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Servant or Master?

Posted By: Randy GageJune 25, 2015

You should strive to be the thinker of the thought. Doing so makes you the master of your mind, controlling what you think about.  Much more common however is when people become servants to their mind.

They let thoughts, memes, and beliefs drift in or be placed there by others.  They become prisoners of a negative mindset, and live lives of diminished expectation and unfulfilled potential.

Your mind makes a cruel master, but a generous servant.


25 comments on “Servant or Master?”

  1. Nicely put. Thank you. Control of the brain. Working on it and things are slowly redirecting. Thank you

  2. Well, there are people and many societies who definitely are trying to influence thinking - I have lost many friends to Buddhism, Baptism and Catholic Church. Thank God I am an adept of prosperity - no harm in it,

  3. Randy,
    I love your quote, "Your mind makes a cruel master, but a generous servant."  I think most people are unaware of the fact that their minds are on autopilot: completely overwhelmed with thoughts and influences that planted seeds from environmental influences.  I am so extremely passionate about informing people of the seriousness of this matter because I have seen people who are tormented by demons and initiated merely thru ignorance. The gates to your soul are in your senses!  Guard what you see, hear, touch, smell, and taste; these are all portals thru which temptation can flow.  Our senses are continually overwhelmed by stimuli, therefore clarity practices such as prayer, meditation, and Bible intake are crucial because we NEED to take captive negative thought processes that most people do not even notice.  If anyone needs added advice on how to implement clarity practices, I have written extensively on this topic in my books and on my blog at  Two posts that I would highly suggest are: "Increase Productivity: How To Give Your First Fruits To Clarity" or "Prayer: The Process Of Pulling New Wealth From The Heavens".  Great post Randy! The topic makes me bubble with passion.

  4. Randy, Another great tidbit...
    The only things that we have complete control over is our thoughts and our actions. When we let our thoughts run amuck, we generally set ourselves up for disaster. I had a habitual way of thinking about my relationships that caused several unpleasant situations and when I FINALLY caught the thought that presented me with all the problems, it was one of the most liberating days of my life. I became the thinker of the thought and when that happened I was able to change that very limiting thought and my relationships became better almost over night.
    Thank you for sharing...
    John Clark -

  5. Most of the time I like your posts Randy but not this time. 
    I disagree with other comments. This is not well said. 
    If you tell us that we should strive to be the thinker of the thought omitting how we could do that, what hinders us to do so, then you fail to be a inspiring master.

  6. To take this one step further, it's the auto-pilot/knee jerk RE-ACTIONS that serve as road signs for those that are paying attention. They can also be pivotal in the awareness of how we must do more critical thinking. 
    Yes, the mind is indeed a cruel master especially when we pay no attention to our thoughts, or worse yet, what we say. Clinging to the past where the foundation of 'the story' lies, we keep ourselves stuck there. "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change". Same holds true for our thoughts. Thanks so much RG.. always an inspiration.

  7. Until you discover for your SELF you are not your mind, the thoughts that appear there you are totally at the effect of those who do place those 'thoughts' there.

  8. Thanks Randy! Well said and well received. I can't agree more. I've come to understand the power of thought more than ever before. I also monitor my emotional state throughout the the day. "As a man thinketh" is not only a Universal Principle, in my opinion, it should be a required subject of study in our Educational System.

  9. I have avidly, yes fervently been studying personal growth for the past decade, yet I still experience numerous times throughout the day, when my mind is master.. 

    am being brutally honest with self.. in fact, am curious, very very curious as to what it feels like to evolve to a point where my mind is my servant and it's habit; present tense..

    just like one appreciates prosperity much more intensely and decidedly, after having experienced poverty and fully understanding it..

    likewise.. if your mind is master, admit it.. be honest.. I believe then one can have their mind be servant to them..

    thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

  10. PeterGHorrill Peter:  One thing which will help enormously is to learn to meditate.  When you do so, you'll learn how to quiet the mind to the point where a lot of time can pass without any "thought" at all taking place.  It's just quiet!  Feels fabulous, once gained.

  11. Yes, it is the main thought, that our mind have to be our servant, I do many  trainings for it!

  12. Hi randy I found this passage really good and I did try to be like what you said but I failed to get to one of my near dreams in mlm
    and I'm really destroyed.
    I don't know what to do and it's my pleasure to hear your answer

  13. @Peter Norton Thanks Peter. I do meditate. I do want to meditate more often, and more effectively. Thanks for the reminder. Meditation is excellent.
    I tend to work on visualizing more so than meditate.

