mentality or allowing needy people to play rackets on you is not what we’re talking about.

    Balancing that caveat with a spirit of giving joyously w/o judgment can sometimes be challenging...but then life, no matter how enjoyable, is not always easy.

    Randy, I appreciate YOU!

  7. I will feel miserable if I have nothing to give. My friend's godson, a youth pastor in training from Oklahoma just camped at my place for 3 days. Anyway it is good to be reminded. Thanks Randy.

  8. Are you talking about me or little orphan Annie? That needy little orphan and her friends were running quite the racket, weren't they?

    I happily give when I choose to vote for the politicians who look out for the children, elderly, mentally ill, medically disabled, women's rights, and all other people involved in various rackets.

    What is the difference? Giving is giving, it doesn't matter if it's through taxation or extra volunteer giving. And hopefully, most people, if they are able do both.

    It doesnt't actually make much sense to say the needy are running a racket, but happily give to them. So which is it? Do they really need help or not?

    As for the infinity thing, I see your point. However, money is made of paper and backed by gold. Are these resources infinite? And if so, please site your evidence. While I am alive my hugs are infinite. After I am dead, I hope no one wants one from me anymore.:) Love, I believe it is infinite....

    1. Money is just a meme. It is paper a government prints arbitrarily and assigns it a value. Real prosperity is created by exchanging value for value, and that is infinite.


      1. Okay Randy, you will need to sit down for this.

        You have convinced me prosperity is infinite. I get it. We could go on trading value to infinity and beyond. If one believes we humans are infinite. I actually do think we are infinite, I think we go on and on in some form or another.

        However, I am not sure if the value for value exchange is always equal. At least here in America. Sometimes where we fail is to adequetly assess value.

      2. Oh, one more thing. Thanks, just you know, thanks. And even though I wish you would espouse some socialist views, like universal health care, I still think your okay anyway.

  9. Hi Randy,

    Your suggestion in the latest video is so much fun. I will be creating the script and story in my subconscious and it is going to be 'fun'. Have to write here because I did not know where to type under comments.

    By the way, your former first lady, Nancy Reagan said, 'I am a big believer that eventually everything comes back to you. You get back what you give out.' Sounds like you.

  10. What you say, RG, is true: "The more you give, the more you get back." However...

    It's not the giving, nor the What we give, that creates the 'get back'. Rather, it is the feelings we harbour as we are giving.

    If we give with reservations (eg, "I don't really wanna give ____... but I know I gotta, if I wanna get back what I Want")then we get back with reservations.

    True Confession:

    I have the hardest time with this! Over & over, I catch myself giving with reservations - giving resentfully or fearfully. I KNOW all the teachers say "the more you give, the more you'll get." I KNOW I am supposed to give .... that the "only way to Get is to Give." I can give lip-service to this principle, but when it comes down to the crunch, by golly, my heart just isn't in it the way it needs to be to make the principle work really well for me.

    I'm probably the only person in your entire blog audience who has this problem ; you have any advice for how to get into the right & true heart of giving?

    Thanks! Mrs. H&P

    1. Truth is, when I first began to tithe, I did it out of fear. Took a while, but gradually I realized I couldn't out give God and it because something I did joyfully, lovingly and gratefully.


      1. RG, are you saying that, even tho you tithed out of fear, it still worked?
        When I say "worked" I mean: did it...
        ...change your consciousness?
        ...result in your Getting more (more than if you hadn't titherd)? in some other unknown-to-me way?

        And on another head, what was your fear? "If I don't do this, I won't prosper?" or "God won't love me if I don't tither" or _______ (something completely different).

        My fear: If I tithe today, I won't have sufficient $$ tomorrow for my/my family's food-&-shelter.

        Thanks for any light you can throw on this whole tithing conondrum.

        with love, Mrs. H&P

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  • 28 comments on “Sharing Prosperity”

    1. Completely agree, giving is always good for everyone when it is voluntary.

      I know this isn't a political posting but wanted to ask you what are your thoughts on Ron Paul for President? He follows the constitution and the austrian economic model promoted by Milton Friedman, Hayek etc. He seems to be the first candidate that talks any sense and understands that it was government that caused the 'financial crisis' and wants to shrink it back to its original purpose.

      He wants to keep the earnings in the hands of the people so they can spend and contribute as they choose.
      Do you think he would be the best person for Americans to create their own prosperity?

    2. "Whatever you want, give it away" is the 9th of my "11 Commandments." It's pretty well the most important of the 11. I smiled when I learned that a speaker had reproduced my poster over his own name but left out #9...apparently he didn't understand the very point you're making Randy.

      Want to know what your kids are thinking and feeling? Stop asking them! Tell them what YOU are thinking and feeling...and they'll gradually open their hearts to you in the most amazing way.

      Want power as a manager or leader? Give the power away to your team and they'll give it back to you a thousand times over.

      Whatever it is you want, give it away.

    3. Hello Randy and Hello Ian,
      I have had the opportunity to hear you both speak in Vancouver, Canada. You are two of the best speakers I have heard. (You were speaking to the Canadian Speakers assoc.)

      In terms of prosperity you are spot on. Do for others what you want others to do for you. The timeless rule. If you want more prosperity give it away.

      So simple and so powerful.

      All the best,

    4. Thank you Randy,

      Thank you for the examples about the human services... I was not thinking that this is the value... Because I feel, that these things are normal for me... I Love to surprise someone, to give the people something unexpected... This I love the most.

