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Posted By: Randy GageMarch 20, 2013

I’m about to do something crazy, wild, and unprecedented for someone in my position.  (I can’t tell you the specifics yet, but will soon.)   It’s the next chapter of my life.  But it comes because of the chapters before it.  Just as it is with YOUR life…

Want to get rid of financial pressure?  Get the money thing out of the way.  Want to have a sculpted physique.  Do the workouts.  Want to be free?  Put your nose to the grindstone.

The only free cheese is in the mousetrap...

It seems paradoxical but it’s the truth:  Freedom comes from discipline.


22 comments on “Self-Discipline”

  1. I had the feeling something were up!!! You've already changed behavior a while ago - Got the thought there something unexpected were up!!! Looking forward to see hear what it is - Lot's af LOVE and positive thoughts coming your way here from Denmark xoxo

  2. No.. don't tell me.. Nah... I don't think you have the cojones... Well maybe.. On the other hand, it's totally possible for you dude.. Yes.. you KNOW what I'm talkin' about.. You're going to enter a Ballroom Dancing contest on TV.. I knew it!  LOL

  3. "crazy, wild, and unprecedented" What, again? I'm really looking forward to hearing what you've got in mind this time!
    "Freedom comes from discipline" is one of the more fundamental truths you've written in a long time. Thanks!

  4. It's so TRUE and it is always appreciable to remember it once again... even you gave us to heard it several times!!! ☺

  5. Are you going to join the UFC? 🙂 Just kidding. Discipline is very easy to say but takes more than patience, effort and conviction. Discipline is a way of life. A life of freedom and happiness.

  6. So wonderful to hear the excitement in your words - you deserve it Randy! Look forward to hearing more soon:)

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  • 22 comments on “Self-Discipline”

    1. I had the feeling something were up!!! You've already changed behavior a while ago - Got the thought there something unexpected were up!!! Looking forward to see hear what it is - Lot's af LOVE and positive thoughts coming your way here from Denmark xoxo

    2. No.. don't tell me.. Nah... I don't think you have the cojones... Well maybe.. On the other hand, it's totally possible for you dude.. Yes.. you KNOW what I'm talkin' about.. You're going to enter a Ballroom Dancing contest on TV.. I knew it!  LOL

    3. "crazy, wild, and unprecedented" What, again? I'm really looking forward to hearing what you've got in mind this time!
      "Freedom comes from discipline" is one of the more fundamental truths you've written in a long time. Thanks!

    4. It's so TRUE and it is always appreciable to remember it once again... even you gave us to heard it several times!!! ☺

    5. Are you going to join the UFC? 🙂 Just kidding. Discipline is very easy to say but takes more than patience, effort and conviction. Discipline is a way of life. A life of freedom and happiness.

    6. So wonderful to hear the excitement in your words - you deserve it Randy! Look forward to hearing more soon:)

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