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  • 25 comments on “Servant or Master?”

    1. Nicely put. Thank you. Control of the brain. Working on it and things are slowly redirecting. Thank you

    2. Well, there are people and many societies who definitely are trying to influence thinking - I have lost many friends to Buddhism, Baptism and Catholic Church. Thank God I am an adept of prosperity - no harm in it,

    3. Randy,
      I love your quote, "Your mind makes a cruel master, but a generous servant."  I think most people are unaware of the fact that their minds are on autopilot: completely overwhelmed with thoughts and influences that planted seeds from environmental influences.  I am so extremely passionate about informing people of the seriousness of this matter because I have seen people who are tormented by demons and initiated merely thru ignorance. The gates to your soul are in your senses!  Guard what you see, hear, touch, smell, and taste; these are all portals thru which temptation can flow.  Our senses are continually overwhelmed by stimuli, therefore clarity practices such as prayer, meditation, and Bible intake are crucial because we NEED to take captive negative thought processes that most people do not even notice.  If anyone needs added advice on how to implement clarity practices, I have written extensively on this topic in my books and on my blog at  Two posts that I would highly suggest are: "Increase Productivity: How To Give Your First Fruits To Clarity" or "Prayer: The Process Of Pulling New Wealth From The Heavens".  Great post Randy! The topic makes me bubble with passion.

    4. Randy, Another great tidbit...
      The only things that we have complete control over is our thoughts and our actions. When we let our thoughts run amuck, we generally set ourselves up for disaster. I had a habitual way of thinking about my relationships that caused several unpleasant situations and when I FINALLY caught the thought that presented me with all the problems, it was one of the most liberating days of my life. I became the thinker of the thought and when that happened I was able to change that very limiting thought and my relationships became better almost over night.
      Thank you for sharing...
      John Clark -

    5. Most of the time I like your posts Randy but not this time. 
      I disagree with other comments. This is not well said. 
      If you tell us that we should strive to be the thinker of the thought omitting how we could do that, what hinders us to do so, then you fail to be a inspiring master.

    6. To take this one step further, it's the auto-pilot/knee jerk RE-ACTIONS that serve as road signs for those that are paying attention. They can also be pivotal in the awareness of how we must do more critical thinking. 
      Yes, the mind is indeed a cruel master especially when we pay no attention to our thoughts, or worse yet, what we say. Clinging to the past where the foundation of 'the story' lies, we keep ourselves stuck there. "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change". Same holds true for our thoughts. Thanks so much RG.. always an inspiration.

    7. Until you discover for your SELF you are not your mind, the thoughts that appear there you are totally at the effect of those who do place those 'thoughts' there.

    8. Thanks Randy! Well said and well received. I can't agree more. I've come to understand the power of thought more than ever before. I also monitor my emotional state throughout the the day. "As a man thinketh" is not only a Universal Principle, in my opinion, it should be a required subject of study in our Educational System.

    9. I have avidly, yes fervently been studying personal growth for the past decade, yet I still experience numerous times throughout the day, when my mind is master.. 

      am being brutally honest with self.. in fact, am curious, very very curious as to what it feels like to evolve to a point where my mind is my servant and it's habit; present tense..

      just like one appreciates prosperity much more intensely and decidedly, after having experienced poverty and fully understanding it..

      likewise.. if your mind is master, admit it.. be honest.. I believe then one can have their mind be servant to them..

      thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

    10. PeterGHorrill Peter:  One thing which will help enormously is to learn to meditate.  When you do so, you'll learn how to quiet the mind to the point where a lot of time can pass without any "thought" at all taking place.  It's just quiet!  Feels fabulous, once gained.

    11. Yes, it is the main thought, that our mind have to be our servant, I do many  trainings for it!

    12. Hi randy I found this passage really good and I did try to be like what you said but I failed to get to one of my near dreams in mlm
      and I'm really destroyed.
      I don't know what to do and it's my pleasure to hear your answer

    13. @Peter Norton Thanks Peter. I do meditate. I do want to meditate more often, and more effectively. Thanks for the reminder. Meditation is excellent.
      I tend to work on visualizing more so than meditate.

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