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Posted By: Randy GageJuly 4, 2015

One of the timeless universal truths is that you see the world not as it is, but as who you are.  Because of this, to improve any situation or your station in life – simply requires working on yourself.


Learning a foreign language expands your world.   Getting in better health improves your everyday experiences.  As you develop more wisdom, every facet of the world makes more sense to you.


Each and every step you take toward enlightenment makes your world better.  When you achieve self-mastery, you unlock the vast opportunities of the world and unleash your extraordinary potential to make it a better place for us all.


And like all journeys, it begins with the first step…



7 comments on “Self-Mastery”

  1. First chapter is the top of the conv.:)Just came to the same - heal,or change the inside  -is good or the only possible way to have a new sicrumstance in your life.The only real way,i guess:)Thank you,Randy Gage!)

  2. Thanr you, Randy!! The first step to myself is to understand that the most important is the knowledge about yourself and what you want !

  3. I will make it simple for your readers - stopped taking the blue pill and take the red pill.  Reality can be a real bitch but it really is a better place to live in.

  4. We are looking for this wisdom, this lead towards the life's sense. The wisdom more valuable than the money, the gold, and not possible to buy it.

  5. It is a journey, but it doesn't have to be daunting. It's not a trek across the Mohave without water.  If you are in a negative space, then the world is a negative place. But a psotive mind sees the world as perfect, in need of more love.  It's an attitude adjustment that we can snap ourselves back into quickly when catching oneself in the negative.  Great thoughts, Randy. Love reading your words.

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  • 7 comments on “Self-Mastery”

    1. First chapter is the top of the conv.:)Just came to the same - heal,or change the inside  -is good or the only possible way to have a new sicrumstance in your life.The only real way,i guess:)Thank you,Randy Gage!)

    2. Thanr you, Randy!! The first step to myself is to understand that the most important is the knowledge about yourself and what you want !

    3. I will make it simple for your readers - stopped taking the blue pill and take the red pill.  Reality can be a real bitch but it really is a better place to live in.

    4. We are looking for this wisdom, this lead towards the life's sense. The wisdom more valuable than the money, the gold, and not possible to buy it.

    5. It is a journey, but it doesn't have to be daunting. It's not a trek across the Mohave without water.  If you are in a negative space, then the world is a negative place. But a psotive mind sees the world as perfect, in need of more love.  It's an attitude adjustment that we can snap ourselves back into quickly when catching oneself in the negative.  Great thoughts, Randy. Love reading your words.

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