      I already started intuitively. Yesterday I was meditating a lot about these things which I am doing... I called to my best friend, we talked together for a long time into the night together and discussed questions of value ... Then came to me one question ... I told her, what if what we take for granted, and for some it means a lot?

      E.g. I love to support the people when they feel they are down (and not only in these cases). I love the moment, when I see, that my interest for them and truely better understanding their needs... leads to theirs better understanding... I love when sad people changed their point of view after these discussions into light and they are shinning... Their eyes shinning....
      I am still asking is it enough?

      Today I was relaxing in very nice restaurant and read... After when I was paying... I asked the waitresses, How is she
      going? And she started to talk... It was great, I felt that she need support, because she feel fearful about the future... I don´t read newspaper, not watching TV for a maybe year, so I don´t know what are the things in Czech Republic, the people expect... She told me, that the prices are going up and people are scared about giving money and buying things... I told her, that every time I go to shop, the shop is full of people and they hanging bags... So I think that they are buying things, they like..

      It leads me to think again about a point of view... Somebody think from perspective of wealth and somebody think from perspective of lack.

      So when I know, that I can choose my thoughts, I choose perspective of wealth :o)

      Thank you,

    5. Since our 'heart center' is where we truly live, giving is without doubt, the most gratifying display of Love. And there's no limit to how much love we can give, much like the abundance of the Universe.

      Giving is the greatest of all contributions and it can be done in many forms as you've said here Randy. It's NOT just about giving $$ since as human spirits we are gifted with so many abilities and talents.

      Thanks Randy!

    6. Another winner post. Thanks for continuing to share your wisdom with us.

      Loved your caveat: Creating entitlement mentality or allowing needy people to play rackets on you is not what we’re talking about.

      Balancing that caveat with a spirit of giving joyously w/o judgment can sometimes be challenging...but then life, no matter how enjoyable, is not always easy.

      Randy, I appreciate YOU!

    7. I will feel miserable if I have nothing to give. My friend's godson, a youth pastor in training from Oklahoma just camped at my place for 3 days. Anyway it is good to be reminded. Thanks Randy.

    8. Are you talking about me or little orphan Annie? That needy little orphan and her friends were running quite the racket, weren't they?

      I happily give when I choose to vote for the politicians who look out for the children, elderly, mentally ill, medically disabled, women's rights, and all other people involved in various rackets.

      What is the difference? Giving is giving, it doesn't matter if it's through taxation or extra volunteer giving. And hopefully, most people, if they are able do both.

      It doesnt't actually make much sense to say the needy are running a racket, but happily give to them. So which is it? Do they really need help or not?

      As for the infinity thing, I see your point. However, money is made of paper and backed by gold. Are these resources infinite? And if so, please site your evidence. While I am alive my hugs are infinite. After I am dead, I hope no one wants one from me anymore.:) Love, I believe it is infinite....

      1. Money is just a meme. It is paper a government prints arbitrarily and assigns it a value. Real prosperity is created by exchanging value for value, and that is infinite.


        1. Okay Randy, you will need to sit down for this.

          You have convinced me prosperity is infinite. I get it. We could go on trading value to infinity and beyond. If one believes we humans are infinite. I actually do think we are infinite, I think we go on and on in some form or another.

          However, I am not sure if the value for value exchange is always equal. At least here in America. Sometimes where we fail is to adequetly assess value.

        2. Oh, one more thing. Thanks, just you know, thanks. And even though I wish you would espouse some socialist views, like universal health care, I still think your okay anyway.

    9. Hi Randy,

      Your suggestion in the latest video is so much fun. I will be creating the script and story in my subconscious and it is going to be 'fun'. Have to write here because I did not know where to type under comments.

      By the way, your former first lady, Nancy Reagan said, 'I am a big believer that eventually everything comes back to you. You get back what you give out.' Sounds like you.

    10. What you say, RG, is true: "The more you give, the more you get back." However...

      It's not the giving, nor the What we give, that creates the 'get back'. Rather, it is the feelings we harbour as we are giving.

      If we give with reservations (eg, "I don't really wanna give ____... but I know I gotta, if I wanna get back what I Want")then we get back with reservations.

      True Confession:

      I have the hardest time with this! Over & over, I catch myself giving with reservations - giving resentfully or fearfully. I KNOW all the teachers say "the more you give, the more you'll get." I KNOW I am supposed to give .... that the "only way to Get is to Give." I can give lip-service to this principle, but when it comes down to the crunch, by golly, my heart just isn't in it the way it needs to be to make the principle work really well for me.

      I'm probably the only person in your entire blog audience who has this problem ; you have any advice for how to get into the right & true heart of giving?

      Thanks! Mrs. H&P

      1. Truth is, when I first began to tithe, I did it out of fear. Took a while, but gradually I realized I couldn't out give God and it because something I did joyfully, lovingly and gratefully.


        1. RG, are you saying that, even tho you tithed out of fear, it still worked?
          When I say "worked" I mean: did it...
          ...change your consciousness?
          ...result in your Getting more (more than if you hadn't titherd)?
 in some other unknown-to-me way?

          And on another head, what was your fear? "If I don't do this, I won't prosper?" or "God won't love me if I don't tither" or _______ (something completely different).

          My fear: If I tithe today, I won't have sufficient $$ tomorrow for my/my family's food-&-shelter.

          Thanks for any light you can throw on this whole tithing conondrum.

          with love, Mrs. H&P

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